I actually think the complete opposite. Now is exactly the time to highlight all these problems with significantly underperforming powers/feats/etc. Its been pretty much radio silence on to warlock for a very long time that I think it is important now things are actually being addressed that as much genuine feedback is given as possible, without complaining, which I have tried very hard not to.
I definately do not think that everything will be suddenly be fixed come mod 19, but now the "meta" powers have got some love, further increasing the gap between the Best spec, and the next best spec, lets get the ball rolling on the next round of fixes/changes.
I dont expect anymore reworks of encounters/feats etc to come in this update, but some recognition that things are really bad/useless/a none choice currently would be great. For example - " we know deadtheft needs an overhaul, and its something we are looking to do in a future update" is pretty much all I want for these things right now. Or in the case of things that work fine, and just need a tweak in magnitude, or a QoL change and can be done very easily, there is still plenty of time left to get those in, for the devs to do some internal number crunching/testing/tweaking . So no i dont think asking for something like a radius increase on our only AoE At WIll is a waste, especially since it doesnt increase the damage, or how the power works, but vastly increases its effectiveness. Or draw attention to the fact we have AoE powers that are vastly superior to single target ones, against single targets.
So while i agree there needs to be a priority on what gets fixed/changed and in what time frame, and in what order such as bugs with powers, since these have a knock on effect which if not corrected first can jsut throw any ballance change out of line, I do think giving the big picture of the class is also needed, and what better time than when we actually have that attention?
Feedback: I just feel that PotnH feat should be changed to accomodate to single target(someone suggested changes to Flames of pleb and maybe even more powers like dreadtheft to make it somewhat viable ),currently its only use that seems worthy is AoE,changing powers is out of the question as compared to what @tempus suggested for atwills[good suggestions i approve ],if we can find a nice middle ground it would be nice,and ofcourse the old Soul investiture debate,there are so many good suggestions for it but as a non-developer what do i know if its easy to make changes such as -curse consumes summon soul puppet (bad idea) -soul investiture lasts 30s like arbiter stacks -soul investiture stacks go down 1 by 1 -At max sparks your soul scorch summons soul puppet(maybe all 5 sparks consumed at once but thats just QoL and maybe not easy to implement)
I dont know how colour coding works apologies
Note:I reccomend we wait for next post from joebot now,I dont want this thread to be like healing where there is enough feedback to rebuilld a new healing class,I will be waiting atleast
An in depth look at At Will powers How they function, and interact with each other, if at all, and with class features, Along with possible ways to improve them.
Eldritch Blast A three fold attack, 2 quick hits, followed by an AoE hit, that takes twice as long to cast, but deals twice the damage. Cast speed, 0.38seconds, 35magnitude for the each of the first 2 hits, and 70magnitude for the final hit. Average Magnitude of 92.5/second. Pretty solid AoE. for an at will if a bit restricting because you need to complete the full 3 hit combo, and its small radius . Im guessing its 10' since it doesn't hit more than 1 target dummy in the stronghold, but Fiery Bolt does, and that is 15'
Can be used as a primary or secondary at will in all content ( though its not the best at single target, which is fine) Interacts well with ACC and Deadly curse, basically increasing the magnitude per hit by 25 for 117.5/second
Not much I would change really, other than possibly increase the radius to 15' since it is our only At Will that can deal AoE.
Dark Spiral/Dark Helix A two part At Will, the first part summons one soul/charge/orb, the second part consumes all charges collected to deal high damage to 1 target based on the number of charges. Added effect - each target killed effected by Curse summons a charge. Cast Speed - 0.8 seconds. 95magnitude per charge for a maximum of 285magnitude. Average magnitude 118.75/second per charge, up to a maximum of 356.25magnitude. However, as a primary at will, the average damage is halved, since it takes 0.8 seconds each cast, and the first cast summons a charge. so it takes 1.6seconds to deal any damage. dropping the average down to 59.375magnitude/second
Very good as a support/secondary at will during solo content or group content with many enemies. Very poor as single target
Possible changes For the most part i like how functions, however I do wish it was more flexible as a support. Having the Curse Consume also summon a charge would make this much better for single target fights, without taking anything away from the job it does during large AoE situations or solo content. Would make it a very interesting choice as a second at will for Curse consume builds. which realistically could gain 2 charges per encounter cycle ( 3 if you dropped killing flames but....why would you) meaning you could use this at full charge 4-5 times each minute, You could also pre cast this for a charge in sections of downtime, eg phase transitions or periods of heavy movement.
Hellish Rebuke
3 part At Will, an initial hit, a DoT effect lasting 10 seconds, and an effect that deals damage to attackers marked by the first hit Cast speed - 0.7seconds, initial hit 45 magnitude, DoT magnitude, 10magnitude PER TICK ( very misleading toolip) for a total of 50 over 10 seconds, and 25mangitude each attack you take while the target is marked.
