I attempted to report a player with a neo-HAMSTER toon name earlier and received this message:
[6/22 18:05] [Error] Profanity detected in summary; this is not allowed.
.... because I used the word "HAMSTER" when explaining why his toon name was a HAMSTER slogan.
I've had this problem before when reporting players with thinly-disguised racist slurs, or when I've tried to post snippets of chat where a user used racist language. Part of PROVIDING EVIDENCE OF MISCONDUCT is the ability to identify the misconduct, preferably with exact chat logs, but if I want to report a user for using racists slurs, I can't include the log or even an accurate description of the content.
The profanity filter should be disabled for "report offensive player" tickets. People who abuse "report offensive player" to include bigoted comments of their own can be punished based on the ticket they submit, there's no reason to hamstring people attempting to accurately report the actual problem.
I have seen such folks in game and gave up reporting for similair reasons but it's offending me personally since I am a Dutchmen and lost almost 50% of my family during that time because they helped with shelter for the procecuted people at that time.
I think this behave is caused by the re-written history on schools, so I guess they are ignorant and need a proper teaching.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
But that's a good thing, I suppose? Of course, by the time I'd gotten my third report out the player had left the zone, so they wouldn't show in the screenshot. Still, it's interesting to see the data that my report shared!
(And also I hope you ban his white supremacist account and also that he has lots of really expensive stuff on it when you ban it.)
I have expressed that not all words offend people the same way. I am still trying to figure out who is offended by 80K ?