...and still silence from Cryptic on anything other than minor bug reports...
what more do you expect?
Honestly, I'd respect them a bit more if they just said something like "currently we are happy with how things are balanced - everything is WAI".
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I sympathize with the OP. I too had plenty of AD reserves on hand this go around, such that I have made tens of millions of AD in the past week, and have easily fully updated my main.
But I am sanguine about this. This is the biggest, heaping steamer Cryptic has dropped since Mod 6 and may prove more damaging if not mitigated very, very soon. I am also a guild leader of a very old guild in NWO, and like some others, we are experiencing departures, and these are only the players who are notifying me. The extent of the damage will not be known for a few weeks when I see who isn't logging in anymore.
Everything about this change is particularly cruel to low-mid range characters played by largely casual gamers. It is also a pox on alts, and even for well resourced players like me, the slide is steep as I have chosen to no longer run random queues and most dungeons. It simply isn't worth the time or high chance of failure when rolling with mid-range players between 30k-40k ilvl. These players should be much better off than they are, and many are feeling strong senses of inadequacy. How cruel. Eventually the flow of 100k RAD refinement long-term will dry up as people cannot complete queues, and this effectively ends meaningful progression. CODG is back to auto-abandon. Anecdotally, Tia and Demo are exhibiting high levels of failure.
Perhaps this is good for end game guilds filled with 50k ilvl players like me? Well, good for us then, I guess. This group of players alone is unlikely to sustain the game.
There is one simple concept that these devs should keep in mind if they want this game to stay successful, and that is "speed". Speaking with many WoW expats and others who have come to this game, the combat system is the value proposition, because it is fast, responsive, and in comparison to most other MMOs, extremely engaging. The devs should ask themselves whether what they are doing is aligning with their game's unique value proposition, and then make their adjustments accordingly.
Right now the overall flow of the game is slow, desperately tedious in combat, and as so many voices are communicating, disengaging.
This cannot last for long without causing significant financial and participatory turbulence, and my NES console is giving me longing looks. It sees an opportunity to snatch a large chunk of my time, and wants to take it.
I feel like I'm one of the few that is actually still enjoying this game, and still recommending it to others.
But, I've also seen this kind of response to major changes in the workplace, multiple times. People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted.
People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted.
The problem is that fror a long time there has not been a viable alternative. Many people came to NWO because it was a solo-friendly, grogression-focused, PvE-oriented, not-too-hard-but-not-trivially-easy, with a fairly non-toxic community. The D&D theme, the crafting and the Foundry were a big plus for some.
Now, more and more of those no longer apply, and there are several (5, when I last counted) games on the horizon that look like they might attract the same kind of players who were attaracted to NWO originally. This means that NWO might lose more "unhappy" players, because later this year they will have more real alternatives than just ESO or WoW.
"For me personally I am okay with the new system and once again I could afford to remake my character and will be staying. But scaling is a show stopper for me. As it stands right now. Item level determines damage. If 2 players many thousands of item level apart are scaled to the same item level, then they will have the same damage. The only things separating them will be minor stat differences and armor +damage bonuses."
Wholeheartedly agree. Why bother progressing now if scaling removes any benefits you would have had in all but the most recent content, you are still good for 90% of the game.
I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.
"For me personally I am okay with the new system and once again I could afford to remake my character and will be staying. But scaling is a show stopper for me. As it stands right now. Item level determines damage. If 2 players many thousands of item level apart are scaled to the same item level, then they will have the same damage. The only things separating them will be minor stat differences and armor +damage bonuses."
Wholeheartedly agree. Why bother progressing now if scaling removes any benefits you would have had in all but the most recent content, you are still good for 90% of the game.
I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.
***My fellow adventurers, The following I apologize for in advance. It's pretty long and toward the end I get a little upset, but I am not going to change it. There is more that I feel is left unsaid that I wish I had said, but I figured I should quit typing before I said something I couldn't take back and would regret since I do intend to continue playing Neverwinter regardless of what you might read in a minute. I'm just disgusted as you will find out. Bare with it, sorry if I didn't go back through and correct any typos or other mistakes... if it is horribly written, I also apologize in advance. I will read it again way later tonight or tomorrrow morning and if it allows, maybe edit typos or other things if I need to. OR maybe I just will leave it as is.... good luck and happy hunting!*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Cryptic,
Stop advertising and selling items in the Zen store if you are just going to turn around and nerf them without a word of warning after you have been paid.
That is what con-artists and scammers do.
That is what unethical scoundrels do.
This is what thieves do.
That is what power tripping, horrible DM's do if you're unlucky enough to end up with one when playing real D&D. Yes pull out the dice, pull out the pencils and paper....
Those type of DM's thrive on making a bad situation even worse, and the longer that DM has control, the worse it's going to get for the poor adventurers who are victimized by the wrath of the DM's narcisistic ego which is in a constant power struggle with the very High Horse upon which he sits.
This is when adventurers silently communicate with stressed glances that they have pretty much had enough.
This is when a miracle should happen if it were meant to be -- perhaps the pedestal on which the DM and High Horse are perched will begin to give beneath their weight... then crack with hundreds of hairline fractures.
This is when the bleak shadows and dark fog of half-truths, betrayal and deception surrounding the DM and his High Horse begin to dissipate, giving way to sunlight that shines brightly with warmth and hope.
Perhaps the hundreds of little fractures crumble a bit more... puffs of dust eploding into the air then evaporating as the weight of the two become impossible for the pedestal to sustain any longer.
This is when the power hungry, pointlessly and overly controlling, angry and horrible, spiteful little DM and his High Horse tumble through the fragments of their shattered pedestal, being forced back down to reality.
This is the moment when maybe the almighty DM's disillusioned constructs that maintained a sense of control through senseless manipulations and power-abuse demonstrations --
--the latest one being the new combat changes that were unceremoniously ninja'd into action extremely early and without warning --
--using our LIVE server to test the new combat system and other changes as if the LIVE server were suddenly the PREVIEW server and forcing every last one of us, whether we wanted to or not, to become testers--invuluntary guinea pigs dumped into an infected maelstrom of untested, unbalanced, bugged and broken programming that feels and responds exactly as if the games' AI and Mechanics are being controlled by coding errors and data currupton.
Haha! Is Neverwinter trying to function off of typo's and incorrectly placed decimal points?