Average magnitude is pretty complicated to work out when used as a primary at will, unless you take No Pity No Mercy, since the DoT doesnt tick each time you re-apply it, and there is no way to guess how many times you can get hit so ill leave that out. Average magnitude as a support is easier, if you let to DoT tick 5 times. 45 for the initial hit and 50 for the DoT, for a total of 95. Average - 134magnitude/second ( but you can only use it 6 times per minute to get this)
best support/secondary At Will right now, very good soul spark generation, decent AoE potential if you mark all targets, As a primary, you lose a lot of the benefits that it has as a secondary, it does much less damage and generates less sparks. Wouldn't change a thing.
When taken with No Pity No Mercy
The DoT part is removed, and instead the initial and reflected attack is increased by 25%, as well as generating 2 sparks per attack instead of one. All criticals can grant combat advantage, which is a very nice option especially for soloing however the price you pay is that the average damage for a primary is fairly low. only 78.75magnitude per second. Weaker than both Eldritch blast ( 92.5) and Hand of Blight (100) which can also be used with No Pity No Mercy for the CA buff and both have equal or better spark generation due to attack speed. Now yes Im not factoring in the reflect part, but that is such a random, and in Dungeon content undesirable option, because who wants to intentionally take extra damage? that I dont think it should be counted.
So the change i would like, is not actually to do with hellish rebuke, its a great at will, complex and works great in all situations, especially as a secondary paired with Hand of Blight, I would prefer No Pity No Mercy to remove the reflect damage part, as well as the DoT, and instead just Deal a flat 75 magnitude, which would average out to 105/second. Yes this would make Hellish rebuke the strongest primary At Will initially, however you wouldnt be able to take Deadly Curse at the same time as No pity no Mercy so there is still a penalty to overall potential damage if you want the Combat Advantage perk.
Hand of Blight Melee
Fast attacks, stacks up to 4% damage reduction on the target, great soul spark generation, the best of all at wills Cast time 0.4 seconds. 40 per hit average magnitude 100/second, currently the best we have, which is fine, its melee and that comes with risks
best primary we have, works reaaaally well with hellish rebuke as a secondary
Works great with deadly curse and ACC, in fact it works too well with Deadly curse currently since it double procs it. I assume this is because the secondary effect that gives damage reduction is being counted as a curse, it has the same icon just a purple colour instead of green, which changes to dark blue when you have both curse and the debuff on the target.
Great at will, wouldnt change anything to the melee side, except fix the deadly curse bug, it makes the Class feature a MUST SLOT and I dont like relying on a bug to deal extra damage.
Hand of Blight Ranged
Slow attacks, stacks up 4% damage reduction, generates ZERO soul sparks Cast time - 0.65 seconds, 50magnitude per hit. Average magnitude 79/second
Well, what can i say, this is the bad side of Hand of Blight, its flat out bad. the zero soul spark regeneration is very odd. not sure why this was ever added.
possible changes, pretty much just let this generate 1 spark per hit like every other at will. It doesnt have to be as good as the melee hit. its would still be still be weaker in damage overall and slower at generating sparks. so would still encourage players to use this in melee as much as possible, but the Risk/reward should be because the melee is strong, not a double whammy of the ranged attack is rubbish.
Well that was a lot longer than I initially planned, but it seems nows the time to get it all out and im sure there are people who will dissagree, or dont want deadlycurse to be fixed but tough, its a bug, get over it
You need to stop spreading misinformation please. Deadly curse performs the same on hellish rebuke as it does on HOB(2x proc). I also would like to point out Hellish Rebuke Alone trumps HOB AND a mix of HOB and Hellish rebuke by an easy 10%. For these reasons stated I do believe changing or "fixing" this interaction would put warlocks in a worse spot then mod 18. Although im not VS the idea of it NOT double procing as I see no reason for it too except for maybe on HR because of the dot tick we would have to see a minimum 5.2 % buff somewhere else to makeup for the lost damage(assuming you would use D2D for 5% bonus damage instead of deadly curse)
So its bugged for Hellish rebuke too which I admit I missed but what is your point? Doesn't work like that on encounters, Hand of Blight Ranged, Eldritch Blast, or Dark Helix, and since it doesn't explicitly say "your curse deals 25 magnitude whenever it is applied to an enemy EXCEPT for Hellish Rebuke and Hand of Blight melee which apply it twice" then its a bug, and until a Developer comes out and says different and this is intended behaviour, I will still report it as such.
As for Rebuke solo being 10% better than either Hand solo or Hand+Rebuke by 10%, no idea where you got that from.
Is it intentional behaviour for hellish rebuke and hand of blight melee only, to trigger deadly curse twice per attack, when paired with All Consuming Curse, but none of the other attacks that apply curse including, dark helix, eldritch blast, hand of blight ranged, and all encounters?
I still would like to see All Consuming Curse class feat embed in warlocks core mechanic in this case Hellbringer path.
Thats mean warlocks by simply using > at will, encounter, daily power whom have no curse synergy/consume would apply lesser curse.
The reason is that, innitial warlock desing where ment to work in such way. When warlock use it's powers you proc lesser curse on enemies which then also trigger feat/class feat related effects. Only Curse consuming powers where unable do proc in order to avoid lesser curse> dmg loop.
This lesser curse mechanic where broken for looong time.
More precise since warlocks release in mod 4 and up to mod 13 got in preview, when former Systems Designer Tony "balanced" Marasco did some checking and found glitch.
======================================================================== “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Gustave Le Bon. ==================================================
So its bugged for Hellish rebuke too which I admit I missed but what is your point? Doesn't work like that on encounters, Hand of Blight Ranged, Eldritch Blast, or Dark Helix, and since it doesn't explicitly say "your curse deals 25 magnitude whenever it is applied to an enemy EXCEPT for Hellish Rebuke and Hand of Blight melee which apply it twice" then its a bug, and until a Developer comes out and says different and this is intended behaviour, I will still report it as such.
As for Rebuke solo being 10% better than either Hand solo or Hand+Rebuke by 10%, no idea where you got that from.
Is it intentional behaviour for hellish rebuke and hand of blight melee only, to trigger deadly curse twice per attack, when paired with All Consuming Curse, but none of the other attacks that apply curse including, dark helix, eldritch blast, hand of blight ranged, and all encounters?
You cant just base testing off being naked hitting a dummy without CA, without feats without anything. Try gearing up, using the deadly/acc combo with bilethorn and then again try it in real content like the zariel trial or tower. By all means though if the warlock community agrees with base dummy testing, buff hellish rebuke and therefore make warlock overpowered LOL but lazy testing like this is the reason we were in a terrible spot to begin with.
Just wanted to give a quick thanks to the new dev in charge of warlocks for actually listening to feedback and interacting with us. Refreshing change from the noworries days!
Good day, Thank you all for the great feedback! I collected a ton of notes and am currently working on implementation. We were able to fix a few bugs which you will hopefully see soon:
Fixed the typo for Soul Spark to correctly state 0.25%.
Soul Scorch now generates action points.
Both activations for Infernal Spheres can spawn a soul puppet with Power of the Nine Hells active. Curse Bite counts as a curse consume and will no longer spawn a soul puppet with Power of the Nine Hells.
hello Joebot, I would like to thank you for making space for work on warlock. I read many comments here well prepared and I agree with many of them. I think some are basic to most people who play Warlock as their main character.
I'll just list what caught my attention:
-Yes, ST skills must have a higher magnitude than AoE, even with the additional effects that are irrelevant in boss.
-Power of the Nine Hells, it shouldn't be a feat but a class mechanic.
-Risky Investment shouldn't go away with all stakes when soul puuppet dies, but 1 by 1 every 20 seconds, this would help us maintain consistent damage for phase transitions where we can't hit any targets. (an addition like this along with Power of the Nine Hells as a mechanic will make our build options more eclectic).
- Flames od Empowerment, is features classes irrelevant since forever.
-Dark Prayers no longer has a purpose with the new possible mechanics of summoning soul puppet (and that this is not a feat but class mechanics, pls)
-Killing Flames, I agree that this skill being based on the target's lost life brings us a problem, and yes it should summon the soul puppet by causing damage and not by killing (this would be solved with Power of the Nine Hells as a class mechanic) adjust your damage 650/700/750 this hints at your credit. But I can make a suggestion that in my mind makes sense since the beginning of my game years ago. Hint: Killing Flames inflicts X damage of magnitude to a single target, if that target dies Killing Flames emanates a necrotic energy that causes 50% of its total damage to all enemies in an area of 20. (I remember that in the past this skill had an animation looking like a black globe with exploding transparency, and I always thought it was causing damage, I think it's an interesting possibility).
- The warlock lacks Dailys ST, make Tyrannical Curse a ST skill without the effect of linking other targets, instead place it with a magnitude of 800 and an additional DoT on the target itself with 20 magnitude per second for 20 seconds activation, totaling 1200 magnitude. this could be added to a feat in place of Power of the Nine Hells (since it would become class mechanic), and in addition to this new feat, other Daylis and encounters could play a role of ST with an increase in magnitude. something that was balanced but that was a direct competitor to Double Scorch.
There are many points that can be improved in the warlock, but I think we can all agree that its biggest flaw lies in its build options and especially ST options, as its damage is very consistent when it comes to AoE.
Finally, Joebot, I would like to make an appeal. In the forum about cures I have already positioned myself a lot and I don't know if I was heard by the Asterdahl, if I can show it to him. It's just a small heart request from a main warlock who learned how to play healer majestically. do not bring that look of life park to live, it is very strange that light chasing us, it looks like a fairy, and despite knowing that warlocks can make pacts with different creatures, in the first instance most people who choose warlock like it its dark aspect. My request is that you make a copy of Soul Puppet, you can even make it green to help with thematic, and put it to play the role of life park, visually it will be much better.
I thank you for your efforts in the face of all the problems that the world faces, I hope you are all well.
