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Undermountain Owlbear Patch Notes: NW.110.20190519a.2

terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
These patch notes are not 100% complete. Technical issues are preventing me from looking up the context for certain changes, so a variety of class power changes are not yet reflected below.

From The State of Neverwinter: Q & A Stream Recap post:

  • The health of all enemies (including bosses) has been reduced by 10%.
  • All Enchantments and Runestones, aside from Bonding Runestones, have had their item level and stats doubled.
  • Enchantments are now affected less by level scaling downward, while gear is affected a little more.
Soloable Content
  • All Campaign Zones, and their soloable instances, are no longer scaled by Item Level.
  • Challenge Campaigns have been renamed to Legacy Campaigns.
Queued Content
  • (Previously done, already live - reviewing difficulty) Most Dungeons and Trials have had their Item Level requirements and scaling targets increased.
  • (Not yet implemented) Most events that scaled players to level 60 will scale players to level 40 instead.
  • (Partially implemented) The upward scaling on the Stronghold map is being removed; the map is now consistently level 80.

Release Notes

Content and Environment
  • Introductory Quests: One of the cutscenes no longer has a green screen fade.
  • Rune Etching: Chaotic: This quest item can no longer be destroyed.
  • Terminus: A buried skill node has been removed.
  • Twisted Caverns: In a cutscene involving the Alchemist, there's no longer a warning indicator for a non-harmful visual effect.
  • Twisted Caverns: The Alchemist can once again be found in case you need to hand something to him.
  • Vanrakdoom: The shadowfell transitions now play the appropriate audio.
Undermountain Expeditions
  • In most cases, only one Gravemaster can now spawn in an encounter. (There are some exceptions, particularly in 5-player runs.)
  • A placeholder plot has been removed.
  • Players below level 80 are no longer level-scaled upward while at the Stronghold.
  • Ship Crew members no longer appear in place of some guards.
  • Icewind Dale: The quest, "The Long Night," no longer requires the deprecated Black Ice profession.
  • Kavatos no longer inexplicably wanders the ice fields of Bryn Shander.
  • Lore from certain rare spawns no longer include placeholder text.
  • When fishing in Soshenstar and Sea of Moving Ice, the fishing meter now correctly increases when pulling correctly.