Instead of acknowledging and taking responsibility for their bad decision and simply taking down the server for emergency maintanence in order to reverse the changes and reset the server, isolating the very unready, extremely unbalanced and untested, bugged changes of their "vision" to the PREVIEW server where it was supposed to BE IN THE FIRST PLACE, they chose to just run with it and sort the bugs out in real time ... by taking their time....to regain control of the havoc and the bugs that were runing rampant on the LIVE SERVER that shouldn't have even been let loose in the first place!
Meanwihle, leaving the actual PREVIEW server unattneded, no maintanence or patches to download....why bother? Because the LIVE server IS now the real PREVIEW server. Nobody was on the preview server anyway once they found out that the LIVE server was already running the changes that had, somehow, seemed to skip past the PREVIEW server, going straight to LIVE... (and if the combat changes had been in the preview server first, it wasn't for near as long as it should've been for testing and feedback purposes)
Can someone correct me if I am wrong? I was on the Preview server every couple days working stat balancing with the new way they had it configured, and trying to learn what life was going to be like without my 3 r15 Bonding Stones. But I do not recall the new combat system being active on any of the days that I was on it working on my toon...I am almost 99% positive that the night before--or maybe two nights before the new combat system changes took the Live Server by surprise, that I had been working on my toon in Preview and testing the build in random areas, and if were taking excessive damage, I only tacked it up to needed to change my stats a little because that's all it seemed like since i appeared 'weaker' in stats, therefore more vulnerable.
But I am really certain that I would greatly remember it if I had been so easily shredded by mobs. but to test, i would've gone to the Dread Ring for Dummies and mobs since this copy XX of my toon has no guild access, therefore no stronghold .... and I would've remembered being eaten alive so quickly by mobs. I would've felt dread and panic, and I would've worried and written feedback right away... then really panic logging into live and seeing our bondings in our backpacks way before schedule...
Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.
1: SOMEONE, whether it be someone new, or seasoned opperative, wasn't paying attention, didn't double check things, or even got distracted and made a boo-boo when he/she flipped the switch to upload the changes that we unexpectedly logged into. "OOPS....wrong server"... it was noticed too late to simply keep the Live server down and reverse the changes or cancel it and repatch the original configurations...simply makng maintanence last longer than usual, but we wouldn't have been the wiser. But if noticed too late, then the damage is already happening since people have already started logging in--and they don't want to take responsibility for such a major error and chose, instead to bite the bullet the tougher way and ride the sinking ship with crossed fingers.
AND of course:
2: They force fed the release. They gambled without bothering to test it appropriately, hoping for the best...
They Failed!
Patch notes lately have been allusive and tell us nothing, practically mocking our intellegence.
Talk about 'throwing caution to the wind' and just going for it with the crossed fingers that should be holding on to that sinking ship for dear life, not multi-tasking--how many crossed fingers can you have on your hands?
And you don't really communicate with us anymore... you act like you do, but you really don't.... you don't explain why, you don't reall answer questions, let us know what is going on....if you do let us know what is going on, its weak -- rather vague and seems to dance around the subject with a whole lot of words that don't really say anything useful. Sometimes we'll be lucky enough to get another half-truth, or lie, or promise even, with a subject change and an expression on a devs face resembling that of someone who had already forgotten the empty promise that he just gave.
What happened to you guys over this last year? When I first started playing, you guys were extremely communicative and kept us in the loop about everything.
Now, you avoid your player base like the plague.
I guess it is kind of difficult to face us when you have messed up on so many levels--and continue to do so--showing no signs of letting up anytime soon.... it would be tough to face us when you know how deep you have dug yourself and the shame that is caving in upon your heads is slippery, making it very difficult to climb out on your own....
You guys are certifiable!
Seriously Cryptic, maybe it's time to consider stepping down, maybe turn the game over to another company that actually respect the rules and guidelines of D&D--rules that are time tested. rules that keep things fun yet dangerous, daring and rewarding, risky, emotional, good days, bad days, humorous, embaressing, silly, and sometimes deadly. interesting and challenging, relaxing and stress free, or stressful and high paced.
And of course, generally rewarding in one way or another. NOT consistently disappointing...unless controlled by that bad DM that I described above.
Somehow you've managed, over the years to remove all the stuff that gives D&D its unique flavor and inspiration.
You made crafting worthless. That was foolish. because that alone could be epic for the market... and make static characters more dynamic again.
You took away Foundry--the dumbest thing you could've ever done because you removed an entire aspiring type of player base interested in learning how to create and impliment elements of game creation including mechanics and story telling. I wish I could've had experienced that for at least a second or two before you snapped your fingers and like everything else *poof* gone.
Good work, kill off your future competition while they're young and learning so you can keep your jobs. Haha!
I got so excited the other day when I was reading about Foundry in the forums, learning about it and getting even more excited as I learned even more of the possibilities. Then I discover that I have been wasting my time and energy -- 45 minutes or so when I find out that Foundry has been shut down....a while ago even...that it is no longer.... Why have the Foundry section in the forums anymore, Cryptic!? You will find a way to make a fool of me every day one way or another. Again with the false advertising of a product that you no longer have, or got nerfed, or will be nerfed like items you sell in the zen store. No, no, no. It's my fault for getting excited about it. It's only your forums page on your website about your game through your launcher that you advertise as a feature. Yet don't.
When are the lies going to end?
You killed the fun of leveling companions. I for one enjoyed leveling them up through levels before their quality rank ups. Oh well, Minor detail.
I don't recall ever needing a barn full of livestock and a grip of companions to make my D&D character a great character. I don't recall needing an army of 20 mythics to create my stats and influence my dice rolls during combat and actions outcomes.
Sometimes we had 1 companion. A dog. A wolf. A hawk. A Monkey-Rat-Emu-Teradactyl-Pony-Pig.
Sometimes a mount would come into play, if not briefly...
But having a full traveling freak show and petting zoo comprised of my top 10 quality mounts and top 10 quality companions being not only a requirement that directly influences my stats which, in turn, will determine my character survival, but a requirement that now makes it nearly impossible for a casual Neverwinter player to ever be able to cross over into the more difficult regions of the game...Even the more difficult of the dungeons.
