silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
I was comparing current combat with mods 1 and early 2.. but Im wrong, and here is the reason, alot of the powers we had that did dot or tick damage, also had secondary benefits that helped us more. My FF for my dc also healed me at the time, so I could literally sit there and take on a group of mobs, it doesnt feel the same whatsoever.
Some other annoying really hateful features now...
They reduced comp damage and comp heals to pathetically nothing.
Overall.. while I enjoy some of the mod 16 features, others I hate to no end.
I have about 24 days of vip left.. I think I will let it expire and go back on a year long break while they beta test with those who wish to do so for the next 3-4 months.. then come back and see if they fixed some of this garbage.
BTW barbians slow determination build now really hurts it, any sort of stun and bam your dead, you cant sprint after your stunned. So you have to to semi sprint into groups behind it then slowly build determination , then kill things.
I DONT even in mods 1, remember the gwf this cumbersome. In fact, pretty sure it wasnt. There was no time that the game felt this slow .
Others might enjoy it, I just find it dull and slow and boring.. I dont think reducing cooldowns is the exact answer.. now encounters will hit as hard as at wills.. Yea?
Played around with the Pally this morning, what dread awful dreck that is to do now.. I cant stand it.
You basically have to pre make everything , including leveling dungeons.. only my 20k toons can do them near solo.. what a crock that is.
I loled when I got the icy IG.. with my barbie.. she ran around doing nothing but dying, because you cant outsprint in that area and barbies have no real range .. so whatever.
This game is a pathetic shell of its glory now, I am sure some dreck awful players will get on here and tell us how much a challenge it is due to its poor mechanics and much slower time frames.
BTW, WHERE is the promise that I could heal content again? sure I can "heal" some content, but not much, THERE IS Still WAY too much insta death happening.. WAY TO MUCH. Cant heal people when they stun and insta die.
Also healing on the DC sucks windballs. I miss my old dot healing builds..
MOD 16 mostly = MEH sauce to me and too boring to continue.
Sorry, totally missed this question. I play rogue, ranger and I'm messing around with Warlock, can't say I'm really playing it, since it's only 16 or so. My main is a 75 rogue that was 60 when I came back. I have two of each, rogue and ranger, one of each focusing on melee, and the other focusing on ranged.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I find it hilarious that people are having issue with this. Here's the thing, the powers on cooldown, are encounter powers. Originally coined in 4e, they are meant to be used once per encounter. This being an MMO and not a tabletop, the cooldown mechanic. As it is now, I'm still using a cooldown about twice per power per encounter (not always the case, sometimes the mob does die early in the second rotation of encounter powers). Ultimately, this is not Diablo, was never meant to be Diablo, and those that want it to be Diablo instead of WoW, or even worse, Everquest, are the ones finding their game ruined.
Forth edition almost destroyed the brand of dungeons and dragons, dissuaded playing the game and eventually led to a famous character( a certain darkelf that everyone seems to want to name their own character) to a different publisher. If cryptic were to keep following THAT model dont you think it would meet the same fate as 4e? and btw 5th edition has been out for awhile now, and is quite a bit better.
I find it hilarious that people are having issue with this. Here's the thing, the powers on cooldown, are encounter powers. Originally coined in 4e, they are meant to be used once per encounter. This being an MMO and not a tabletop, the cooldown mechanic. As it is now, I'm still using a cooldown about twice per power per encounter (not always the case, sometimes the mob does die early in the second rotation of encounter powers). Ultimately, this is not Diablo, was never meant to be Diablo, and those that want it to be Diablo instead of WoW, or even worse, Everquest, are the ones finding their game ruined.
Forth edition almost destroyed the brand of dungeons and dragons, dissuaded playing the game and eventually led to a famous character( a certain darkelf that everyone seems to want to name their own character) to a different publisher. If cryptic were to keep following THAT model dont you think it would meet the same fate as 4e? and btw 5th edition has been out for awhile now, and is quite a bit better.
Indeed. I liked 4e, but I acknowledge that it was too big of a departure from D&D in the traditional sense.
Addendum: Because I hit post too early because of course.
My main in this game is actually based off my 4e wizard character, albeit with some differences in race, because in NWO, Dragonborn wizards are actually viable.
@Roberthebard, having never played any of those three classes, I cannot comment. I can speak of my experience as a CW.
NWO had to be different from the table top, because here, in this game, death is the only true form of crowd control. The wizard cannot petrify foes, or frighten them into running away and permanently giving up, etc, etc. Indeed, on the table top, the wizard *revolved* around being able to spew out encounter powers that often times did very little damage. Indeed, his best powers often did no damage at all, but instead worked to resolve the battle through other means (forcibly shoving and moving enemies, grouping them together, making their attacks miss, making them attack allies, etc.)
