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With upcoming overhaul in game, what's your current character strategy?

prethenprethen Member Posts: 137 Arc User
I'm very excited about the upcoming changes. It just seems like it's a complete overhaul and much of what I might do now to try to improve my character and his items could be for naught. I also admit, I'm getting a little burned out. The repetition with all these campaign missions/queues is starting to get to me.


  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    do not do anything until we no more..

    dont worry they love campaigns.. yes they are what burn me out as well.. dont mind a few.. but they seem to love them.

    There is yet another one coming. Some people jones for them.. but they seem drudgery to me.

    We have no idea what we need , except for alpha testers.. and they cant tell us..

  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    Do the campaigns for the boons, still. That will always be worth it. I understand your feeling of burnout. My advice: SLOW DOWN. Personally, I only have the energy to pursue up to two campaigns on a character at a time, and I cannot do more than three characters @ 2 campaigns at a time. Even doing one campaign, I can only do 5 or 6 characters at a time.

    As for gear/enchants/etc, I would just try to be patient at this point. Save your AD and RP, and get ready for the next update.
  • prethenprethen Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    I just have the one character. How does anyone have patience and time to run more than one! LOL
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    Well, my main SW has finished all campaign, so I'm going with @nunya, saving ADs, RPs and so forth till we see what happens.

    I have an OP that I just created, which just got to Omu, this one is a little harder because they are still in upgrading mode for the most part.
    But I think I'm going to do the same thing, stock up on ADs (as much as is possible) and RPs. And see what the wind brings.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    prethen said:

    I just have the one character. How does anyone have patience and time to run more than one! LOL

    You don't but many do. I play 6 characters. I don't play 1 main character with 5 alts. I play 6 main characters. I don't chase BiS and I don't play RQ though. I don't finish campaign in rush but I do finish campaigns for all of them (except SKT). At the moment, it is my 'down' time and was thinking about doing some upgrade for my characters. This mod 16 announcement is "perfect" for the timing because that will prevent me to do something that will most likely be a waste. I have the resource to upgrade for the longest time but I keep on delaying it to avoid RNG torture. So, when I start to bite the bullet, the announcement makes me to delay again. Perfect. :)

    My current plan before mod 16 is to level up Master Craft and upgrade the workshops. Then, casually earn AD here and there. Check out any fire sale, sky is falling sale in AH. Watch more Netflix. :)
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    I HAVE 3 mostly done.. and a variety at different stages..
    sadly , because we dont know what classes will be of any use next mod.. its hard to say, put your effort into any of them..

    Until we know more.. I guess you can continue doing boons, until we know.. but be prepared to re grind a new campaign.

    and yes.. this has happened before... a couple of times..

    While their grandiose ideals per se of making the classes =.. reality will state something else.. reality will be x, y and z will be just better then the rest..

    at least for a short while.

    then they will cycle it through in the coming years.. until the game folds anyways.

  • shwabbashwabba Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    I was in the process of max upgrading my main's enchantments and gear, but now I'm just going to stockpile AD, gold, and RP while finishing up any loose campaigns/boons that might be straggling. Excited about the class overhauls, but waiting to see where the stat changes take us.
  • prethenprethen Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    I wish they actually allow gold to be useful for something going forward (other than kits/potions)!
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    prethen said:

    I wish they actually allow gold to be useful for something going forward (other than kits/potions)!

    Gold is very useful now comparing with before mod 15. You can sell gold (as gold bar) in AH for AD. People who does profession needs gold. A lot of gold. I have been trying to get a lot of gold every day since before mod 15. So yes, they actually did that.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • prethenprethen Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    Yeah, I did the gold bar conversion once. Seems like not a very good trade, 100 GP for about 30K AD. It can take multiple weeks to get that gold, but only a few random queue runs to get the AD. I'm not pursuing the profession stuff; I'd rather spend my time doing quests, etc. Who knows, I might change my mind on that after the new mod comes out.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    prethen said:

    Yeah, I did the gold bar conversion once. Seems like not a very good trade, 100 GP for about 30K AD. It can take multiple weeks to get that gold, but only a few random queue runs to get the AD. I'm not pursuing the profession stuff; I'd rather spend my time doing quests, etc. Who knows, I might change my mind on that after the new mod comes out.

