I've found a consistent set of behaviours that make the Token for the CTA Season fail to appear, I think.
Step 1: Have a 1/toon reward, like the blue Battle Horn, in your inventory.
Step 2: Run CTA and get the same reward in the chest. You will get a "duplicate item" error message and a CTA box in your inventory, that you can't open because "duplicate item"
Step 3: Discard or bank the problem item (always the blue Horn in my experience, but could be the others? I don't know) then open the CTA box.
Boom: That character will not receive a token today.
To test: give 5 characters all of the character-bound rewards. Form a queue group and run the CTA together. It should take less than 15 minutes to run 10xCTA with 5 people working together. At least one of you will get at least one of the character-bound items, and the duplication error. At the end of the 15 minutes, when you've done ten runs, those characters will not have a token and the characters who did not get a duplicate item error will get the token.
Fix: Make the character-bound items capable of duplication and allow people to sell them to vendors for gold, OR make the table reroll rewards instead of re-giving a duplicate item, OR just unbind the items completely, make them bind-on-equip, and let people have multiples and sell them on the AH if they want.
I'm not 100% sure this is correct, but it *seems* correct for my and several other people's experiences. Ping
@nitocris83 this seems worth investigating?
So it seems that you need 10 clean runs.
Total number of runs: 16; started with blue horn equipped. Discarded horn after run 5 and dropped again in run 11. No token received.
X: Run with error message: "...exclusive item only once..."
O: Run without error message
So my initial premise that you need 10 runs without the errormessage proved faulty. Further 10 consecutive runs without errormessage did not yield a token. I relogged sometimes as well.
EDIT: Char 2 done for today:
Started fresh with this one. Dropped horn in first run. Got the first error in run 3, but instead of opening the box you got into the inventory and which upsets the timer (opening counts as 1 run!!!), I discarded it. Got my token after run 11.
Everytime you get an error with double item, it DOES NOT count for the 10 runs. Opening the box from this run messes up your counter and you might not even be able to get a token that day from a million runs with that char for the day.
Char 3 and my conclusion just went down the gutter... 14 runs, 2x error message. Both times discarded the chest. Still no token.
However, further runs on other chars had people getting multiple boxes in their inventories. Nothing I could do on those chars got the coin at all.
So please fix the tokens of the heroes problem so people do not loose out on getting the rewards and so it wont take such a long time to acquire the tokens.
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