NWO kept that aspect up until module 16. We were the only class (to my knowledge) to get 4 active encounters. We were the class that revolved around battlefield control (up until Module 6 made CC almost pointless for a long time) through fast paced cycling of those encounter powers, mixing in at-wills via Spell Twisting to reduce cooldown. It was a high complex, incredibly fast paced combat experience that I absolutely loved. Managing arcane mastery stacks, teleporting in close to drop Icy Terrain on the largest group in the mob before dashing away, hitting frozen enemies with disintegrate, alternating which at Will to do what I needed. Its what I loved.
Now? My cooldowns at 2-5 times as long as they were. With no realistic way to shorten them. It makes the game a lot more like table top, in the sense that I am likely only to get to use each encounter power "once" per encounter. But here's the thing, and this is critical... in the table top, even the CW's at-wills did something cool. They forcefully repositioned enemies, made obstacles they couldn't pass, conjured up horrifying phantasms to harass and make the enemies miss their attacks, etc. IN NWO? Now it's "Alright, there's the encounters...let me throw this ball of ice...ohhh, I added one stack of let me conjure up a little fire column...that does absolutely nothing because enemies in any battle that matter (i.e. Runic HEs) still have regen in the area of thousands of HP per tick, and so the 100 or so DOT smolder gives me is absolutely pointless....yawn..." and I'm no longer spaming teleports to try to get into optimal positions to attack, I'm spamming them to avoid the enemies "at-will", non-telegraphed attacks because they carve away 20%+ of my life with each attack because the scaling in the HE's is so screwed up (and yes, UM HE's are scaled. And no. It's not a freaking bug.)
In sum: it's the worst of both worlds now. It's not the fast paced, intense combat that NWO used to have, but the only reliable powers I have possess none of the strategic and tactical "crowd control" depth they did on the tabletop. Combined with the inability to customized my own character, build what I want, and instead being handed linear progressions and feat choices that half the time don't even make sense (for god's sake, I have class features that boost my lightning damage, something that, as a Thaum build, *I don't even have access to!*) and my guy is now little more than an automatic turret that any "engineer" class would normally lay down...only I take up an entire team slot...
I think you're preaching to the choir about some of the cooldowns, I've already stated that I believe they could be reduced by about 15ish% and still accomplish what I think they were aiming for. I also pointed out a disparity in the cooldowns for different versions of the same skill, at least on Ranger, where changing the stance changes how a skill works, but is essentially the same skill. Some of the melee versions have cooldowns which are considerably longer than the ranged version.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I have been wondering about the D&D edition quandary for a while now then recently there was some news. A former employee of Bioware who worked on Dragon Age and some of their other fantasy titles was recently hired by WotC to develop a new D&D based game. I am wondering if perhaps some of the stuff we are seeing here at NW is happening because WotC wants to reserve elements of the 5th edition for the new product they are making?
not sure, but kobalds have been reskinned to match version 5
<div align="center"><img src="" alt="" /></div></img> ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it. <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
I've witnessed you trying to effectively down-play and silence numerous voices opposing praise of Mod 16 over the past couple of weeks; especially initially you were quick to question then dismiss the claims of broken scaling mechanics even in the face of concrete evidence. In my experience behavior of that sort speaks to a mindset of someone laboring under cognitive dissonance. Even now in your post above you are still attempting to downplay just how truly terrible the state of NW is in after the launch of Mod 16. Enjoy it if that's your thing by all means, but please don't insult my intelligence (nor that of numerous others if we take a look around zone chat, the threads in this forum, Reddit Neverwinter, and possibly elsewhere). Mod 16 is hugely unpopular any way you slice it, and not without sound reasons.
I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
I've witnessed you trying to effectively down-play and silence numerous voices opposing praise of Mod 16 over the past couple of weeks; especially initially you were quick to question then dismiss the claims of broken scaling mechanics even in the face of concrete evidence. In my experience behavior of that sort speaks to a mindset of someone laboring under cognitive dissonance. Even now in your post above you are still attempting to downplay just how truly terrible the state of NW is in after the launch of Mod 16. Enjoy it if that's your thing by all means, but please don't insult my intelligence (nor that of numerous others if we take a look around zone chat, the threads in this forum, Reddit Neverwinter, and possibly elsewhere). Mod 16 is hugely unpopular any way you slice it, and not without sound reasons.
So I'm really torn on what to believe here, because frankly, I've seen this argument before, in other places, where it was absolutely right, this just recently in fact, and a reason that I'm back here now, and where it was "much ado about nothing".
Upon returning, I found that I had a bunch of "lowbie" content that I had to run for the campaign log, for some reason I hadn't done the dungeon in the Cloak Tower region, as one example. When I went in, I was scaled down to level 12, from 60+. So I'm a bit confused as to how this scaling mechanic can be seen as new? It seems to me that, based on this experience alone, it has always been here? I left because the game was over the top easy. If this is going to fix that, then "Yay". I can't tell, from reading the posts, if this is just salt, or if it's really bad. If it turns out to be really bad, then I'll just move along again. But really, since I've not been anywhere near the current endgame, I'm in "wait and see" mode.
I still have 0 confidence in game devs, due to my recent experiences with "balance". However, I can't help but wonder how much of this is "it's really bad" and how much is "but I've been crushing my weeklies for years, and now I may have to work at it a bit to get them done".