Great to see AP gain on Soul Scorch finally, a long overdue fix, thank you. New Fiery Bolt appears to be working fine too. It'll take someone more thorough to check whether you got TC functioning correctly. BoVA still isn't proccing weapon enchants though, is this intended @joebot#9387 ?
Im glad we got some AP gain from Soul Scorch and great work listening to the community regarding fiery bolt @joebot#9387. I do however wonder about the value of Action Points we are getting from encounters. KF/BOVA/HG are all providing 1% per cast this does seem a little low.
SUGGESTED CHANGES - Since Blades Of Vanquished Armies is 3 hits.
A. It will proc weapon enchantments(this is hurting our overall aoe more then you may think and even hitting ST by about 1%) NOTE: It should proc the enchantment 3 separate times, but i think all warlocks can agree that 1 proc is better then 0 as this does not seem WAI
B. BOVA provide 1% Action Points PER HIT(not cast)Giving the potential for 3% per cast( maybe look at other encounters after seeing how this change works because most offer very little action points)
Good day, Thank you all for the great feedback! I collected a ton of notes and am currently working on implementation. We were able to fix a few bugs which you will hopefully see soon:
Fixed the typo for Soul Spark to correctly state 0.25%.
Soul Scorch now generates action points.
Both activations for Infernal Spheres can spawn a soul puppet with Power of the Nine Hells active. Curse Bite counts as a curse consume and will no longer spawn a soul puppet with Power of the Nine Hells.
hello Joebot, I would like to thank you for making space for work on warlock. I read many comments here well prepared and I agree with many of them. I think some are basic to most people who play Warlock as their main character.
I'll just list what caught my attention:
-Yes, ST skills must have a higher magnitude than AoE, even with the additional effects that are irrelevant in boss.
-Power of the Nine Hells, it shouldn't be a feat but a class mechanic.
-Risky Investment shouldn't go away with all stakes when soul puuppet dies, but 1 by 1 every 20 seconds, this would help us maintain consistent damage for phase transitions where we can't hit any targets. (an addition like this along with Power of the Nine Hells as a mechanic will make our build options more eclectic).
- Flames od Empowerment, is features classes irrelevant since forever.
-Dark Prayers no longer has a purpose with the new possible mechanics of summoning soul puppet (and that this is not a feat but class mechanics, pls)
-Killing Flames, I agree that this skill being based on the target's lost life brings us a problem, and yes it should summon the soul puppet by causing damage and not by killing (this would be solved with Power of the Nine Hells as a class mechanic) adjust your damage 650/700/750 this hints at your credit. But I can make a suggestion that in my mind makes sense since the beginning of my game years ago. Hint: Killing Flames inflicts X damage of magnitude to a single target, if that target dies Killing Flames emanates a necrotic energy that causes 50% of its total damage to all enemies in an area of 20. (I remember that in the past this skill had an animation looking like a black globe with exploding transparency, and I always thought it was causing damage, I think it's an interesting possibility).
- The warlock lacks Dailys ST, make Tyrannical Curse a ST skill without the effect of linking other targets, instead place it with a magnitude of 800 and an additional DoT on the target itself with 20 magnitude per second for 20 seconds activation, totaling 1200 magnitude. this could be added to a feat in place of Power of the Nine Hells (since it would become class mechanic), and in addition to this new feat, other Daylis and encounters could play a role of ST with an increase in magnitude. something that was balanced but that was a direct competitor to Double Scorch.
There are many points that can be improved in the warlock, but I think we can all agree that its biggest flaw lies in its build options and especially ST options, as its damage is very consistent when it comes to AoE.
Finally, Joebot, I would like to make an appeal. In the forum about cures I have already positioned myself a lot and I don't know if I was heard by the Asterdahl, if I can show it to him. It's just a small heart request from a main warlock who learned how to play healer majestically. do not bring that look of life park to live, it is very strange that light chasing us, it looks like a fairy, and despite knowing that warlocks can make pacts with different creatures, in the first instance most people who choose warlock like it its dark aspect. My request is that you make a copy of Soul Puppet, you can even make it green to help with thematic, and put it to play the role of life park, visually it will be much better.
I thank you for your efforts in the face of all the problems that the world faces, I hope you are all well.
-Risky investment can be stacked inbetween phases and reapplied even if your puppet dies to keep the stacks up.'
- Dark prayers does have a purpose because u can now use double scorch on AOE and still run dark prayers for an overall dps increase of NOT running it
-I agree with flames of empowerment being useless unfortunately because of the way deadly curse is behaving any change to it most likely wont get used so im fine with this being left alone.
-Tyrannical Curse still offers a 15% damage buff for 20 seconds On top of the 900 magnitude, with a proper rotation this is doing well over 1150+ magnitude , they just need to fix the aoe portion of it , although again very small issue as this is used for ST anyways and the issue they need to fix is not making the aoe hits be able to be deflected if accuracy is @ cap.
- A green soul poppet would be cool as well as a grimoire in the warlocks offhand.
