every time I log in, I hear a knocking sound and see the words in red "you must equip a weapon" flashing on screen. I do have a weapon equipped. what's wrong?
Absolutely nothing. You're playing a paladin. The error message itself is erroneous, and affects nothing else. While I've reported it myself, they don't seem to be in a particular hurry to do anything about it.
is this ever gonna be fixed ? i've seen posts from 2015 on this and that was 4 years ago !!! please developers it can't be that hard to tweak the sound affects or code for detecting the weapon is equipped.
The ticket was sent on 04/18/2018 (so almost a year ago, and the bug is at least 10+8=18 months old):
This bug happens on my Paladin for such a long time (like 8 months) that I decided to write a ticket about this. You can see it in the video I attached here. Steps to reproduce: 1) Exit the game from the toon that's not the Paladin 2) Launch the game and enter the game (with non Paladin) 3) Swap toon to Paladin and see the bug
It happens only once per log in, that is if I swap toons and return to Paladin again then the bug won't be there. But If I close the game and repeat steps 1) - 3) then I see the bug again
The response was:
We would like to resolve the issue as quickly as possible; however, some issues require development time from departments outside of Customer Support and cannot be immediately resolved by a Game Master. We have reviewed the information you supplied and we've come to the conclusion that this may be the result of an unreported gameplay bug.
Regretfully, we don't have a resolution for the issue at this time. The best way for us to ensure that this is resolved as quickly as possible is for you to directly post an in-game bug report with your findings in our official forums:
This ensures that our developer and quality assurance teams receive all of the information they need to properly investigate the cause of a given issue. Though the QA team will not directly respond to individual bug reports, all submissions are reviewed, and our developers will work to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
We are always trying to improve the gameplay experience for all of our games and we appreciate the time you took to notify us of your concern. We apologize for the inconvenience. Let us know if you have any other inquiries.
percemerMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 1,048Arc User
I don't have a video but it happens to one of my 2 paladins, the geared one not the storage alt. The first time I log to her after starting the client, the error message and noise triggers. The noise plays at the wnd of the loading screen before my character is displayed, with the error message in red displayed on yhe screen as she loads in.
Weapons are Exalted Masterwork 3. The non bugged storage character Paladin has Vistani set.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
The steps to reproduce the bug are the same as described in earlier post. 1) I've made a screenshot from that old video so that you can see what items he has. 2) Now I've made a screenshot of my current Paladin (weapons and some items has changed, some items are the same). 3) Then I've unequipped those items, which were the same as before, but the bug was still there. In all mentioned cases I opened character sheet as soon as I could, so that the error text would still be there.
1st Screenshot (my old Paladin):
2nd screenshot (my current Paladin):
3rd screenshot (my current Paladin with some items unequipped):
it happens on first load of the pally, idk if its the first pally to load or on all of them, but the "DONG" hits then the message. every other time you change character to the OP its fine. I think its a coding issue that has to do with checking to see if the toon is equipped. why that matters i don't know.
The character it happens on for me is typically the second Paladin, but it happens even when she is loaded first. Strangely enough, it didn't seem to happen this afternoon.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
I have had this false error on my pally for every single weapon he's ever had in game up to and including his current primal set
rifter1969Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 516Arc User
I'm getting this too on one of my paladins. It's usually the second one I load up, and that one is just a storage alt. But the toon that has this error has the Lifeforge set equipped.
I seem to remember I tracked it down to one of my feats. A good way to test is to change to another loadout. I have not played in months but I think I remember that it went away in my Devo load out, that is how I narrowed it down.
**Edit Yeah that was it, it is one of the feats in the protection build that puts you into combat. We reported it years ago, but you see how well that has worked out. In the short term if you park in town when you log out just change to a blank or devo load out before you log off.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The ticket was sent on 04/18/2018 (so almost a year ago, and the bug is at least 10+8=18 months old):
This bug happens on my Paladin for such a long time (like 8 months) that I decided to write a ticket about this.
You can see it in the video I attached here.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Exit the game from the toon that's not the Paladin
2) Launch the game and enter the game (with non Paladin)
3) Swap toon to Paladin and see the bug
It happens only once per log in, that is if I swap toons and return to Paladin again then the bug won't be there.
But If I close the game and repeat steps 1) - 3) then I see the bug again
The response was:
We would like to resolve the issue as quickly as possible; however, some issues require development time from departments outside of Customer Support and cannot be immediately resolved by a Game Master. We have reviewed the information you supplied and we've come to the conclusion that this may be the result of an unreported gameplay bug.
Regretfully, we don't have a resolution for the issue at this time. The best way for us to ensure that this is resolved as quickly as possible is for you to directly post an in-game bug report with your findings in our official forums:
This ensures that our developer and quality assurance teams receive all of the information they need to properly investigate the cause of a given issue. Though the QA team will not directly respond to individual bug reports, all submissions are reviewed, and our developers will work to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
We are always trying to improve the gameplay experience for all of our games and we appreciate the time you took to notify us of your concern. We apologize for the inconvenience. Let us know if you have any other inquiries.
@robai#6206 do you still have this video please?
What are your weapons please?
Did you do anything specific before getting this error message?
Thank you in advance!
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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Weapons are Exalted Masterwork 3.
The non bugged storage character Paladin has Vistani set.
1) I've made a screenshot from that old video so that you can see what items he has.
2) Now I've made a screenshot of my current Paladin (weapons and some items has changed, some items are the same).
3) Then I've unequipped those items, which were the same as before, but the bug was still there.
In all mentioned cases I opened character sheet as soon as I could, so that the error text would still be there.
1st Screenshot (my old Paladin):
2nd screenshot (my current Paladin):
3rd screenshot (my current Paladin with some items unequipped):
It's usually the second one I load up, and that one is just a storage alt. But the toon that has this error has the Lifeforge set equipped.
Yeah that was it, it is one of the feats in the protection build that puts you into combat. We reported it years ago, but you see how well that has worked out.