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
Forth edition almost destroyed the brand of dungeons and dragons, dissuaded playing the game and eventually led to a famous character( a certain darkelf that everyone seems to want to name their own character) to a different publisher. If cryptic were to keep following THAT model dont you think it would meet the same fate as 4e? and btw 5th edition has been out for awhile now, and is quite a bit better.
Changing book publisher would be a Hasbro/WotC decision having very little to do with game editions. Totally different revenue streams.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Less than an hour ago, I soloed "Biggrin's Tomb" with my warlock. She used about 5 exalted health potions (2.5 G) and died 3 times. Most players will tell you "Biggrin's Tomb" was never meant to be soloed and you should party up with someone. However this is old content and when the majority of players are off playing new content, you are stuck doing it alone or waiting on a friend.
Also on Monday this is a very popular repeatable lair, as it gives 4,500 AD weekly. The real reason to do older content, good old fashion human greed. At the end of the day you have to ask, if your cost (potions, scrolls, eats) are worth the reward.
I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
I've witnessed you trying to effectively down-play and silence numerous voices opposing praise of Mod 16 over the past couple of weeks; especially initially you were quick to question then dismiss the claims of broken scaling mechanics even in the face of concrete evidence. In my experience behavior of that sort speaks to a mindset of someone laboring under cognitive dissonance. Even now in your post above you are still attempting to downplay just how truly terrible the state of NW is in after the launch of Mod 16. Enjoy it if that's your thing by all means, but please don't insult my intelligence (nor that of numerous others if we take a look around zone chat, the threads in this forum, Reddit Neverwinter, and possibly elsewhere). Mod 16 is hugely unpopular any way you slice it, and not without sound reasons.
So I'm really torn on what to believe here, because frankly, I've seen this argument before, in other places, where it was absolutely right, this just recently in fact, and a reason that I'm back here now, and where it was "much ado about nothing".
Upon returning, I found that I had a bunch of "lowbie" content that I had to run for the campaign log, for some reason I hadn't done the dungeon in the Cloak Tower region, as one example. When I went in, I was scaled down to level 12, from 60+. So I'm a bit confused as to how this scaling mechanic can be seen as new? It seems to me that, based on this experience alone, it has always been here? I left because the game was over the top easy. If this is going to fix that, then "Yay". I can't tell, from reading the posts, if this is just salt, or if it's really bad. If it turns out to be really bad, then I'll just move along again. But really, since I've not been anywhere near the current endgame, I'm in "wait and see" mode.
I still have 0 confidence in game devs, due to my recent experiences with "balance". However, I can't help but wonder how much of this is "it's really bad" and how much is "but I've been crushing my weeklies for years, and now I may have to work at it a bit to get them done".
You've made numerous posts. If it makes for uncomfortable reading revisiting it perhaps consider that for future posts.
I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
I've witnessed you trying to effectively down-play and silence numerous voices opposing praise of Mod 16 over the past couple of weeks; especially initially you were quick to question then dismiss the claims of broken scaling mechanics even in the face of concrete evidence. In my experience behavior of that sort speaks to a mindset of someone laboring under cognitive dissonance. Even now in your post above you are still attempting to downplay just how truly terrible the state of NW is in after the launch of Mod 16. Enjoy it if that's your thing by all means, but please don't insult my intelligence (nor that of numerous others if we take a look around zone chat, the threads in this forum, Reddit Neverwinter, and possibly elsewhere). Mod 16 is hugely unpopular any way you slice it, and not without sound reasons.
So I'm really torn on what to believe here, because frankly, I've seen this argument before, in other places, where it was absolutely right, this just recently in fact, and a reason that I'm back here now, and where it was "much ado about nothing".
Upon returning, I found that I had a bunch of "lowbie" content that I had to run for the campaign log, for some reason I hadn't done the dungeon in the Cloak Tower region, as one example. When I went in, I was scaled down to level 12, from 60+. So I'm a bit confused as to how this scaling mechanic can be seen as new? It seems to me that, based on this experience alone, it has always been here? I left because the game was over the top easy. If this is going to fix that, then "Yay". I can't tell, from reading the posts, if this is just salt, or if it's really bad. If it turns out to be really bad, then I'll just move along again. But really, since I've not been anywhere near the current endgame, I'm in "wait and see" mode.
I still have 0 confidence in game devs, due to my recent experiences with "balance". However, I can't help but wonder how much of this is "it's really bad" and how much is "but I've been crushing my weeklies for years, and now I may have to work at it a bit to get them done".
You've made numerous posts. If it makes for uncomfortable reading revisiting it perhaps consider that for future posts.