    Based on your number, I gold worth 300 AD. You only need 3 blue gear to get 1 gold. So, every 3 blue gears (or 10 green gear) worth 300 AD (not rAD). Every useless purple gear worth 300 AD and a bit. Basically, gold are on the floor.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • zozoagogo#3124 zozoagogo Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I'll leave the game for 6-9 months and come back after all the major issues are worked out (snicker) and all the strategies are tested, established, and posted.
  • c1k4ml3kc3c1k4ml3kc3 Member Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    prethen said:

    I'm very excited about the upcoming changes. It just seems like it's a complete overhaul and much of what I might do now to try to improve my character and his items could be for naught. I also admit, I'm getting a little burned out. The repetition with all these campaign missions/queues is starting to get to me.

    I fathom that although changes seem very harsh, and that there is a valid and reasonable fear of the upcoming changes that practically nobody asked for even ONCE on the forum, things might still be interesting as it might bring a bit of a new perspective on how future boss battles and content will be held and/or played.

    - Reduced difficulty for boss battles and dungeons in general

    This is self explanatory, as bosses and mobs won't be instakilling everything in their path. So, no harsh either full life constant HP or Dead on the spot with a single hit.
    So, that is important and possibly the best change in the whole new MOD16, IF it becomes in practical gameplay what it was preached. However, there is a downside to that, too, as some elitist players might start bashing on Cryptic for not having "superbly elitist content" where they could exploit the benefits.

    - More dynamic combat system

    Introducing a new way to fight against hordes of monsters by actually using team composition without relying solely on (de)buffs. First few months will be hardest because of potential exploits and overall breaking of the game, so in general all negative/positive feedback should be taken with a grain of salt. Do not jump to BiS agenda all of a sudden, as things which seem a bit over the top will get nerfed as per customary to all previous mods we've seen.

    - Proc this vs Proc that

    I think that this will be a major theme. This brings forth the dynamic BiS into play and opens the question of such a thing, which I was an advocate for a long time now. Relative BiS should be a thing at all times, as it increases a potential customization of character without losing much of potential except in maybe two-three fights in total over the dungeon run.

    Would be awesome if NWO introduces "STANCE" which you can change mid-fight so that you play one way, then add another, then third etc...

    Of course, all is speculation only.
    True Neutral
    Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Keep doing what I have been; logging in to get VIP stuff, maybe do some stuff for the guild, log out and go play FF14 until we get something meaningful to look at for the new mod.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    prethen said:

    I just have the one character. How does anyone have patience and time to run more than one! LOL

    There are two main ways to go about it, chronologically or alternately. Many players prefer to do the campaigns in order. I find that too ummm… boring. I focus on one main campaign for each character. I fit in short quests ( underdark, Maze Engine, Demon Runs In DR, IWD, & WoD) here & there to break up the monotony.
  • silvershard#4275 silvershard Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    On characters and immediate plans,

    I have 10 characters, 2 that I "main" for end game dungeons, and the other 8 in the 11-13k range (since I'm in a low level guild and don't; have loads of free IL), whom I play when the mood takes me.

    I'm going to hold off on any new major purchases or big targets till mod 16 is live; AD won't be going anywhere and neither will Zen, Gold or RP. I'll just keep on farming.

    I know this is a boring answer, when screaming indignation is so easy, but I'm going to wait and see what they announce on Preview drop, have a dip into Preview, let the Alpha Testers explain the details, come to some conclusions based on FACTS and make decisions on my future with the game based on all that stuff.
    Like I said... boring....

    On campaigns,

    I hope that the current campaign methodology gets changed up. When the "choose your path" system dropped with Cloaked Ascendancy it was novel and new, and offered a genuine CHOICE over how you progressed the campaign.

