Gahh, this is not a nice change imo... Was the main reason I bought the mount.
Boots of Misty Step no longer incorrectly remain active when using At-Will or Encounter powers on female characters. (Male characters had already properly had them deactivated.)
Gelatinous Cube: This companion's player bonus has been buffed so that its stats are more in line with other similar companions.
this didnt use to be a mount? maybe im wrong but i dont remember a gelatinous cube as a companion (maybe the green slime?).
Back then Cryptic promoted that Razer Cortex (performance booster) program and while using the program u could gather Zsilver. After a few months of collecting u were able to buy different things with it (players could choose an in-game reward, Gelatinous Cube augment companion was one of them). So did I. The companion war ranked up after Mod16 introduction, its legendary for a while now, but still had in offensive slot the green ranked 400 power and 200 crit avoidance, instead of 4000 power and 2000 crit avoidance. (Hope the aboves means it got succesfully fixed).
And the 2nd way I know is to get it is to watch the Cryptic streams, cuz they give out codes for winners (just like those rainbow mounts). For example when Chris #cwhitesidedev was intoduced in December 2019. I was one of the winners on the Twitch stream (thou I still didnt receive the code after the email).
Hide The Pain Harold!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,524Arc User
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Warlock: Soul Sparks are now generated in a different way, which means that they should be consistently generated no matter what enemies they hit. Previously, certain enemies could not provide Soul Sparks.
and now i cant earn ss except with atwill XD (hellbringer path), this work as itented? i dont think this is the "different way" to generated soul sparks.
Baby Owlbear's Presence can no longer incorrectly trigger when receiving reflected damage. Briartwine Enchantment can no longer incorrectly trigger reflected damage
What constitutes reflected damage? Are they referring to the damage that would be triggered by Lostmauth's Vengeance?
Whatever u did to warlocks that you think fixed the soul spark problem on certain monsters has completely broke soul spark generation in its own. As stated
Hey, @nitocris83 and @noworries#8859. How much can you mock warlocks? When will you learn to check those “corrections” that you make? With your fix, you actually removed the only available way to reduce skill recovery time (not to mention damage reduction due to a slower gain of sparks).
@nitocris83 Hi, "Any seals that previously had to be purchased one-by-one can now be purchased in bulk." Can we please get a bulk purchase possibility on companion training tokens in the Legacy Campaign store? (Sybella Artis)
Thanks for the video proving how mistaken the devs are in this "soul spark" "fix" for warlocks. Instead of fixing an issue, they break it even more....
Glyphworks: When teleporting to the Glyphworks, there is no longer a "Gather Your Party" circle; as a result, players who have not unlocked the Glyphworks can no longer be teleported there in this way.
Which leads to the following:
If you have a party for restoring the glyphworks only *one* person can use the just restored Glyphwork to teleport back to the castle, which will complete those quest step (the initial use of the freshly restored Glyphwork) for all members of the party. The unlucky ones sill cannot use those Glyphwork and have to walk the long way back to the castle to finish the quest.
( obv workaround leave party before teleporting but i consider it as annoying ... )
Gelatinous Cube: This companion's player bonus has been buffed so that its stats are more in line with other similar companions.
this didnt use to be a mount? maybe im wrong but i dont remember a gelatinous cube as a companion (maybe the green slime?).
Boots of Misty Step no longer incorrectly remain active when using At-Will or Encounter powers on female characters. (Male characters had already properly had them deactivated.)
Back then Cryptic promoted that Razer Cortex (performance booster) program and while using the program u could gather Zsilver. After a few months of collecting u were able to buy different things with it (players could choose an in-game reward, Gelatinous Cube augment companion was one of them). So did I. The companion war ranked up after Mod16 introduction, its legendary for a while now, but still had in offensive slot the green ranked 400 power and 200 crit avoidance, instead of 4000 power and 2000 crit avoidance. (Hope the aboves means it got succesfully fixed).
And the 2nd way I know is to get it is to watch the Cryptic streams, cuz they give out codes for winners (just like those rainbow mounts). For example when Chris #cwhitesidedev was intoduced in December 2019. I was one of the winners on the Twitch stream (thou I still didnt receive the code after the email).
oh, as a sw i just tested this:
Warlock: Soul Sparks are now generated in a different way, which means that they should be consistently generated no matter what enemies they hit. Previously, certain enemies could not provide Soul Sparks.
and now i cant earn ss except with atwill XD (hellbringer path), this work as itented? i dont think this is the "different way" to generated soul sparks.
Briartwine Enchantment can no longer incorrectly trigger reflected damage
What constitutes reflected damage? Are they referring to the damage that would be triggered by Lostmauth's Vengeance?
Now you broke this congrats, sparks are not generated on crit anymore. Can we HAMSTER get a HAMSTER fuctioning class already ffs?
Aww man. Way to reduce viability / variety of player builds. =(
How much can you mock warlocks?
When will you learn to check those “corrections” that you make?
With your fix, you actually removed the only available way to reduce skill recovery time (not to mention damage reduction due to a slower gain of sparks).
"Any seals that previously had to be purchased one-by-one can now be purchased in bulk."
Can we please get a bulk purchase possibility on companion training tokens in the Legacy Campaign store? (Sybella Artis)
> Nice work. @noworries#8859 should receive the award as an employee of the year.
Thanks for the video proving how mistaken the devs are in this "soul spark" "fix" for warlocks. Instead of fixing an issue, they break it even more....
Which leads to the following:
If you have a party for restoring the glyphworks only *one* person can use the just restored Glyphwork to teleport back to the castle, which will complete those quest step (the initial use of the freshly restored Glyphwork) for all members of the party. The unlucky ones sill cannot use those Glyphwork and have to walk the long way back to the castle to finish the quest.
( obv workaround leave party before teleporting but i consider it as annoying ... )