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Cool Down Timers are to long

josevjr70josevjr70 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
I'm a wizard and I have encounter powers with timers that are 14,16 and 17 seconds. When I'm in solo doing mobs I get killed because my encounter powers are still in cool down. And teleporting around I run out of stamina quick so I get killed. PLEASE, lower the cooldown timers to something more reasonable like 9 or 10 seconds. I didn't have these problems in Mod 15 and 1000 AP I think that's to much too,800 AP to use a Daily sounds more reasonable.


  • nhogsnhogs Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    Not saying u r wrong here. Had a similar experience so have reverted to an old tactic as a cw to survive against mobs... Freeze and move... Suspect this is temp for the new mod until I work out something else... But for now it is fun to actually stay alive using a higher level of skill given that lifesteal is no more... I have had to invest more in boons and use consumables at times to increase movement... Have also started experimenting with bloodtheft… have used soulxxx for years.. anyway hope that helps... It keeps Haell alive anyway... Good luck,

  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    josevjr70 said:

    I'm a wizard and I have encounter powers with timers that are 14,16 and 17 seconds. When I'm in solo doing mobs I get killed because my encounter powers are still in cool down. And teleporting around I run out of stamina quick so I get killed. PLEASE, lower the cooldown timers to something more reasonable like 9 or 10 seconds. I didn't have these problems in Mod 15 and 1000 AP I think that's to much too,800 AP to use a Daily sounds more reasonable.

    The cool down timers also seem to be excessive for other character classes as well in my opinion... from what I can tell a lot of player abilities were severely diminished and what little player abilities were enhanced were not given the same magnitude as those that were negatively effected, or taken away entirely.

    I'm guessing this was an intentional modification to make a lot of content less 'solo friendly'... but the sad truth is these changes negatively impact every player's abilities too much, even the one's who don't try to solo group content.

    For any player who doesn't have the means to immediately "invest more in boons" or the resources to purchase and "use consumables" - many runs seem to pay out less than the cost of replacing consumables they needed to use during that run, add that to the cost of any augment potions they want to buy, skill kits to open chests, and the price of professions supplies and manufacturing a lot of players are quickly going broke... and staying broke.
    1. Charging gold not only for professions supplies but also professions productions.
    2. Eliminating player augmentation potions from runs... which now have to be purchased with gold.
    3. Eliminating healing potions from runs... which now have to be purchased with gold.
    4. Eliminating skill kits from runs... which now have to be purchased with gold.
    5. Making mobs and bosses more powerful and more resistant to damage.
    6. Making players less powerful and less resistant to damage.
    It looks to me a lot of the player's aren't the only things that are going "broke" in Neverwinter.

    My 2¢
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    josevjr70 said:

    I'm a wizard and I have encounter powers with timers that are 14,16 and 17 seconds. When I'm in solo doing mobs I get killed because my encounter powers are still in cool down.

    The problem is that if the cooldown is reduced considerably, the magnitude of the powers would have to be reduced accordingly. Are you saying you want only weaker powers you can cast more frequently, instead of stronger powers you cast more rarely?

    I mean, that's a perfectly valid position - I just wasn't sure if that's what you really wanted. I am fairly sure the developers have this spreadsheet somewhere to calculate the potential DPS of the different classes, and if the classes are "balanced" in that respect andif you reduce the cooldowns for one class without reducing the magnitude the DPS of that class would shoot up relative to the other classes.

    This is just not going to happen.
    Hoping for improvements...
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  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    wargraves said:

    "Don't stand in the fire" "you lack skill as a barbarian"

    Mob stuns me. Fire crits me. Mobs kill me.

    That HAMSTER's going to happen. It's when it happens because you didn't bother to move that it becomes an issue... :p
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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  • quickfoot#7851 quickfoot Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    adinosii said:

    josevjr70 said:

    I'm a wizard and I have encounter powers with timers that are 14,16 and 17 seconds. When I'm in solo doing mobs I get killed because my encounter powers are still in cool down.

    The problem is that if the cooldown is reduced considerably, the magnitude of the powers would have to be reduced accordingly. Are you saying you want only weaker powers you can cast more frequently, instead of stronger powers you cast more rarely?

    I mean, that's a perfectly valid position - I just wasn't sure if that's what you really wanted. I am fairly sure the developers have this spreadsheet somewhere to calculate the potential DPS of the different classes, and if the classes are "balanced" in that respect andif you reduce the cooldowns for one class without reducing the magnitude the DPS of that class would shoot up relative to the other classes.