Yes, I have, and I'm not uncomfortable reading any of them, even ones where I was wrong about something I said. It happens, and I'm just far enough right of center as to not believe that everyone has to share my opinions or be shouted off a platform. I'll answer the question I had in that, my first post upon returning to the game: It's about 80% salt.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
I've witnessed you trying to effectively down-play and silence numerous voices opposing praise of Mod 16 over the past couple of weeks; especially initially you were quick to question then dismiss the claims of broken scaling mechanics even in the face of concrete evidence. In my experience behavior of that sort speaks to a mindset of someone laboring under cognitive dissonance. Even now in your post above you are still attempting to downplay just how truly terrible the state of NW is in after the launch of Mod 16. Enjoy it if that's your thing by all means, but please don't insult my intelligence (nor that of numerous others if we take a look around zone chat, the threads in this forum, Reddit Neverwinter, and possibly elsewhere). Mod 16 is hugely unpopular any way you slice it, and not without sound reasons.
So I'm really torn on what to believe here, because frankly, I've seen this argument before, in other places, where it was absolutely right, this just recently in fact, and a reason that I'm back here now, and where it was "much ado about nothing".
Upon returning, I found that I had a bunch of "lowbie" content that I had to run for the campaign log, for some reason I hadn't done the dungeon in the Cloak Tower region, as one example. When I went in, I was scaled down to level 12, from 60+. So I'm a bit confused as to how this scaling mechanic can be seen as new? It seems to me that, based on this experience alone, it has always been here? I left because the game was over the top easy. If this is going to fix that, then "Yay". I can't tell, from reading the posts, if this is just salt, or if it's really bad. If it turns out to be really bad, then I'll just move along again. But really, since I've not been anywhere near the current endgame, I'm in "wait and see" mode.
I still have 0 confidence in game devs, due to my recent experiences with "balance". However, I can't help but wonder how much of this is "it's really bad" and how much is "but I've been crushing my weeklies for years, and now I may have to work at it a bit to get them done".
You've made numerous posts. If it makes for uncomfortable reading revisiting it perhaps consider that for future posts.
Yes, I have, and I'm not uncomfortable reading any of them, even ones where I was wrong about something I said. It happens, and I'm just far enough right of center as to not believe that everyone has to share my opinions or be shouted off a platform. I'll answer the question I had in that, my first post upon returning to the game: It's about 80% salt.
Is it salt to expect the game to actually work? Instead of being a mess of bugs and poorly implemented features? I just found out that the reason I can't get runic essences to drop in the Runic HE's I've been killing myself for over and over again for the past two days in a desperate bid to get *one* to actually drop is because apparently there's a bug that causes enemies hit by at-will/encounter AOEs to not drop them properly.
Which as a CW, leaves me in a rather up a certain creek without a certain implement.
Combined with flat-out lying about where certain weapons can be obtained (Mountaineering), and I would have to say no, I'm not salty (or if I am, I have every freaking right to be), I'm *righteously pissed off* that this bug-ridden, poorly executed, laughable mess, clearly rushed and coded by some besotted and inebriated intern at 3:00 a.m. was forced on us well before it was ready.
I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
I've witnessed you trying to effectively down-play and silence numerous voices opposing praise of Mod 16 over the past couple of weeks; especially initially you were quick to question then dismiss the claims of broken scaling mechanics even in the face of concrete evidence. In my experience behavior of that sort speaks to a mindset of someone laboring under cognitive dissonance. Even now in your post above you are still attempting to downplay just how truly terrible the state of NW is in after the launch of Mod 16. Enjoy it if that's your thing by all means, but please don't insult my intelligence (nor that of numerous others if we take a look around zone chat, the threads in this forum, Reddit Neverwinter, and possibly elsewhere). Mod 16 is hugely unpopular any way you slice it, and not without sound reasons.
So I'm really torn on what to believe here, because frankly, I've seen this argument before, in other places, where it was absolutely right, this just recently in fact, and a reason that I'm back here now, and where it was "much ado about nothing".
Upon returning, I found that I had a bunch of "lowbie" content that I had to run for the campaign log, for some reason I hadn't done the dungeon in the Cloak Tower region, as one example. When I went in, I was scaled down to level 12, from 60+. So I'm a bit confused as to how this scaling mechanic can be seen as new? It seems to me that, based on this experience alone, it has always been here? I left because the game was over the top easy. If this is going to fix that, then "Yay". I can't tell, from reading the posts, if this is just salt, or if it's really bad. If it turns out to be really bad, then I'll just move along again. But really, since I've not been anywhere near the current endgame, I'm in "wait and see" mode.
I still have 0 confidence in game devs, due to my recent experiences with "balance". However, I can't help but wonder how much of this is "it's really bad" and how much is "but I've been crushing my weeklies for years, and now I may have to work at it a bit to get them done".
You've made numerous posts. If it makes for uncomfortable reading revisiting it perhaps consider that for future posts.
Yes, I have, and I'm not uncomfortable reading any of them, even ones where I was wrong about something I said. It happens, and I'm just far enough right of center as to not believe that everyone has to share my opinions or be shouted off a platform. I'll answer the question I had in that, my first post upon returning to the game: It's about 80% salt.
