Is there any chance someone could keep those of us playing on the ginger stepchild sorry... "console"... up to date on what's happening with the Mod 19 mess?
We're way past the minor inconvenience of the Boss spawns not always working, to the whole damned mechanic being in an almost constant state of running backwards heading towards nothing.
I'll forego the Map RNG issues for a week or so if someone can just make the Mod 19 KSP actually work more than say... 75% of the time?
Is that too big an ask?
Or in the meantime... just tell us what's happening...
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
If it is something that can be manually reset without a patch, can someone just stick their head round the corner of the XB server every hour or so to see if it's broken and, if it is busted, do what they need to reset it?
If that's impossible, just tell us.
Its not the first time I've said this about Cryptic, but keeping us in the loop lets us understand the situation. And that mitigates frustration and anger.
It's the "Not Knowing" that annoys me more than anything else.
Seeing that we get the same bug infested mod, which ported from the broken PC build to console at a time where the fix was out on PC for some time baffles me beyond any logic reasoning...
Also please dont say that Microsoft or Sony takes so long to process things on their end, some of us know that's not exactly true
Also you should definitely invest in a QA team, even outsourced to save you and us the hassle.
Games should be fun.
Or even better, play your own game and tell me that's normal, eg. in the Vallenhas hostage rescue mission, why are there horse riders inside! the house? That's not normal, is it.
I really wish you guys would care about your own game, at least it makes you money.
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
Thanks Julia.
Now I know it should be sorted on Thursday I'll farm maps, and use tomorrow as a grand tidy up of all my inventory bags. (Even with the much appreciated extra bag space from the Mod 19 launch my inventories are a complete mess... it will probably tale two days to sort them all out.)
> @nitocris83
> Thanks Julia.
> Now I know it should be sorted on Thursday I'll farm maps, and use tomorrow as a grand tidy up of all my inventory bags. (Even with the much appreciated extra bag space from the Mod 19 launch my inventories are a complete mess... it will probably tale two days to sort them all out.)
But will it be sorted? She stated week 1 patch... the fix we all want was week 3 or 4 wasn't it? I surely hope we arent stuck with things the way they are for a few more weeks... I've had to hide chat and have been bored out of my mind farming maps for a lack of better things to do.
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
It's the whole War Gauge stuck on 100% with the timer running backward for hours on end.
If we get the RNG/Spawn patch at the same time, so much the better, but even before this issue, I expected that would be another week at least.
I'd love that RNG to be fixed asap.
My Rogue finds maps like they are the leftovers from a ticker tape parade, but has never got a weapon, my Warlock has found a total of 8 maps...
It's probably Karma coming round to bite me in the HAMSTER.
I had Alabaster Weapons on all 8 of my toons before most of my alliance had a full set on their mains... When people were going mad over the drop rate, I was; "What's the problem? I get one every 3 or 4 Expeditions?"
Not this time I don't...
Yep, makes sense.
And we are getting all the RNG fixes as well.
Better than I'd hoped for.
Thanks @nitocris83, @asterdahl et al.