can't get Sybella's symbols for buying items from her. No quests list in Journal where we checked ended lokations
my pet from quest wasn't in my inventory. It only shows in Companions, i summoned it but can't use Companion Power (Enhancement) and its Bonus.
also i just got a first pet but there no any equipment for him. Maybe add some to traiders or quests reward?
still can't use Celestial bugs and Treasure bugs from Bounty Masters.
Also In Tower District on last campfire I got a quest to talk with Harper about Foundry quests. but there wasn't a board. Also I got a letter from Harper that Foundry is open for me.
"sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"
How it is that we can't buy any level 80 equipment with seals of the crown? Between top level 70 and basic level 80 equipment there is about 160 Item Level, so that's space enough for a minimal basic level 80 equipment
How it is that we can't buy any level 80 equipment with seals of the crown? Between top level 70 and basic level 80 equipment there is about 160 Item Level, so that's space enough for a minimal basic level 80 equipment
Did they remove Spy Guild's gear? That was level 80 armor and accessories that was purchasable with Crown Seals at Yawning Portal. I know they changed the one vendor to some armor you could buy with AD.
Warlock: Don't want to let you down but I am hell bound. - Imagine Dragons Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
How it is that we can't buy any level 80 equipment with seals of the crown? Between top level 70 and basic level 80 equipment there is about 160 Item Level, so that's space enough for a minimal basic level 80 equipment
Did they remove Spy Guild's gear? That was level 80 armor and accessories that was purchasable with Crown Seals at Yawning Portal. I know they changed the one vendor to some armor you could buy with AD.
Now it requires Seals of the Mountain which is quite disappointing
The three ones for AD are for leveling from 70 to 80.
FBI : last boss stop moving for most the fight tong : 2nd boss hand and push still one shot players /// last boss : last boss all aoe still one shot players - and souls have so much hp /// chests trap is bugged they start flying everwhere elol : fire balls don't work /// mobs after 2 boss too tanky /// last boss doesn't move mc : the dungeon is still very hard
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited March 2019
Class Balance: Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2. Thanks to @greyjay1, @viraaal, @rjc9000 and @nigantar for helping me to test this.
Conditions for the test:
Naked characters except for the gear required to reach 50% critical strike chance. No insignia bonuses or insignias, armor penetration SH boon, no pets except for those specified.
No summoned companion.
100-100 weapons from the trade of blades, purchaseable for 2.5 gold.
Tiefling Race, with constitution and charisma.
Lone level 9 dummy in the trade of blades, nearest to the pvp vendors.
Single target rotation for 5 minutes.
The base ability scores with no extra allocated beyond what you get for character creation.
Legendary Black Dragon Ioun stone active bonus (8k crit).
Imperial Rage drake mount bonus (4k crit).
2x Beaded Assault Rings (5645 Arp and 3743 Crit).
Alchemist Companion's Active bonus (4k crit and 2k ca).
Rank 14 vorpal.
Level 80 character.
Including GF using buggy ITF: Excluding GF using buggy ITF:
We did not benchmark the tank path of Barbarian, only the damage path, as the tank path is doing 3.14 times more damage than intended.
The 3% multiplier on paladin is to account for poor daily power usage.
The 4 daily power limit on 1 of the GF builds is to accurately simulate GF damage with ITF, excluding the AP gain bug.
Damage is normalized around the highest dps on the list. Every class below the highest is listed as a percentage of the highest.
Fighter DPS where waiting for vengeance has to be calculated manually as waiting for vengeance takes you out of combat and skews the results. This is why the act log differs from my number in the cell.
I haven't tested everything, but L80 weapons get scaled down to the same level of the Primal set, unexhalted. Most have way worse set bonus. So anyone with L70 weapons at the level of Primal set (unexhalted) or better, you should keep those for L70 content.
That's a problem. L80 weapons should be slightly better than L70 weapons, when scaled down to L70, to reward you for the greater achievement that getting L80 weapons is. They should definitely not be worse.
I haven't tested everything, but L80 weapons get scaled down to the same level of the Primal set, unexhalted. Most have way worse set bonus. So anyone with L70 weapons at the level of Primal set (unexhalted) or better, you should keep those for L70 content.
