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After all these negative discussions.. lets say something nice about Neverwinter

mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,490 Arc User
There are a lot of negative discussions on this forum.. which is natural as providing input to how the game can be improved means criticizing it.

But lets us not forget that after all Neverwinter is a nice and fun game, or we would not be here at all. Some weak parts, some strong parts, but overall the users of this forum finds it time well spent even if they usually do not say so :)

This discussion on Reddit is good for morale uplift:


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    honghua#7152 honghua Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I used to play this game on PS4 and spent a ton of time on it, end up liking it but switching to FFXIV. Then i got a PC i continued to play FFXIV but after over 2 years of playing that game i have more than enough due to the nature of content in that game that gets super repetitive after some time, even the new content is repetitive.
    I came back to neverwinter, found out PC version has cheaper micro, graphics are better than PS4 and framerates are really nice.
    What i see in this game right now from perspective of someone who played on PS4 2 years ago is a immense amount of improvements cryptic did to it. Companions mechanics changed giving you freedom to choose bonuses whatever you want, mounts are pretty same but there is a lot of stuff being made. Despite negative feedback i think workshop is several times better system than old complicated mess of a crafting we had back then.
    There is somewhat more balance and trinity is finally implemented so people actually started to play with each other.
    Oh and no more identifiying scrolls and items, thank god cryptic got rid of that.
    Overall i feel i am going to play this game for longer than i did played FFXIV or WoW, there is so much stuff to do in this game i love it so far.
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    milehighxr#1299 milehighxr Member Posts: 463 Arc User

    I used to play this game on PS4 and spent a ton of time on it, end up liking it but switching to FFXIV. Then i got a PC i continued to play FFXIV but after over 2 years of playing that game i have more than enough due to the nature of content in that game that gets super repetitive after some time, even the new content is repetitive.

    I came back to neverwinter, found out PC version has cheaper micro, graphics are better than PS4 and framerates are really nice.

    What i see in this game right now from perspective of someone who played on PS4 2 years ago is a immense amount of improvements cryptic did to it. Companions mechanics changed giving you freedom to choose bonuses whatever you want, mounts are pretty same but there is a lot of stuff being made. Despite negative feedback i think workshop is several times better system than old complicated mess of a crafting we had back then.

    There is somewhat more balance and trinity is finally implemented so people actually started to play with each other.

    Oh and no more identifiying scrolls and items, thank god cryptic got rid of that.

    Overall i feel i am going to play this game for longer than i did played FFXIV or WoW, there is so much stuff to do in this game i love it so far.

    Companion system is trash compared to pre mod 16. You are now locked into specific number of offense/defense/utility bonus powers to choose from. This means if you really want good customizability that we had back then you need to spend a metric HAMSTER ton of ad on all new comps, and then the cost to upgrade them if they are only available at green to start.
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    jimmypdtjimmypdt Member Posts: 121 Arc User

    I am still here playing and having fun. I am currently working on adding another story arc to my character Aero Ironcrown. You can read her micro biography online here. I am really looking forward to the 21st of January and playing the next module. I am in progress of collecting items to offer as prizes in my next contest, which is of course, about the Ironcrowns and how they fit into module 18. This is what I do to have fun.

    Having fun in any game is what we make of it. I don't think of it as "grinding", if the progress is fun. It is my opinion, Neverwinter is still the best active free to play MMO available. It is not perfect, but nothing is perfect or pure. Change is often viewed as chaos and sometimes vast changes can cause damage. Damage can often be repaired, isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

    Do you have anything left over from the Halloween event that I sent you? If not, I have more to help out your contest. Love seeing people have fun!!!

    All the best,
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    blargskullblargskull Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    In my opinion, beside mod 15, mod 14 on up has been an improvement to the game. Mod 14 gave people a zone that the players have been clamoring for a long time. It a zone that added some unique mechanics and interesting setting to the game. Mod 16 added a better interface for the fashion system and dye collection. It also gave us a ever changing master expedition that makes it never be the same twice in a row. Mod 17 gave us our first new race in years. This shows progress, that the system is improving, and even those that are still in need of tweaking will be fixed and refined to be better.

    Just killing time...
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    autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    As someone who plays the game for fun with over 20 toons and is not a BiS Princess, I can say there many things in the game that are better now than they were pre MOD-16.

    Some areas where I have seen improvement

    Companions (even with so many of them being broken)
    Appearance System
    The lack of time-gating on Undermountain was so nice
    Many more new items are just account bound as opposed to BtC
    The new refining system is a godsend (This one is HUGE BTW)
    There have been longer legacy campaign events
    There seems to be more sales now in the Zen shop
    Lego mounts in the Zen shop
    Lego mount insignia
    And the arrival of @cwhitesidedev#9752 is REALLY wonderful and welcome

    Post edited by autumnwitch on
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
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    honghua#7152 honghua Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    > @"milehighxr#1299" said:
    > (Quote)
    > Companion system is trash compared to pre mod 16. You are now locked into specific number of >offense/defense/utility bonus >powers to choose from. This means >if you really want good customizability that we had back then you need to spend a metric <font >color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton of ad on all new comps, and then the cost to upgrade them if they are only available at green to start.