Because most casual NW players don't have the time required now to spend hours and hours a day that is more or less required if you're going to advance through campaigns... there is now a different way that stats are capped, and how they work. And they pretty much have it layed out in black and white now....
OUR new GOAL, ADVENTURERS, is to get 10 COMPANIONS and 10 MOUNTS OF OUR CHOICE to MYTHIC QUALITY... something that, when acheived, wil allow us to achieve our maximum stat values possible, and be at the best build possible. I do not know a whole lot of casual gamers who will be able to do this without spending real money, and if that's what Cryptic wants, the casual players that I know aren't the type to do that.
They'd rather take their kid out for ice cream.
D&D is supposed to be about our characters, character development, growth, etc...not about everything BUT my character. I never played D&D excited to watch what one of my companions was going to do while my character took position of backseat because my companion was, afterall, better than my character...i never played D&D like that, has anyone aside from NW?
You have forced our characters into a situation of "priority, None." In other words, you've successfully forced everything in the game to be more important and ultimately more significant than the characters that we play. You even have companion runestones significatnly stronger than the player enchantments we slot into our armor.
For example, I would rather have an r11 companion runestone than an r15 player enchantment hands down. (Though I am currently using neither since without them, I still go over on power cap by 122 points, which I am leaving as a small buffer to make sure it hits cap during combat, and continues to keep cap when im in combat with a single target.
Nobody knows what you were thinking with nerfing the player enchantments to such a worthless quality that a lot of us won't bother investing the time or the resources required to rank them past r12 anymore... and that's being generous in level, I think a lot of us are doing fine running r9's and wont see much of a change if we took them all up to r12's That's how little a difference we see when slotting them at any rank. But of course...depends on the enchant, so we'll see. Tenebrous is still worth leveling all the way if its not aleady and of course your choice of weapon and armor enchancing enchantments.
What was once proudly displayed when people checked out our character sheets and found themselves staring at an array of r15's and r14's... was usually impressive.
There was a natural sense of pride and accomplishment as we ranked them up, slowly but surely. and with each rank up step, we could almost feel that improvement in our stats, but most of all, we felt our confidence increase just a tiny bit, even if we wouldn't admit that much to anyone.
Now, sadly... player enchantments are near worthless when considered as a whole. If they were cheaper to upgrade, then maybe they might be ok to fiddle with.
But to keep the resource cost the same to rank up these enchantments that now offer very little and next to nothing in the way of an increase in stat bonuses.
In Fact....its downright embaressing when weighing the cost to upgrade them from r9 - r15, with the rewards that each enchantment offers with each progression.
Are you out of your minds???
Does it seem even remotely fair to offer such a worthless gain to stats for what he shell out in resources used to make that upgrade?
It's downright shameful and embaressing and really only proves how much you disrespect your player base community. you take everything we've accomplished to make these things, and just haphazardly and quite rudely with extreme disrespect simply ignore us as a player community--as individuals who have dedicated so much time into NW, and invested so much in making these enchantments!
INVESTING in them!
I've seen some bad investments in my life, but I never once had a nightmare about all of our enchatments being a bad decision ugrade to r15! Not once Did any gut feeling or night terror warn tell me that NW Enchantments were a BAD INVESTMENT and to avoid them at all cost.
Not ONCE did I ever think that BONDING STONES were a bad INVESTMENT! How are you getting away with your actions of doing this to us? And to what end? What purpose? Why??? Why aren't you telling us anything???
How can you just make the decision to decide that all of our hard work and accomplishments and time and money invested in YOUR product is worth NOTHING--so little that you can just brush aside, and devalue, make worthless, break, and trash all we've worked for.
Years for some people, just disregarded and trivialized by the most hateful, disrespectful, uncreative, naracissistic, uninspired, heartless...
(i am getting really upset and this list can go on quite literally forever and get worse so I'm going to do something similar to what you people at Cryptic should do with your "brilliant" ideas. Just stop)
...group of wannabe DM's that have successfully made D&D a horrible experience.
*High Five* Good work, team! Now go club some baby seals!
What is wrong with you people over there! ?
Inspecting other people is no longer impressive or mysterious. it's simply Sad. It's depressing.... to see all those legendary enchantments nerfed, seeing all the hard work, dedication and resources spent getting all his or her enchantments up to r15, everything maxed out from years of experience a dedication to their toon, all the hours involved to become the best of the best.... simply .... gone.
Now all those perfect enchantments represent sadness, so many hours of pointless time spent to make them... all that sense of awesomeness and achievement just shrugged off by cryptic and reduced to the value of a trinket.
you have made us all weak and pathetic, and without the mythic 20, we can barely take down a ferocous bunny rabbit with our strongest attacks if we needed to.
I'm not going to itemize it all for you. You know what you've done, all the promises that you've made that you silently brushed under the rug, all the ways you bolster our hopes and we believe you....shame on us.
Just read what everyone says. It's all in here in the forums. I don't need to re-outline it all for you, when so many others already have.
Countless times.
I personally think the D&D label and the trademarked name Neverwinter should be dropped which would kill the game and your staple characters that are taken from the book that we all love: Drizzt, Minsc and Boo, etc etc, would have to go, which would take away a lot of your quests--The Maze Engine questline would be gone entirely...
Somehow I think Cryptic has become that bad DM that somehow managed to chang the face of NW so much that I do not see how it can even hold the D&D label anymore.
How is it possible that they're getting away with it for this long without NW being temporarily removed, revamped through a different company, rebirthed under D&D expectations and relaunched with an apology and all our belongings returned to us that we were, in a way, kind of forced to give up.
OK, not forced to...
Go ahead and keep 3 r15 bondings for as long as you want... XD
Yes, forced to if you wanted any compensation for all your hard work, time and the tons of AD, RP and required ingredients to make them.
Thanks for listening to me rant. Ordinarily I wouldn't, but I finally had to go off. And I almost did it all the way to the end without losing my cool. Almost. I tried my best. At least I didn't swear, but believe me, in my head I was.
Sorry to all that you had to read all that. It is as it is.
Anyway, I'm going to keep playing regardless. I do still enjoy the game. Sigh, I know. After all that. I just have too much left to explore. Too much left unfinished....
Fortunately my main toon wasn't effected too terribly by all he changes--once i figured out the stat system it was a long day of trial and error an rearranging to get working stats that finally worked.
