Today I was testing the feats, damage, and some stuffs with my DPS Fighter, and I decided to open the Stardock Lockbox just for fun, and ...
I got the legendary drop !!!
Image: a few hours, I commented on my "luck" with my guild friends, created a copy of my main character, and opened another Enchanted Key:
Another legendary drop !!!!!!!Image: baffled about what happening to me, I decided to record a video on my Youtube channel, creating during the video, several copies of my main character in Preview, all with 1 Enchanted Key to use, and...
I GOT LEGENDARY DROP ON ALL OF THEN !!And here is the video: the video, after the tests, I opened the same lockbox on
Dragon server, and got commom rewards.
I don't know if this only happening to me or to someone else on
Preview, since the drop rewards are pure RNG as far I know, and I don't know if this is a bug or if it is normal. But anyway, I decided to report this in a video.
If this is true, you should get that lockbox in live too opening the same lockbox. But who knows when that number changes, maybe it changes just doing other actions like generating a dmg number so if you played that char in live after copying you may change that seed.
This happens in other games like hearthstone where your rng numbers are predetermined for the quality of cards you get in each pack, and when they rolled back the server 10 hours in one region people got the exact same qualities of cards but the cards were different.
In this systems, some seeds are better than others generating more "top results" and that could explain why some characters get worse results that others in lockboxes for example.
But who knows maybe is only a bug heh
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