Combat and Powers
  • A visual issue has been resolved in which the rage meter would deplete in an unpredictable manner when using Battlerage or Unstoppable. The duration of the Unstoppable and Battlerage effects are unaffected.
  • Crescendo now properly grants immunity to control effects during its use.
  • Resolved an issue wherein Spinning Strike only granted control immunity in a 200 degree frontal arc, instead of from all directions.
  • Sentinel
    • Sentinel's Slash no longer incorrectly grants more Action Points than expected.
    • The feat "Crushing Advance" now properly modifies Savage Advance after Unstoppable is used.
  • The at-will "Sacred Flame" now deals 70 magnitude damage, up from 65.
  • Arbiter
    • Channel Divinity and the divinity meter now unlock at level 5, when the Cleric receives their first divinity spending encounter power.
    • Daunting Light no longer incorrectly grants two stacks of Burning Judgement.
    • Divine Equilibrium no longer shows a buff icon.
    • The feat "Focused Light" now increases the damage of daunting light under its effect to 450, up from 400.
    • The feat "Perfect Balance" now requires 4 stacks of Burning and Radiant Shift to activate, down from 6.
    • The at-will "Lance of Faith" now deals 80 magnitude damage, up from 75.
    • The encounter "Forgemaster's Flame" now deals 650 magnitude damage, up from 600.
    • The encounter "Prophecy of Doom" has had its duration extended to 12s, up from 10s. Its cooldown has been reduced to 26s, down from 30s.
    • The amount of divinity restored by Channel Divinity for the Arbiter has been increased, both the over time restoration and the effect of consuming judgement to restore divinity.
    • The divinity cost of Daunting Light has been increased to 200, up from 180.
    • The divinity cost of Searing Javelin has been increased to 240, up from 220.
  • Heavy Slash should now consistently hit certain small targets or targets on slopes.
  • Reave should now consistently hit targets on slopes.
  • In character creation, the Fighter now shows Dig In instead of Dungeoneering as a sample power.
  • Dreadnought
    • Prepared Slam: Tremor and Onslaught now properly benefit from the effect of this feat.
    • Seethe no longer sometimes causes the camera to shake unexpectedly.
    • Seethe: The visual effects for this power have been slightly adjusted.
    • The feat "Heavier Slash" may no longer proc off of Heavy Slash itself.
    • The feat "Weight of Vengeance" now also decreases the cooldown of Anvil of Doom by 4s.
    • The class mechanic "Vengeance" now grants a 20% increase to damage when the Dreadnought is "Vengeful," up from 10%.
  • Vanguard
    • Determination, when modified by the feat "Perfect Block," can no longer incorrectly have its cooldown modified by recharge speed. This brings it in line with other similar tank powers.
    • The visual effects when a target is hit by "Enforced Threat" have been updated to be a bit easier to spot in combat.
  • Channel Divinity and the divinity meter now unlock at level 8, when the Paladin receives their first divinity spending encounter power.
  • A typo has been fixed in Binding Arrow.
  • Aspect of the Falcon: This power's tooltip has been adjusted to clarify its functionality.
  • Enhanced Conductivity: This feat now properly increases the magnitude of Lightning Enchanted Weapon.
  • Nature's Envoy: This feat's description has been clarified.
  • Oak Skin now properly works with Deft Strikes.
  • Plant Growth now uses Weak Grasping Roots.
  • Weapon Mastery: This feat now properly grants 5% Critical Chance, up from 2.5%.
  • Pathfinder
    • Slasher's Mark no longer refers to itself as a Mark effect.
  • Warden
    • Blade Hurricane: The Flurry effect is now represented with a buff icon.
    • Clear the Ground now deals Lightning damage.
    • Split the Sky no longer causes two separate debuff icons. It no longer claims it has a defensive lightning effect, but the magnitude of the base attack has increased.
  • Oppressive Darkness: This class feature now shows its magnitude in its tooltip.
  • Whisperknife
    • Disheartening Strike now shows its added effect in a way consistent with other powers.
  • Hand of Blight: The visual effects of this power should more consistently appear.
  • As part of the resolution, the first cast now takes a little longer to fire, but its magnitude has increased to make up for this change.
  • Warlock's Bargain is no longer usable if the warlock is below 20% health.
  • Soulweaver
    • Healing encounter powers no longer show a blank cooldown.
    • Pillar of Power: This power's buff icon now shows the remaining duration after leaving the circle.
    • Some power unlocks have been swapped in order to provide earlier access to healing powers.
      • Essence Defiler is now unlocked at level 72, up from 33, while Soul Reconstruction is now unlocked at level 33, down from 72.
      • Pillar of Power is now unlocked at level 47, up from 30, while Shatterspark is now unlocked at level 30, down from 47.
    • Soul Pact: This power's tooltip has been adjusted to clarify its functionality.
    • Soul Scorch no longer shows a blank cooldown field.
  • The visual effects for the Manticore Talon now properly display when the power is used.
  • Certain Boons that give bonus HP now properly provide that bonus HP.
  • Companion powers that give bonus currency now properly do so.
  • Critical Severity bonus powers now properly function.
  • Grung: The power Mesmerizing Chirr now has a debuff icon.
  • The following player bonuses have been updated to display the correct stats or companion.
    • Aarakocra's Discipline
    • Abolethmaw's Presence
    • Baby Polar Bear's Instincts
    • Dreadwarrior's Insight
    • Quickling's Wisdom
  • Certain powers now properly show the range of their effect in their tooltip.


  • lowjohnlowjohn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,061 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    Heeeeeyyy. Those are some really good patches.

    Small note:
    >Orcus' rings no longer show an immense damage value.

    When I tested the Orcus rings, they didn't proc *at all*, no matter what I did. I get that their damage tooltip was immense and bad, but I couldn't get ANY Orcus ring to trigger.

    When you fixed the tooltip, did you also fix any problems with triggering the effect?
  • agilestoagilesto Member Posts: 516 Arc User
    Really solid patch notes
  • artifleurartifleur Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    That's a lot of great fixes, thank you!

    The noisy vanity pets were driving me crazy.