Where you fall on the real-world political spectrum means bupkis to me regarding this topic matter. (You might be surprised, but that is neither here nor there.) You are claiming salt even in the face of overwhelming evidence of justified criticism of Cryptic and Mod 16. Guess it's true: there really are none so blind as those who will not see.
Tell you what, you keep on being salty about others being salty. Just remember to apply the same demands and expectations to yourself as you do to the rest of us; not that I have any intention of letting you dictate to me what is and isn't fair game - you do not hold any moral authority here nor on the matter of Mod 16. Salt away, if it pleases you.
Where you fall on the real-world political spectrum means bupkis to me regarding this topic matter. (You might be surprised, but that is neither here nor there.) You are claiming salt even in the face of overwhelming evidence of justified criticism of Cryptic and Mod 16. Guess it's true: there really are none so blind as those who will not see.
Tell you what, you keep on being salty about others being salty. Just remember to apply the same demands and expectations to yourself as you do to the rest of us; not that I have any intention of letting you dictate to me what is and isn't fair game - you do not hold any moral authority here nor on the matter of Mod 16. Salt away, if it pleases you.
It's really not salt, it's realism. It's watching a healer have a meltdown in zone chat about actually having to heal in a group now, as opposed to whatever it was they were used to doing, which I'd guess was closer to leeching their way through the dailies where group content is concerned. It's watching "standing in stupid", with ping as a defense, as an excuse to say "M16 bad". It's watching people "exaggerate" about how dead zones are in game, or linking to Steam to claim "the game is dead, see", except when the charts over there show that there's really not much fluctuation pre/post patch. It's watching people lie about starter stats on new characters, and knowing, from years of reading gaming forums, that it's nothing new.
The justification? "Nothing but a rollback will satisfy". "They took my ezmode, I can't solo group content any more" or "it's hard to solo group content". The really sad thing is, when there are legit concerns, something I have acknowledged, they're almost buried in the hyperbole. That's what annoys me more than anything else. You see "but they took my ezmode" as a legit complaint, I see it as "tears of the fallen". I spent a bit under a week watching 70s ignore mechanics in leveling dungeons because they knew they couldn't die from them. I've seen "the game is broken beyond repair, but if you give me some free keys, I'll be fine". Sorry if my cynicism about the nature of gaming forums offends you in some way, wait, no I'm not, but as you can see, by simply reading through these forums, I've got a reason to be cynical.
Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
Salt: I may have to work harder to get the things I used to just roll solo.
Issue: Apparent bug with an OnDeath script that doesn't allow the mobs to drop specific items.
I trust that you filed a bug report on your issue, instead of, or along with, going to PE and coming here to vent?
Yep. Just as I reported the bug where Runic HE's cause my character to become so stuck and unable to move that not even the "defeat me" command fixes it. And I expect it to be addressed sometime in the next 7-8 months...
As for difficulty, I'm of two minds. I don't mind increases in difficulty. For god's sake, I play Dark Souls...unironically.. but there's a difference between "increasing difficulty" and "buggy half baked mess shoved out the door before it was ready*" as well as "increasing the difficulty of old content, thereby robbing me of any feeling of accomplishment whatsoever even before the borked up scaling kicks in"*.
Ideally, they wouldn't mess with the level 70 stuff, but would instead *create* a whole bunch of new level 80 content. New dungeons. New skirmishes. Etc. But given that, despite allegedly having a year to work on this module, they couldn't even give us *the dungeon that accompanies it at launch*, I think it is clear that no one is willing to give the time, resources, or the like to actually give us good content, so they attempt to scale everything, thereby erasing every single sense of accomplishment I get for upgrading my toon and leaving me to go "alright, once burned, twice shy, so why should I pay you to upgrade my character when you've just made it clear you intend to make that ultimately pointless for 90% of the game?"
I don't consider that salt, I consider that a legitimate grievance.
*Which is a crying shame, because this module's story was the best that we'd gotten in a long time. To paraphrase Benjamin Crosshaw, "The S.S. Undermountain can see Port Good Module, but the captain was in such a hurry for his shore leave he instead slammed the ship into the Hamster Excrement Peninsula."
Post edited by aratech on
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
This is a issue that has long been with this game and why it never really works well. The game itself is one of the best combat action oriented rpgs ever made, while even the engine is fairly old, Ive yet seen a current mmo make it as smooth and effortless to fight as this one (there have been some close games, not still not as good imo)
They try for some reason to make old content viable, because they simply do not have the staff to make enough new content instead.
Then when they do make new content, of late, its just a time gated grind affair to keep you busy, its not really that fun, while I appreciate them not doing that for undermountain.. for the most part, its not been like that.
and yes, that is part of the issue with many of us, we really dont want to have a challenge on stuff we played 4-5 years ago, neither do we want ot spend another 40% of our time extending campaigns out.
While I would 1000% agree dungeons for the longest time have been borked due to lifesteal, powersharing, buff stacking, when they removed all of those items, didnt know they also thought we should be item level capped down. While I understand a bit why they did it, they want a bit too far overall, I already beat all of these dungeons hundreds if not thoutsands of times.. even when the game was a bit different and a bit harder, I have no real jones on redoing this content 40-50% longer.. for the same measly rewards to start with.