Also, I was luckier than a lot of you out there because I didn't have to spend a lot to manipulate my build to fit and survive running solo like I do 99% of my NW time.
I was, however irritated that I had to put my Mythic Augment companions on the back burner and dust off one of my first, 'real' Epic Fighter type companions that someone had given me when I first started out in NW that had gotten me through a lot of quests.
Step 1: Dust him off. Step 2: Rank him up to Legendary before he draws his first breath of fresh air. Step 3: Legacy quests for Sybella...Get companion upgrade tokens! Work the companion until you know his quarks, his timing on moves, his strengths and his weaknesses. Step 4: Promotion to Mythic!
Activate all potential damage increase modifiers for attacking companions to do extra damage--there are quite a few stackable methods and items that make it worth doing, because it greatly increases the correct fighting companion to take and even keep aggro, if only long enough for me to get into combat advantage position and destroy.
So Augment companions, you've had your run, take a break for a while, and give the others a chance here.
Sorry everyone, if you actually read all of this, I apologize extensively for the length of it. If skipped to the end and are reading this part right now, then I don't blame you. I didn't intend for it to be so lengthly, and I hope i caught all the spelling mistakes and other errors.
The game is in a terrible state. It's just not fun to play. The game should improve and not degrade. Everything is nerfed. There is nothing new. A new sharandar campaign? No, it's just Citadel 2.0. And it will last 6 months. The shame of the game developer
I feel like I'm one of the few that is actually still enjoying this game, and still recommending it to others.
But, I've also seen this kind of response to major changes in the workplace, multiple times. People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted.
How much " adapting " is enough for you? If every company did what this one is doing, we would all pull our hair out, long time ago.
I have been playing this game from when it was in early stages. When Sharandar was " a new map " . Adaptation is what all of us older players did from mod to mod, when they where reworking the game.
And there was always someone saying : " People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted."
So by your opinion, what are the test servers for? The issues should have been sorted on the test server. True or false? The rework shold have been sorted on the test server. True or false ? The balance of stats, enemies and scaling should have been resolved before they released it on to live. True or false?
Lets not mention the countless hours players spent on the test server, hours of their life, so they can give suggestions to the developers, so we can get a sort of balance. For free.
Enough is enough. There should be a freaking line in how much a player can take of the constant rework abuse. Some of us aprouched our limit with mod 16. It was already enough then.
I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.
This is not a recent thing with NWO - this behavior goes back at least as far as the end of mod 3 / start of mod 4 (Icewind Dale moving to Dragon mods). I can remember back at that point, when purified/corrupted black ice gear was BiS, Cryptic suddenly put out a Zen 'sale' on much coveted BI gear, including the super rare gloves.
Fast forward about a month and the new mod nerfed black ice gear into utter irrelevance. Even green gear in the new zone surpassed the stats offered by the previous BiS gear. Sound familiar? The takeaway message is, if Cryptic starts offering actual gear for sale on the Zen store - sit on your wallet and wait. That highly coveted gear is about to get nerfed into the ground.
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
Not sure I would say this is history repeating itself. This seems different, worse imo.
At least Mod 6 felt challenging, I actually liked the ArP bug. This seems to be just slow everything down, death by boredom.
I'm not a fan of the changes as implemented. Whilst I don't mind the fact that in VT we are semi encouraged to use the casket mechanic, being scaled in old content is not fun for me. Pounding away at the second last boss in VT for 10x as long, is just boring. There was no challenge except to stop from falling asleep. However I thought the final VT boss fight was better.
Having trash mobs in general zone areas taking much longer to clear - not a fan. I've run those quests so many times, I just want them over as fast as possible.
If you have a spare 50mil AD lying around, adjusting to the changes is easy enough but otherwise it has introduced a massive grind. Now, upgrading mounts or companions is locked behind the Zen wall (unless you are willing to rank up at an agonizingly slow pace using Legacy Quests). So to get to end game and near close to BIS you need way more Zen (or you buy packs off the AH that someone else has bought with Zen). I can't see how this is beneficial to new players.
Yeah we all got some reconciliatory AD for our Bonding stones. Pres Wards have gone up 50% in price on the AH. I can't see how this is beneficial to new players. Some players who are selling wards get a bonus 40mil AD from the price hike, but new players . . . . .
Weapon Enchants that are decent - doubled in price to around $10mil for legendary. Massive inflation - I can't see how this is beneficial to new players.
I guess other enchants have reduced in price, so that is something.
As someone else said - there is virtually no incentive to run dungeons. The improved rewards are a joke. Run RTQ and REDQ once per day and that is it. You are better off grinding DR mini lairs to farm AD.
Make the game enjoyable again by making dungeon runs a viable way to farm AD and improve*.
* note scaling does reduce the incentive to improve if your not running the latest unscaled content
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
What improvement? You get better gear/higher IL and your % drop. The higher the IL the more the % drops.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
I can see a place in the game for scaled content. Where players want a challenge and choose to have their shiny new gear made worthless. Like in a hardcore version of a dungeon (that doesn't also have a one death limit). But how it has been done is mostly terrible.
I've got heaps of AD, I've got 8 Epic mount collar packs, plenty of companion upgrade tokens and I've got almost zero interest to upgrade my toons. All I do these days is flip things on the AH to make more AD with no incentive to actually spend it on my playable characters. There is something wrong.
I'm hoping the new dungeon provides some motivation for me the guildies to run it.
I agree 100% with what you've said - everything I could've said and more. @kreatyve yes, so the point about the preview server was incorrect - apart from that he's bang on:
* The promise of "players won't see any difference" utterly broken * Promising a simplified experience: broken by replacing with a piecemeal, dual-capped off-character mess * Moving the majority of stat sources from characters to mounts & companions - purely a money grab * Turning all expensive enchantments into valueless trash * Treating the player base with utter disrespect
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.
That's OK that you stopped reading, I wouldn't want to read all of that either, let alone write so much. Thank you for the correction that I literally asked anybody to do just in case I was wrong with my recollection. And you did and I appreciate it. And, unfortunately I still don't recall experiencing any combat difficulties to the extremes that the Live Server got hit with when those changes took us by surprise. Therefore, I do not recall the combat changes hitting the preview server for testing because I ran into no issues when just trying to figure out the new stat system without bondings.
