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History repeats itself



  • vastano#2343 vastano Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    armadeonx said:

    ...and still silence from Cryptic on anything other than minor bug reports...

    what more do you expect?

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  • datarider#1036 datarider Member Posts: 221 Arc User

    armadeonx said:

    ...and still silence from Cryptic on anything other than minor bug reports...

    what more do you expect?

    I expect nothing and Im still disappointed :D
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User

    armadeonx said:

    ...and still silence from Cryptic on anything other than minor bug reports...

    what more do you expect?

    Honestly, I'd respect them a bit more if they just said something like "currently we are happy with how things are balanced - everything is WAI".
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

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    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    acrinicus said:

    I sympathize with the OP. I too had plenty of AD reserves on hand this go around, such that I have made tens of millions of AD in the past week, and have easily fully updated my main.

    But I am sanguine about this. This is the biggest, heaping steamer Cryptic has dropped since Mod 6 and may prove more damaging if not mitigated very, very soon. I am also a guild leader of a very old guild in NWO, and like some others, we are experiencing departures, and these are only the players who are notifying me. The extent of the damage will not be known for a few weeks when I see who isn't logging in anymore.

    Everything about this change is particularly cruel to low-mid range characters played by largely casual gamers. It is also a pox on alts, and even for well resourced players like me, the slide is steep as I have chosen to no longer run random queues and most dungeons. It simply isn't worth the time or high chance of failure when rolling with mid-range players between 30k-40k ilvl. These players should be much better off than they are, and many are feeling strong senses of inadequacy. How cruel. Eventually the flow of 100k RAD refinement long-term will dry up as people cannot complete queues, and this effectively ends meaningful progression. CODG is back to auto-abandon. Anecdotally, Tia and Demo are exhibiting high levels of failure.

    Perhaps this is good for end game guilds filled with 50k ilvl players like me? Well, good for us then, I guess. This group of players alone is unlikely to sustain the game.

    There is one simple concept that these devs should keep in mind if they want this game to stay successful, and that is "speed". Speaking with many WoW expats and others who have come to this game, the combat system is the value proposition, because it is fast, responsive, and in comparison to most other MMOs, extremely engaging. The devs should ask themselves whether what they are doing is aligning with their game's unique value proposition, and then make their adjustments accordingly.

    Right now the overall flow of the game is slow, desperately tedious in combat, and as so many voices are communicating, disengaging.

    This cannot last for long without causing significant financial and participatory turbulence, and my NES console is giving me longing looks. It sees an opportunity to snatch a large chunk of my time, and wants to take it.

    Perfectly weighs up my sentiments.
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  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    I feel like I'm one of the few that is actually still enjoying this game, and still recommending it to others.

    But, I've also seen this kind of response to major changes in the workplace, multiple times. People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted.
    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
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  • intothegrooveintothegroove Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    "For me personally I am okay with the new system and once again I could afford to remake my character and will be staying. But scaling is a show stopper for me. As it stands right now. Item level determines damage. If 2 players many thousands of item level apart are scaled to the same item level, then they will have the same damage. The only things separating them will be minor stat differences and armor +damage bonuses."

    Wholeheartedly agree. Why bother progressing now if scaling removes any benefits you would have had in all but the most recent content, you are still good for 90% of the game.

    I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.

  • miliantriciamiliantricia Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    The game is in a terrible state. It's just not fun to play. The game should improve and not degrade. Everything is nerfed. There is nothing new. A new sharandar campaign? No, it's just Citadel 2.0. And it will last 6 months. The shame of the game developer
  • araneaxaraneax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 639 Arc User

    I feel like I'm one of the few that is actually still enjoying this game, and still recommending it to others.

    But, I've also seen this kind of response to major changes in the workplace, multiple times. People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted.

    How much " adapting " is enough for you?
    If every company did what this one is doing, we would all pull our hair out, long time ago.

    I have been playing this game from when it was in early stages. When Sharandar was " a new map " .
    Adaptation is what all of us older players did from mod to mod, when they where reworking the game.