That's a problem. L80 weapons should be slightly better than L70 weapons, when scaled down to L70, to reward you for the greater achievement that getting L80 weapons is. They should definitely not be worse.
I agree. I've been working on a solution proposal. I hope the devs read it (below)
I've been reading snippets about how down-scaling is being performed. I have concerns that current method will create noodle-code and be difficult to adjust in the future. I worked hours to come up with a formula that would handle all scaling concerns because it can simply be applied to a characters base stats at any given time. Enter any values in the orange boxes using the google doc link below to access a working spreadsheet.
dread4moorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,154Arc User
Regarding KTeam/Hardcore Gear on Preview: K Team was introduced toward the end of Mod 15 as an ongoing event with end-game gear as the reward for running it. On preview the gear is the same or less stats then level 70 gear that drops during campaign missions (which are much easier to attain). You spent alot of effort setting up the KTeam events. I suggest touching up the stats on the Gallant gear. Gallant is nowhere near BIS. Just good leveling gear at best. But for those of us who saved up our Omin IOUs, would allow us to buy some bvery viable gear for our alts.
Nor would bumping up Gallant gear stats detract from Mod 16 nor offer an easy path to end-gear as at least 3-4 weeks of Omin IOU farming are needed for a piece. Would be a nice reward for those of us who bought into your concept and run KTeam weekly.
Bumping up Gallant stats would keep KTeam as an extra viable endgame challenge in Mod16.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
So far, I rather like the new system. I feel, though that some of the changes in Wizard and Cleric spells need reworking (Sudden Storm really sucks), but I'm certain those issues will be adjusted.
My only real peeve is the Power Points that we bought (Zen is purchased using REAL WORLD cash) are wasted. I hope some compensation will be given for the waste of money. The same for companions and mounts. I purchased the Jaguar (for my Cleric) to enhance Recovery. Now, the Jaguars main feature is Accuracy...
Perhaps making Mounts (and companions?) Account bound so that we can exchange them btwn characters.
PP's were not a true consumable, as someone indicated in another thread, they are items you purchase to improve your character (and game play / experience). "Consumables" are potions, refinement items and such.
Trash mobs seem to be dropping half as much money in the new patch compared to previous patches, which is already down from Live. Killing 3-packs of vampires in Vanrakdoom for 60 copper at level 80 vs. killing 3-packs of cultists in WoD on Live for 1s64c. Same % gold gain on character sheet.
If you're going to make gold an integral part of the game like you stated you were going to do with the professions overhaul last mod and going into mod16, you really need to either increase the rate of drops (instead of only the final mob in a 3-pack dropping it, every mob should drop its own) or significantly increase how much is dropped (3+ silver per 3-pack at 80 seems fair and balanced compared to 1s28c from lvl 60-70 stuff which already felt low). Currently basically no incentive to run around picking up money that's scattered in a 50ft circle, most people snag any green drops (which are worth more than 10 kills' worth of cash) and chug on.
1) Boons: Recruit's Training and Soldier's Training are not working properly. The power is working but they are not giving the player 1K HP per rank, they are giving them 1K HP period.
2) Equipment Comparison tooltip:
A ) My character has the Adamantium Chainmail equipped in their shirt slot. When I mouse over the Undermountain Shirt the tooltip says that the Shirt will give me +12,880 Armor Penetration if equipped. The shirt only has an Armor Penetration rating of 460.
B ) My character has the Adamantium Chausses equipped. When I mouse over the Undermountain Pants it gives me two different changes in HP if equipped.
One says that I will get -1,075 Max HP, which is correct just comparing the basic Undermountain Pants to the Adamantium Chausses, but the pants come with a Radiant Enchantment slotted which adds +1,840 Max HP to the pants.
That means that if I equip the pants I actually get +765 Max HP.
But in addition to the tooltip telling me that I will lose out on 1,075 Max HP if I equip the pants, it also says that I will gain +38,080 Max HP, and there is nothing in the numbers to support that.
I'd like to see the tooltip take slotted enchantments into consideration, even if they are added as extra changes.
For example, if I have a shirt equipped and compare it to another shirt that will give me +20 combined rating and that has an enchantment slotted that will give me +20 power, the comparison tooltip might say "Changes if equipped: +20 combined rating. Enchantment changes if equipped: +20 power".