But really what gets me, is hopping on my OP, to do a few weeklies and its like watching molasses dry .
The whole game seems slow to me.. really slow and boring.
While I understand a bit why they did it, they want a bit too far overall, I already beat all of these dungeons hundreds if not thoutsands of times.. even when the game was a bit different and a bit harder, I have no real jones on redoing this content 40-50% longer.. for the same measly rewards to start with.
This right here sums up where a lot of the people I play with are landing. Why run eSoT for 20 min for the same old rank 5 and assorted trash rewards.
And not a one of us thinks that Shores, Spiders, Grey Wolf, etc should be as difficult to complete as FBI, MSP, etc when you're higher leveled. The K dungeons and recent Tales of Old events were a blatant set up to get people ready for "harder" content. Yet the scaling in there was handled in a much better fashion than what has been done in M16.
Cleric here - I run with 2 cooldown powers, and one that's fuelled by Divinity (Sunburst, Javelins, BtS). Use my at-wills to start things, javelin for the AoE - that clears a good chunk of minions out. Two more at wills, then BtS on something big. Sunburst to give myself space, and a chance at topping up my pips. Repeat.
On the second round of this, I can use the pips used for BtS to Channel Divinity, and restore the fuel for my Javelins - so it actually works in my favor to have that longer cooldown.
I've heard of other players complaining about Divinity, and how fast they use it - while using 2-3 powers that cost Divinity.
Essentially, if you just take the biggest damage powers, with no thought what to do when you can't use those, you're in trouble - and that's a generalization for all classes, not a direct shot at anyone in here (still haven't taken my wizard to UM, so I *really* can't comment there). My powers mesh well together for my soloing. BtS will proc Doomsayer - giving me 10% more damage, and while it's on cooldown I can use the Judgement to fuel Javelins. One at will fills 3/6 Judgement pips - so it's fast to get my Divinity back. Sunburst does a bit of damage, with a good knockback when groups surround me, and has a chance (as do all my encounters) of filling all 6 pips.
So take a long look at all your powers, feats and features - more damage isn't always a good thing if you rarely get to use that power, or sacrifice survivability to take it - giving up an extra 200 magnitude in damage might be worth it for some solid control / escape / heal options.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,167Arc User
Less than an hour ago, I soloed "Biggrin's Tomb" with my warlock. She used about 5 exalted health potions (2.5 G) and died 3 times. Most players will tell you "Biggrin's Tomb" was never meant to be soloed and you should party up with someone. However this is old content and when the majority of players are off playing new content, you are stuck doing it alone or waiting on a friend.
Also on Monday this is a very popular repeatable lair, as it gives 4,500 AD weekly. The real reason to do older content, good old fashion human greed. At the end of the day you have to ask, if your cost (potions, scrolls, eats) are worth the reward.
I've soloed BT on my wizard and my rogue. In both instances I made the mistake of dragging EVERYTHING into the ritual chamber. Fight was longish. Killed everything. Never died. Burned a few charges out of my healing stones.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Hi, I'm just an average player, and do not understand much about scaling etc. But I want to say here, which robs me personally most of the fun: These are the long cooldowns and the wait for it. There are almost no sophisticated combinations and it will be boring only to hit it and avoid red fields. Halves the wait times of the cooldowns, especially the daily forces. Reduces something other for it. Or exchange the Awareness and Accuracy with Recovery and AOL Reduction.
This makes the game interesting and faster again. Also, a few skilling possibilities would be great for the more individual and interesting and a bit smarter game.
I hope very much, that there will be positive changes soon, because i like NW
1. I spend money when I find something good, have success and fun. 2. If I have bought something and it is good, I will buy there again. 3. If I have bought something and it is then devalued or is unusable, certainly I will never again buy in this shop. (e.g., Companions) 4. If the business is not running well, you design a better shop with more enticing content. Do not take the customer already achieved success and makes the game difficult to suggest deffizite. -> where we would be again at point 1.
Some other annoying really hateful features now...
They reduced comp damage and comp heals to pathetically nothing.
Overall.. while I enjoy some of the mod 16 features, others I hate to no end.
I have about 24 days of vip left.. I think I will let it expire and go back on a year long break while they beta test with those who wish to do so for the next 3-4 months.. then come back and see if they fixed some of this garbage.
BTW barbians slow determination build now really hurts it, any sort of stun and bam your dead, you cant sprint after your stunned. So you have to to semi sprint into groups behind it then slowly build determination , then kill things.
I DONT even in mods 1, remember the gwf this cumbersome. In fact, pretty sure it wasnt. There was no time that the game felt this slow .
Others might enjoy it, I just find it dull and slow and boring.. I dont think reducing cooldowns is the exact answer.. now encounters will hit as hard as at wills.. Yea?
Played around with the Pally this morning, what dread awful dreck that is to do now.. I cant stand it.