    But that was bastardized and turned into what "looked" like a genuine choice, but in reality was just a way to make the grind last longer, (if you went for boons first, you'd take an eternity to finally unlock the Dungeon... you pretty much HAD to unlock all the currency enhancers and weeklies first unless you simply didn't care.) by adding new weekly quests, many of which weren't very good... (Remember how delivering a box to the far end of Soshenstar before entering Omu and delivering a box there was suddenly a "WEEKLY"?)
    If you went for boons first, you'd take an eternity to finally unlock the Dungeon... you pretty much HAD to unlock all the currency enhancers and weeklies first unless you simply didn't care... so please, no more of that style of campaign. Or at the very least, go back to the CA style of doing it.

    This is probably veering wildly off topic now but, likewise, no more grind on top of grind for the rewards.
    I don't want to wait behind a house, or near some rocks or whatever, for a vendor to perhaps appear at random so I can buy the ingredient I need to get my weapon set, like that geezer in Barovia who is the one thing about that Campaign that truly sucks. Those annoying restoration items are the WORST element of any campaign. Make them go away, or make them more interesting to attain.
  • silvershard#4275 silvershard Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    prethen said:

    Yeah, I did the gold bar conversion once. Seems like not a very good trade, 100 GP for about 30K AD. It can take multiple weeks to get that gold, but only a few random queue runs to get the AD. I'm not pursuing the profession stuff; I'd rather spend my time doing quests, etc. Who knows, I might change my mind on that after the new mod comes out.

    I'm guessing you don't often max out the 100k per day?
    I use my gold, I have a lot saved up, but if I didn't then I would much prefer selling it for 300 AD a piece, (given how easy Platinum Bowls and blue gear drops) than running dungeons for ROUGH astral diamonds.

    Having something you don't use that you, basically, automatically pick up off the floor, that you can sell for refined Astral Diamonds is good. Even if you can make more elsewhere from any number of methods.

    Try this... instead of "not doing X, because its not as good as doing Y", go for "doing X AND Y, because it's sensible and profitable and requires very little extra time or effort to do both."

  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Do nothing at all. I may work on my last two MW III professions but with the mess they've made of MW I won't go farther than that. Frankly much of what I will do in the near future is with an eye toward selling my account if mod 16 is as bad as it looks. Given how often and how badly the dev team has screwed up lately I can't see them handling this competently.

    Preview begins next week so we'll begin to know then. Based on how Cryptic generally has failed to fix bugs before release and ignored player input it's difficult to be other than pessimistic.
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  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    Addept to the changes or not, depends on my motivation to play at all and my time to do so, that´s my strategy.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    1) Complete all boons.
    Those will always be helpful, even when the stats change.
    2) Don't buy any expensive gear on AH until release.
    3) Don't trust the rumor mill.
    4) Play preview when it is released.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    I was about to start making more R14s, now I am waiting for mod 16. I am not selling anything either (and I have a lot of silvery, cruels, and black ices). We don't know what will replace recovery/life-steal, it might be worst, or it might be better. No point selling without knowing more. I play multiple toons covering tank, heal, and dps. I can always move enchantments around.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Up until Chult my HR main was still in my post-mod-6 mode: chasing Defense to the nth degree, defender companion, Drowned weapons, the whole nine yards. I've backed off that extreme stance as power creep has made the content easier, but I've kept all that in reserve just in case.

    I have 16 alts. They all have robust Defense stats, though not to the extreme degree that my main can achieve (52k Defense if I go all-out). They all have Drowned weapons, either as primary weapons or held in reserve. Many if not most have Dusk and/or Pilgrim footwear in reserve. So at this point I'm in wait-and-see mode: if things get as bad as they were when Mod 6 first went live, I can pull the trigger on moving everyone into Abrams-tank mode. If not, so much the better.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    Wait and see is the only strategy to have really. Even with everything that is coming, my main will stay a DC.
  • edited February 2019
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  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    I have three (currently) mid 17k il toons. a dc hr and cw. I think my dc is probably dead to me. I really doubt they'll give me enough dps to keep up a a dc and i'm not thrilled iwth the idea of being a healer.. (we will see). I'm not sure if I'll end up playing hr or cw as main. time will tell. in the mean time I'm just ad hoarding. been doing a little trading in enchants. I personally am suspecting that the three stat enchants will be the most valuable so I've been prioritizing those but I think I'm done there for the moment. I sold off all my mw supplies and have brought my mw career to a dead halt for now. going forward I am going to finish the new campaign play a lot less and probably spend almost all of my online time farming gm for the next event. imo there really isn't anything to do until the next mod is released. we're at a stand still. everything we can grind gear wise is obsolete.. and that's what I was doing. trying to get my cw up to bis.. so yeah I might get some vacuuming in maybe some laundry. some research for that thing I do. ect. Come here and whine a bit.. yah know the usual. lol
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited February 2019

