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is this where you post a bug with the bug reporting system?

azric#8402 azric Member Posts: 47 Arc User
First, yes I'm a troll. Feel free to report me if you feel this is unproductive in any way. I'm here to report a bug with the bug reporting system. I'm not entirely sure but it seems like bugs being reported or issues characters have that are getting reported arnt reaching our masters and overlords, the devs. On three separate occasions I've reported issues and I received a mysterious email stating thank you and come report it here. Then.... nothing. No follow up no fix no note just the eerie silence on the abyss. I have a theory, that an evil genius has hacked game support and intercepted all bug reports and cleverly deceived all of us by creating this pseudo forum for us to use in order to stir up malcontent and hatred for our mighty overlords, the devs. By making it seem like our prayers and supplications are being ignored. When in fact it is quite the opposite! Nay I say our prayers are not being answered because they are not being heard by our blessed Supreme beings! But rather only the evil malignant presence that sent us here so that he could feed off our pain and suffering and malcontent that comes from feeling like or most holy deities are ignoring us. I implore all of you do not lose hope. For our faith is strong and our offerings are many and valuable one day our divine masters will find us and rescue us from this purgatory.
Don't confuse skill with a little luck you daft fool


  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Reporting a bug on the forums is done to further escalate an issue - it does not guarantee a fix or a timeframe of when a fix will be live. The report gets internally written up and is then added to the investigation queue.
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User

    Reporting a bug on the forums is done to further escalate an issue - it does not guarantee a fix or a timeframe of when a fix will be live. The report gets internally written up and is then added to the investigation queue.

    If the investigation queue pops as often as the random epic dungeon queue, then good night. ;-)
  • azric#8402 azric Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Lol truth. On a more serious note I do not pay money, Mr community manager for maybe services. I pay my hard earned money for guarantees. I and every one else here fully and rightfully expect to have issues we bring to the attention to the devs to be addressed and resolved. No one pays money to feel ignored left in the dark or like they are not a valued customer whos satisfaction with the goods they have purchased is irrelevant. We are not children to be placate, we are paying customers with a right to see to it that the issues are fixed. You say it's not a guarantee but that is Exactly what it should be. Any time a problem arises any time a broken aspect is brought up. The only thing the company or is reps should say is"we will fix this immediately" followed up by daily progress reports on the steps being taken to resolve the issue(as some problems do take a little time to pin down in programming) but all problems should be addressed irrelevant of the strain it puts on the companies resources. At least the company gets paid to be inconvenienced is, the customer, has to pay the company for the dubious privilege of being inconvenienced. And that is why it should absolutely be a guarantee and why that entire statement was so grossly offensive
    Don't confuse skill with a little luck you daft fool
  • pixies81#3455 pixies81 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I need to report a bug on the Harvester of Nightmares Event. Challenge tokens are not dropping at all my husband has been doing the event since it started and has only gotten one achievement token the rest are participation tokens this needs to be addressed.
  • joe7777joe7777 Member Posts: 509 Arc User

    I need to report a bug on the Harvester of Nightmares Event. Challenge tokens are not dropping at all my husband has been doing the event since it started and has only gotten one achievement token the rest are participation tokens this needs to be addressed.

    I've been doing it since the start too. 2 Challenge and 1 Achievement is what I have gotten in so far as they go. It is likely something he needs to report that is only affecting him. However, I believe Achievement may be just the one for this event and then more events will come along later for a chance at another just like with Hell Pit.
  • hitmann2010hitmann2010 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    i've been trying to do the Aquisitions incoroporated-jim (documents basement)quest and it wont give me my 5 acorns to move on i need to do it two more times i think its glitched.
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