Honestly I have little issue finding healers for runs. However I am in a large alliance, Thank you .Forsaken Rebels. for taking me in. Also, many of my healer friends are still around. I actually have a harder time finding tanks so am getting on mine more and more often when all I want to do is SMASH, yes I love my barb. I know this change made it so the barely making it healers now can't do end game. Finish old content for boons, keep playing to upgrade gear and enchants, and keep practicing dungeons. You will get better I am sure of it. Now for us, as those receiving heals; don't stand in red, stay behind boss (not to the side so much cleaves), let tanks hit first, tanks avoid red if possible to (yes its doable), and please please carry some healthstones/scrolls just in case. We all thought mod 6 killed the game, we all thought mod 16 killed the game, now everyone is saying mod 19 will kill the game. I see more on than I have in years and I am happy for it. Best of luck in your adventures and I hope to see some of you in parties/zerg channels in the future.
This is what you get when players worked their behind off to reach this level of playing..
Let the 1% (as some folks are saying) have their moment of fun too please. As for the ECL (Everlasting Complain Legion) community... Keep working on improving your character (on all levels) and you might be fighting there too (by joining the 1% club).
When people don't actually read comments and try to be a smartass but end up as a dumbass....
You post a video of an endgame cleric (best healer since mod 16 btw) with a full pre made party...
1 - no end game healer has problems healing, and it becomes even easier if you are in a full pre made group. (try asking new players on your alliance how they enjoy randoms, if they even play ''real'' random q's with random players outside the alliance that is)
2 - healing became even more boring
3 - a lot of warlocks are complaining because we didn't get only a nerf to aoe heals, we got a nerf to debuffs/buffs and overall dmg, oh and there is a new nerf coming today too in case you didn't know
3- i don't know the other classes but the tab mechanic is buged
5- soulstorm is invisible and doesn't fit in the current meta
I'm gonna say the same thing i said on the other dude's post, before you talk actually take your time to read stuff and go play another class
This is what you get when players worked their behind off to reach this level of playing..
Let the 1% (as some folks are saying) have their moment of fun too please. As for the ECL (Everlasting Complain Legion) community... Keep working on improving your character (on all levels) and you might be fighting there too (by joining the 1% club).
When people don't actually read comments and try to be a smartass but end up as a dumbass....
You post a video of an endgame cleric (best healer since mod 16 btw) with a full pre made party...
1 - no end game healer has problems healing, and it becomes even easier if you are in a full pre made group. (try asking new players on your alliance how they enjoy randoms, if they even play ''real'' random q's with random players outside the alliance that is)
2 - healing became even more boring
3 - a lot of warlocks are complaining because we didn't get only a nerf to aoe heals, we got a nerf to debuffs/buffs and overall dmg, oh and there is a new nerf coming today too in case you didn't know
3- i don't know the other classes but the tab mechanic is buged
5- soulstorm is invisible and doesn't fit in the current meta
I'm gonna say the same thing i said on the other dude's post, before you talk actually take your time to read stuff and go play another class
> @longhers said: > In my opinon Think what some people dont relise right now is yes healing is bad at the moment but at the same time it its making you work as a team right now. There is nothing better than knowing the boss's / dungeon/trail machanics people just cant go around face tanking boss's anymore and expect to be healed right up your going to have to get into good postions to stop you getting hit and make life a lot easier for your healer. So if your DPS are now running in front of the tank then they will just die and it there own fault not yours and maybe thats something you might need to explain to people at the start of a dungeon/trail. You have to put the tools you got to work and stop and think for one minute about what your doing. BUT for now i agree that the healing needs to be worked on a lot more cause right now its just poor. And for the DEV team please can some one comment on what is happing and give us some feedback from your side cause right now your letting your communtity down with no saying anything.
I'll be brief: your idea of 'fun' in this game is the exact antithetical opposite to mine. No thanks.
This is panic mode for Cryptic and they overreact: show them 5-man ToMM completed and they immediately hide in panic room discussing all possible nerfs because "noooo they cannot be so OP, omg we have to bring them down!"