    This is just not going to happen.
    IMHO, they wouldn't have to reduce magnitude if they reduced cd's for all classes and powers by X%, to be balanced. However, that would likely mess up the difficulty they expect dungeons to be, so then they would have to increase critter's hp or something.

    As things currently are, they should be called "Every Other Encounter Powers" =)

  • ziggerlinziggerlin Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    It's tougher now in many ways because you almost always get mobs in packs of 4-5, even for content intended for soloing. (And don't get me started on how fast those undertakers respawn, as fast as you can burn them almost.) And I have no problem with it being tougher. But as long as there are still packs of 4-5 mobs to kill at a time, and their difficulty hasn't been tuned down (i.e. they are all tougher relative to the player), the longer cooldowns are a little more problematic. I know they are still going to be patching and tuning for weeks, and perhaps they will find the sweet spot later.

    That said, yes, I notice the longer CDs on my wizard but he has been one of the better toons I have. My paladin has been nerfed to hell and back.
  • epiccritepiccrit Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    I find it hilarious that people are having issue with this. Here's the thing, the powers on cooldown, are encounter powers. Originally coined in 4e, they are meant to be used once per encounter. This being an MMO and not a tabletop, the cooldown mechanic. As it is now, I'm still using a cooldown about twice per power per encounter (not always the case, sometimes the mob does die early in the second rotation of encounter powers). Ultimately, this is not Diablo, was never meant to be Diablo, and those that want it to be Diablo instead of WoW, or even worse, Everquest, are the ones finding their game ruined.

    Though, I do second the note of paladin nerfs. At half the ilevel, my old paladin could take twice what my wizard could. I see a lot of wizard players griping, but it seriously feels like this xpac has been insanely kind to wizards.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    epiccrit said:

    I find it hilarious that people are having issue with this. Here's the thing, the powers on cooldown, are encounter powers. Originally coined in 4e, they are meant to be used once per encounter. This being an MMO and not a tabletop, the cooldown mechanic. As it is now, I'm still using a cooldown about twice per power per encounter (not always the case, sometimes the mob does die early in the second rotation of encounter powers). Ultimately, this is not Diablo, was never meant to be Diablo, and those that want it to be Diablo instead of WoW, or even worse, Everquest, are the ones finding their game ruined.

    Though, I do second the note of paladin nerfs. At half the ilevel, my old paladin could take twice what my wizard could. I see a lot of wizard players griping, but it seriously feels like this xpac has been insanely kind to wizards.

    While I agree, to a point, the problem I'm seeing is consistency with the cooldowns. I'm basing this off of the Ranger's Hindering Shot/Strike skills. The ranged version is almost at At Will spamming ability, while the melee version is almost literally "once per encounter". I'm not sure which is the accurate version, or if they're both functioning as intended, but for melee, that leaves you whiffing around with at will abilities a lot, or swapping back and forth between stances, which is counter intuitive to having the stances specialized in the latest update.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.
  • zyronaxzyronax Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Emphasis on that last bit; it aligns perfectly with the shifting of main talent & resources from the Cryptic Neverwinter team to the Cryptic Magic The Gathering team. Save your money. No one likes to be 'Plan B' or an afterthought, and since we - the player base - are being treated in such a manner, it is only fitting and right that we treat Cryptic NW the same way. What goes around, comes around. :)
  • flambridgeflambridge Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User
    I said this in first hours after launch.
    IS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG to play a game that enemies attack 3 or 4 times per seconds. We don't play League of Legends here, this cooldown is insane, cut our dps in 70% or more.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    zyronax said:

    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Emphasis on that last bit; it aligns perfectly with the shifting of main talent & resources from the Cryptic Neverwinter team to the Cryptic Magic The Gathering team. Save your money. No one likes to be 'Plan B' or an afterthought, and since we - the player base - are being treated in such a manner, it is only fitting and right that we treat Cryptic NW the same way. What goes around, comes around. :)
    You are correct and it is why my money is being spent on other entertainment mediums. Instead of putting more money in this game I bought Anthem, ESO DLCs and the new chapter, seen a few movies with the family, etc... I'm done putting money into a game where the devs simply don't listen or adjust the product to meet the needs of its customers.

    I'm currently hanging out in Daggerfall with my character; and if you wonder why I said Daggerfall its because I'm not playing NWO or any D&D game; Daggerfall is found in ESO.