    And there was always someone saying :
    " People will either adapt, or leave. Those willing to adapt will be willing to wait and work through while issues are sorted."

    So by your opinion, what are the test servers for?
    The issues should have been sorted on the test server. True or false?
    The rework shold have been sorted on the test server. True or false ?
    The balance of stats, enemies and scaling should have been resolved before they released it on to live. True or false?

    Lets not mention the countless hours players spent on the test server, hours of their life, so they can give suggestions to the developers, so we can get a sort of balance. For free.

    Enough is enough.
    There should be a freaking line in how much a player can take of the constant rework abuse.
    Some of us aprouched our limit with mod 16. It was already enough then.


  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User


    I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.

    This is not a recent thing with NWO - this behavior goes back at least as far as the end of mod 3 / start of mod 4 (Icewind Dale moving to Dragon mods). I can remember back at that point, when purified/corrupted black ice gear was BiS, Cryptic suddenly put out a Zen 'sale' on much coveted BI gear, including the super rare gloves.

    Fast forward about a month and the new mod nerfed black ice gear into utter irrelevance. Even green gear in the new zone surpassed the stats offered by the previous BiS gear. Sound familiar? The takeaway message is, if Cryptic starts offering actual gear for sale on the Zen store - sit on your wallet and wait. That highly coveted gear is about to get nerfed into the ground.
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator


    Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.

    This is where I stopped reading because - The combat changes hit preview on December 4th, 2020. This is easily verifiable.

    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    kreatyve said:

    This is where I stopped reading because - The combat changes hit preview on December 4th, 2020. This is easily verifiable.

    Except for that, the rest is pretty applicable.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    Not sure I would say this is history repeating itself. This seems different, worse imo.

    At least Mod 6 felt challenging, I actually liked the ArP bug. This seems to be just slow everything down, death by boredom.

    I'm not a fan of the changes as implemented. Whilst I don't mind the fact that in VT we are semi encouraged to use the casket mechanic, being scaled in old content is not fun for me. Pounding away at the second last boss in VT for 10x as long, is just boring. There was no challenge except to stop from falling asleep. However I thought the final VT boss fight was better.

    Having trash mobs in general zone areas taking much longer to clear - not a fan. I've run those quests so many times, I just want them over as fast as possible.

    If you have a spare 50mil AD lying around, adjusting to the changes is easy enough but otherwise it has introduced a massive grind. Now, upgrading mounts or companions is locked behind the Zen wall (unless you are willing to rank up at an agonizingly slow pace using Legacy Quests). So to get to end game and near close to BIS you need way more Zen (or you buy packs off the AH that someone else has bought with Zen). I can't see how this is beneficial to new players.

    Yeah we all got some reconciliatory AD for our Bonding stones. Pres Wards have gone up 50% in price on the AH. I can't see how this is beneficial to new players. Some players who are selling wards get a bonus 40mil AD from the price hike, but new players . . . . .

    Weapon Enchants that are decent - doubled in price to around $10mil for legendary. Massive inflation - I can't see how this is beneficial to new players.

    I guess other enchants have reduced in price, so that is something.

    As someone else said - there is virtually no incentive to run dungeons. The improved rewards are a joke. Run RTQ and REDQ once per day and that is it. You are better off grinding DR mini lairs to farm AD.

    Make the game enjoyable again by making dungeon runs a viable way to farm AD and improve*.

    * note scaling does reduce the incentive to improve if your not running the latest unscaled content
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    What improvement? You get better gear/higher IL and your % drop. The higher the IL the more the % drops.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I can see a place in the game for scaled content. Where players want a challenge and choose to have their shiny new gear made worthless. Like in a hardcore version of a dungeon (that doesn't also have a one death limit). But how it has been done is mostly terrible.

    I've got heaps of AD, I've got 8 Epic mount collar packs, plenty of companion upgrade tokens and I've got almost zero interest to upgrade my toons. All I do these days is flip things on the AH to make more AD with no incentive to actually spend it on my playable characters. There is something wrong.

    I'm hoping the new dungeon provides some motivation for me the guildies to run it.
  • idthrennion#8157 idthrennion Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    blockquote class="Quote" rel="kreatyve">


    Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.