> @xavior44 said: > (Quote) > -Risky investment can be stacked inbetween phases and reapplied even if your puppet dies to keep the stacks up. io > - Dark prayers does have a purpose because u can now use double scorch on AOE and still run dark prayers for an overall dps increase of NOT running it > -Tyrannical Curse still offers a 15% damage buff for 20 seconds On top of the 900 magnitude, with a proper rotation this is doing well over 1150+ magnitude , they just need to fix the aoe portion of it , >
-Puppet yes -Soul investiture what?without potnh using helfire ring,you cannot stack inbetween,and potnh+hellfire is not good for overall dps,just stacking invetiture i guess,which isnt smart compared togoldy soulscorch -dark prayers very much yes,it still has use,e.g Ic is the perfect example -Warlocks NEED BURST and doesnt help that for tyrranical we must save our rotation or lose some samage on it AND *killing flames goes from 500 to 750*...like bruh,so would be nice to have a burst daily for both dps checks and satisfaction ,*coughs* flames of plebiathos *cough*,it can have the sasamsasame magnitude as some wizard daily which i dont remember thename ofn
> -Risky investment can be stacked inbetween phases and reapplied even if your puppet dies to keep the stacks up. io
> - Dark prayers does have a purpose because u can now use double scorch on AOE and still run dark prayers for an overall dps increase of NOT running it
> -Tyrannical Curse still offers a 15% damage buff for 20 seconds On top of the 900 magnitude, with a proper rotation this is doing well over 1150+ magnitude , they just need to fix the aoe portion of it ,
-Puppet yes
-Soul investiture what?without potnh using helfire ring,you cannot stack inbetween,and potnh+hellfire is not good for overall dps,just stacking invetiture i guess,which isnt smart compared togoldy soulscorch
-dark prayers very much yes,it still has use,e.g Ic is the perfect example
-Warlocks NEED BURST and doesnt help that for tyrranical we must save our rotation or lose some samage on it AND *killing flames goes from 500 to 750*...like bruh,so would be nice to have a burst daily for both dps checks and satisfaction ,*coughs* flames of plebiathos *cough*,it can have the sasamsasame magnitude as some wizard daily which i dont remember thename ofn
POTNH + INFERNAL SPHERES OR the hellfire and POTNH also its not about using spheres or hellfire for DPS , its about hotswapping inbetween phases to keep the stacks , OR just accept it takes no time to actually restack even if your not this tryhard.
Warlocks again.. have burst - during an artifact call for example. If done right u should see two full rotations within the daily and the call . 2 killing flames + 1 TC can already hit upwards of 7 million, add some dots, HG and bova in there 2x, your doing the 12 mil burst and 600 k + enc that most other classes average in a call. double scorch should be used in AOE situation more , you should favor POTNH in trials etc
For me, a change in ST is enough: BUG: a small generation of spark at helish rebuke and deadly curse. FEEDBACK: more spark generation when using Helish Rebuke and Deadly Curse.
BUG: soul puppet is lost and we lose all stacks from Risky Investment. FEEDBACK: Risky Investment shouldn't go away with all stacks when soul puuppet dies, but 1 by 1 every 20 seconds,
This alone is enough to catch up with TR and CW on Tomm, but will still not to win against Arbiter DC and Barbarian DPS in mod 19.
I am deleting my post as i got my point accrossand dont want drama ,i still believe in what i said, FEEDBACK:tyrranical is great but we need a viable alternative to it rhat flat out does some big damage
> POTNH + INFERNAL SPHERES OR the hellfire and POTNH also its not about using spheres or hellfire for DPS , its about hotswapping inbetween phases to keep the stacks , OR just accept it takes no time to actually restack even if your not this tryhard.
> Warlocks again.. have burst - during an artifact call for example. If done right u should see two full rotations within the daily and the call . 2 killing flames + 1 TC can already hit upwards of 7 million, add some dots, HG and bova in there 2x, your doing the 12 mil burst and 600 k + enc that most other classes average in a call. double scorch should be used in AOE situation more , you should favor POTNH in trials etc
> I hope this helps
EDIT:there is a thing called mechanics ya genius,,you cant always get off full rotationsafter tyrranical,idk what world you live in where dailies rely on you to do rotation right after it
hmm lets say you are on cooldowns,lets say your daily isnt available for on artifact calls and the only thing you could do is use a 900magnitude tyrranical so you fail dps check due to being unable to have an impactful daily,we shouldnt be limited to a save rotation daily
Now lets say you quickswap powers betwern phases like a tryhard just to stack potnh,do you think someone has to rely on quickswapping every phase change(it also has a cooldown now)obviously then,quickswapping
isnt something you do every phase change,also btw double scorch is flat good dps while the damage from soul investiture is ONLY IMPACTFUL at 5 stacks, this is why potnh shouldnt be a proper feat,but class feature or mechanic,not all runs are perfectly coordinated mr.burst on artifact call
Goodluck with your Warlock lol your really going to need it with that kind of theory and playstyle.
