Normally after an event you can spend the currency you earned during the event in the week after. For this event, the vendor vanishes and there's no way to spend it?
Last night I finished my Tales Of Old run after midnight and went to bed before spending it because I had to work in the morning, and The Last Chance Vendor is a thing so I wasn't worried about the event ending before I could come back in. Today I log in to discover that they aren't there.... and, bonus, this is currency that *expires* before the event returns!
@nitocris83 can we please get the Last Chance Vendor for the Tales Of Old event returned, so we can spend our leftover currency without losing it? Or, failing that because New Mod In Two Working Days, get the currency to not expire for now and bring the vendor back before the next Tales Of Old?
I went to bed no worried like lowjohn and I was surprised discovering that there is not The Last Chance Vendor.
Trinkets of Old are in my inventory and cannot sell and cannot discard for 5 days starting from today.
Hope they can fix bug and reward all those who reached 135 tales but wasnt able to run atleast 1x more.
But Customer Service aren't the right people to handle this kind of request, regardless: they are great for fixing "I accidentally spent Zen on the wrong thing" or "this piece of gear won't let me equip it" and they are LIFESAVERS at "I accidentally turned my Exalted MH artifact with all three enchants into RP" or "My account was compromised and all my stuff was stolen".
But re-adding a store to the game and giving you a chance to spend currency for an event that ended without a Last Chance Vendor? That's just not something customer service can do. That's Dev/Community Manager stuff.