Sad, but true. However, in their case this problem simply does not have a long term solution. Sure, caps on weapon damage, power and HP would limit player's performance in each and every dungeon, but... devs cannot afford to have a working alternative to the gimmicky scaling. That would make them lose face.
So, let them have the panic room. And lets have a laugh at all those contra-productive, shallow fixes. Because... you cannot help a man who does not want to be helped.
This is what you get when players worked their behind off to reach this level of playing..
Let the 1% (as some folks are saying) have their moment of fun too please. As for the ECL (Everlasting Complain Legion) community... Keep working on improving your character (on all levels) and you might be fighting there too (by joining the 1% club).
When people don't actually read comments and try to be a smartass but end up as a dumbass....
You post a video of an endgame cleric (best healer since mod 16 btw) with a full pre made party...
1 - no end game healer has problems healing, and it becomes even easier if you are in a full pre made group. (try asking new players on your alliance how they enjoy randoms, if they even play ''real'' random q's with random players outside the alliance that is)
2 - healing became even more boring
3 - a lot of warlocks are complaining because we didn't get only a nerf to aoe heals, we got a nerf to debuffs/buffs and overall dmg, oh and there is a new nerf coming today too in case you didn't know
3- i don't know the other classes but the tab mechanic is buged
5- soulstorm is invisible and doesn't fit in the current meta
I'm gonna say the same thing i said on the other dude's post, before you talk actually take your time to read stuff and go play another class
Just to add what @rev#7881 said, you cannot base game changes on tiny percentage of hardcore players (that in most cases, and I know personally two of such, paid A LOT of real money to get where they are). This is panic mode for Cryptic and they overreact: show them 5-man ToMM completed and they immediately hide in panic room discussing all possible nerfs because "noooo they cannot be so OP, omg we have to bring them down!". Your post @finmakin proves that there are still people absolutely clueless and only enjoying trolling around. Great incentive for Cryptic to make even more idiotic changes.
I only try to encourage that ppl should work more on their char instead of blaming others for their own demise.. And yes.. I am NOT a member of the ECL community (Everlasting Complain Legion).. I have worked hard to get to the point I am now.. if it is too much for you.. Go play pokemon.
PS.. I never have paid anything to get better, I have earned it all
I'm an Xbox player. A tank main... and I'm looking at all these up coming changes and dispairing. The lack of heals coming in is going to be devastating to any runs in ques or otherwise.
PC already has an advantage of targeting over consoles. And yet it is a significant struggle for you guys already from what I have seen and read. We are going to be crapped on so hard not even a box of Luvs could save us.
Yes TOMM has been 5 manned... so what? The amount of groups that can do that, between PC, Xbox and Playstation are so few and far between that they are almost non existent. You are more likely to get every rod to drop on your first try on a hundred characters than to ever do that yourself. Your average and above average player just isn't equipped, talented or able to burn that much time to a single game.
To base changes off of what a few players have been able to do is nonsense. The player base who can do that is such a small fraction of a percent I am not sure I could come up with an example...
Please be realistic here. As a tank right now I have to absorb frequent hits of 1.5 million in endgame. Great. I can do that yes, but if I am not able to be healed back up (you can't mitigate everything) it's all for not. I'm up at a million hp. Potions just don't cut it. I need those heals in order to do my job and even then accidents happen.
Coming up it looks like I have to deal with 5 million hits... frequently. Again I can do that, but only with heals. If my potion out heals anything a healing class can give me I'm done for. Stones are bloody expensive and I don't see that being a viable route unless there is more ways to obtain them more frequently. BTW they are also taking away the majority of the incoming heals for all of us, which is just as bad.
We already struggle on console with getting tanks and healers, but now there is even less incentive to play them as we get punished for doing so. Why run a healer when everyone can outdo them by using basic potions now? Why run a tank when all you are going to be doing is burning AD to get stones since there is no heals that really are going to make the difference?
Yes changes are fine. And given that they felt a rework of healing was needed I can deal with that, but the end result is akin to using a missile strike to kill an ant. Way overkill.