"Can someone correct me if I am wrong? I was on the Preview server every couple days working stat balancing with the new way they had it configured, and trying to learn what life was going to be like without my 3 r15 Bonding Stones. But I do not recall the new combat system being active on any of the days that I was on it working on my toon...I am almost 99% positive that the night before--or maybe two nights before the new combat system changes took the Live Server by surprise, that I had been working on my toon in Preview and testing the build in random areas, and if were taking excessive damage, I only tacked it up to needed to change my stats a little because that's all it seemed like since i appeared 'weaker' in stats, therefore more vulnerable..."
I just reread everything that I wrote, a few typo's and a left over word in an edited sentence once in a while, but I still stand by it all and am not going edit or rewrite any of it because it would be like....beating a dead horse....with a dead horse? It is as it is... I feel better having finally vented. I'm sure everything else that I wrote so much about is wrong too.
!!!Happy Hunting!!! m...(@*;...;*@)...m............ "My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...."
I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.
This is not a recent thing with NWO - this behavior goes back at least as far as the end of mod 3 / start of mod 4 (Icewind Dale moving to Dragon mods). I can remember back at that point, when purified/corrupted black ice gear was BiS, Cryptic suddenly put out a Zen 'sale' on much coveted BI gear, including the super rare gloves.
Fast forward about a month and the new mod nerfed black ice gear into utter irrelevance. Even green gear in the new zone surpassed the stats offered by the previous BiS gear. Sound familiar? The takeaway message is, if Cryptic starts offering actual gear for sale on the Zen store - sit on your wallet and wait. That highly coveted gear is about to get nerfed into the ground.
My brighter half--my girlfriend had this to say when i read this out loud to her. "Since Mod three!? What mod are you on now? TWENTY!?? They sell you stuff then make sure it doesnt work like it did when you bought it. If it works at all. For 17 mods and everyone still plays it? Well it's all in their name, I guess they're not hiding anything. Cryptic. Because everything they do is cryptic and shady. and makes you guys mad. Thats why you all still play it. People thrive off conflict and Cryptic and their cryptic ways makes you mad enough to see what they are going to do next to f with you!"
Haha! And she doesn't even play.
!!!Happy Hunting!!! m...(@*;...;*@)...m............ "My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...."
Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.
you are correct the combat changes did hit preview on dec 4th BUT they were so broken it took another 2 weeks before you could do anything i rebuilt my toon about 6 times after each patch as cryptic tried to get it to work it was still broken before they put it to live and on live was even more of a mess then on preview My main was fine i had been saving ad and selling everything on ah i could get 100 ad for and also saving upgrade troken since first wind of this happening so i had plenty of cash to do what i needed to do but only a small percentage of the comunity even knew about the changes prior to it hitting live not everyone reads forums or follows you tubers
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
But, I've also seen this kind of response to major changes in the workplace, multiple times. People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted.
Co-Guild Leader
Ghost Templars L20
Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
Alt: Warlock
Now, more and more of those no longer apply, and there are several (5, when I last counted) games on the horizon that look like they might attract the same kind of players who were attaracted to NWO originally. This means that NWO might lose more "unhappy" players, because later this year they will have more real alternatives than just ESO or WoW.
We'll see - I am still hoping for improvements.
Wholeheartedly agree. Why bother progressing now if scaling removes any benefits you would have had in all but the most recent content, you are still good for 90% of the game.
I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.
***My fellow adventurers, The following I apologize for in advance. It's pretty long and toward the end I get a little upset, but I am not going to change it. There is more that I feel is left unsaid that I wish I had said, but I figured I should quit typing before I said something I couldn't take back and would regret since I do intend to continue playing Neverwinter regardless of what you might read in a minute.
I'm just disgusted as you will find out. Bare with it, sorry if I didn't go back through and correct any typos or other mistakes... if it is horribly written, I also apologize in advance. I will read it again way later tonight or tomorrrow morning and if it allows, maybe edit typos or other things if I need to. OR maybe I just will leave it as is.... good luck and happy hunting!***
Dear Cryptic,
Stop advertising and selling items in the Zen store if you are just going to turn around and nerf them without a word of warning after you have been paid.
That is what con-artists and scammers do.
That is what unethical scoundrels do.
This is what thieves do.
That is what power tripping, horrible DM's do if you're unlucky enough to end up with one when playing real D&D.
Yes pull out the dice, pull out the pencils and paper....
Those type of DM's thrive on making a bad situation even worse, and the longer that DM has control, the worse it's going to get for the poor adventurers who are victimized by the wrath of the DM's narcisistic ego which is in a constant power struggle with the very High Horse upon which he sits.
This is when adventurers silently communicate with stressed glances that they have pretty much had enough.
This is when a miracle should happen if it were meant to be -- perhaps the pedestal on which the DM and High Horse are perched will begin to give beneath their weight... then crack with hundreds of hairline fractures.
This is when the bleak shadows and dark fog of half-truths, betrayal and deception surrounding the DM and his High Horse begin to dissipate, giving way to sunlight that shines brightly with warmth and hope.
Perhaps the hundreds of little fractures crumble a bit more... puffs of dust eploding into the air then evaporating as the weight of the two become impossible for the pedestal to sustain any longer.
This is when the power hungry, pointlessly and overly controlling, angry and horrible, spiteful little DM and his High Horse tumble through the fragments of their shattered pedestal, being forced back down to reality.
This is the moment when maybe the almighty DM's disillusioned constructs that maintained a sense of control through senseless manipulations and power-abuse demonstrations --
--the latest one being the new combat changes that were unceremoniously ninja'd into action extremely early and without warning --
--using our LIVE server to test the new combat system and other changes as if the LIVE server were suddenly the PREVIEW server and forcing every last one of us, whether we wanted to or not, to become testers--invuluntary guinea pigs dumped into an infected maelstrom of untested, unbalanced, bugged and broken programming that feels and responds exactly as if the games' AI and Mechanics are being controlled by coding errors and data currupton.
Haha! Is Neverwinter trying to function off of typo's and incorrectly placed decimal points?
Instead of acknowledging and taking responsibility for their bad decision and simply taking down the server for emergency maintanence in order to reverse the changes and reset the server, isolating the very unready, extremely unbalanced and untested, bugged changes of their "vision" to the PREVIEW server where it was supposed to BE IN THE FIRST PLACE, they chose to just run with it and sort the bugs out in real time ... by taking their time....to regain control of the havoc and the bugs that were runing rampant on the LIVE SERVER that shouldn't have even been let loose in the first place!
