One of my characters wears a long sleeved rough looking yellow shirt instead of the bra type top when she doesn't have a Tunic in the slot. On some of the fashion items, it shows through, like the Cult of the Dragon Tunic, but others, it doesn't, like the Feywild Tunic. I've contacted support in regards to this. In the meantime, has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did it get resolved?
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If so, it is a long time bug caused by attempting to mix the 4th edition era base character model with the current 5th edition setup. To cirrext this, you need to change appearance again and this time start from one of the Presets on the first tab. You can then modify it to your heart's desire.
I suggest taking screen shots of the sliders and settings from the Tower of Alteration so that you can replicate your character's look, within the bounds of the newer skins.
And here is a screenie of my toon with the bugged top:
I don't recall doing an appearance change, but it is certainly not going to hurt me to see if your fix does the trick! It would also explain the "double-chin" appearance I have noticed when the shirt is present... the game just cannot reconcile the models properly.