@nitocris83 &
@mimicking#6533 Kindly be noted that there is botting happening in Leveling Random Queue Runs. Basically the guy has 3 clients opened & he queues with 3 characters that are ranged in this case warlocks. All three characters are geared the same equipment & companions, he uses the Follow Command and make 2 characters run after the character he is controlling. And somehow these characters attack, this is some auto clicker probably happening for at will attacks or there is auto attack bug he is triggering, it was known issue before on Rangers, and to this day I have seen this bugg happen with the paladin btw.
Here is his character handles
one of his character handles is large i took screenshot to ensure it is correct
Here is a screenshot showing the guy with companions
I don't think there is any benefit from having the follow command no one uses it, this makes it easier for someone to bot.
Disable the command in dungeons & skrimish, however leave it in normal maps & protector enclave for players enjoyment to have parade.
Comment edited by the Space Hamster, reason: Removed the screenshots for confidentiality reasons.
2. No naming and shaming in forums
3. Bots running the same script will all perform the same actions (if same class and slotted powers, of course). This has nothing to do with the Follow command
As for naming and shaming in forums, if it looks like a HAMSTER, and smells like a HAMSTER, and bots like a HAMSTER, it's a HAMSTER! A HAMSTER, I tell you! A flaming HAMSTER! On a stick!
(We need a "flaming hamster on a stick" emote.)
(If these are not bots, then they are deliberately setting out to sabotage queued group content.)
While that may seem extreme, it would make random queues truly random so that actual human gamers aren't getting locked into having to repeatedly run the same dungeons/skirmishes back-to-back-to-back on account of bot-camping.