Meanwihle, leaving the actual PREVIEW server unattneded, no maintanence or patches to download....why bother? Because the LIVE server IS now the real PREVIEW server. Nobody was on the preview server anyway once they found out that the LIVE server was already running the changes that had, somehow, seemed to skip past the PREVIEW server, going straight to LIVE... (and if the combat changes had been in the preview server first, it wasn't for near as long as it should've been for testing and feedback purposes)
Can someone correct me if I am wrong? I was on the Preview server every couple days working stat balancing with the new way they had it configured, and trying to learn what life was going to be like without my 3 r15 Bonding Stones. But I do not recall the new combat system being active on any of the days that I was on it working on my toon...I am almost 99% positive that the night before--or maybe two nights before the new combat system changes took the Live Server by surprise, that I had been working on my toon in Preview and testing the build in random areas, and if were taking excessive damage, I only tacked it up to needed to change my stats a little because that's all it seemed like since i appeared 'weaker' in stats, therefore more vulnerable.
But I am really certain that I would greatly remember it if I had been so easily shredded by mobs. but to test, i would've gone to the Dread Ring for Dummies and mobs since this copy XX of my toon has no guild access, therefore no stronghold .... and I would've remembered being eaten alive so quickly by mobs. I would've felt dread and panic, and I would've worried and written feedback right away... then really panic logging into live and seeing our bondings in our backpacks way before schedule...
Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.
1: SOMEONE, whether it be someone new, or seasoned opperative, wasn't paying attention, didn't double check things, or even got distracted and made a boo-boo when he/she flipped the switch to upload the changes that we unexpectedly logged into.
"OOPS....wrong server"... it was noticed too late to simply keep the Live server down and reverse the changes or cancel it and repatch the original configurations...simply makng maintanence last longer than usual, but we wouldn't have been the wiser.
But if noticed too late, then the damage is already happening since people have already started logging in--and they don't want to take responsibility for such a major error and chose, instead to bite the bullet the tougher way and ride the sinking ship with crossed fingers.
AND of course:
2: They force fed the release. They gambled without bothering to test it appropriately, hoping for the best...
They Failed!
Patch notes lately have been allusive and tell us nothing, practically mocking our intellegence.
Talk about 'throwing caution to the wind' and just going for it with the crossed fingers that should be holding on to that sinking ship for dear life, not multi-tasking--how many crossed fingers can you have on your hands?
And you don't really communicate with us anymore... you act like you do, but you really don't.... you don't explain why, you don't reall answer questions, let us know what is going on....if you do let us know what is going on, its weak -- rather vague and seems to dance around the subject with a whole lot of words that don't really say anything useful.
Sometimes we'll be lucky enough to get another half-truth, or lie, or promise even, with a subject change and an expression on a devs face resembling that of someone who had already forgotten the empty promise that he just gave.
What happened to you guys over this last year? When I first started playing, you guys were extremely communicative and kept us in the loop about everything.
Now, you avoid your player base like the plague.
I guess it is kind of difficult to face us when you have messed up on so many levels--and continue to do so--showing no signs of letting up anytime soon.... it would be tough to face us when you know how deep you have dug yourself and the shame that is caving in upon your heads is slippery, making it very difficult to climb out on your own....
You guys are certifiable!
Seriously Cryptic, maybe it's time to consider stepping down, maybe turn the game over to another company that actually respect the rules and guidelines of D&D--rules that are time tested. rules that keep things fun yet dangerous, daring and rewarding, risky, emotional, good days, bad days, humorous, embaressing, silly, and sometimes deadly. interesting and challenging, relaxing and stress free, or stressful and high paced.
And of course, generally rewarding in one way or another.
NOT consistently disappointing...unless controlled by that bad DM that I described above.
Somehow you've managed, over the years to remove all the stuff that gives D&D its unique flavor and inspiration.
You made crafting worthless. That was foolish. because that alone could be epic for the market... and make static characters more dynamic again.
You took away Foundry--the dumbest thing you could've ever done because you removed an entire aspiring type of player base interested in learning how to create and impliment elements of game creation including mechanics and story telling. I wish I could've had experienced that for at least a second or two before you snapped your fingers and like everything else *poof* gone.
Good work, kill off your future competition while they're young and learning so you can keep your jobs. Haha!
I got so excited the other day when I was reading about Foundry in the forums, learning about it and getting even more excited as I learned even more of the possibilities.
Then I discover that I have been wasting my time and energy -- 45 minutes or so when I find out that Foundry has been shut down....a while ago even...that it is no longer.... Why have the Foundry section in the forums anymore, Cryptic!? You will find a way to make a fool of me every day one way or another.
Again with the false advertising of a product that you no longer have, or got nerfed, or will be nerfed like items you sell in the zen store.
No, no, no. It's my fault for getting excited about it. It's only your forums page on your website about your game through your launcher that you advertise as a feature.
Yet don't.
When are the lies going to end?
You killed the fun of leveling companions. I for one enjoyed leveling them up through levels before their quality rank ups. Oh well, Minor detail.
I don't recall ever needing a barn full of livestock and a grip of companions to make my D&D character a great character. I don't recall needing an army of 20 mythics to create my stats and influence my dice rolls during combat and actions outcomes.
Sometimes we had 1 companion. A dog. A wolf. A hawk. A Monkey-Rat-Emu-Teradactyl-Pony-Pig.
Sometimes a mount would come into play, if not briefly...
But having a full traveling freak show and petting zoo comprised of my top 10 quality mounts and top 10 quality companions being not only a requirement that directly influences my stats which, in turn, will determine my character survival, but a requirement that now makes it nearly impossible for a casual Neverwinter player to ever be able to cross over into the more difficult regions of the game...Even the more difficult of the dungeons.
Because most casual NW players don't have the time required now to spend hours and hours a day that is more or less required if you're going to advance through campaigns... there is now a different way that stats are capped, and how they work. And they pretty much have it layed out in black and white now....
OUR new GOAL, ADVENTURERS, is to get 10 COMPANIONS and 10 MOUNTS OF OUR CHOICE to MYTHIC QUALITY... something that, when acheived, wil allow us to achieve our maximum stat values possible, and be at the best build possible.
