Hello. I will be brief.
Evidently after getting new equipment in each mod damage of dps classes grows significantly (and with damage buffs its growth is even higher). Damage of tanks grown too but not that much relative to damage of dps classes.
So tanks need to generate more and more threat with each mod. But abilities of threat generation of tanks did not changed. It becomes harder and harder to generate enough threat. This is the problem (it is mostly pronounced in end game content where is that damage growth).
Some tanks also maximise their damage to deal with this. And yes it works. But it is not how tank as class should work. And it takes too many resources to maximise your offensive stats in addition to your defensive stats so not everyone can afford this.
As tank player to properly decide this problem I would like to suggest to add to aggro skills scaling from defensive stats of tank (at least from health). Because growth of defensive stats of tanks is relatively equal to growth of offensive stats of dps classes. So this can be long term decision.
Thank you in advance.
Now in mobs, there is little to no aggro avail for a tank. Best they can do is grab attention as often as they can and stand to offer combat advantage.
What are others seeing in regards to this, I'm still building my tank but have been observing to the point I've had friends stream so I can watch their point of view, rotations, movement, etc.
The solution is saving it for when aggro lost (and it will be if the artifacts and dailies timed) and then jumping to the top of the aggro table with the hard taunt.
Every tank class should have some way to steal back aggro immediately, and not dependent on encounter cooldowns.
> What is really frustrating is when a DPSer steals aggro, so the tank takes it back via a hard taunt, then *another* DPSer steals aggro, and then there is nothing left for the tank to do to steal aggro back again.
> Every tank class should have some way to steal back aggro immediately, and not dependent on encounter cooldowns.
If the tank is built properly and use the correct at-will/encounter powers, this is never an issue in current content
> example - New Mechanic: Aggro from all damage is modified by a player's Awareness rating. For tanks, 100% Awareness will double your aggro generation. For other classes, 100% awareness will halve your aggro generation.
If this was to be implemented, there would be no need for the current threat modifiers/threat table. Current mechanics work very well as long as players know how threat generation works. The gwf running in first does not know how it works 😂
Every new module has gear that increase player stats, both offensive and defensive, If you were to know the coefficient of how damage or healing converted into threat, maybe you would know what skills to use and when ?
Aggro modififers are a multiple, from about x2-3 as general tank role to about x7 for the special "increased threat" skills (rephrasing, tooltips have the wording there)
The difference between multiplication and adding is high damage encounters/skills and/or with the increased threat will create a significant lead on aggro and if used during the debuffs they benefit more and they will not loose aggro.
Most aggro loss happens when tanks take too long to shield / palisade / squat or whatever, and by the time they are not damaing the dps catch up on the aggro counters.
This is the same with getting on the top of the list and then loosing it, usually a symptom of staying too long without attacking, or not timing the high damage skills before that need to move and shield, or having low damage, usually low ArP in general.
tl;dr: Due to aggro bonus being multiple to damage, timing the damage, and having damage to being with, keeps aggro.
Most like all mmo tanks would normally have. A ability that would not attack but grab aggro that is always present when or if needed.
I don't think this is what was intended, because if it is, then the progression of tanks/heals/dps will be different from one another, and some maybe shorter than others.
Currently to keep threat, you would have to keep generating it with at wills/encounters with proper timing, and relying on your healer to keep you alive when it comes that you need to keep hitting instead of blocking, just to keep the threat. being BIS helps make this easier, but you don't have to be.
Many tanks don't know how to play them, that's the main problem
I've seen barbs and OPs keep threat properly too (and im not talking about those who spam smite like no tomorrow), but since i dont play them, I can't really speak for them.
Maybe fighters have it too easy. I dunno.