Looks like taking screenshots during cut scenes, character creator, and maybe some other times, gets them in the old TGA format. While in the game they appear to be captured in JPG format. One of my screenshot display programs can't deal with the TGA format that's produced like it's an old variant or something. Anyway, the format is old enough that Windows 10 can't display the thumbnail in the File Manager.
I would like to be more clear about when TGA shows up, but it does not seem consistent for some reason.
Could we make all the screenshots in JPG please?
I would have loved to provide some examples of TGA files, but IMGUR and Wordpress do not support TGA files.
Looks like the TGA files were shot during the opening tutorial during the cut scene and were captured on March 16, 2019. Yep. Latest version as of that date. Oh let me go try google drive and see if that will take these files.
Picture in TGAAnother PicutreLooks like that worked.
Hum... TGA is so old that even Google Drive won't preview it. Time to retire this old format. Everybody else has.
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/screenshot_depth is new, don't know what that one does.
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