I do not know a whole lot of casual gamers who will be able to do this without spending real money, and if that's what Cryptic wants, the casual players that I know aren't the type to do that.
They'd rather take their kid out for ice cream.
D&D is supposed to be about our characters, character development, growth, etc...not about everything BUT my character. I never played D&D excited to watch what one of my companions was going to do while my character took position of backseat because my companion was, afterall, better than my character...i never played D&D like that, has anyone aside from NW?
You have forced our characters into a situation of "priority, None." In other words, you've successfully forced everything in the game to be more important and ultimately more significant than the characters that we play. You even have companion runestones significatnly stronger than the player enchantments we slot into our armor.
For example, I would rather have an r11 companion runestone than an r15 player enchantment hands down.
(Though I am currently using neither since without them, I still go over on power cap by 122 points, which I am leaving as a small buffer to make sure it hits cap during combat, and continues to keep cap when im in combat with a single target.
Nobody knows what you were thinking with nerfing the player enchantments to such a worthless quality that a lot of us won't bother investing the time or the resources required to rank them past r12 anymore... and that's being generous in level, I think a lot of us are doing fine running r9's and wont see much of a change if we took them all up to r12's That's how little a difference we see when slotting them at any rank.
But of course...depends on the enchant, so we'll see. Tenebrous is still worth leveling all the way if its not aleady and of course your choice of weapon and armor enchancing enchantments.
What was once proudly displayed when people checked out our character sheets and found themselves staring at an array of r15's and r14's... was usually impressive.
There was a natural sense of pride and accomplishment as we ranked them up, slowly but surely. and with each rank up step, we could almost feel that improvement in our stats, but most of all, we felt our confidence increase just a tiny bit, even if we wouldn't admit that much to anyone.
Now, sadly... player enchantments are near worthless when considered as a whole. If they were cheaper to upgrade, then maybe they might be ok to fiddle with.
But to keep the resource cost the same to rank up these enchantments that now offer very little and next to nothing in the way of an increase in stat bonuses.
In Fact....its downright embaressing when weighing the cost to upgrade them from r9 - r15, with the rewards that each enchantment offers with each progression.
Are you out of your minds???
Does it seem even remotely fair to offer such a worthless gain to stats for what he shell out in resources used to make that upgrade?
It's downright shameful and embaressing and really only proves how much you disrespect your player base community. you take everything we've accomplished to make these things, and just haphazardly and quite rudely with extreme disrespect simply ignore us as a player community--as individuals who have dedicated so much time into NW, and invested so much in making these enchantments!
INVESTING in them!
I've seen some bad investments in my life, but I never once had a nightmare about all of our enchatments being a bad decision ugrade to r15!
Not once Did any gut feeling or night terror warn tell me that NW Enchantments were a BAD INVESTMENT and to avoid them at all cost.
Not ONCE did I ever think that BONDING STONES were a bad INVESTMENT! How are you getting away with your actions of doing this to us? And to what end? What purpose? Why??? Why aren't you telling us anything???
How can you just make the decision to decide that all of our hard work and accomplishments and time and money invested in YOUR product is worth NOTHING--so little that you can just brush aside, and devalue, make worthless, break, and trash all we've worked for.
Years for some people, just disregarded and trivialized by the most hateful, disrespectful, uncreative, naracissistic, uninspired, heartless...
(i am getting really upset and this list can go on quite literally forever and get worse so I'm going to do something similar to what you people at Cryptic should do with your "brilliant" ideas. Just stop)
...group of wannabe DM's that have successfully made D&D a horrible experience.
*High Five* Good work, team! Now go club some baby seals!
What is wrong with you people over there! ?
Inspecting other people is no longer impressive or mysterious. it's simply Sad. It's depressing.... to see all those legendary enchantments nerfed, seeing all the hard work, dedication and resources spent getting all his or her enchantments up to r15, everything maxed out from years of experience a dedication to their toon, all the hours involved to become the best of the best.... simply .... gone.
Now all those perfect enchantments represent sadness, so many hours of pointless time spent to make them... all that sense of awesomeness and achievement just shrugged off by cryptic and reduced to the value of a trinket.
you have made us all weak and pathetic, and without the mythic 20, we can barely take down a ferocous bunny rabbit with our strongest attacks if we needed to.
I'm not going to itemize it all for you. You know what you've done, all the promises that you've made that you silently brushed under the rug, all the ways you bolster our hopes and we believe you....shame on us.
Just read what everyone says. It's all in here in the forums. I don't need to re-outline it all for you, when so many others already have.
Countless times.
I personally think the D&D label and the trademarked name Neverwinter should be dropped which would kill the game and your staple characters that are taken from the book that we all love: Drizzt, Minsc and Boo, etc etc, would have to go, which would take away a lot of your quests--The Maze Engine questline would be gone entirely...
Somehow I think Cryptic has become that bad DM that somehow managed to chang the face of NW so much that I do not see how it can even hold the D&D label anymore.
How is it possible that they're getting away with it for this long without NW being temporarily removed, revamped through a different company, rebirthed under D&D expectations and relaunched with an apology and all our belongings returned to us that we were, in a way, kind of forced to give up.
OK, not forced to...
Go ahead and keep 3 r15 bondings for as long as you want... XD
Yes, forced to if you wanted any compensation for all your hard work, time and the tons of AD, RP and required ingredients to make them.
Thanks for listening to me rant. Ordinarily I wouldn't, but I finally had to go off. And I almost did it all the way to the end without losing my cool. Almost. I tried my best. At least I didn't swear, but believe me, in my head I was.
Sorry to all that you had to read all that. It is as it is.
Anyway, I'm going to keep playing regardless. I do still enjoy the game.
Sigh, I know.
After all that.
I just have too much left to explore.
Too much left unfinished....
Fortunately my main toon wasn't effected too terribly by all he changes--once i figured out the stat system it was a long day of trial and error an rearranging to get working stats that finally worked.
Also, I was luckier than a lot of you out there because I didn't have to spend a lot to manipulate my build to fit and survive running solo like I do 99% of my NW time.
I was, however irritated that I had to put my Mythic Augment companions on the back burner and dust off one of my first, 'real' Epic Fighter type companions that someone had given me when I first started out in NW that had gotten me through a lot of quests.
