I have been seeing my item levels go up and down as of late, I've worked hard to get my character where it is and this is really not sitting well with me. I understand that your stats will fluctuate but item levels should not and this is just 1 of the many bugs i keep finding with this game. I took a break from this game and ive been back for a month now and its worse then ever.
I started taking screen shots because I knew it wasnt me seeing things, at 1st I noticed when i upgraded 2 of my armor enchantments and added a new 14 enchantment, in addition, to 3 boons and not much of a change reflected on my item level, but today its dropped from yesterday item level 24,867 to 24,515. I just checked again and in the time it took me to write this and take the screen shots out of my ps4 now its 24,590. What's going on here?
Great! now i have to upload the screenshots to a url in order to post it here ufffffff my frustration levels are at its peak. If you need them I will upload them somewhere else so i can upload them here (yeah makes perfect sense... NOT!) and If you dont then i wont go to the trouble of having to post them somewhere else to add them here. aaaaanyways, fix this!
edit: aaaaand i just upgraded the runestones on my companion and it went from 24,590 to 24,598
For my own setup, one loadout is 22K and the other is 17K.
So, do they have the same boon points? Do you they have the same mount insignia? Do they use the same companion? Do they have the same gear? .....
I change loadouts to my arbitor and the item level goes down to 12,523 thats a difference of 425, which btw is even less then the last time i posted it was 12,598. I have all the screen shots to prove it.
FYI: Both pictures were taken a few minutes ago
Is there a companion difference?
No companion difference, I have checked ... re-checked and checked again over 10 times to find where the difference is between one and the other.
For now, it really just comes down to teleporting and .... maybe companions?
take the companion on and off and see how drastically they change as well ...