Kinda got bummed about changes coming, mostly crit/ls.
Based on the info we’ve got do you guys think it would be a good idea to trade out crit (down to 50%) and lifesteal for defense and deflect? I’m also kinda wondering with combat advantage being 100% cap if I should start building that, I’m currently at 10.2%.?
We are told we will always get a 5% crit chance. But any other crit % will be determined by how much higher our crit is than the opponents crit avoidance. With 1% chance per 500 points higher.
Were told current plan is for new zone mobs to have 16000 stats.
So you will have a 5% chance to crit if your crit stat is between 0 and 16000. To reach your 50% crit cap you need 45% more at 500 points per % which is 22500 points. Plus the 16000 to match their avoidance youll need a crit stat of 38500. Which id guesd is more than half of your existing crit score? So unless you currently have way more than 38500 id not start ditching crit yet.
Im not claiming to know this is correct, just my interpretatation. And of course the amount of crit you get off items and enchants might change too for all i know
Starting to get the itch already guy, i wanna trade lifesteal for defense so bad it burns, me down guys!😜
My first guess is that the trapper of old will cease to exist. They will not allow encounter spam to continue.
The trend of HR's defensive stats does does not change in Mod 16, based on the information we know. If you want to know why, I did an analysis of the 3 defensive stats available in the link blow.
On the assumptions the dev team won't change anything about defensive stats, if you really want to plan ahead, buy Radiants for the HP.
Defense and Deflect are not worth the effort on HR and I personally do not think Awareness is worth stacking for PvE builds either. Good positioning will help you stay alive far better than any of the Awareness stat will.
I know nothing but I'd also try and go with two stat and three stat enchants over one stat enchants. except for some azures because you're going to want the xp gain to get to lvl 80
Thanks for the info man , I’m forcing myself to only tinker with my companions (for now), I’ve traded out his LS darks for HP radiants, and swapped his rings for HP primals. On a positive side he’s not dying near as much!
Lol man I hear you 😓
While it won't be a 1:1 equivalence, the addition of Crit. Resist for all enemies (and ourselves) means that if you currently have 100% Crit. chance now, that will translate into ~50% Crit. chance under the new system.
For example if you were to cut back Crit. chance to 50% now, you would likely end up with a 20-25% Crit. chance on average under the new system.
If we take the Dev's. example and use that then:
In the first area of Mod16 the enemies will have a Crit. Resist of 16k. (subject to change as noted)
In order to have a 50% Crit. chance against those enemies you will require a Crit. stat of 38500 minimum.
This is 500 x 45 at the 500 stat points to 1% value + the 5% base Crit. Chance value + the 16k Crit. Resist of the enemy added to find the pre-subtraction value needed.
This is of course all subject to change and without any other Crit. Chance modifying effects which will likely be minimal if that in order to simplify the calculation to stats only.
That helps to man , I think I’m finally startin to grasp it,
You know what I just realized I would miss using extremely repetitively the most? Forest ghost , I’ve become one with forest to many times , I’m already detoxing!!😦 lol?
example : 50% crit severity and 50% ca bonus.
this is how it works :::: crit with ca is 100% base dmg + 50%ca +50% crit sev for 200%dmg.
this is how its supposed to work :::: (1+0.50) x (100%+0.50)=2.25 meaning 225% dmg.
> @jonkoca nope, you get CA bonus normally its just that CA dmg and CRIT SEV gets added together instead of getting multipled.
> example : 50% crit severity and 50% ca bonus.
> this is how it works :::: crit with ca is 100% base dmg + 50%ca +50% crit sev for 200%dmg.
> this is how its supposed to work :::: (1+0.50) x (100%+0.50)=2.25 meaning 225% dmg.
Wait a minute I thought that going over 11% CA was a Jane specified no no and going over had a deminishing return( which I’ll pretend to understand what that is), and wasn’t worth the investment,,I been holding back on CA because of that,😧
Help me! my tiny brain hurts!
Oh and thanks again to everyone who’s has guided me through my neverwinter journey, it’s most appreciated! I’ve finally been able to survive more! Like FBI I couldn’t even join in the battles a month ago, now I’m surviving up to the 🐢! I’ve got enough balls now to take on
Trexs and started doing Barovia!
- if you crit but don't have combat advantage, you get your crit severity multiplier only
- if you don't crit but have combat advantage, you get your CA multiplier only
- if you both crit and have combat advantage, you get both multipliers but they are added together instead of being added seperately.
At the moment, getting 100% crit chance is mandatory, getting a lot of Critical Severity and Combat Advantage Damage (the multiplier) is great but getting a lot of Combat Advantage Bonus (the rating) is mediocre because of the diminishing returns on it.
We, of course, don't know yet how it's gonna work in Neverwinter v2 but what we do know (crit chance base 5% max 50%, crit severity base 50% instead of 75% not completely about this one , combat advantage damage base 10% max 100%, opposing rolls) would have me believe that stacking the new combat advantage rating (with no diminishing return this time) is gonna be a lot better than stacking critical strike.
Jon wats you CA % wise and have you noticed a major increase in the Damage as you stacked, cause I’m about to stack some more if it does. I think my stat number is in like 3800 ish and I’m at 10.2 ish, I could be wrong, my wife’s watching wheel of fortune atm so I can’t check
Sorry if asking your % is too personal lol , is that allowed in the forums?
Edit mines at 2296 and 10.1%
As far as Mod 16 goes, only the testers currently under NDA know exactly how it's going to work, but enough information has been published in dev blogs to give us a hint that major changes are incoming.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Why do you think enemies are so bulky half the time and reliant on OSK to kill you? Because LS and unchecked 100% Crit. chance made it necessary, Recovery basically eliminating CDs removed the need to think. We'd be unstoppable gods if they didn't, hell anyone over 14.5k basically is right now and it only gets worse as you move toward Max iLvL.
Without these things, not only the player system but enemy systems can be brought in line.
Take Skyforge for example, exceptionally high Might stats and the resulting HP values alone were getting ridiculous. A Boss could easily break 50-60, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 HP, player HP was in the Billions (represented as G, cause Russian) and honestly, it was magnitudes of ridiculous.
So they changed it so Might was a set value stat, not based on multipliers and scaled it equivalency back so that player HP was in the lower - mid millions (in god form) and Bosses have HP in at most the 100s of millions.
While at the core, it didn't change everything, it instead created manageable scenarios where numbers were clear and justifiable instead of out of control just because.
really the way this company does testing is just weird compared to the ways I've seen testing done at other companies. most other companies focus on the bare minimum gear you can have for a zone not the elite.
I was also wondering if, post mod16, old dungeons and well, everything, will become insanely hard.
Lf4 more dreadspire, 16k+ plz exp. + scrolls....😲