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Roadmap Update Stream - April 27

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Greetings Adventurers!

Next Monday, April 27, we will be chatting with Executive Producer @cwhitesidedev#9752 about the Neverwinter roadmap and answering community questions!

Tune into the Driftwood Tavern community stream!


  • akta#9913 akta Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    Thank you !!
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    Can we get an idea of what we have to expect from Rage of Bel in terms of equipment?
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • bspallybspally Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    First of all some history research - last years we had rewards for payments during zen sales:




    Last black friday and winter holidays we had no bonuses - so please consider to do so with reasonable rewards for players.

    We have an upcoming 7 years of game - please make it right and do a favor also for people who funds the game!
    Make Neverwinter's players willing to buy Zen great again!
  • bspallybspally Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    1. Old artifacts uprade system

    Are there any plans to upgrade old 150 gear score artifacts? With a great price to do so.

    The game had a great quest to get the first artifact ever - maybe revive it somehow or other options. But we need part of them to be upgraded.

    2. Unique and rare items

    Bring some unique and rare items during special zen sales events - like campanions and artifacts with higher stats. They should be once (or other periods but rare) in the game and not to affect the balance badly. Only with higher stats like 50-100%.

    For example - unique companion with 10k power bonus in attack slot or 5% hp bonus in defence slot and 10% gold gain bonus. Part of them on a zen market and part of them - at the auction house with high starting price.
    Just take a quasit and change colour and name. Call it a greedy monster! Dev team need $ and players - value for $ paid =)

    And please make a POWER bonus companion for DEFENCE slot companions. Barbarians have been asking for it for veeeery long and other tanks and most of the players.

    And we have great time to bring Anniversary Guardian Nox with such bonus. Like 6-10k power.

    3. More mythical items - mounts and companions, weapons, neck + belt slots.

    And OMG - Add enchancement slot for boots, shirts and pants ! Why all items have 2 slots and these only 1 ?)

    4. Unique Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn race

    We have dragon-like creatures with best in game race bonuses - but for some players they are ugly as hell. Please consider to make human-like race (or gods gift to humans or elves and so on) - to have such bonuses.

    While Unique Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn race shoud be placed at zen store.



    There is nothing to comment. Just return it back to game!
    T1 with spider boss and T2 with juggernaut. (and maybe T3 with a new boss)

    Also it is possible to consider to create a PVP event once per month (or other periods) and bring back the whole GG event as it was in vanila version of the game. A lot of players haven't seen it at all.

    We need more various content for teamplay and we have some forgotten content - so adjust it and honor your players with an old piece of the game.

    What is the problem with that - you do have time to make chiken pvp (while we have no normal pvp in the game) and have no time to revive GG and original Castle Never with a dragon boss.


    And one more finally - please make a legendary broom mount =)
    And a legendary BEAR. We do have a russian server with no legendary bear - this is a tragedy!
    Make Neverwinter's players willing to buy Zen great again!
  • midental#5256 midental Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited April 2020

    1) Stronghold need love...... news?

    2) Healing system..... news? Now ppl only need OP with temp HP.... others healer are pretty useless.....

    3) Companions system like mounts system? Evocated companion only cosmetic? Is it possible?

    4) Enchantings level up? Maybe 17? Now enchantis are pretty useless due to too much from companion equip..... solutions?

    5) VIP news?

    6) Software versions PC/PS4/XBOX without 60gg delay? Is it possible?

    7) In FRIENDS list, can add a button to sort only neverwinter players? On XBOX friend list is a nightmare to use.... please help us...

    tyvm and stay safe!
    Post edited by midental#5256 on
  • eli985#4536 eli985 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Question for the stream:

    When will Strongholds be the next hot topic?
    They desperately need some love.
    At the least update rewards from events so we can have more interest. At the most raising GH cap, housing in SH, new events and more? We really, really need some attention in this area and it’s a little past due.
  • agonistes#1431 agonistes Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    Question for stream:
    • Can you allow us to rename bags so we can better organize them? Like renaming them "Weapon/Sets" or "Enchanting Stuff"
    • Could you guys look at making the fashion gear into Level 1 Transmute gear items? I'd love to be able to use my golden crown with my other actual gear.
    • Also speaking of that, what about a toggle to show our weapons with fashion gear?
  • agonistes#1431 agonistes Member Posts: 78 Arc User

    Question for the stream:


    When will Strongholds be the next hot topic?