You basically have to pre make everything , including leveling dungeons.. only my 20k toons can do them near solo.. what a crock that is.
I loled when I got the icy IG.. with my barbie.. she ran around doing nothing but dying, because you cant outsprint in that area and barbies have no real range .. so whatever.
This game is a pathetic shell of its glory now, I am sure some dreck awful players will get on here and tell us how much a challenge it is due to its poor mechanics and much slower time frames.
BTW, WHERE is the promise that I could heal content again? sure I can "heal" some content, but not much, THERE IS Still WAY too much insta death happening.. WAY TO MUCH. Cant heal people when they stun and insta die.
Also healing on the DC sucks windballs. I miss my old dot healing builds..
MOD 16 mostly = MEH sauce to me and too boring to continue.
Forth edition almost destroyed the brand of dungeons and dragons, dissuaded playing the game and eventually led to a famous character( a certain darkelf that everyone seems to want to name their own character) to a different publisher. If cryptic were to keep following THAT model dont you think it would meet the same fate as 4e? and btw 5th edition has been out for awhile now, and is quite a bit better.
Addendum: Because I hit post too early because of course.
My main in this game is actually based off my 4e wizard character, albeit with some differences in race, because in NWO, Dragonborn wizards are actually viable.
@Roberthebard, having never played any of those three classes, I cannot comment. I can speak of my experience as a CW.
NWO had to be different from the table top, because here, in this game, death is the only true form of crowd control. The wizard cannot petrify foes, or frighten them into running away and permanently giving up, etc, etc. Indeed, on the table top, the wizard *revolved* around being able to spew out encounter powers that often times did very little damage. Indeed, his best powers often did no damage at all, but instead worked to resolve the battle through other means (forcibly shoving and moving enemies, grouping them together, making their attacks miss, making them attack allies, etc.)
NWO kept that aspect up until module 16. We were the only class (to my knowledge) to get 4 active encounters. We were the class that revolved around battlefield control (up until Module 6 made CC almost pointless for a long time) through fast paced cycling of those encounter powers, mixing in at-wills via Spell Twisting to reduce cooldown. It was a high complex, incredibly fast paced combat experience that I absolutely loved. Managing arcane mastery stacks, teleporting in close to drop Icy Terrain on the largest group in the mob before dashing away, hitting frozen enemies with disintegrate, alternating which at Will to do what I needed. Its what I loved.
Now? My cooldowns at 2-5 times as long as they were. With no realistic way to shorten them. It makes the game a lot more like table top, in the sense that I am likely only to get to use each encounter power "once" per encounter. But here's the thing, and this is critical... in the table top, even the CW's at-wills did something cool. They forcefully repositioned enemies, made obstacles they couldn't pass, conjured up horrifying phantasms to harass and make the enemies miss their attacks, etc. IN NWO? Now it's "Alright, there's the encounters...let me throw this ball of ice...ohhh, I added one stack of let me conjure up a little fire column...that does absolutely nothing because enemies in any battle that matter (i.e. Runic HEs) still have regen in the area of thousands of HP per tick, and so the 100 or so DOT smolder gives me is absolutely pointless....yawn..." and I'm no longer spaming teleports to try to get into optimal positions to attack, I'm spamming them to avoid the enemies "at-will", non-telegraphed attacks because they carve away 20%+ of my life with each attack because the scaling in the HE's is so screwed up (and yes, UM HE's are scaled. And no. It's not a freaking bug.)
In sum: it's the worst of both worlds now. It's not the fast paced, intense combat that NWO used to have, but the only reliable powers I have possess none of the strategic and tactical "crowd control" depth they did on the tabletop. Combined with the inability to customized my own character, build what I want, and instead being handed linear progressions and feat choices that half the time don't even make sense (for god's sake, I have class features that boost my lightning damage, something that, as a Thaum build, *I don't even have access to!*) and my guy is now little more than an automatic turret that any "engineer" class would normally lay down...only I take up an entire team slot...
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
Also on Monday this is a very popular repeatable lair, as it gives 4,500 AD weekly. The real reason to do older content, good old fashion human greed. At the end of the day you have to ask, if your cost (potions, scrolls, eats) are worth the reward.
Which as a CW, leaves me in a rather up a certain creek without a certain implement.
Combined with flat-out lying about where certain weapons can be obtained (Mountaineering), and I would have to say no, I'm not salty (or if I am, I have every freaking right to be), I'm *righteously pissed off* that this bug-ridden, poorly executed, laughable mess, clearly rushed and coded by some besotted and inebriated intern at 3:00 a.m. was forced on us well before it was ready.
That being said, what do you define as "salt?"
Issue: Apparent bug with an OnDeath script that doesn't allow the mobs to drop specific items.
I trust that you filed a bug report on your issue, instead of, or along with, going to PE and coming here to vent?
Tell you what, you keep on being salty about others being salty. Just remember to apply the same demands and expectations to yourself as you do to the rest of us; not that I have any intention of letting you dictate to me what is and isn't fair game - you do not hold any moral authority here nor on the matter of Mod 16. Salt away, if it pleases you.