    I'm also playing a buffing healer that buffs the group abilities improving mana/stamina regen along with buffing their critical chance and damage. I run a full on buff build in ESO but within that build I also heal and can do some DPS. Very similar to how a well build DO was in NWO. A good AC could buff like no tomorrow but a well built DO could buff, DPS and even heal a bit.

    I have no idea why anyone thought tanks didn't tank and healer didn't heal. In CR I healed all the time; even in MSPC, T9, FBI, etc.. the problem was not healing it was allowing us to stack mutliple buffers in one group.

    I mean I did a 12 minute T9 with a OP Healer, AC DC, Templock, CW MoF and a GF. The GF was probably the closest to a pure DPS but was some what built around recovery for keeping ITF up for the damage buff. My CW I ran with SoD over Arcane Power Field for the added debuff to allow us burn through content faster. That was the problem with the older build for NWO, devs never fixed the issues around powersharing and buffing.

    I had fun and just last year around I dropped quite a bit into the game. If mod 16 is the future well than my adventures will not be in the Forgotten Realm of NWO; it will be in Tamriel playing my Templar buff healer build.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
  • flambridgeflambridge Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    josevjr70 said:

    I'm a wizard and I have encounter powers with timers that are 14,16 and 17 seconds. When I'm in solo doing mobs I get killed because my encounter powers are still in cool down.

    Are you saying you want only weaker powers you can cast more frequently, instead of stronger powers you cast more rarely?
    The real problem is our powers not are strong.
    18sec to use a simple damage/cold Ice Terrain with 1.5sec duration, is an absurd.
    If our Icy Terrain is the same thing of D&D Icy Terrain with 10 f*** minutes of duration and cold 60 feets of ground and walls with random icicles up to do damage, i would agree with that cooldown.

  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User

    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
    Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User

    wargraves said:

    "Don't stand in the fire" "you lack skill as a barbarian"

    Mob stuns me. Fire crits me. Mobs kill me.

    That HAMSTER's going to happen. It's when it happens because you didn't bother to move that it becomes an issue... :p
    With the chain knocks/prone/stun that happens, moving is not always an option.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    wargraves said:

    "Don't stand in the fire" "you lack skill as a barbarian"

    Mob stuns me. Fire crits me. Mobs kill me.

    That HAMSTER's going to happen. It's when it happens because you didn't bother to move that it becomes an issue... :p
    With the chain knocks/prone/stun that happens, moving is not always an option.
    True, but sometimes it is, and some of the "evidence" I've seen for how bad this update is clearly shows someone that didn't bother to move. Worse, there were clear tells: A large path of red, showing where the attack was going, and a big red circle, but they just kept wailing away. Simple explanation for that kind of thing: They got used to it not mattering if they moved or not, because they had life steal, so they were pretty sure they weren't going to die in this new stuff, and then: SURPRISE!
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • mebengalsfan#9264 mebengalsfan Member Posts: 3,169 Arc User
    edited April 2019

    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
    Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
    I like being able to use my abilities moreso than my weapon/at wills when I battle enemies. In ESO I can go between weapons for additional abilities and I weave my weapon attack between my ability usage for added damage in ESO. I don't need to use my weapon but do for added damage. It's how I built my character in ESO as a DPS.

    Neverwinter is like that in mod 15 where I mainly use my abilities and weave my at wills between them for added damage; however, in NWO mod 16 at will usage is mandatory while you wait for your abilities to cool down. Using at wills so much become boring, tedious and well over time content feel like a chore and not engaging making NWO a game where many will leave simply because combat is slow and tedious.

    The other thing I want to point out is that in other MMO games on consoles players get to use more than three abilities either by having a weapon they can swap out of to use or by having a second tray of abilities available to them by holding down R2/L2 buttons.

    With that said if all classes had more encounter to use than 3 the cool downs of encounter wouldn't be as bad as it is now in mod 16. Time to fix the setup we have and allow us to have 6 encounters to use vs. 3. Doing that would greatly improve the game IMO.

    Since that didn't happen, lower cool downs / damage to ensure combat is engaging and not slow and tedious like it is now.

    The other point I wanted to make is that the original encounters that offer more than one use from them such as divine glow being a heal and a damaging ability is probably do to the fact that the original design team realized the constraints of their system and doubled up on encounter usage such as healing and damaging all in one instead of having players pick one or the other.

