I've recently read about the upcoming changes to the dungeon rewards (
Overall, I think they're pretty good but there's one thing I think you should reconsider: Mounts and companions should not be account bound as they are in this proposal, because:
- Someone can get unneeded companions and mounts and "be stuck" with them and;
- Someone who doesn't get the companion or mount would be forced to go though a very frustrating grind or paying a very large amount of AD for the unbound versions that only come from old lockboxes and the like
Having bound RNG drops is a very frustrating experience due to these reasons, and that's why we specifically asked on the CDP that RNG rewards should either 1) have a guaranteed way to be obtained in addition to the RNG or 2) be unbound.
I still think the changes are good, but this would make them considerably better.
Why duplicating things again and again when you can just allow people to sell things to someone who actually needs them and feel yourself fully satisfied for finishing a group content and getting some luck today.
But as I said this is just my opinion.
My main concern and burning question is: what will AD worth? Will it worth anything if there is less to buy and more refined AD available? Will people need to care about AD anymore?
All the best,
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
Anyone else received unbound companions or mounts since the drops were enabled?
If they decide to keep things this way then they need to add an item to the zen store that can unbind items.
I get the whole bots farming ad thing but this is not the way to be going about it.
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
I personally would rather it went back to what it was before hand if it doesnt have unbound drops. i'd rather have fairly regular 500k drops than a drop I see maybe 1 every year or two for a leg drop.
this change is a bad thing if it includes this nerf. a good thing if it doesn't.
I think the new system is and will be much better in general especially and as long as if the droprate is good cause then we don't have to grind years to get ad .. you go farm the gear you need ... for convenience most generic gear, mounts and companions should be on zen market but not at a ridiculous price
People should just stop and think before saying the changes are stupid ...
To move away from AD imo is best thing ever .. some AD reward yes but only for the items available on AH but not on Zen Market cause you cant put every piece of item there.
In the past we farmed ad to get items , fashion , gear, mounts etc etc right and it took years and a few lifetimes to buy a for example a leg mount posted for 100 mil ad lol ... like faqdawhat ?
The new stuff on Zen market is great and should be like it is ...available for convenience sake which alot of people will enjoy ... cause this game could've been called The Farm because of the time one had to spend to farm ad ..
farming/grinding AD is NOT fun ! its boring and repetitive and if cryptic is moving away from this and would rather give us cool new and interesting content to play the game would be alot more enjoyable
Some wont agree cause you get Farmers and Hunters.
The focus should shift to playing the game NOT farming the game !
Apparently companions and mounts can drop up to epic and are not bound like I initially thought. This did not change from the previous behavior. They probably aren't considered "premium items". Or they gave up in the "let's have everything bound" idea. Who knows. The system would not be better if companions and mounts up to epic were bound for a very simple reason that you aren't considering in your post: the RNG. The companion and mount (up to epic) drops aren't dungeon-specific, you can't farm a certain dungeon for a certain companion or mount. This means you may farm forever and not get what you want, just other trash that isn't relevant for you. Just to give you an idea, I have been playing this game extensively for almost 2 years and I never got Quickling as a drop. It was an interesting companion for healers on PC before M18. If companions were all bound to account, I would not be able to get it at all. But they weren't bound, so I was able to use the AD I got from my own drops to buy the companion I really wanted, instead of just being frustrated by a bunch of useless companions I didn't want nor was able to sell.
But anyway, there is no reason to discuss this anymore because they apparently didn't change the bind status. I was able to confirm this with companions, they still drop unbound. If anyone can confirm that mounts (up to epic) still drop unbound too, that would be lovely.
You could triple the drop rate and no one would even be able to notice.