I heven't been on lately so i don't know, but on preview if you are using power of the nine hells feat, each single tic of hellfire ring is giving 1 soul investiture stack, is this a bug or intended @joebot#9387 ?
> @rev#7881 said: > I heven't been on lately so i don't know, but on preview if you are using power of the nine hells feat, each single tic of hellfire ring is giving 1 soul investiture stack, is this a bug or intended @joebot#9387 ?
I was test the warlock with bilethorn enchantment and i got these bugs: -blades of vanquished armies doesn't procs the weapon enchantment (5% damage as poison damage and 40 magnitude of weapon damage). -Brood of Hadar doesn't procs the 5% bonus damage as poison damage of the bilethorn enchantment. -Each soul spark give 0,25% increase damage instead 0,15% as shown in the tooltip.
Any luck with these ahead of Mod 19? Most specifically Blades of Vanquished Armies and Brood of Hadar not procing Bilethorn/Weapon enchants? It REALLY matters for us, IMO!
If I missed your post, saying they were fixed, my apologies!
> @kolatmaster said: > (Quote) > @cryptic39#8917@joebot#9387 > > Any luck with these ahead of Mod 19? Most specifically Blades of Vanquished Armies and Brood of Hadar not procing Bilethorn/Weapon enchants? It REALLY matters for us, IMO! > > (Image) > > If I missed your post, saying they were fixed, my apologies!
I tested this today, and only BoVA is working, the brood of hadar still doesn't procs the weapon enchantment.
Feedback: Hi I am moderately happy with the changes Blades of Vanquished Armies in DPS path should only act on the owner because many times the person who stole the swords escaped from the range of the attack, which resulted in a decrease in damage. It makes this encounter unplayable for dps in places where there are many players It must be changed Hellish Rebuke the casting time is too long, making it difficult to use other skills with a smooth rotation. 0.7s is a bit too much. Besides, it charges the spark very long, which makes the rotation less smooth. Other powers are recharging them much faster. Infernal Spheres A little too long cooldown + casting animation takes too long, resulting in less smooth rotation Killing Flames the range of injuries should be changed. in many places this power cannot be fully used. which means that the warlocks will always deal less damage than other classes. example, a new trial, this power can be fully used only in later stages, which means that the warlocks deal less damage at the beginning 500-750 is too large a range which makes the skill hit 50% more. We need an alternative in the early stages where injuries are also important. I think the 600 / 650-750 range would make the warlock's game more enjoyable. Tyrannical Curse Deals not enought damage compared to other classes. Especially when our encounters don't do so much damage. I think the 1000-1200 range would be a good compromise
I was test the warlock with bilethorn enchantment and i got these bugs: -blades of vanquished armies doesn't procs the weapon enchantment (5% damage as poison damage and 40 magnitude of weapon damage). -Brood of Hadar doesn't procs the 5% bonus damage as poison damage of the bilethorn enchantment. -Each soul spark give 0,25% increase damage instead 0,15% as shown in the tooltip.
Any luck with these ahead of Mod 19? Most specifically Blades of Vanquished Armies and Brood of Hadar not procing Bilethorn/Weapon enchants? It REALLY matters for us, IMO!
If I missed your post, saying they were fixed, my apologies!
Only BoVA was failing to proc weapon enchants, but it has been fixed in the latest patch.
Thank you for hearing us and taking action on this one @joebot#9387
> @kolatmaster said: > (Quote) > (Image) > > > Question: How many times does BoVA now proc weapon enchants? On each hit or just the initial one? @khaozhunter (Quote) > Yes, thank you @joebot#9387 !
Now is exactly the time to highlight all these problems with significantly underperforming powers/feats/etc. Its been pretty much radio silence on to warlock for a very long time that I think it is important now things are actually being addressed that as much genuine feedback is given as possible, without complaining, which I have tried very hard not to.
I definately do not think that everything will be suddenly be fixed come mod 19, but now the "meta" powers have got some love, further increasing the gap between the Best spec, and the next best spec, lets get the ball rolling on the next round of fixes/changes.
I dont expect anymore reworks of encounters/feats etc to come in this update, but some recognition that things are really bad/useless/a none choice currently would be great. For example - " we know deadtheft needs an overhaul, and its something we are looking to do in a future update" is pretty much all I want for these things right now.
Or in the case of things that work fine, and just need a tweak in magnitude, or a QoL change and can be done very easily, there is still plenty of time left to get those in, for the devs to do some internal number crunching/testing/tweaking
So no i dont think asking for something like a radius increase on our only AoE At WIll is a waste, especially since it doesnt increase the damage, or how the power works, but vastly increases its effectiveness.
Or draw attention to the fact we have AoE powers that are vastly superior to single target ones, against single targets.
So while i agree there needs to be a priority on what gets fixed/changed and in what time frame, and in what order such as bugs with powers, since these have a knock on effect which if not corrected first can jsut throw any ballance change out of line, I do think giving the big picture of the class is also needed, and what better time than when we actually have that attention?