    One bug still not fixed : Ranger artifact weapon modification "Enhanced Penetrating Arrows / Storm Strike" affects Aimed Shot / Aimed Strike instead.
  • alfalolzalfalolz Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    amazing patch, when is it going to come live?
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    "Stacks of high-quality Profession Resources can now be converted to normal-quality resources of the same type, so that they can be used for Masterwork Profession quests."

    Aren't quest items able to be produced in an unusable +1 state? I've avoided using the forgehammer because of this. I hope this change doesn't just affect resources as stated, if so.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    Really promising. Please double check all to work like patch notes and dont break anything else.

    Im impatient to ser this live.
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • zhili666zhili666 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 25 Arc User
    Can you also update the Journal artefacts from tales of old please as they are still til 150?
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  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    So, Companion utility powers will still not work? (ex: Cockatrice, Dire Wolf).
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I see Dire Wolf proc fairly regularly and the mob stops what it was doing when that happens.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • baronstragenbaronstragen Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Looks good. Please do not forget about Tenebrous Enchants @terramak . I upgraded those so my OP can do _some_ damage, at least more than a wet noodle. Let me know if you don't plan to fix them so I can trade them in before the vendor goes away. Much appreciated.
    Varric the Cursed Dwarven cursed to be Tiefling CW
    Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
    Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
    JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
    Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
  • giz#2086 giz Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    Nothing for Hellbringer Warlock?
  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    +1 on the patch notes dude. Can't wait till this gets merged into the live build, hope all goes well.

  • devilxjkdevilxjk Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    no pls
    The feat "Heavier Slash" may no longer proc off of Heavy Slash itself.
    we already have enough problems
  • dogis#8617 dogis Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    doesn't seems like Arbiter would be still valuble , if devenety wasn't increase twice or even 3 times.....
    @terramark , why you can't just remove divinity , from Arbiter and add CD on encounters !? as all other classes. Thank you.

    also Tactical Enchantment still can't be use in Utility slot. please fix it.
    Thank you.
    Post edited by dogis#8617 on
  • kieranmtornkieranmtorn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 382 Arc User
    pitshade said:

    I see Dire Wolf proc fairly regularly and the mob stops what it was doing when that happens.

    I used to see my Dire Wolf proc (back on 3/30), just not recently. I've tried Cockatrice, Dire Wolf, and Manticore on Live and they don't proc. On preview currently after 369 attacks, neither Tenebrous (2 R12's) or Cockatrice proc at this moment (from ACT log).

  • divectoredivectore Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    i just hope you read this and consider fixing it: Angel of Death (capstone of DC Arbiter) is the worst feat there is in any game i played.
    Since undermountain, i haven't been able to proc it once in real battle, because: 1: the power is only usefull for bosses, 2: you can't use it in bosses because it takes too many stacks to reach angel of death (about 4 mins of just dpsing,not considering dodging or doing mechanics) , and when you reach 30 stacks, the boss is already dead.
    This is my propose.
    Angel of death: (last 5 seconds)
    Requires 4 stacks to reach it.
    On proc refills 50 divinity per second
    Encounters are 10% more effective while in angel of death.
    Your first encounter that use divinity will have 0 divinity cost, and the following encounters have halfened divinity cost.

    This way, the feat will be more consistent (and at least can be used) and have a more action feeling rather than something strong but used once per lifetime.

    Also, Hunter Ranger's Throw Caution is not procing Flurry, and Hindering Strike has a 5% to fail and don't do anything but going to cooldown.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    doesn't seems like Arbiter would be still valuble , if devenety wasn't increase twice or even 3 times.....
    @terramark , why you can't just remove divinity , from Arbiter and add CD on encounters !? as all other classes. Thank you.

    also Tactical Enchantment still can't be use in Utility slot. please fix it.
    Thank you.

    Arbiter already was in a pretty good place, I've played a bit on owlbear already and the changes just made things a bit smoother so maybe more people will be able to grasp how to manage divinity. I really would not want to have them go to all encounters, that would absolutely kill our dps.
  • rafamarques#5700 rafamarques Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    "These patch notes are not 100% complete. Technical issues are preventing me from looking up the context for certain changes, so a variety of class power changes are not yet reflected below."

    so... barbarians got some hide buff?... maybe not? you know, anxiety is a big problem of our generation

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  • soul#6332 soul Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Why SW damage is not increased?
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