@nitocris83 @kreatyve @terramak I just bought a rank 13 tactical enchantment and tried to slot it in my utility slots. They don't appear from the dropdown menu at all when you try to put them in utility, making it impossible to do so.
The tooltip clearly displays that this enchantment has a utility slot function as you can see from this screenshot:
Please forward this bug to the devs, I'd like to actually use my rank 13 tactical enchantment, it wasn't cheep and this wasn't a pleasant surprise.
Additional Info: I also tried to slot a rank 5 tactical enchantment in utility to check if this is just a rank 13 issue, the rank 5 enchantment didn't appear in the dropdown menu either.
PVP Rogue,
--[----- "Your friendly neighborhood spawn of Satan." -----]--
Main Character: Hurricane Marigolds (Rogue WK & Assassin)
Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
Guilds: She Looked LVL 18 & Essence of Aggression
Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC