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Staff of Flowers (possibly others) bound status changed

ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
Staff of Flowers and supposedly other higher end artifacts have suddenly had their bound status changed. I just checked on an alt where I was holding 3 of them from a lockbox and they are now all bound to character having been all unbound.

I'm going to hold back on this and assume this will be fixed appropriately.


  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Thanks for reporting - passing it on for investigation.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    Still waitting for my 4 bags purchased with zen and became bound to be reverted. @nitocris83
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    I reported the exact same bug under the Mod20 bug reporting thread - alt toon, multiple copies of Staff artifact changed from unbound to BtoC when Mod 20 patch was released.
  • amarylliscandyamarylliscandy Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Mine dropped form a dungeon 2 days ago. On my main a healer who already has it and uses it as primary. It dropped in epic and unbound. Placed in my shared bank for another toon but well. Today (after mod drop) I look and it was stuck in one place!
    It read it was bound to character. It was in my shared bank. Only option was to remove it and place it in my main toons bag. uses it at mythic as primary.
    It's pretty much my ice cream on the floor. Oh well that epic staff I wanted for another toon I know I won't see it again. AKA "That good thing you had been excited about is gone"
    Have we not all said "Oh it happens" "Yea it happens" "been there a few times" to avoid the matter it happens too often an so we just try and make it hurt a little less.

    we don't even wish this on others


  • boogedeyboogedey Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Same thing with staff of flowers bought for tarmaluns
    2 purple things are now bound to my main and support answers "everything works as desired" =(
  • amarylliscandyamarylliscandy Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    boogedey said:

    Same thing with staff of flowers bought for tarmaluns
    2 purple things are now bound to my main and support answers "everything works as desired" =(

    @boogedey Hey I'm curious do you remember if there was any mention on the tool tip for the artifact to bind to account or character when buying with trade bars? Did it say anything at all?

    Now we have one lock box (ukspawn) one one from a dungeon (My own), and one from Trade bars (Boogedey) So this is a bit odd isn't it? When stuff like this happens it tends to be one thing. Like all the staff of flowers from dungeons are bound but others are fine.



  • arieswytch#9832 arieswytch Member Posts: 110 Arc User

    boogedey said:

    Same thing with staff of flowers bought for tarmaluns
    2 purple things are now bound to my main and support answers "everything works as desired" =(

    @boogedey Hey I'm curious do you remember if there was any mention on the tool tip for the artifact to bind to account or character when buying with trade bars? Did it say anything at all?

    Now we have one lock box (ukspawn) one one from a dungeon (My own), and one from Trade bars (Boogedey) So this is a bit odd isn't it? When stuff like this happens it tends to be one thing. Like all the staff of flowers from dungeons are bound but others are fine.

    I had 2 Staff of Flowers on a bank toon prior to Mod 20. One was a rank 1 that dropped in a dungeon, and the other was a rank 30 that I got out of a lockbox. Prior to Mod 20 neither of them were bound, now only the rank 30 is BtC, the rank 1 is still unbound.
  • boogedeyboogedey Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2021

    @boogedey Hey I'm curious do you remember if there was any mention on the tool tip for the artifact to bind to account or character when buying with trade bars? Did it say anything at all?

    Both staffs were bought for trade bars and did not have BoA\BoC on it. I wanted to auc it earlier(waiting for "stats patch") but after the patch decided to give it to my alts.
    I think that at least my issue is related to changes in trade bars merchant - artifacts from trade bars merchant are BoC after mod20. And this is very strange behavior
  • kumalucakumaluca Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    I have one character for mostly holding stuff and I have a bunch of blue's that are bound, the one green I have is still unbound. I have some characters I have been ignoring and went to finally get them hooked up cause they need to be better for New Sharandar and i'm not buying them all another high end artifact. Hopefully this gets worked out soon, we only have so much time to put a dent into New Sharandar and it's hard enough as it is for us non hardcores.
  • themoorethemoore Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    ukspawn said:

    Staff of Flowers and supposedly other higher end artifacts have suddenly had their bound status changed. I just checked on an alt where I was holding 3 of them from a lockbox and they are now all bound to character having been all unbound.

    I'm going to hold back on this and assume this will be fixed appropriately.

    Same here i have it in my shared bank and became bound char, and is still there!!! Come on!!! Need to check the ones i have in guild bank also now
  • kumalucakumaluca Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    Well I guess this got ignored.
  • loveofatreeloveofatree Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    I bought mine on the auction house in blue. When i took it out of my mail it was bound to character. I wanted it for another toon, since i already have it on my main in mythic. Support said they don't have the tools to change the bound status. And they told me to post here. To say the least, i am seriously pissed off! That damn thing was expensive! I bought another in the auction house, (a green one, even more expensive than the first) this time on the right toon, and it was bound to char too. I mean, how is that even possible? The people must be able to put it up for auction, so it must be unbound in the first place. I really hope this will get fixed. Just don't make it another case of hope over experience, pretty please?
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  • boonyowboonyow Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    i have an epic staff of flowers (purple) that i got from a lockbox that was unbound, now it is bound to character even though i never equipped it.

    i also have a staff of flowers (green) that is still unbound...for now.
  • doctormordriddoctormordrid Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I also have a purple staff in my shared bank that now says "bound to character" when it was previously unbound, same message regardless of which character looks at the staff
  • bigphatie#1960 bigphatie Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Same with me, I pulled a blue Staff of Flowers out of my private guild's bank and it bound to the character, when I had hoped to pass it to another toon. It couldn't have been bound when I put it in because you can't put bound items in guild banks. And with me also, it's - "So long to a million AD item".
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    A fix for this is in tomorrow's patch notes.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited March 2021
    pitshade said:

    A fix for this is in tomorrow's patch notes.

    Never been so excited for the words "patch notes", been too long. Cheers for heads up though


    Staff of Flowers: Rare through Mythic ranks now properly only bind when equipped.
    All unequipped Staff of Flowers that are bound to character, will automatically be unbound as of this update, as long as they are not equipped!

  • raziel2004#7353 raziel2004 Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    Does this mean people can sell used artifacts?
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