    Well i would have argue with that.
    Im not 100% sure but it seems like they streamlined the companion system to some degree.
    Before you were not able to choose whatever companion you wanted and choose what kind of bonus you would use. It was simply put, you had companions and different set of bonuses attached to them and you were not able to choose anything but companion and his equipment. Oh the equipment was also bound to separate companions as well as bounding enchantments as far as i remember.
    So i think its still a lot better i could play with mercenary bonuses, dog item and have a healer which is nice. The only thing to be done is to get rid of the auflgumented companions or nerf them tothe ground.
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    jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    What I really like about NW is the combat system.
    Originally, I would have ended up with ESO since it's more my lore (I had NO idea what NW was about. At all. I have never met anybody irl that had anything to do with dnd) but I have always had issues with the combat, and NW combat is still, to this day, what I enjoyed the most.
    There are some games with a good combat system, but I end up missing NW the most in combat. (Even now, after M16)

    Which is funny, considering how much time I spent out of combat in NW. But still, combat is what turns me on or off about a game. There are many (newer) games (not necessarily mmos) with a good story, graphics, whatnot, but if the combat is bad it may look awesome but I still end up not playing it.
    - bye bye -
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    sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User

    Combat. It's all about combat.

    Okay, I want old school combat, like during beta, but the combat in this game is SECOND to none.

    I'll throw props, when it's merited. I've never played a solo-RPG or MMO where combat was as rad as it is in Neverwinter.

    And I play ALL the classes. ;) There's not one I didn't like.

    I am so glad that a developer like yourselves, recognizes how amazing the combat in this game is. Why in the world do the developers that created this game are oblivious of this? I spend 6 months finding a damn MMO that would fit comfortably to my liking, and i ended up here only because of its combat. I asked for advice on reddit and all the advice i got was as negative as it could get, due to the fact that mod 16 had just released lol.

    Alas, we shall make story dungeons because the story is just amazing in this game. I just can't keep my eyes off it, just comparing it with other MMO's like ESO and FF 14 online, I wonder why this game isn't as popular as it deserves to be? ************ #weneedstorydungeons!
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    bpstuartbpstuart Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    The appearance system is nice, lets you really theme a character. My humble Fey witch Arcanist wouldn't be the same if she had to wear fancy embroidered robes with a boob window.
    I wouldn't have been playing since late 2013 if i didn't like the game.
    I used to have way more good to say about it, but those are no longer applicable.
    Ego etiam cupo recrari et amari diu post mortem meam
    I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
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    ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    Ummmmm....something nice hmmmmm....oh yeah the new QA team has been very responsive.

    Community (at least the part I come in contact with daily) is what keeps me around here. I suspect they make the game more fun than it really is lol.
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    jimmypdtjimmypdt Member Posts: 121 Arc User

    I am still here playing and having fun. I am currently working on adding another story arc to my character Aero Ironcrown. You can read her micro biography online here. I am really looking forward to the 21st of January and playing the next module. I am in progress of collecting items to offer as prizes in my next contest, which is of course, about the Ironcrowns and how they fit into module 18. This is what I do to have fun.

    Having fun in any game is what we make of it. I don't think of it as "grinding", if the progress is fun. It is my opinion, Neverwinter is still the best active free to play MMO available. It is not perfect, but nothing is perfect or pure. Change is often viewed as chaos and sometimes vast changes can cause damage. Damage can often be repaired, isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

    So here is the list of prizes you could win by taking part in @sandukutupu contests on the 21st Jan (launch of MOD 18). Items have been sent to them.

    -gold bars x999
    -enchanting stone, rank 5 x5
    -enchanting stone, rank 6 x5
    -mark of potency, rank 5 x25
    -mark of potency, rank 6 x10
    -mark of potency, rank 7 x10
    -dark enchantment, rank 14 x2
    -Empowered runestone, rank 13 x1
    -refiner's cache x3
    -Coal ward x1
    -cube of augmentation x25
    -greater companion experience treatise x25
    -barbed insignia of skill (lengenday) x1
    -shadow wolf mount
    -amnian horse mount
    -gelatinous cube mount
    -sabino destrier mount
    -glorious resurgence epic companions pack x1
    -angel of protection companion
    -earth archon companion
    -greenscale bowman companion
    -halfling wayward wizard companion
    -minstrel companion x2
    -neverember guard archer companion
    -wolf companion
    -elminster's lunchbox 2 stacks of 99 (total 198)

    Good luck to everyone. I hope to be there if work permits.

    All the best,
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    sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    @jimmypdt items received and banked. :+1: I will be posting up some information here in the forums on "The Ironcrown Challenge" and how to win these and more items!

    Link to contest announcement.
    Post edited by sandukutupu on
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    shadrakt2shadrakt2 Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    I think it's absolutely astounding that Cryptic functions with a staff of little more than an indie dev and produces an MMO that not only competes with studios 10 times larger, but keeps showing up in top 5 MMOs lists.

    Good job Cryptic! :)

    I also agree that the combat system is second to none. Character building took a hard hit with mod 16, but it's still better than the vast majority out there.
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    juleadreamjuleadream Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    With 18 expansions plus the Vanilla (0-60) game, there is rarely a lack of anything to do. Unless you've been playing since Beta and are up to date on all campaigns lol
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    sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    Is there anything good left to say?
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    jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    > @sobi#1980 said:
    > Is there anything good left to say?

    There is this point in NW that you can reach... Before it, you care and care and care and care, then you reach it. From then on you just know when to go out to buy popcorn to be ready.

    Get what is fun out of the game, leave the rest there. The casual popcorn eater community is welcoming to everybody.
    - bye bye -
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