I just feel that PotnH feat should be changed to accomodate to single target(someone suggested changes to Flames of pleb and maybe even more powers like dreadtheft to make it somewhat viable
curse consumes summon soul puppet(bad idea)-soul investiture lasts 30s like arbiter stacks
-soul investiture stacks go down 1 by 1
-At max sparks your soul scorch summons soul puppet(maybe all 5 sparks consumed at once
I dont know how colour coding works apologies
Note:I reccomend we wait for next post from joebot now,I dont want this thread to be like healing where there is enough feedback to rebuilld a new healing class,I will be waiting atleast
Doesn't work like that on encounters, Hand of Blight Ranged, Eldritch Blast, or Dark Helix, and since it doesn't explicitly say
"your curse deals 25 magnitude whenever it is applied to an enemy EXCEPT for Hellish Rebuke and Hand of Blight melee which apply it twice"
then its a bug, and until a Developer comes out and says different and this is intended behaviour, I will still report it as such.
As for Rebuke solo being 10% better than either Hand solo or Hand+Rebuke by 10%, no idea where you got that from.
Clearly the weakest of the 3 combos, not only in curse procs but in its own damage.
So ill put it to the Devs
Is it intentional behaviour for hellish rebuke and hand of blight melee only, to trigger deadly curse twice per attack, when paired with All Consuming Curse, but none of the other attacks that apply curse including, dark helix, eldritch blast, hand of blight ranged, and all encounters?
Thats mean warlocks by simply using > at will, encounter, daily power whom have no curse synergy/consume would apply lesser curse.
The reason is that, innitial warlock desing where ment to work in such way. When warlock use it's powers you proc lesser curse on enemies which then also trigger feat/class feat related effects. Only Curse consuming powers where unable do proc in order to avoid lesser curse> dmg loop.
This lesser curse mechanic where broken for looong time.
More precise since warlocks release in mod 4 and up to mod 13 got in preview, when former Systems Designer Tony "balanced" Marasco did some checking and found glitch.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I'll just list what caught my attention:
-Yes, ST skills must have a higher magnitude than AoE, even with the additional effects that are irrelevant in boss.
-Power of the Nine Hells, it shouldn't be a feat but a class mechanic.
-Risky Investment shouldn't go away with all stakes when soul puuppet dies, but 1 by 1 every 20 seconds, this would help us maintain consistent damage for phase transitions where we can't hit any targets. (an addition like this along with Power of the Nine Hells as a mechanic will make our build options more eclectic).
- Flames od Empowerment, is features classes irrelevant since forever.
-Dark Prayers no longer has a purpose with the new possible mechanics of summoning soul puppet (and that this is not a feat but class mechanics, pls)
-Killing Flames, I agree that this skill being based on the target's lost life brings us a problem, and yes it should summon the soul puppet by causing damage and not by killing (this would be solved with Power of the Nine Hells as a class mechanic) adjust your damage 650/700/750 this hints at your credit. But I can make a suggestion that in my mind makes sense since the beginning of my game years ago.
Hint: Killing Flames inflicts X damage of magnitude to a single target, if that target dies Killing Flames emanates a necrotic energy that causes 50% of its total damage to all enemies in an area of 20. (I remember that in the past this skill had an animation looking like a black globe with exploding transparency, and I always thought it was causing damage, I think it's an interesting possibility).
- The warlock lacks Dailys ST, make Tyrannical Curse a ST skill without the effect of linking other targets, instead place it with a magnitude of 800 and an additional DoT on the target itself with 20 magnitude per second for 20 seconds activation, totaling 1200 magnitude. this could be added to a feat in place of Power of the Nine Hells (since it would become class mechanic), and in addition to this new feat, other Daylis and encounters could play a role of ST with an increase in magnitude. something that was balanced but that was a direct competitor to Double Scorch.
There are many points that can be improved in the warlock, but I think we can all agree that its biggest flaw lies in its build options and especially ST options, as its damage is very consistent when it comes to AoE.
Finally, Joebot, I would like to make an appeal. In the forum about cures I have already positioned myself a lot and I don't know if I was heard by the Asterdahl, if I can show it to him. It's just a small heart request from a main warlock who learned how to play healer majestically. do not bring that look of life park to live, it is very strange that light chasing us, it looks like a fairy, and despite knowing that warlocks can make pacts with different creatures, in the first instance most people who choose warlock like it its dark aspect. My request is that you make a copy of Soul Puppet, you can even make it green to help with thematic, and put it to play the role of life park, visually it will be much better.
I thank you for your efforts in the face of all the problems that the world faces, I hope you are all well.
SUGGESTED CHANGES - Since Blades Of Vanquished Armies is 3 hits.
A. It will proc weapon enchantments(this is hurting our overall aoe more then you may think and even hitting ST by about 1%) NOTE: It should proc the enchantment 3 separate times, but i think all warlocks can agree that 1 proc is better then 0 as this does not seem WAI
B. BOVA provide 1% Action Points PER HIT(not cast)Giving the potential for 3% per cast( maybe look at other encounters after seeing how this change works because most offer very little action points)
- Dark prayers does have a purpose because u can now use double scorch on AOE and still run dark prayers for an overall dps increase of NOT running it
-I agree with flames of empowerment being useless unfortunately because of the way deadly curse is behaving any change to it most likely wont get used so im fine with this being left alone.