  • aratecharatech Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    wargraves said:

    "Don't stand in the fire" "you lack skill as a barbarian"

    Mob stuns me. Fire crits me. Mobs kill me.

    That HAMSTER's going to happen. It's when it happens because you didn't bother to move that it becomes an issue... :p
    With the chain knocks/prone/stun that happens, moving is not always an option.
    Exhibit A: Losty Lair. Where Losty himself was never the danger. It was the fireball that struct at random, knocked you into a falling stalactite, which in turn launched you into his tail swipe, which then flung you out into the lava...
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    I think they could reduce the cooldowns on some of these skills by about 15% and be fine. The nice thing here is that the skill limitation isn't due to being a console port, nor was it designed with consoles in mind, it was done to attempt to balance the combat, instead of just mashing 1 through = in every fight. The at will powers serve a purpose, and on some classes as a means to escape boss AoEs while still doing damage. On my Assassin, I have the ranged attack that allows me to continue to DPS even when I can't stay in melee range, and on my ranger, I have either an AoE or a really powerful single target skill to use, my choice, and I tend to swap them in and out according to what I think I'll need.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • zyronaxzyronax Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2019

    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
    Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
    I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    zyronax said:

    cambo1682 said:

    I posted this elsewhere, the worst part of this mod is the way they have (in my opinion) made combat feel, well lame. The combat was always the best part of this game. Scaling issues are at the forefront of many players ire atm, but when that has been adjusted, we will still be left with combat that feels restrictive, awkward and overly focused on mouse clicking. I've had no problems with any content so far. It feels much more like it did in 2013 in terms of difficulty and having to be diligent at moving around, timing etc... but they missed the mark on both cool-downs and in how they locked in powers to each paragon. They have nerfed the living HAMSTER out of everything, and I mean everything including what AD is worth relative to zen. Power choices should have been the one thing they left alone. Right now it feels like they were more concerned fitting everything on one page.

    Combat is not engaging. I have stated more than once I played NWO over ESO because combat was engaging and fun. NWO Mod 16 made ESO combat fun and engaging. I recommend trying ESO.
    Interesting. I play both, and frankly, the combat here is more engaging even now. I guess that's what happens when one tries to use a subjective opinion as an objective fact: All it takes is someone to have a counter opinion, and there's gonna be drama.
    I don't see drama here (yet)...other than you possibly trying to stir the pot. While we're at it, opinions may be subjective and yet some are founded on more coherent and lucid grounds than others. Incidentally, since whatever opinion(s) are the most prevalent tend to carry the day in regards to effect - both in our real-world and in games - how's the reception been overall among the NW player base? If we're going to be honest with each other, it's fairly clear it's not swinging in the same direction of your opinion (i.e. that Mod 16 combat is engaging). You are certainly free to state your opinion that you still find Mod 16 combat more engaging than combat in ESO, yet frankly that is neither here nor there since the NW player base will be comparing Mod 16 combat first-and-foremost to pre-Mod 16 combat, and there it unequivocally falters, stumbles, and drops the ball compared to what once was. Here's my opinion on that particular matter: It's a damn shame.
    Except that my post is in response to a post that did exactly that, compare ESO to here? It's my own experience that people love to do this kind of thing hoping that nobody else already plays the comparison games. However, to answer your question, the same 10 people are flooding PE now that were on day 1. The difference is that now they are running into more and more "once you figure out what you're doing, it's not so bad" posts instead of propping each other up. It got so bad today that some among them are going for racial slurs to "silence" people that aren't just hopping on their whine barge. As soon as one starts having to dip to the lowest possible denominator, any point one may have had goes out the window.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
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  • axyremaxyrem Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    Warlocks get a soul puppet on hit 0.5s cooldown reduction feat which honestly doesnt work or the puppet simply does not attack much at all..

    i thought it would be great but its sucks.... Puppet has no more dmg Aura and no more Taunt...

    Anyway my Warlock has been murdered and my other characters too
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    I stopped playing most of my characters (I had lvl 70s of every class), but I am still playing my Arbiter DPS Cleric, and it is actually pretty fun in combat now. It requires a bit more skill than it used to do, and combat is slightly slower, but I am absolutely not complaining about the combat as such.

    I am complaining about a lot of things, like character creation, scaling design, sloppy QC, and a general lack of overall vision, but combat, for me....nah....happy with that.
    Hoping for improvements...
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