Yes DPS needs to watch what they are doing. Getting out of the red, letting the tank go first, keeping a eye on how much aggro they are pulling... but the near destruction of healing, as it has been presented, is not a solution.
Disagree if you want with me, doesn't phase me any. It's how I see things and that's not going to change.
the nerf to heals wont make much change on content below level 80 because of the scale down. TIC TOMM will not be possible anymore without eating thousands of full heal pots. This is just another way for greedy craptic to make more money from people now having to rely on full heal pots instead of healers. I just spent an entire hour trying to beat bell and everyone was geting killed all over the place and there was nothing i could do about it. My heals went for 70% as cleric to 10% most the time on even just myself without even being split. Was not even able to get one wining run on bell today but thats my point. Sure the players were probaly under geared but if only pay to win or the oldest players can do any of the new content then this game will be dead in the next few weeks. Now all thats left is leveling up to levle 80 then quit the craptic game unless your the 10% that could already do TOMM.
I play Cleric healz and I have absolutely no problem healing IC and Lomm. I have had flawless no death runs of both and the screen shots to prove it.
Is healing more complicated? Sure, but once you understand how the changes work then healing is not only easier but it allows for extended healing options. So I disagree with your entire premise.
> @finmakin said: > (Quote) > I only try to encourage that ppl should work more on their char instead of blaming others for their own demise.. > And yes.. I am NOT a member of the ECL community (Everlasting Complain Legion).. > I have worked hard to get to the point I am now.. if it is too much for you.. Go play pokemon. > > PS.. I never have paid anything to get better, I have earned it all
It's hard to find any motivation to keep working on a healer toon when you know they'll soon wreck it again and again and again...
I'm an Xbox player. A tank main... and I'm looking at all these up coming changes and dispairing. The lack of heals coming in is going to be devastating to any runs in ques or otherwise.
PC already has an advantage of targeting over consoles. And yet it is a significant struggle for you guys already from what I have seen and read. We are going to be crapped on so hard not even a box of Luvs could save us.
Yes TOMM has been 5 manned... so what? The amount of groups that can do that, between PC, Xbox and Playstation are so few and far between that they are almost non existent. You are more likely to get every rod to drop on your first try on a hundred characters than to ever do that yourself. Your average and above average player just isn't equipped, talented or able to burn that much time to a single game.
To base changes off of what a few players have been able to do is nonsense. The player base who can do that is such a small fraction of a percent I am not sure I could come up with an example...
Please be realistic here. As a tank right now I have to absorb frequent hits of 1.5 million in endgame. Great. I can do that yes, but if I am not able to be healed back up (you can't mitigate everything) it's all for not. I'm up at a million hp. Potions just don't cut it. I need those heals in order to do my job and even then accidents happen.
Coming up it looks like I have to deal with 5 million hits... frequently. Again I can do that, but only with heals. If my potion out heals anything a healing class can give me I'm done for. Stones are bloody expensive and I don't see that being a viable route unless there is more ways to obtain them more frequently. BTW they are also taking away the majority of the incoming heals for all of us, which is just as bad.
We already struggle on console with getting tanks and healers, but now there is even less incentive to play them as we get punished for doing so. Why run a healer when everyone can outdo them by using basic potions now? Why run a tank when all you are going to be doing is burning AD to get stones since there is no heals that really are going to make the difference?
Yes changes are fine. And given that they felt a rework of healing was needed I can deal with that, but the end result is akin to using a missile strike to kill an ant. Way overkill.
Yes DPS needs to watch what they are doing. Getting out of the red, letting the tank go first, keeping a eye on how much aggro they are pulling... but the near destruction of healing, as it has been presented, is not a solution.
Disagree if you want with me, doesn't phase me any. It's how I see things and that's not going to change.
I'm an Xbox player. A tank main... and I'm looking at all these up coming changes and dispairing. The lack of heals coming in is going to be devastating to any runs in ques or otherwise.
PC already has an advantage of targeting over consoles. And yet it is a significant struggle for you guys already from what I have seen and read. We are going to be crapped on so hard not even a box of Luvs could save us.