    I have three (currently) mid 17k il toons. a dc hr and cw. I think my dc is probably dead to me. I really doubt they'll give me enough dps to keep up a a dc and i'm not thrilled iwth the idea of being a healer.. (we will see). I'm not sure if I'll end up playing hr or cw as main. time will tell. in the mean time I'm just ad hoarding. been doing a little trading in enchants. I personally am suspecting that the three stat enchants will be the most valuable so I've been prioritizing those but I think I'm done there for the moment. I sold off all my mw supplies and have brought my mw career to a dead halt for now. going forward I am going to finish the new campaign play a lot less and probably spend almost all of my online time farming gm for the next event. imo there really isn't anything to do until the next mod is released. we're at a stand still. everything we can grind gear wise is obsolete.. and that's what I was doing. trying to get my cw up to bis.. so yeah I might get some vacuuming in maybe some laundry. some research for that thing I do. ect. Come here and whine a bit.. yah know the usual. lol

    Hm, DC can´t be said to be a dead class. Saying the class is dead = complaining on a pretty, pretty high niveau.
    If you decide to play your class as a dps (actually the class is a leader/controller) and negate the innate role of the class, it´s your choice but stop crying thatlike please.
    DC is the best buffer in the game, spending tons of buffs/debuffs, a devo Op can´t spend that ammount, not even close to.
    A good DC carries a bad team more than any other class by mitigation tools like HG+AS+DG wich is easy to hold up 100%
    -> DR+82,5% slighly over the cap, nothing any other class can do. You build a tank out of a low level toon, if that player is smart and does not sneak at 80'' distance, wich is a very common behaviour in a low level-group.

    Actually my DC spends 100% HG and depending on the group 50%-100% AA uptime, BoB+WoL perma up, dDG 12.5% almost 100%, wich is a 47,5% damagebuff plus 42,5% debuff, depending on the groupcomposition (OP+tact GF), the class can HAMSTER dailies, buffing the powerlevel up to 100k depending on your setup and basepower, spamming double-dailies.
    I did not mention BtS 21% and Exaltation 12,5% singlebuff so far. BtS-uptime is pretty bad sometimes, Exaltation is an option I chose instead if there is only one dps, it´s situational.

    WoL a 10% powerbuff: at 55k base + r14 bonds this is 5.5x1.95+5.5 buff=16.225 powerbuff, doing nothing than being arround
    BoB a 15% powerbuff: at 55k base + r 14bonds this is 8,25x1.95+8.25= 24.3k powerbuff, doing nothing than pressing left mousebutton once every 10 seconds.
    This alone buffs a player at maybe 80k selfbuffed power up to 120k power -> a 34% dps increase.
    If you can provide AA all the time and reach all comps same as player perfectly, you will buff for another 53.54k power wich is another 34% dps increase at given 120k power, in case no OP is arround. Normally your first goal is to hold up HG 100%, every double daily is a bonus you can put on top, depending on your recovery, playstyle and artifacts.

    If you want to break it down to a small essence, the difference between a DO and a AC-DC is BoB and your basepower in case you ignore AA, wich is a pretty inconsistend buff and can´t be said to be perma up from almost 95% of all DC`s i run with , in case they skip HG instead, wich is a fail in near all situations.
    DO can´t spend encounter reset, another point, DO should team up with OP. Gift of Gods, using Lance of Faith, leads to better devine power gain and holds up BtS more consistent compared to an AC, but you skip AP-gain from Gift of Haste.
    DO can debuff for 10% plus + PoD another 12.5% and deals better damage but is not accepted in random groups, you can´t queue as dps so far. The stronger buffer in the sum is AC-DC honestly. But if you achieve a better uptime of BtS you can compensate a lot, the difference is not that huge beside an OP-tank in a group.