The justification? "Nothing but a rollback will satisfy". "They took my ezmode, I can't solo group content any more" or "it's hard to solo group content". The really sad thing is, when there are legit concerns, something I have acknowledged, they're almost buried in the hyperbole. That's what annoys me more than anything else. You see "but they took my ezmode" as a legit complaint, I see it as "tears of the fallen". I spent a bit under a week watching 70s ignore mechanics in leveling dungeons because they knew they couldn't die from them. I've seen "the game is broken beyond repair, but if you give me some free keys, I'll be fine". Sorry if my cynicism about the nature of gaming forums offends you in some way, wait, no I'm not, but as you can see, by simply reading through these forums, I've got a reason to be cynical.
As for difficulty, I'm of two minds. I don't mind increases in difficulty. For god's sake, I play Dark Souls...unironically.. but there's a difference between "increasing difficulty" and "buggy half baked mess shoved out the door before it was ready*" as well as "increasing the difficulty of old content, thereby robbing me of any feeling of accomplishment whatsoever even before the borked up scaling kicks in"*.
Ideally, they wouldn't mess with the level 70 stuff, but would instead *create* a whole bunch of new level 80 content. New dungeons. New skirmishes. Etc. But given that, despite allegedly having a year to work on this module, they couldn't even give us *the dungeon that accompanies it at launch*, I think it is clear that no one is willing to give the time, resources, or the like to actually give us good content, so they attempt to scale everything, thereby erasing every single sense of accomplishment I get for upgrading my toon and leaving me to go "alright, once burned, twice shy, so why should I pay you to upgrade my character when you've just made it clear you intend to make that ultimately pointless for 90% of the game?"
I don't consider that salt, I consider that a legitimate grievance.
*Which is a crying shame, because this module's story was the best that we'd gotten in a long time. To paraphrase Benjamin Crosshaw, "The S.S. Undermountain can see Port Good Module, but the captain was in such a hurry for his shore leave he instead slammed the ship into the Hamster Excrement Peninsula."
They try for some reason to make old content viable, because they simply do not have the staff to make enough new content instead.
Then when they do make new content, of late, its just a time gated grind affair to keep you busy, its not really that fun, while I appreciate them not doing that for undermountain.. for the most part, its not been like that.
and yes, that is part of the issue with many of us, we really dont want to have a challenge on stuff we played 4-5 years ago, neither do we want ot spend another 40% of our time extending campaigns out.
While I would 1000% agree dungeons for the longest time have been borked due to lifesteal, powersharing, buff stacking, when they removed all of those items, didnt know they also thought we should be item level capped down. While I understand a bit why they did it, they want a bit too far overall, I already beat all of these dungeons hundreds if not thoutsands of times.. even when the game was a bit different and a bit harder, I have no real jones on redoing this content 40-50% longer.. for the same measly rewards to start with.
But really what gets me, is hopping on my OP, to do a few weeklies and its like watching molasses dry .
The whole game seems slow to me.. really slow and boring.
And not a one of us thinks that Shores, Spiders, Grey Wolf, etc should be as difficult to complete as FBI, MSP, etc when you're higher leveled. The K dungeons and recent Tales of Old events were a blatant set up to get people ready for "harder" content. Yet the scaling in there was handled in a much better fashion than what has been done in M16.
On the second round of this, I can use the pips used for BtS to Channel Divinity, and restore the fuel for my Javelins - so it actually works in my favor to have that longer cooldown.
I've heard of other players complaining about Divinity, and how fast they use it - while using 2-3 powers that cost Divinity.
Essentially, if you just take the biggest damage powers, with no thought what to do when you can't use those, you're in trouble - and that's a generalization for all classes, not a direct shot at anyone in here (still haven't taken my wizard to UM, so I *really* can't comment there). My powers mesh well together for my soloing. BtS will proc Doomsayer - giving me 10% more damage, and while it's on cooldown I can use the Judgement to fuel Javelins. One at will fills 3/6 Judgement pips - so it's fast to get my Divinity back. Sunburst does a bit of damage, with a good knockback when groups surround me, and has a chance (as do all my encounters) of filling all 6 pips.
So take a long look at all your powers, feats and features - more damage isn't always a good thing if you rarely get to use that power, or sacrifice survivability to take it - giving up an extra 200 magnitude in damage might be worth it for some solid control / escape / heal options.
This makes the game interesting and faster again. Also, a few skilling possibilities would be great for the more individual and interesting and a bit smarter game.
I hope very much, that there will be positive changes soon, because i like NW
Simple marketing rules:
1. I spend money when I find something good, have success and fun.
2. If I have bought something and it is good, I will buy there again.
3. If I have bought something and it is then devalued or is unusable, certainly I will never again buy in this shop. (e.g., Companions)
4. If the business is not running well, you design a better shop with more enticing content. Do not take the customer already achieved success and makes the game difficult to suggest deffizite. -> where we would be again at point 1.