Yes TOMM has been 5 manned... so what? The amount of groups that can do that, between PC, Xbox and Playstation are so few and far between that they are almost non existent. You are more likely to get every rod to drop on your first try on a hundred characters than to ever do that yourself. Your average and above average player just isn't equipped, talented or able to burn that much time to a single game.
To base changes off of what a few players have been able to do is nonsense. The player base who can do that is such a small fraction of a percent I am not sure I could come up with an example...
Please be realistic here. As a tank right now I have to absorb frequent hits of 1.5 million in endgame. Great. I can do that yes, but if I am not able to be healed back up (you can't mitigate everything) it's all for not. I'm up at a million hp. Potions just don't cut it. I need those heals in order to do my job and even then accidents happen.
Coming up it looks like I have to deal with 5 million hits... frequently. Again I can do that, but only with heals. If my potion out heals anything a healing class can give me I'm done for. Stones are bloody expensive and I don't see that being a viable route unless there is more ways to obtain them more frequently. BTW they are also taking away the majority of the incoming heals for all of us, which is just as bad.
We already struggle on console with getting tanks and healers, but now there is even less incentive to play them as we get punished for doing so. Why run a healer when everyone can outdo them by using basic potions now? Why run a tank when all you are going to be doing is burning AD to get stones since there is no heals that really are going to make the difference?
Yes changes are fine. And given that they felt a rework of healing was needed I can deal with that, but the end result is akin to using a missile strike to kill an ant. Way overkill.
Yes DPS needs to watch what they are doing. Getting out of the red, letting the tank go first, keeping a eye on how much aggro they are pulling... but the near destruction of healing, as it has been presented, is not a solution.
Disagree if you want with me, doesn't phase me any. It's how I see things and that's not going to change.
The tab mechanic is interesting, especially if you have high ping, you sit there clicking tab and hope for it to show up, and pray another player or companion in a random q doesn't pop up in front of you, because aim assist will HAMSTER it up.
And the healing being garbage you just have to thank youtubers honestly, 2 or 3 days after the video of a paladin solo healing the new trial was released they nerfed paladin and healing magnitudes even more without even announcing it.
Just to add what @rev#7881 said, you cannot base game changes on tiny percentage of hardcore players
No argument with that statement, but there's another side to this. The game does attract (and targets) casual players, but many are so casual that they don't seem to even try. I did a bunch of pug LoMM and some CODG since mod 19 and most players still don't know the mechanics and how to play their class. Patiently explaining (and telling them it isn't criticism) has been frustratingly futile because it was completely ignored most of the time. One GF in particular who didn't use threat building at wills and taunt encounters only said one thing: "I'm lagging a lot and trying my best", but didn't say anything else after when we tried to suggest what at wills and encounters to use. For Arcturia fight with undergeared sw healer and dps, a tank not holding aggro at all, well, it's impossible. But the issue is not gear or design of the fight. He clearly was not lagging. It was obvious he was using all the wrong skills.
There are a lot of players who don't speak English (natively, anyways), but even those who do rarely respond and often refuse to make changes / take advice. It's frustrating.
Just to add what @rev#7881 said, you cannot base game changes on tiny percentage of hardcore players
No argument with that statement, but there's another side to this. The game does attract (and targets) casual players, but many are so casual that they don't seem to even try. I did a bunch of pug LoMM and some CODG since mod 19 and most players still don't know the mechanics and how to play their class. Patiently explaining (and telling them it isn't criticism) has been frustratingly futile because it was completely ignored most of the time. One GF in particular who didn't use threat building at wills and taunt encounters only said one thing: "I'm lagging a lot and trying my best", but didn't say anything else after when we tried to suggest what at wills and encounters to use. For Arcturia fight with undergeared sw healer and dps, a tank not holding aggro at all, well, it's impossible. But the issue is not gear or design of the fight. He clearly was not lagging. It was obvious he was using all the wrong skills.
There are a lot of players who don't speak English (natively, anyways), but even those who do rarely respond and often refuse to make changes / take advice. It's frustrating.
