I must be missing something. I'm trying to get my item level up, but I can't seem to find better gear. I've gotten primal gear and the barovia stuff, and I've been running epic dungeons (that my item level, just under 9000 right now) but I get gear that's below what I have now. Is it just luck of the draw, or am I missing something. I see people with better gear all of the time, I just wonder where they are getting it. That and Greater marks of Potency.
Once you have that baseline, you can start optimizing. It's more efficient if you optimize as you go, but that's not always possible due to cost. IL gains happen a little at a time as you upgrade all the various bits and pieces over time - generally you won't get huge bumps... gear is typically the easy part of getting your IL up since it's typically a factor of grinding content- the rest is all based on farming RP and insignias, and the IL increases of those are incrementally small.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Mounts grant IL though the Insignia you slot in them. Insignia can grant a lot of stats as well. Epic and Legendary mounts also grant special boosts that grant IL. Legendary mounts grant powers that increase IL as well.
Educate yourself about your class before acquiring these things. Both useful and useless grant the same IL... don't sacrifice effectiveness for IL
Additionally, campaign boons grant 30 IL each. Not much individually but each campaign completed gives 120+ IL. With so many campaigns, it adds up.
Your gear is a chunk of IL but the bulk of it past 9k or so starts coming from the peripheral things, lots of small increases instead of a few big ones.
but the better gear ur seein is mostlikely either the 550 gear or the masterwork560-570 gear (+1) the master wrk 560 gear an the +1 versions of it u can either craft or get a friend to craft or buy on ah if u got the ad, the 550 gear comes from running cr (castleravenloft) an useing the marks to buy the gear at vendor in barovia
as for the greater marks of pot... u can get them from lockbozes wonderous bazar an or smetimes if aint mistaken runnin the guantlet missions in dread ring
The main guts of ILs then come from Boons. And then you start working on upgrading up your gear. This is where it gets a lot grindy. Its about 350k Refinement points to get an artifact up from Purple to Mythic.
BTW its double campaign currency right at the moment. Its a good time to work on your Campaign boons. Dread Ring is dead easy even with borovia 6k or 7k gear. And each boon is essentially the value of a piece of gear.
Have fun!
There are a lot of things that can make you not perform as good as your IL indicates. Bad builds, wrong use of skills, lag, missing buffage from other party members etc etc all can make you underperform compared to your IL.
But your max performance is to a large degree depending on your IL. With a low IL your best performance will just not be as good as someone at higher IL. For the reasons above you might not be able to reach your best performance, but that is harder to measure.
So yes, IL does not say how well you will perform, but it _does_ say something about what the best performance you can reach is. And since most people do a fair job of playing their character, it is not a bad indicator of what to expect from a character.
And guild boons add 1500 now, used to be 2K but they removed the IL from the PvP boon
I guess at the end of the day, it comes down to the need or want to play content where the NPC will hand your butt to you on a silver platter.
Example, I have chosen older gear with lower item levels over and over again because the gear set bonuses were better. My main toon typically wears lower level boots because I want/need the movement speed from them over other stats. And my item level will change on load outs as my main companion has the best bonding stones but I might need a different one with lesser ruinstones for a certain loadout.
As greywynd said, unlocking content is really the main reason for item level. The only other time it comes into play is if you are trying to join a group and they are looking over your toon. But frankly I would look at your gear if your item level was in the ball park.
However, that assunes the points are distributed in a sensible manner...and quite frequently that us not the case.
Part of set Demon Lords' Immortality (0/3)
Baphomet's Infernal Talisman
Demogorgon's Girdle of Might
Shard of Orcus' Wand
3 of Set: Deal up to 20% additional damage based on the difference in hit point percentage between the player and target.
Last time there was any old set bonus removed was like 2,5 years ago (high prophet set etc)? There are no set bonuses since SKT so.... its really old story
Meanwhile we got tons of gear that is "old" (not from newest added content) and outperforms newly added stuff. Sure it depends on class but in general lot, if not most of end game players do use gear from Omu/Barovia without even considering to choose newest IL 600 gear from AI cos its...not good at all
Sure if we agree that gear form last 2-3 modules we also count as "new" then almost no1 use old gear any more.
But if we choose that only last MOD relesed gear is "new" (we can do that as there was tons of new gear released with a new MC stuff and armor set IL 600 witch actually can cover all item slots on your toon) then there are tons of old stuff in use.
For me IL is just indicator of time/effort/money one put into this game. Nothing more.
If any1 ever witnessed in lets say CODG 18k+ IL GWF having HALF dps of 14k IL TR then you know what I am talking about. And no such situations are not that rare as you could think.
Some set bonus was totally removed. e.g. pre-mod 6 sets.
Some set bonus was nerf'ed. e.g. eLoL set.
I belive devs consider them as still fresh