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Tales of Old [April 11-18 run]

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Greetings Adventurers!

We wanted to provide some additional information regarding the state of Tales of Old (Frozen Heart on PC and Lair of the Mad Dragon on Console). We made a variety of fixes to the event since it initially ran on PC in February but, as with an event of this type (recurring variants, season-wide, mutable, etc.) we are aware that new situations may arise each time. Your feedback is invaluable and we do our best to mitigate issues as quickly as possible.

To recap, in February we addressed the following:
  • The event incorrectly required a player to receive a 136th Coin of Tales Told in order to get their Fabled Chapter, rather than granting it on 135th.
  • We addressed all the ways we could find in which a player could reach their daily and weekly caps earlier than expected.
  • We fixed an issue in which, if players were disconnected, they'd log back in to Protector's Enclave instead of jumping right back into the Tales run.
When this run began last week, we started receiving some reports of players continuing to experience variations of the issues we had addressed in February. The volume of reports was significantly lower, indicating that the fixes did help the majority of players. We are following up on these new reports and investigating if they are related to the original issue, are new issues with similar symptoms, or how we can improve the clarity of information on how the event is run and its parameters.

Thank you again for your patience and your feedback!


  • judgejules1#9001 judgejules1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Thanks for the post. I actually just submitted a ticket on this today (on Xbox). Please see info below:


    Yesterday I completed the Tales of Old requirement of collecting 135+ coins to get my Fabled Chapter for the event. I logged off around 1am EST and at that time the fabled chapter did not show in my inventory. I have not checked today, as I won't log on till this evening. But I did want to bring this to your attention and hopefully have this resolved. Getting those 135+ coins over four days was a lot of time invested in game.

    Thank you!
    BTW, this is for my character Will Rowlands, at gamer tag judgejules1975

    And I received this response:

    "Thank you for contacting us.

    I'm sorry to hear that you didn't receive the Fabled Chapters after reaching the requirements in the Tales of Old event. Upon reviewing the information you have provided us, it seems to be a result of a possible gameplay bug. Unfortunately, the Customer Support is unable to provide event items or fix bugs in the game as we do not have the tools to fix the issue that you encountered. However, please rest assured as we will gather the details that you've given to me and pass them on for further investigation. I also strongly encourage you to post about this on the official bug reports forum although the developers and QA team may not reply, they will see it there. You may submit the report using the link below."

    @Devs - Please help.
  • harnrimharnrim Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Hi, same issue here. I reached the 135 cap and didn't get the chapter....
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    We fixed an issue in which, if players were disconnected, they'd log back in to Protector's Enclave instead of jumping right back into the Tales run.

    This is not fixed. It happened to a party member just last night. He had to leave the party and we had to continue with just 4 players.
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  • vordaynvordayn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,283 Arc User
    edited April 2019
    Hi @nitocris83, with regards to the following I encountered these issues:

    • The event incorrectly required a player to receive a 136th Coin of Tales Told in order to get their Fabled Chapter, rather than granting it on 135th.
    The 'final lap to receive your Fabled Chapter' still exists. On my second to my last run, I had 145 coins, but still did not get the Fabled Chapter until I completed one more run.

    I think the problem exists because of the order of handing out rewards, i.e. when you talk to Nipsy to hand in the quest after completing a run, she checks to see if you have enough coins first (=>135) to reward the Fabled Chapter, and then gives the coins rewarded from the number of runs successfully completed.

    This means the coins you received during the last run are not counted, but only the coins you had to begin with.

    • We fixed an issue in which, if players were disconnected, they'd log back in to Protector's Enclave instead of jumping right back into the Tales run.
    This one was variable. Sometimes they don't come back, and sometimes they do. I am not sure yet what causes it, although someone said to get back you have to change characters, although I did not verify this myself, as I didn't disconnect in any of my runthroughs.
    Vordon CW        Vordayn DC        Axel Wolfric GWF        Logain SW        Gawyn GF        Galad OP        Aspen Darkfire HR        Min TR
  • harnrimharnrim Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    We fixed an issue in which, if players were disconnected, they'd log back in to Protector's Enclave instead of jumping right back into the Tales run.