    This is where I stopped reading because - The combat changes hit preview on December 4th, 2020. This is easily verifiable.

    That's OK that you stopped reading, I wouldn't want to read all of that either, let alone write so much.
    Thank you for the correction that I literally asked anybody to do just in case I was wrong with my recollection.
    And you did and I appreciate it.
    And, unfortunately I still don't recall experiencing any combat difficulties to the extremes that the Live Server got hit with when those changes took us by surprise. Therefore, I do not recall the combat changes hitting the preview server for testing because I ran into no issues when just trying to figure out the new stat system without bondings.

    "Can someone correct me if I am wrong? I was on the Preview server every couple days working stat balancing with the new way they had it configured, and trying to learn what life was going to be like without my 3 r15 Bonding Stones. But I do not recall the new combat system being active on any of the days that I was on it working on my toon...I am almost 99% positive that the night before--or maybe two nights before the new combat system changes took the Live Server by surprise, that I had been working on my toon in Preview and testing the build in random areas, and if were taking excessive damage, I only tacked it up to needed to change my stats a little because that's all it seemed like since i appeared 'weaker' in stats, therefore more vulnerable..."

    I just reread everything that I wrote, a few typo's and a left over word in an edited sentence once in a while, but I still stand by it all and am not going edit or rewrite any of it because it would be like....beating a dead horse....with a dead horse?
    It is as it is...
    I feel better having finally vented.
    I'm sure everything else that I wrote so much about is wrong too.

    !!!Happy Hunting!!!
    "My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...."
    Post edited by idthrennion#8157 on
  • idthrennion#8157 idthrennion Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2021


    I also take exception to the habbit Cryptic seem to have developed of putting BiS items up for sale in the ZEN market and then a couple of months down the road nerfing those same items. That really feels like a con, a rip off and i've certainly had my fingers burned. Wont be doing that again.

    This is not a recent thing with NWO - this behavior goes back at least as far as the end of mod 3 / start of mod 4 (Icewind Dale moving to Dragon mods). I can remember back at that point, when purified/corrupted black ice gear was BiS, Cryptic suddenly put out a Zen 'sale' on much coveted BI gear, including the super rare gloves.

    Fast forward about a month and the new mod nerfed black ice gear into utter irrelevance. Even green gear in the new zone surpassed the stats offered by the previous BiS gear. Sound familiar? The takeaway message is, if Cryptic starts offering actual gear for sale on the Zen store - sit on your wallet and wait. That highly coveted gear is about to get nerfed into the ground.
    My brighter half--my girlfriend had this to say when i read this out loud to her.
    "Since Mod three!? What mod are you on now? TWENTY!?? They sell you stuff then make sure it doesnt work like it did when you bought it. If it works at all. For 17 mods and everyone still plays it?
    Well it's all in their name, I guess they're not hiding anything. Cryptic. Because everything they do is cryptic and shady. and makes you guys mad. Thats why you all still play it. People thrive off conflict and Cryptic and their cryptic ways makes you mad enough to see what they are going to do next to f with you!"

    Haha! And she doesn't even play.

    !!!Happy Hunting!!!
    "My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...."
  • vastano#2343 vastano Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    acually ju
    kreatyve said:


    Unless someone corrects me, I do NOT remember the combat changes hitting Preview before it infested the Live Server, and like I said, I was on it often right before all of this...... well .. THIS. Thanks. Moving on.

    This is where I stopped reading because - The combat changes hit preview on December 4th, 2020. This is easily verifiable.

    you are correct the combat changes did hit preview on dec 4th BUT they were so broken it took another 2 weeks before you could do anything
    i rebuilt my toon about 6 times after each patch as cryptic tried to get it to work
    it was still broken before they put it to live and on live was even more of a mess then on preview
    My main was fine i had been saving ad and selling everything on ah i could get 100 ad for and also saving upgrade troken since first wind of this happening so i had plenty of cash to do what i needed to do
    but only a small percentage of the comunity even knew about the changes prior to it hitting live
    not everyone reads forums or follows you tubers

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