This message it.s for you developers guys, i am a warlock player who spend a lot of money and time on this caracter since from the beginning like a dps. It.s not normal after all that to be the weakest class in this game. The warlock is not “viable” to play the latest dungeons like TOMM and INFERNAL CITADEL, what should i do? To spend money on another caracter because i cand’t transfer on it even my pet ? I think i am gonna delete that game, because i am waiting for 1 year for a change but i am
![dissapointed dissapointed](
on every mode 16, 17, 18.....You guys don’t care about players, it.s all about money for you.
Warlock name: Guyton
Warlock certainly still has issues, but I fail to see where it is "not viable" anywhere at the moment. Its a lot of work compared to other classes to squeeze out the DPS, but warlocks are putting up very respectable numbers in IC for sure.
Making unqualified statements like this does not actually help the class. Specify, detail, provide information. Else its just a 100% noise, 0% signal statement
There are some bugs with the SW that still need to be fix but the class is viable and I know those that main a SW enjoy the class very much.
Exact same stats, gear, etc. setup as my cw. Cw still does about 30% more damage unless you have 3 more warlocks in tomm with cd. As for ic, it's decent compared to my cw because of aoe damage, but my cw still pulls about 10% more damage in the end.
Warlocks still need a rework tbh. Cw can still pulls over 150 mag per second more damage in single target at endgame. Pretty significant diffrence
Believer in SMASH
Fairplay,no bots , no bugs, and play well
They don't want Warlock to be an optimal DPS class, i have a feeling about the Mod 19 Hellbringer rework, and my fear is that they want us to be a support DPS, not a DPS like any other DPS path (Arcanist, Warden, Assassin, etc). DPS Warlock have no place in the game.
The damage isn't on par with the likes of Rogue, Wizard, or especially Arbiter, but it isn't horrible like some say. The skill floor is higher and the ceiling a bit lower, but it's far from weak.
- I feel like the Warlock community has been saying this for a long time now, but it's still true: Risky Investment needs fixing. It's a core DPS mechanic for single-target and is too unstable. The duration is short enough to guarantee complete loss during some boss phase changes, and building it back from 0 is a slog due to the limited number of methods we can generate Soul Investiture stacks.
- If I didn't also play Wizard, I might have the gall to complain about AoE and the setup required, but Wizard AoE makes Warlock AoE look fast and amazing.
- The Puppet is still a boring tag-a-long and a missed opportunity to make Warlock more interesting.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
I'm not complaining about dps. I'm irritated by the increasing lack of decent choices.
Neverwinter's turning into a Ben and Jerry's gone backwards - where you start with dozens of flavors but scale back after scale back eventually leaves you with just vanilla.