If the shirt that I had equipped had an enchantment slotted that gave me +20 Awareness then the tooltip would say "Changes if equipped: +20 combined rating. Enchantment changes if equipped +20 power, -20 awareness".
I never really gave this much thought before now, never looked and did any sort of checking before, but yesterday I went to trade in an insignia and, looking at the rare insignia choice box that I purchased, the insignias weren't balanced.
I mean, there were 4 different types of Crescent and Illuminated insignias, 5 types of Barbed and Enlightened insignias, and 6 different types of Regal insignias.
I'm fine with there being cases of certain bonuses not being available to certain types of insignias; Barbed only has access to five types of bonuses? That's fine, but every other insignia type should then only have access to five different types of bonuses.
I'm not going to call this a bug, but it could be.
The Critical Avoidance boon says that it will give me +500 Critical Avoidance per rank.
That's fine, but there is no Critical Avoidance stat. On the character sheet there is only Critical Resist. That is what is increased by ranking up this boon.
You should decide whether you are using the term Critical Avoidance or Critical Resist and then stick with it.
Perhaps making Mounts (and companions?) Account bound so that we can exchange them btwn characters.
I am seconding this fullheartedly. It'd be nice to have some of the mounts I've earned on alts be usable on my main, instead of like....for example: doing the halloween event and having to deal with the absolute garbage drop rate of bristles for the broom twice.
I don't know how complex the game's coding is, and I really don't need to know. Several other MMO's that have been popular over the years have account-wide mounts. We're one of the few that don't.
Sunshine SaltmineIs only game, why you have to be so buttmad?
Class Balance: Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2. Thanks to @greyjay1, @viraaal, @rjc9000 and @nigantar for helping me to test this.
That is well documented testing that we will certainly look over this week.
It was interesting to see the Warden ranger used for the ranged only build. The Hunter path has a better setup for that route. I would have be curious to see how a stance swapping Warden compared to the pure melee stance build in your tests.
Last boss in Caverns of Karrundax , the baby dragons constantly re spawn over and over, main dragon never comes down to fight you only babies. 28 min of trying and hoping. " alt="" />
Will there be any "compensation" for guilds which chose to build a Temple? With the removal of life steal the temple became probably the least useful boon structure. Awareness is not very useful in PVE.
It will be a huge investment to replace the temple with a more useful structure. It would be appreciated if the affected guilds would get any compensation (like getting at least some of the materials back when destroying the temple).
Since we will be able to replace enchantments I thought it would be a good idea to also offer something for guilds with a temple.
Class Balance: Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2. Thanks to @greyjay1, @viraaal, @rjc9000 and @nigantar for helping me to test this.
That is well documented testing that we will certainly look over this week.
It was interesting to see the Warden ranger used for the ranged only build. The Hunter path has a better setup for that route. I would have be curious to see how a stance swapping Warden compared to the pure melee stance build in your tests.
I didn't use Hunter ranged as a test, as I switch stances when using that build, and right now there is a bug where using a dot / using a skill while using the other stance (dailies for example) makes the skill deal 0 damage while in the opposing stance. This would have made that test a false representative of what it can do, and I will get @thefabricant to update it when im able to test out that bug after being fixed.
Secondly, Im not sure how you intend for a stance swapping warden spec to be played. My idea would be to use skills with the storms recovery feat and try to have 100% uptime on some encounter of the other stance, maximising damage from deft strikes and aspect of the serpent.
1.5 hours later
So I found a way how to try a stance switching build, but it still involved using focused, as deft strikes doesnt work under the class' style, due to the T3 feats giving a bonus to only at-wills, and that dealing a lot of the Melee wardens damage, and as I said in owlbear, it just doesnt make sense for deft strikes to only buff encounters when the theme of warden is about using at-wills. That aside, im unable to actually use this build as in practise its super super hard to be perfect when using it, and leads to A LOT of human errors due to its complexity, which im not against, the hardest rotation should be the most rewarding (if it is or not im unsure) considering as I previously mentioned with the damage of skills dealing 0 damage, its not worth actually learning it to test the dps, as it wont be a true representative. @noworries#8859
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
Class Balance: Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2. Thanks to @greyjay1, @viraaal, @rjc9000 and @nigantar for helping me to test this.