Think this comes from the idea that older content needs to be immediately accessible to newer players, regardless of the effort they put in. I do not think that people that have never been to Omu should be able to do Codg. If they make everything as easy as getting it for RQs, then its not a problem. There needs to be a minimum-effort-required. Even if it doesn't help (much) with certain mechanics in some dungs, it helps everybody else to only run with other people that want to do a bit of work before queueing with UM intro chest gear and an energon as summoned. There is nothing wrong with playing this game as a hard-casual . But now that its so easy to just get carried through two randos and cap RAD everybody is doing it, of course. Before, people that couldn't be bothered with some stuff just ran enough etos or did some other stuff for their afternoon sittings. But Red/RTQ does look fairly nice in comparison, and if you are very lucky you get an easy edemo and something like etos and just attach yourself to the next dps for a few min without ever looking at something like mechanics.
Completely agree with OP... I was (am) in the end phase of kitting up my Paladin healer, and with one fell swoop all was ruined! i see my crit heals give dps players like 10% shield with crit touch active vs almost full shield before (granted that was bit much ) but now, simply impossible to keep players up in a longer fight. The whole tab targeting mechanic in a game that doesn't really rely on tabbing like 'normal' mmo's is just silly..IF the tab key cycled through the party or if you could target individual party members through F1 to F5 it might be better, but now, meh. I have like 25 days left on VIP, so i am logging in to get the keys and then logging off mostly... Simply gave up the healer (and the game/developers) by now it is just a wallet milking game and anyone putting money in it should give that option a really hard thought . Too bad, liked it as a good alternative until Pantheon comes out...but meh.
Believer in SMASH
Fairplay,no bots , no bugs, and play well
they try to milk players now
When people don't actually read comments and try to be a smartass but end up as a dumbass....
You post a video of an endgame cleric (best healer since mod 16 btw) with a full pre made party...
1 - no end game healer has problems healing, and it becomes even easier if you are in a full pre made group. (try asking new players on your alliance how they enjoy randoms, if they even play ''real'' random q's with random players outside the alliance that is)
2 - healing became even more boring
3 - a lot of warlocks are complaining because we didn't get only a nerf to aoe heals, we got a nerf to debuffs/buffs and overall dmg, oh and there is a new nerf coming today too in case you didn't know
3- i don't know the other classes but the tab mechanic is buged
5- soulstorm is invisible and doesn't fit in the current meta
I'm gonna say the same thing i said on the other dude's post, before you talk actually take your time to read stuff and go play another class
2. Cleric
3. Warlock
4. rogue
5. Barbarian
6. Wizard
7. Paladin
> In my opinon Think what some people dont relise right now is yes healing is bad at the moment but at the same time it its making you work as a team right now. There is nothing better than knowing the boss's / dungeon/trail machanics people just cant go around face tanking boss's anymore and expect to be healed right up your going to have to get into good postions to stop you getting hit and make life a lot easier for your healer. So if your DPS are now running in front of the tank then they will just die and it there own fault not yours and maybe thats something you might need to explain to people at the start of a dungeon/trail. You have to put the tools you got to work and stop and think for one minute about what your doing. BUT for now i agree that the healing needs to be worked on a lot more cause right now its just poor. And for the DEV team please can some one comment on what is happing and give us some feedback from your side cause right now your letting your communtity down with no saying anything.
I'll be brief: your idea of 'fun' in this game is the exact antithetical opposite to mine. No thanks.
However, in their case this problem simply does not have a long term solution. Sure, caps on weapon damage, power and HP would limit player's performance in each and every dungeon, but... devs cannot afford to have a working alternative to the gimmicky scaling. That would make them lose face.
So, let them have the panic room. And lets have a laugh at all those contra-productive, shallow fixes. Because... you cannot help a man who does not want to be helped.
And yes.. I am NOT a member of the ECL community (Everlasting Complain Legion)..
I have worked hard to get to the point I am now.. if it is too much for you.. Go play pokemon.
PS.. I never have paid anything to get better, I have earned it all
I'm an Xbox player. A tank main... and I'm looking at all these up coming changes and dispairing. The lack of heals coming in is going to be devastating to any runs in ques or otherwise.