-Tyrannical Curse still offers a 15% damage buff for 20 seconds On top of the 900 magnitude, with a proper rotation this is doing well over 1150+ magnitude , they just need to fix the aoe portion of it , although again very small issue as this is used for ST anyways and the issue they need to fix is not making the aoe hits be able to be deflected if accuracy is @ cap.
- A green soul poppet would be cool as well as a grimoire in the warlocks offhand.
> (Quote)
> -Risky investment can be stacked inbetween phases and reapplied even if your puppet dies to keep the stacks up. io
> - Dark prayers does have a purpose because u can now use double scorch on AOE and still run dark prayers for an overall dps increase of NOT running it
> -Tyrannical Curse still offers a 15% damage buff for 20 seconds On top of the 900 magnitude, with a proper rotation this is doing well over 1150+ magnitude , they just need to fix the aoe portion of it ,
-Puppet yes
-Soul investiture what?without potnh using helfire ring,you cannot stack inbetween,and potnh+hellfire is not good for overall dps,just stacking invetiture i guess,which isnt smart compared togoldy soulscorch
-dark prayers very much yes,it still has use,e.g Ic is the perfect example
-Warlocks NEED BURST and doesnt help that for tyrranical we must save our rotation or lose some samage on it AND *killing flames goes from 500 to 750*...like bruh,so would be nice to have a burst daily for both dps checks and satisfaction ,*coughs* flames of plebiathos *cough*,it can have the sasamsasame magnitude as some wizard daily which i dont remember thename ofn
Warlocks again.. have burst - during an artifact call for example. If done right u should see two full rotations within the daily and the call
I hope this helps
For me, a change in ST is enough:
BUG: a small generation of spark at helish rebuke and deadly curse.
FEEDBACK: more spark generation when using Helish Rebuke and Deadly Curse.
BUG: soul puppet is lost and we lose all stacks from Risky Investment.
FEEDBACK: Risky Investment shouldn't go away with all stacks when soul puuppet dies, but 1 by 1 every 20 seconds,
This alone is enough to catch up with TR and CW on Tomm, but will still not to win against Arbiter DC and Barbarian DPS in mod 19.
FEEDBACK:tyrranical is great but we need a viable alternative to it rhat flat out does some big damage
> I heven't been on lately so i don't know, but on preview if you are using power of the nine hells feat, each single tic of hellfire ring is giving 1 soul investiture stack, is this a bug or intended @joebot#9387 ?
I am quite sure whats intended is 1 stack per encounter use,per tick would be kind of insane
Any luck with these ahead of Mod 19? Most specifically Blades of Vanquished Armies and Brood of Hadar not procing Bilethorn/Weapon enchants? It REALLY matters for us, IMO!
If I missed your post, saying they were fixed, my apologies!
> (Quote)
> @cryptic39#8917 @joebot#9387
> Any luck with these ahead of Mod 19? Most specifically Blades of Vanquished Armies and Brood of Hadar not procing Bilethorn/Weapon enchants? It REALLY matters for us, IMO!
> (Image)
> If I missed your post, saying they were fixed, my apologies!
I tested this today, and only BoVA is working, the brood of hadar still doesn't procs the weapon enchantment.
Blades of Vanquished Armies in DPS path should only act on the owner because many times the person who stole the swords escaped from the range of the attack, which resulted in a decrease in damage. It makes this encounter unplayable for dps in places where there are many players It must be changed
Hellish Rebuke the casting time is too long, making it difficult to use other skills with a smooth rotation. 0.7s is a bit too much. Besides, it charges the spark very long, which makes the rotation less smooth. Other powers are recharging them much faster.
Infernal Spheres A little too long cooldown + casting animation takes too long, resulting in less smooth rotation
Killing Flames the range of injuries should be changed. in many places this power cannot be fully used. which means that the warlocks will always deal less damage than other classes. example, a new trial, this power can be fully used only in later stages, which means that the warlocks deal less damage at the beginning 500-750 is too large a range which makes the skill hit 50% more. We need an alternative in the early stages where injuries are also important. I think the 600 / 650-750 range would make the warlock's game more enjoyable.
Tyrannical Curse Deals not enought damage compared to other classes. Especially when our encounters don't do so much damage. I think the 1000-1200 range would be a good compromise
Thank you
Thank you for hearing us and taking action on this one @joebot#9387
Question: How many times does BoVA now proc weapon enchants? On each hit or just the initial one? @khaozhunter Yes, thank you @joebot#9387 !
> (Quote)
> (Image)
> Question: How many times does BoVA now proc weapon enchants? On each hit or just the initial one? @khaozhunter (Quote)
> Yes, thank you @joebot#9387 !
On each hit