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Ridiculously Random drop rates



  • flecia#3114 flecia Member Posts: 56 Arc User

    This reminds me, in about 3 months the Liars Masquerade will have the witch broom mount again. Unless that changes this year?? This has run twice and last year, I was telling people the witch's sash is in the event store after the event. No one would listen and all during the event you hear the players crab about the pinata not dropping it. Others get lucky and nail it right away, many players get mad and flood chat with negative comments about the "grind" and the RNG. The first year 2018, one of my friends got lucky and stopped playing after they obtained the broom mount. This needless grind is only there to prevent everyone from getting enough tokens right away and leaving early. While I understand the concept, it doesn't make it "fun" for everyone. But it could be a lot worse, if there was real money / zen invested to obtain the items.

    Sure that another example in the long line of examples of how dumb the random drops system is. For that example I was one of the "lucky ones". That said for something like that .. a broom mount I have much less issues with. That is probably because mounts are the least of my worries. IF they feel the need to have random stuff with this kind of rate than something like that would be the sort of thing .... a mount that while it was cool for about one hour (before I was board of it) has nothing to do with building your character. For weapons, for dungeon sets, artifact gears, artifacts, stuff like battlehorn's and forgebox and other stuff that are important (loose use for stuff like forgebox but still important enough to make small difference, and sure some dungeon set are junk but we should have the right to choose without bringing random in), These are where they need to rethink how they do things. If in doing so they also change the broom/event stuff than that would be a nice bonus.

  • aixis2000aixis2000 Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    5 hours in a row farming elite/HE´s/Mog without gettin even one lousy treasure map....bah Im done with that bs...
  • hamsterhero99#6999 hamsterhero99 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    So, I already farmed 168 maps, got lots of Forsaken gear obviously, 2 rings +1, some blue/purple shirts and pants, but no weapon drop at all. Yet obviously, there are people with full set already running about.

    Also, how come some people already unlock the WHOLE campaign? I'm stuck on weekly haul/ treasure map limit for currency.... There are people running Zariel already, how is that possible?

    This RNG inside another RNG is ridiculous. Same was with Watcher set, double RNG is just bad design. ToMM has amazing desig, you either drop the weapon or get enough Scrolls of the Void and buy them outright after some farm, but there is a result at the end of the road, not like those Rods or Maps ...
  • reeper#9973 reeper Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    Watcher set had the following RNG: 1. You had to hope for the correct map types. 2. You had to hope for the spawn. 3. You had to hope for the weapon that dropped, was for your class. 4. You had to hope you get the weapon. This type of RNG has been around for far too long and is still with us. There are still some companion gear I've never seen from ME's/WE's. Take the insurgencies for another example... A better way would be to have a vendor with X amount of completions to buy the item you need. Just like Lionheart weapons in Stardock.
  • flecia#3114 flecia Member Posts: 56 Arc User

    So, I already farmed 168 maps, got lots of Forsaken gear obviously, 2 rings +1, some blue/purple shirts and pants, but no weapon drop at all. Yet obviously, there are people with full set already running about.

    Also, how come some people already unlock the WHOLE campaign? I'm stuck on weekly haul/ treasure map limit for currency.... There are people running Zariel already, how is that possible?

    This RNG inside another RNG is ridiculous. Same was with Watcher set, double RNG is just bad design. ToMM has amazing desig, you either drop the weapon or get enough Scrolls of the Void and buy them outright after some farm, but there is a result at the end of the road, not like those Rods or Maps ...

    P2P players can buy campaign progress. Some player also took advantage of bypassing treasure map caps to get enough to advance farther.

    ToMM system is not bad for rewarding just a little too much of a drag. Sure ToMM maybe be easier now for people but at the time of creation running ToMM once was prob more than enough of a challenge to deserve a weapon per run. To run it 20 times is just silly and more than a lot of player base has time for (especially if you dont have a pre group of freinds that are all experienced).

    That said .... if this stupid random drop thing keeps failing I may yet prefer the 20 ToMM runs over the grind. Then I hear another story about how buddy got his legion weapons in 4 - 100 tries and i think WELL I MUST BE DUE GDAMIT. Knowing that its only disappointing results to come.

  • highlyunstablehighlyunstable Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 343 Arc User
    I see it this way... the Legion Weapon is NOT a guaranteed thing. You can choose to spend hours, days, weeks and months farming it for nothing or join a ToMM group and get the better weapon faster. If you are not ready for ToMM, then run ME's and Avernus for etchings and Juma's for the loot, get ALL your boons and get yourself ToMM ready. Mod 19 is ONLY good for one thing... 4 more boons. PERIOD. Well, if you are of the .02% of players that got the weapon, then is was good for 2 things...lol
  • flecia#3114 flecia Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    I am more then ready to do ToMM if i wanted. My current alliance is not and I choose not to run it pug/training to avoid drama.
    Nor do I want to have to run ToMM 20/40 times for a weapon set that is only slightly better than Legion.
    I choose to want Legion Weapons as they are close enough to Lionhearts that skill will trump gear.