    If you intend to play the class as a full striker, there is only a small ammount of player than can be said to deal significant dps, and in a regular queue this is not accepted anyway in 99% of cases, since the class is heal/support at first.
    But.. they wrote DC is gonna get a dps-tree in mod 16, so the class can queue as a striker and maybe they will improve some powers to deal better focus damage. This should spend some hope, it was allready implied in former dev comments about DC and his role.
    Anyway they gonna revive healing abilities,another good point, turing away from onehitting mobs and changing the game-experience significant.
    Maybe in mod 16 DC-buffs will be slightly reduced by skipping recovery, leading to a "normal level" of Daily usage. If so I am fine, as long as they don´t nerv actual buffs like HG or powerbuffs on top.
    Mod 16 will lower the gap between DO and AC by that concernig buffs btw-> less dailies less powerbuffs, less encounter resets etc., gap closed.
    Maybe you simply need a small break from the game, at least it sounds like that to me?
    Post edited by schietindebux on
  • vendoodvendood Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    My strat won't change before or after the mod 16 changes. It's been the same strat with Cryptic since back in City of Heroes days and their 'innovative new approach' with "Enhancement Diversification". And by 'innovative new approach' I mean "player base massacre fiasco". (Which was also, oddly enough, Season 6). It's the same as I had before and after STO's "new build options opening up!" Season 13 (read: WMD launched at player base).

    Basically, it is to putter along using an eclectic combination of odd builds, strange gear, bits and pieces of useful drops or AH cheap buys; and never, ever touch anything that is considered optimal build or BiS. Because Cryptic not only can, and will, but is apparently determined to periodically wipe out 30% of their player base by restructuring everything they built their character around, nuking the features they spent time and money to acquire, and forcing them to start over. They will generally do this while telling players it's a "fresh new opportunity to take your character in new directions!".

    Putting the sarcasm aside for a minute, I actually really enjoy Cryptic games for the most part. CoH/CoV best game EVAR for me, NW/STO very good games, CO I can't really get past the "It's not CoH" mental block, but it looks pretty decent. Big games, lots to do, lots of classes and abilities, great F2P models, innovations like Foundry (when it works)… there's a ton of value there.

    That said, when it looks to me like they're about to shoot themselves in the foot again, I'm not shy about saying "that gun you're pointing at your foot? Yeah that's a bad thing." I doubt they have anyone left on the team from the CoH days, but apparently the corporate culture has never really changed.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User

    Hm, DC can´t be said to be a dead class. Saying the class is dead = complaining on a pretty, pretty high niveau.
    If you decide to play your class as a dps (actually the class is a leader/controller) and negate the innate role of the class, it´s your choice but stop crying thatlike please.
    DC is the best buffer in the game, spending tons of buffs/debuffs, a devo Op can´t spend that ammount, not even close to.
    A good DC carries a bad team more than any other class by mitigation tools like HG+AS+DG wich is easy to hold up 100%
    -> DR+82,5% slighly over the cap, nothing any other class can do. You build a tank out of a low level toon, if that player is smart and does not sneak at 80'' distance, wich is a very common behaviour in a low level-group.

    This thread is talking about the upcoming changes. It's pretty much set in stone that Cleric won't be the same as it is in the current game. We already know that DC will have a DPS paragon and a Healing paragon, probably won't be buffing damage much if at all. So when Cat said the class was dead to her, she meant in Mod 16 and note that she said it was dead to her and not just dead.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    Current strategy...mostly just gathering RP (I know I will need a ton of that) an AD (always useful)., so for the most part I am just playing the AH.

    I have to be a bit careful, though...not using the "inside info" I have to benefit from M16 changes, but there is quite a lot of good deals elsewhere.
    Hoping for improvements...
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