    They desperately need some love.

    At the least update rewards from events so we can have more interest. At the most raising GH cap, housing in SH, new events and more? We really, really need some attention in this area and it’s a little past due.

    I love DDOs airship system. Smaller guilds get a small boost to resource gain to make it way less depressing to gather resources. It's not a massive boost, and larger guilds still progress way faster--but if smaller guilds got their resources cut a bit that would be cool.
  • ardi#9187 ardi Member Posts: 1 Arc User

    1) Stronghold need love...... news?

    The best question =)

    2) Please make an account-wide legendary golden lion mount. The idea was great thanks! Missed this one(

    Note: For those that missed out on this bundle or were looking to repurchase, we are looking at bringing it back later this year (timeframe is TBD)

    A new limited time Legendary Mount bundle is now available in the Zen Market at a 30% discount! This bundle includes:

    Legendary Mount Choice Pack (Obtain 3 from a selection of 10)
    Legendary Insignia Choice Pack, includes Zen only insignias (Obtain 1 from a selection of 9)
    A vanity pet based on the legendary mounts (1 random pet awarded to player)*
  • baronvonboombaronvonboom Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    In a previous stream I recall @cwhitesidedev#9752 mentioning how the future of the game & its changes are a joint effort from all of us, players & devs alike.

    With that are there any plans to incentivise real money spending? The game has always been extremely fair to the F2P player but I feel that the game has become increasingly one of people cashing out & the largest of those often the most vocal here & influential in game.

    So what if any plans are ahead to get people to part with their money? Cash only items in the store for non P2W items such as vanity pets/mounts etc? A reworking of the ViP so that an AD purchased ViP doesnt have keys while the cash version does?

    Would love to know whats in the pipeline as currently it feels very one sided & unsustainable.

  • gweddrygweddry Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 278 Arc User
    It's been quite a while since the PvP CDP ended. When will we get the proposal or some sort of an update?
  • kakashi#4477 kakashi Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    if yous had watched previous streams julia explained the situation with stronghold's and the reason there hasnt been anything or "love" simply the ppl who coded stronghold's mod are no longer working at cryptic which apparently is a bit of a problem for anybody else who wasnt involved with it apart from recycling the map or adding 3 new scrolls to the gm vendor ..i may have misunderstood but thats how i took in her statement about it..Im also pretty sure she mentioned the fact they had a going forward basic road map for sh's sitting there and by now would hav seen alot of "love" goes to show if u have employees build you something make sure they leave the blueprints on how they did it...
  • tarrok#1349 tarrok Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Hi Julia & Chris,

    As a PS4 Neverwinter player I’ve been heartened to hear that one future aim is to synchronise PC and console mod and story (episode?) releases. Currently I think that the PC release of new stuff is around 2 months before console release. Please could you let us console players know when it is likely that PC and console releases are going to be synchronous?


  • gor1llaf1stgor1llaf1st Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    make all old weapon sets upgradeable to mythic with the same base dmg
  • gor1llaf1stgor1llaf1st Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    Hi Julia & Chris,

    As a PS4 Neverwinter player I’ve been heartened to hear that one future aim is to synchronise PC and console mod and story (episode?) releases. Currently I think that the PC release of new stuff is around 2 months before console release. Please could you let us console players know when it is likely that PC and console releases are going to be synchronous?