That is well documented testing that we will certainly look over this week.
It was interesting to see the Warden ranger used for the ranged only build. The Hunter path has a better setup for that route. I would have be curious to see how a stance swapping Warden compared to the pure melee stance build in your tests.
@noworries#8859 to add to @viraaal's post, @greyjay1 redid the DC tests due to being unhappy with their results and after some fiddling with rotations he managed to find a better build. Here is an updated look (only the dc was changed).
Class Balance: Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2. Conditions for the test:
Naked characters except for the gear required to reach 50% critical strike chance. No insignia bonuses or insignias, armor penetration SH boon, no pets except for those specified.
No summoned companion.
100-100 weapons from the trade of blades, purchaseable for 2.5 gold.
Tiefling Race, with constitution and charisma.
Lone level 9 dummy in the trade of blades, nearest to the pvp vendors.
Single target rotation for 5 minutes.
The base ability scores with no extra allocated beyond what you get for character creation.
Legendary Black Dragon Ioun stone active bonus (8k crit).
Imperial Rage drake mount bonus (4k crit).
2x Beaded Assault Rings (5645 Arp and 3743 Crit).
Alchemist Companion's Active bonus (4k crit and 2k ca).
Rank 14 vorpal.
Level 80 character.
Including GF using buggy ITF: Excluding GF using buggy ITF:
We did not benchmark the tank path of Barbarian, only the damage path, as the tank path is doing 3.14 times more damage than intended.
The 3% multiplier on paladin is to account for poor daily power usage.
The 4 daily power limit on 1 of the GF builds is to accurately simulate GF damage with ITF, excluding the AP gain bug.
Damage is normalized around the highest dps on the list. Every class below the highest is listed as a percentage of the highest.
Fighter DPS where waiting for vengeance has to be calculated manually as waiting for vengeance takes you out of combat and skews the results. This is why the act log differs from my number in the cell.
That is well documented testing that we will certainly look over this week.
It was interesting to see the Warden ranger used for the ranged only build. The Hunter path has a better setup for that route. I would have be curious to see how a stance swapping Warden compared to the pure melee stance build in your tests.
I was the Barbarian used for the test, so I'd like to point a few things out:
I think there are far better Barbarian players than me out there (coughcoughdriderservercoughcough), so I am unsure if I truly represented the class' DPS.
Also, unlike the memeable GWF, the class does require some forethought and planning to do: if you screw up, you do lose out on some damage.
@thefabricant and @greyjay1 had me try a retest, but this time, I noticed that the latency wasn't great and some of my inputs weren't registering when I wanted them to. They found the DPS dropped to something like 730ish.
I also didn't try without Hidden Daggers, as Hidden Daggers is pretty much carrying the class. I don't think I'll get another chance to test until this Friday, which may require a retest due to a new preview build going up.
I apologize if this was mentioned already, I don't have the strength to look through all 36 pages. It was mentioned in the Bugs forum, but there was no response and it has yet to be fixed.
BUG: Rank 14 Single Stat Exchange pack provides Rank 14 Triple Stat Enchantments
as a general feedback from my state of testing: you dumbed down paths to a level, where players dont need to think, you increased CDs to a lvl where this game becomes close to roundbased. main reason to play this game: dynamic combat. now we get static combat. basically this gets close to a mobil game. with mod 6 you lost half the player base and killed pvp. this time those who stayed have no excuse anymore than just stating: i played so many years, i wount leave just yet. maybe they fix it...
(do we have a special topic?)
Plundered Thayan Statue can only be placed to the left of the fireplace, not in any of the other five locations.
That was level 80 armor and accessories that was purchasable with Crown Seals at Yawning Portal.
I know they changed the one vendor to some armor you could buy with AD.
Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown
Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown
Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
The three ones for AD are for leveling from 70 to 80.
tong : 2nd boss hand and push still one shot players /// last boss : last boss all aoe still one shot players - and souls have so much hp /// chests trap is bugged they start flying everwhere
elol : fire balls don't work /// mobs after 2 boss too tanky /// last boss doesn't move
mc : the dungeon is still very hard
Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2. Thanks to @greyjay1, @viraaal, @rjc9000 and @nigantar for helping me to test this.