PC already has an advantage of targeting over consoles. And yet it is a significant struggle for you guys already from what I have seen and read. We are going to be crapped on so hard not even a box of Luvs could save us.
Yes TOMM has been 5 manned... so what? The amount of groups that can do that, between PC, Xbox and Playstation are so few and far between that they are almost non existent. You are more likely to get every rod to drop on your first try on a hundred characters than to ever do that yourself. Your average and above average player just isn't equipped, talented or able to burn that much time to a single game.
To base changes off of what a few players have been able to do is nonsense. The player base who can do that is such a small fraction of a percent I am not sure I could come up with an example...
Please be realistic here. As a tank right now I have to absorb frequent hits of 1.5 million in endgame. Great. I can do that yes, but if I am not able to be healed back up (you can't mitigate everything) it's all for not. I'm up at a million hp. Potions just don't cut it. I need those heals in order to do my job and even then accidents happen.
Coming up it looks like I have to deal with 5 million hits... frequently. Again I can do that, but only with heals. If my potion out heals anything a healing class can give me I'm done for. Stones are bloody expensive and I don't see that being a viable route unless there is more ways to obtain them more frequently. BTW they are also taking away the majority of the incoming heals for all of us, which is just as bad.
We already struggle on console with getting tanks and healers, but now there is even less incentive to play them as we get punished for doing so. Why run a healer when everyone can outdo them by using basic potions now? Why run a tank when all you are going to be doing is burning AD to get stones since there is no heals that really are going to make the difference?
Yes changes are fine. And given that they felt a rework of healing was needed I can deal with that, but the end result is akin to using a missile strike to kill an ant. Way overkill.
Yes DPS needs to watch what they are doing. Getting out of the red, letting the tank go first, keeping a eye on how much aggro they are pulling... but the near destruction of healing, as it has been presented, is not a solution.
Disagree if you want with me, doesn't phase me any. It's how I see things and that's not going to change.
Is healing more complicated? Sure, but once you understand how the changes work then healing is not only easier but it allows for extended healing options. So I disagree with your entire premise.
> (Quote)
> I only try to encourage that ppl should work more on their char instead of blaming others for their own demise..
> And yes.. I am NOT a member of the ECL community (Everlasting Complain Legion)..
> I have worked hard to get to the point I am now.. if it is too much for you.. Go play pokemon.
> PS.. I never have paid anything to get better, I have earned it all
It's hard to find any motivation to keep working on a healer toon when you know they'll soon wreck it again and again and again...
The tab mechanic is interesting, especially if you have high ping, you sit there clicking tab and hope for it to show up, and pray another player or companion in a random q doesn't pop up in front of you, because aim assist will HAMSTER it up.
And the healing being garbage you just have to thank youtubers honestly, 2 or 3 days after the video of a paladin solo healing the new trial was released they nerfed paladin and healing magnitudes even more without even announcing it.
There are a lot of players who don't speak English (natively, anyways), but even those who do rarely respond and often refuse to make changes / take advice. It's frustrating.
I do not think that people that have never been to Omu should be able to do Codg. If they make everything as easy as getting it for RQs, then its not a problem.
There needs to be a minimum-effort-required. Even if it doesn't help (much) with certain mechanics in some dungs, it helps everybody else to only run with other people that want to do a bit of work before queueing with UM intro chest gear and an energon as summoned.
There is nothing wrong with playing this game as a hard-casual
I was (am) in the end phase of kitting up my Paladin healer, and with one fell swoop all was ruined! i see my crit heals give dps players like 10% shield with crit touch active vs almost full shield before (granted that was bit much
The whole tab targeting mechanic in a game that doesn't really rely on tabbing like 'normal' mmo's is just silly..IF the tab key cycled through the party or if you could target individual party members through F1 to F5 it might be better, but now, meh.
I have like 25 days left on VIP, so i am logging in to get the keys and then logging off mostly... Simply gave up the healer (and the game/developers) by now it is just a wallet milking game and anyone putting money in it should give that option a really hard thought
Too bad, liked it as a good alternative until Pantheon comes out...but meh.