Step 1: Dust him off.
Step 2: Rank him up to Legendary before he draws his first breath of fresh air.
Step 3: Legacy quests for Sybella...Get companion upgrade tokens! Work the companion until you know his quarks, his timing on moves, his strengths and his weaknesses.
Step 4: Promotion to Mythic!
Activate all potential damage increase modifiers for attacking companions to do extra damage--there are quite a few stackable methods and items that make it worth doing, because it greatly increases the correct fighting companion to take and even keep aggro, if only long enough for me to get into combat advantage position and destroy.
So Augment companions, you've had your run, take a break for a while, and give the others a chance here.
Sorry everyone, if you actually read all of this, I apologize extensively for the length of it. If skipped to the end and are reading this part right now, then I don't blame you. I didn't intend for it to be so lengthly, and I hope i caught all the spelling mistakes and other errors.
Good luck to everyone, and Happy Hunting!!!!
How much " adapting " is enough for you?
If every company did what this one is doing, we would all pull our hair out, long time ago.
I have been playing this game from when it was in early stages. When Sharandar was " a new map " .
Adaptation is what all of us older players did from mod to mod, when they where reworking the game.
And there was always someone saying :
" People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted."
So by your opinion, what are the test servers for?
The issues should have been sorted on the test server. True or false?
The rework shold have been sorted on the test server. True or false ?
The balance of stats, enemies and scaling should have been resolved before they released it on to live. True or false?
Lets not mention the countless hours players spent on the test server, hours of their life, so they can give suggestions to the developers, so we can get a sort of balance. For free.
Enough is enough.
There should be a freaking line in how much a player can take of the constant rework abuse.
Some of us aprouched our limit with mod 16. It was already enough then.
Fast forward about a month and the new mod nerfed black ice gear into utter irrelevance. Even green gear in the new zone surpassed the stats offered by the previous BiS gear. Sound familiar? The takeaway message is, if Cryptic starts offering actual gear for sale on the Zen store - sit on your wallet and wait. That highly coveted gear is about to get nerfed into the ground.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
At least Mod 6 felt challenging, I actually liked the ArP bug. This seems to be just slow everything down, death by boredom.
I'm not a fan of the changes as implemented. Whilst I don't mind the fact that in VT we are semi encouraged to use the casket mechanic, being scaled in old content is not fun for me. Pounding away at the second last boss in VT for 10x as long, is just boring. There was no challenge except to stop from falling asleep. However I thought the final VT boss fight was better.
Having trash mobs in general zone areas taking much longer to clear - not a fan. I've run those quests so many times, I just want them over as fast as possible.
If you have a spare 50mil AD lying around, adjusting to the changes is easy enough but otherwise it has introduced a massive grind. Now, upgrading mounts or companions is locked behind the Zen wall (unless you are willing to rank up at an agonizingly slow pace using Legacy Quests). So to get to end game and near close to BIS you need way more Zen (or you buy packs off the AH that someone else has bought with Zen). I can't see how this is beneficial to new players.
Yeah we all got some reconciliatory AD for our Bonding stones. Pres Wards have gone up 50% in price on the AH. I can't see how this is beneficial to new players. Some players who are selling wards get a bonus 40mil AD from the price hike, but new players . . . . .
Weapon Enchants that are decent - doubled in price to around $10mil for legendary. Massive inflation - I can't see how this is beneficial to new players.
I guess other enchants have reduced in price, so that is something.
As someone else said - there is virtually no incentive to run dungeons. The improved rewards are a joke. Run RTQ and REDQ once per day and that is it. You are better off grinding DR mini lairs to farm AD.
Make the game enjoyable again by making dungeon runs a viable way to farm AD and improve*.
* note scaling does reduce the incentive to improve if your not running the latest unscaled content
I've got heaps of AD, I've got 8 Epic mount collar packs, plenty of companion upgrade tokens and I've got almost zero interest to upgrade my toons. All I do these days is flip things on the AH to make more AD with no incentive to actually spend it on my playable characters. There is something wrong.
I'm hoping the new dungeon provides some motivation for me the guildies to run it.
I agree 100% with what you've said - everything I could've said and more. @kreatyve yes, so the point about the preview server was incorrect - apart from that he's bang on:
* The promise of "players won't see any difference" utterly broken
* Promising a simplified experience: broken by replacing with a piecemeal, dual-capped off-character mess
* Moving the majority of stat sources from characters to mounts & companions - purely a money grab
* Turning all expensive enchantments into valueless trash
* Treating the player base with utter disrespect
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
That's OK that you stopped reading, I wouldn't want to read all of that either, let alone write so much.
Thank you for the correction that I literally asked anybody to do just in case I was wrong with my recollection.
And you did and I appreciate it.
And, unfortunately I still don't recall experiencing any combat difficulties to the extremes that the Live Server got hit with when those changes took us by surprise. Therefore, I do not recall the combat changes hitting the preview server for testing because I ran into no issues when just trying to figure out the new stat system without bondings. I just reread everything that I wrote, a few typo's and a left over word in an edited sentence once in a while, but I still stand by it all and am not going edit or rewrite any of it because it would be like....beating a dead horse....with a dead horse?
It is as it is...
I feel better having finally vented.
I'm sure everything else that I wrote so much about is wrong too.
!!!Happy Hunting!!!
"My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...."
"Since Mod three!? What mod are you on now? TWENTY!?? They sell you stuff then make sure it doesnt work like it did when you bought it. If it works at all. For 17 mods and everyone still plays it?
Well it's all in their name, I guess they're not hiding anything. Cryptic. Because everything they do is cryptic and shady. and makes you guys mad. Thats why you all still play it. People thrive off conflict and Cryptic and their cryptic ways makes you mad enough to see what they are going to do next to f with you!"
Haha! And she doesn't even play.
!!!Happy Hunting!!!
"My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...."
i rebuilt my toon about 6 times after each patch as cryptic tried to get it to work
it was still broken before they put it to live and on live was even more of a mess then on preview
My main was fine i had been saving ad and selling everything on ah i could get 100 ad for and also saving upgrade troken since first wind of this happening so i had plenty of cash to do what i needed to do
but only a small percentage of the comunity even knew about the changes prior to it hitting live
not everyone reads forums or follows you tubers