Conditions for the test:
Including GF using buggy ITF:
Excluding GF using buggy ITF:
- We did not benchmark the tank path of Barbarian, only the damage path, as the tank path is doing 3.14 times more damage than intended.
- The 3% multiplier on paladin is to account for poor daily power usage.
- The 4 daily power limit on 1 of the GF builds is to accurately simulate GF damage with ITF, excluding the AP gain bug.
- Damage is normalized around the highest dps on the list. Every class below the highest is listed as a percentage of the highest.
- Fighter DPS where waiting for vengeance has to be calculated manually as waiting for vengeance takes you out of combat and skews the results. This is why the act log differs from my number in the cell.
Pie Chart and powers menu of Every Class:Fighter Bugged ITF:
Combat Ranger:
Fighter no ITF Waiting for Vengeance:
Fighter no ITF Not Waiting for Vengeance:
Arbiter Cleric:
Fighter ITF 4 Daily Limit:
Storm Conduit Ranger:
K Team was introduced toward the end of Mod 15 as an ongoing event with end-game gear as the reward for running it.
On preview the gear is the same or less stats then level 70 gear that drops during campaign missions (which are much easier to attain).
You spent alot of effort setting up the KTeam events.
I suggest touching up the stats on the Gallant gear.
Gallant is nowhere near BIS. Just good leveling gear at best.
But for those of us who saved up our Omin IOUs, would allow us to buy some bvery viable gear for our alts.
Nor would bumping up Gallant gear stats detract from Mod 16 nor offer an easy path to end-gear as at least 3-4 weeks of Omin IOU farming are needed for a piece.
Would be a nice reward for those of us who bought into your concept and run KTeam weekly.
Bumping up Gallant stats would keep KTeam as an extra viable endgame challenge in Mod16.
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
My only real peeve is the Power Points that we bought (Zen is purchased using REAL WORLD cash) are wasted. I hope some compensation will be given for the waste of money.
The same for companions and mounts. I purchased the Jaguar (for my Cleric) to enhance Recovery. Now, the Jaguars main feature is Accuracy...
Perhaps making Mounts (and companions?) Account bound so that we can exchange them btwn characters.
PP's were not a true consumable, as someone indicated in another thread, they are items you purchase to improve your character (and game play / experience). "Consumables" are potions, refinement items and such.
If you're going to make gold an integral part of the game like you stated you were going to do with the professions overhaul last mod and going into mod16, you really need to either increase the rate of drops (instead of only the final mob in a 3-pack dropping it, every mob should drop its own) or significantly increase how much is dropped (3+ silver per 3-pack at 80 seems fair and balanced compared to 1s28c from lvl 60-70 stuff which already felt low). Currently basically no incentive to run around picking up money that's scattered in a 50ft circle, most people snag any green drops (which are worth more than 10 kills' worth of cash) and chug on.
1) Boons:
Recruit's Training and Soldier's Training are not working properly. The power is working but they are not giving the player 1K HP per rank, they are giving them 1K HP period.
2) Equipment Comparison tooltip:
A ) My character has the Adamantium Chainmail equipped in their shirt slot. When I mouse over the Undermountain Shirt the tooltip says that the Shirt will give me +12,880 Armor Penetration if equipped. The shirt only has an Armor Penetration rating of 460.
B ) My character has the Adamantium Chausses equipped. When I mouse over the Undermountain Pants it gives me two different changes in HP if equipped.
One says that I will get -1,075 Max HP, which is correct just comparing the basic Undermountain Pants to the Adamantium Chausses, but the pants come with a Radiant Enchantment slotted which adds +1,840 Max HP to the pants.
That means that if I equip the pants I actually get +765 Max HP.
But in addition to the tooltip telling me that I will lose out on 1,075 Max HP if I equip the pants, it also says that I will gain +38,080 Max HP, and there is nothing in the numbers to support that.
I'd like to see the tooltip take slotted enchantments into consideration, even if they are added as extra changes.
For example, if I have a shirt equipped and compare it to another shirt that will give me +20 combined rating and that has an enchantment slotted that will give me +20 power, the comparison tooltip might say "Changes if equipped: +20 combined rating. Enchantment changes if equipped: +20 power".
If the shirt that I had equipped had an enchantment slotted that gave me +20 Awareness then the tooltip would say "Changes if equipped: +20 combined rating. Enchantment changes if equipped +20 power, -20 awareness".