    This is not fixed. It happened to a party member just last night. He had to leave the party and we had to continue with just 4 players.
    Happend this evening to one of our partymembers too.
  • mythrackamythracka Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 26 Arc User
    The fabled coin was not immediately rewarded for myself. Upon completing what I thought would be my last run (a x4 so getting 15 coins) I reached 136 coins and no fabled was given. I ran a single x1 run (giving 1 coin) and then received the fabled. Strangely on that last x1 run last night were 3 other people in the exact same scenario as myself,.. we all got the fabled on hand in :).

    To repeat from other thread, ran a couple of x5 successful runs but received no rewards on quest hand in. Discovered that by running a solo run and suiciding onto the first set of mobs repeatedly to cause a 0 life run fail that this seem to 'clear/reset' the issue and then I started receiving coins from runs after that point. I know of a few people with the issue now that this workaround seems to have helped.
  • picar66picar66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
    The lower volume of reports was, that you know all the problems and we do not want show you again same things.
    - disconnect /relog /lag or whatever makes a char (short) offline, he will be in PE not in dungeon. Same problem not solved.
    - getting 135 coins did not reward for fable. You have to do one more run. same problem as before, not solved.

    So from player perspective not any of the issues where solved.
  • manipulosmanipulos Member Posts: 235 Arc User
    We had a player leave after the first run and it completely disbanded our party and kicked us out! That was frustrating, and we had only "wasted" about 15 minutes on the first run. If this had happened after 3 or 4 runs I would have been really ticked off.
  • darkheart#6758 darkheart Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    On PS4, 2 recurring issues: If you disconnected during run you were put back in PE, happened twice.
    Also happened twice with running a 5x run, completing the run, go to turn in and received no coins.
  • darkheart#6758 darkheart Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    The sacrifice yourself to reset to receive coins, did seem to work as a work around, unfortunately it happen last night and caused me to not get my Fabled coin due to time constraints. Very aggravating.
  • bigman99#8273 bigman99 Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    While the bugs are still present, they seem to be more random. An example: during a run, we accidently bugged the first boss by not killing all mobs (our fault). We could not go back through the ice walls to finish it later. We decided to start over since it was only second run. We all relogged to end the run. Three of us ended up logging back in in PE(as we thought would happen), but two of our members came back in the dungeon where they had logged out. We could not tell why 3 were moved and 2 were not, /shrug. As for people who are not getting the fabled chapter after 135 coins, there have been an absolute TON of people looking for a x1 group the last couple days to finish off the chapter after they did not get it when they are supposed to. Again, seems random, as I got mine doing a x4 run when I needed only 7 coins. To be honest is feels like some of the symptoms have been treated effectively, but the root cause is still in place.
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  • dontez1dontez1 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    I had multiple runs (3-4) where we lost 1 player to disconnect and they were put in P.E. They should come back into the dungeon so you can finish the run. If your tank/healer gets DCed you're almost Hamstered on the rest of the run. I also did not receive my fabled ch. at 135. I restarted, then checked the forums. Ran a solo, and killed my self all to no avail. Then ran for the 136th coin which gave it to me after completion. For how much work is going into getting the neck/belt set of Old. I hope it gets some love in mod 16.
  • sorengrabow2sorengrabow2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    My main concerns is weather there will be put any effort into redeeming those players who got into the bugged stage, where they were unable to get any coins. It has been one of the most excruciating and agonizing experience to see the timer go down day by day while it was impossible to get the final batch of coins to get the chapter. I only read about the potential fix, if you failed a run with 0 lives left, when it was all to late.
  • shadows1313shadows1313 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User
    @nitocris83 Are u guys gonna grant the fabled chapters again manually to people that got 135+ coins but did NOT get the chapter like in first ToO event? Because that bug still affected many of us, i got like 2 chars myself that i got past 135 and they got no fabled chapter.
  • hared666#6453 hared666 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I have posted tickets. Lag was horrible in the latest event. Almost impossible to play, and definitely not enjoyable. I successfully completed x3 and x4 and no rewards. There should be compensation for time spent. Even for posting my tickets.
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