    I think consoles are current with pc atm
  • tarrok#1349 tarrok Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Just to clarify: what I meant was synchronising release dates. I know that all platforms are on Mod 18 at the moment. It was just that Chris said on a previous stream that Cryptic aimed to synchronise release dates on all platforms at some point. My question is, when is that likely to happen? Even a ball park figure would be great 🙂
  • cwhitesidedev#9752 cwhitesidedev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 253 Cryptic Developer

    Just to clarify: what I meant was synchronising release dates. I know that all platforms are on Mod 18 at the moment. It was just that Chris said on a previous stream that Cryptic aimed to synchronise release dates on all platforms at some point. My question is, when is that likely to happen? Even a ball park figure would be great 🙂

    Well it depends on the community and priorities but we aim to make it a priority middle of next year.

  • tarrocan#4966 tarrocan Member Posts: 1 New User
    Question for the stream :) I mean love Neverwinter but i have something to mention about the HUD Intertface etc. is it possible to create a NEW HUD Interface design or even a mod support in near future? I dont like the whole HUD interface etc. Color,- symbols i mean rly the whole Interface looks rly cheap for this fun game. This game would be much better if the interfcae was more clearer and not so many identical paramters on the screen. It would be so cool if u could make a redesign from this interfcae with much clearer fonts , colors etc. i mean much modern or like nw1 or2. thanks for reading.
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  • erevel09erevel09 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    One question for the stream:

    In Neverwinter we have access to companions whose sole purpose is to speed up progress in campaigns (Hell Hound, Vistani Wanderer, Chultan Hunter, Mageslayer etc.) or increase amount of goods we get from, for example, Stronghold heroics (Stronghold Cleric influence boost). And in order to get those extra benefits from heroics/quests we need to slot their bonuses in our companion utility slot before we get reward/finish quest.

    So, here lies the question: is it possible to do anything about it? For example, make the system check is we possess one of those companions and based on that just increase rewards without the need of switching the bonus in utility slot? Right now, the way it works, constant switching bonuses can be a bit annoying.

    It's not something that needs to be done ASAP, but I think it would make a nice QoL improvement.
  • mikaleus#7208 mikaleus Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    Looking forward to it.

    Would be amazing if the Druid was teased/ announced 😉
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Question for the stream: can we get a status update on the leveling skirmishes? I for instance have two alts in stasis because I don't want to outlevel them and not be able to do them or get the achievements from running them. I would like to be able to play these alts without fear of this.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • timor211timor211 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    Questions for the stream
    • What is the plan for crafting ? Is it any new items or the system will change ?
    • what news about stronghold ?
  • mordekai#1901 mordekai Member Posts: 1,598 Arc User
    Question regarding Professions and Masterwork.

    This has been an ongoing issue for a while and I understand some changes are in the pipeline.

    One thing that I'm a little concerned about is that I came across a reply from one of the dev team that suggested that the "Fix" for Master work will come in the form of another tier of MC, with new ingredients and recipes.
    Please can you tell me/us if anything is going to happen to the lower tiers of MC.
    If the lower tiers of MC are going to remain weaker than L80 Basic Professions, then all you are doing is creating a wider gap between people who want to get something out of crafting, but aren't at the pinnacle, and those few who will breeze into the new tier and have a monopoly on the good stuff until it becomes outdated and we are back to where we are right now... till the next "Fix" turns up in the form of another tier of MC and a bunch of new ingredients.
    Rinse and repeat every couple of years. With every new addition pushing newer players further and further and further away from ever being able to craft something truly worthwhile.

    The whole MC structure needs readjusting. And one thing MUST change... you should not need to be in a high level guild to get access to Master Crafting. Build it into the WORKSHOP progression.
    You created a new interior zone and mini campaign to fit with the new crafting system, but didn't bother to attach the pinnacle of the subject to the same campaign.
    It's a joke!
  • xxjahvier#9450 xxjahvier Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Please address queue times, they are out of control. Stop scaling and make different dungeons, or the existing ones just not available until players have the proper statistics (NOT ITEM LEVEL). I would love to see a new class as much as anyone but please balance the warlock class first! 5 more magnitude means nothing in the long run with little synergy between powers, feats, etc. Also just curious, why don't wizards use a wand or staff?
    Post edited by xxjahvier#9450 on
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Thank you for all the questions! We will try to get to as many as possible during the stream. Closing the thread at this time.
This discussion has been closed.