    Nothing says that Legion are guaranteed, but with that in mind then do not give the set to Joe Blow in 4 chests, while others like myself are at well over 400 chests without the set. This is what random does and why it complete bs.
    As it sits now I will be having to use a hellfire weapon because apparently farming everyday, 400+chests for two weeks (think its been 2 weeks worth now) is not "enough" of a grind to deserve the weapons set for some. While others deserve it in 4 chests, first day.

    There are still some dedicated players that are still searching for the "right" companion gear from ME ffs.
    There are still some dedicated players that are search for Dented Rods (and others).
    If I somehow am still looking for legion main hand in 6 months from now like some of these guys for ^ other stuff things, I doubt I can stick around with this game and this dumb azz system.
    I do expect to be farming for Celeste weapons shortly so I doubt this ^ will happen but time will tell.

  • flecia#3114 flecia Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    So good for the new patch that will increase map drop rates. Glad for those that are having these issues.

    However this does NOT help with the trash weapon rates, nor reward those that have spent way more time grinding than even the developers probably expected. I currently hold 265 firehammers that I will never need. That translates into 500-800 maps opened. I have received 2 OH's for my time and trouble. They say that is just how RNG rolls, but their comes a time when it feels targeted. If this was RNG I (and few others in my boat) would have had to stumble accidently onto a main hand roll by now.

    Reward the grinders that cant roll the weapon for whatever reason. Put up Legion weapons in the campaign stores for 250 Firehammers each. Then at least we know that no matter how bad our luck its there is an end to the grind. Then you know that someone would have had to open more than enough chests to be a more than reasonable grind for the weapons.

  • ankhornankhorn Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Its a shame we (new players at least) have to grind so much on new content while we gloss over, skip and ignore so much great old content whose rewards we don't want.

    If only running old content could made worthwhile, instead of grinding the same newish content over and over and over. Given the amount of content, can't there be a system where we can grind a lot less and get to experience everything more freshly?
    ~Neverwinter Foooools!!!!
  • abwabwabaabwabwaba Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    436 treasure maps opened, found only a main hand somewhere between 220-230...
    Hide The Pain Harold!
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  • vastano#2343 vastano Member Posts: 169 Arc User

    Can't speak for opening chests and acquiring a shiny new weapon set, but can confirm map drops are now more frequent since latest update. Farmed 50 random mobs and had 4 maps drop in total during that time. Drop rate improved considerably over previous attempts.

    last night after the patch i killed 35 bunches of mobs in harumans then moved to scab killed 30 odd bunches of mobs cleared the elite area including named then moved to docks killed about 15 sets of mobs jumped down to elite area killed everything in there bar the dockmaster cleared all the way back to the gate
    so i would easily imagine 450+ trash mobs and a fair number of elite mobs
    got the grand total of 0 maps
    to say i am bored of killing trash is a understatement
  • flecia#3114 flecia Member Posts: 56 Arc User

    After what feels like a lifetime of map farming I did finally get my set. This does not change how I feel about RNG in this game however. After what was almost 3 weeks of hardcore grinding and constant fail fail fail on chests not having and end in site it makes it hard to look back on that time as anything but hell. What a pain it was for my main .... but now my alt has to re - live the hell. Not looking forward to it.

    I will point out though that map rate has for sure been increased. Those having no luck I just dont know what to say, if you are getting nothing for too long swap instances, locations, take a break. Killing everything including areas that most people run past like War Machine zone and other areas. Elite vs non i do not notice all that much difference.

    Finally getting my set will not change how I feel about RNG and other related aspects like dungeon loots, rods and the many other places where people are just tired of fighting RNG.

  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    Hi Randomimity is bad for essential items
    Hi Randomimity is good for non-essential items

    Not much is essential
  • flecia#3114 flecia Member Posts: 56 Arc User

    And so changes are coming ... map/weapons/dented rods. Time will tell just how much.

    The bigger question is will the developers learn from this? or next mod do we see more of the same? RnG, important (ish) loots drop to last hit/most damage, dungeons that reward junk with more RnG.

    With that said it would also be a shame(insult) now to those that grinded for three weeks or more if after patch people are getting weapons in 10 maps or whatever. I think the best answer would be to increase maps rates and set a store item for 200+ firehammers or something like that where you can buy a legion if you are not able to roll via luck. Those that already have grinded will ahve that in their bags already, while those that have not even started the new zone will hav etheir grind to do.

    Then for next mod ... just abolish this rng on rng junk and come up with something better, funner and more fair to all.

  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User

    Hi Randomimity is bad for essential items
    Hi Randomimity is good for non-essential items

    Not much is essential

    Indeed. This is the same point as I have been making elsewhere..... a low, low drop rate is fine for a legendary mount from a lockbox, or the key to open the repentant cultist's cage. However, when you have an "essential progression item", it should not be hidden behind a wall of RNG ... and particularly not behind multiple layers of RNG.

    The most recent examples of this are some of the rods from the Rage of Bel, and the Legion weapons. AT the very least, there should have been a way to buy those items if you have farmed for a long time without success....anything else just frustrates people and may make them leave the game for some other "more fun" game.

    Now, in those cases, the upcoming changes will "fix" the issue by increasing the drop rate, but that does not solve the real issue which is that something like this should not have made it into the game in the first place.

    Hoping for improvements...
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