Something like that.
I mean, there were 4 different types of Crescent and Illuminated insignias, 5 types of Barbed and Enlightened insignias, and 6 different types of Regal insignias.
I'm fine with there being cases of certain bonuses not being available to certain types of insignias; Barbed only has access to five types of bonuses? That's fine, but every other insignia type should then only have access to five different types of bonuses.
I'm not going to call this a bug, but it could be.
The Critical Avoidance boon says that it will give me +500 Critical Avoidance per rank.
That's fine, but there is no Critical Avoidance stat. On the character sheet there is only Critical Resist. That is what is increased by ranking up this boon.
You should decide whether you are using the term Critical Avoidance or Critical Resist and then stick with it.
I don't know how complex the game's coding is, and I really don't need to know. Several other MMO's that have been popular over the years have account-wide mounts. We're one of the few that don't.
It was interesting to see the Warden ranger used for the ranged only build. The Hunter path has a better setup for that route. I would have be curious to see how a stance swapping Warden compared to the pure melee stance build in your tests.
It will be a huge investment to replace the temple with a more useful structure. It would be appreciated if the affected guilds would get any compensation (like getting at least some of the materials back when destroying the temple).
Since we will be able to replace enchantments I thought it would be a good idea to also offer something for guilds with a temple.
Secondly, Im not sure how you intend for a stance swapping warden spec to be played. My idea would be to use skills with the storms recovery feat and try to have 100% uptime on some encounter of the other stance, maximising damage from deft strikes and aspect of the serpent.
1.5 hours later
So I found a way how to try a stance switching build, but it still involved using focused, as deft strikes doesnt work under the class' style, due to the T3 feats giving a bonus to only at-wills, and that dealing a lot of the Melee wardens damage, and as I said in owlbear, it just doesnt make sense for deft strikes to only buff encounters when the theme of warden is about using at-wills.
That aside, im unable to actually use this build as in practise its super super hard to be perfect when using it, and leads to A LOT of human errors due to its complexity, which im not against, the hardest rotation should be the most rewarding (if it is or not im unsure) considering as I previously mentioned with the damage of skills dealing 0 damage, its not worth actually learning it to test the dps, as it wont be a true representative. @noworries#8859
@noworries#8859 to add to @viraaal's post, @greyjay1 redid the DC tests due to being unhappy with their results and after some fiddling with rotations he managed to find a better build. Here is an updated look (only the dc was changed).
Class Balance:
Here is a snapshot of class balance for patch NW.110.2019031b.2.
Conditions for the test:
Including GF using buggy ITF:
Excluding GF using buggy ITF:
- We did not benchmark the tank path of Barbarian, only the damage path, as the tank path is doing 3.14 times more damage than intended.
- The 3% multiplier on paladin is to account for poor daily power usage.
- The 4 daily power limit on 1 of the GF builds is to accurately simulate GF damage with ITF, excluding the AP gain bug.
- Damage is normalized around the highest dps on the list. Every class below the highest is listed as a percentage of the highest.
- Fighter DPS where waiting for vengeance has to be calculated manually as waiting for vengeance takes you out of combat and skews the results. This is why the act log differs from my number in the cell.
Pie Chart and powers menu of Every Class:Fighter Bugged ITF:
Combat Ranger:
Fighter no ITF Waiting for Vengeance:
Fighter no ITF Not Waiting for Vengeance:
Arbiter Cleric:
Fighter ITF 4 Daily Limit:
Storm Conduit Ranger:
I think there are far better Barbarian players than me out there (coughcoughdriderservercoughcough), so I am unsure if I truly represented the class' DPS.
Also, unlike the memeable GWF, the class does require some forethought and planning to do: if you screw up, you do lose out on some damage.
@thefabricant and @greyjay1 had me try a retest, but this time, I noticed that the latency wasn't great and some of my inputs weren't registering when I wanted them to. They found the DPS dropped to something like 730ish.
I also didn't try without Hidden Daggers, as Hidden Daggers is pretty much carrying the class. I don't think I'll get another chance to test until this Friday, which may require a retest due to a new preview build going up.
BUG: Rank 14 Single Stat Exchange pack provides Rank 14 Triple Stat Enchantments