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negative experiences with random queues (beginners and intermediate)



  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User

    That is not what he mean. For the player A who wants to play dungeon X, he could not do it because nobody else comes. i.e. the unpopular dungeon X is not popped for player A. With RQ, other players will be send to dungeon X so that player A will have dungeon X popped. That was the idea and I don't like that idea (as forcing players to help). In addition, it does pop but it does not mean it will end well.

    I understand what he meant. My point being that when the same three or four dungeons are popping daily with such regularity that I can guess which dungeon it will be with a high degree of accuracy (and I can guess before everyone has accepted!), then how can "unpopular" dungeons be popping?
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User

    That is not what he mean. For the player A who wants to play dungeon X, he could not do it because nobody else comes. i.e. the unpopular dungeon X is not popped for player A. With RQ, other players will be send to dungeon X so that player A will have dungeon X popped. That was the idea and I don't like that idea (as forcing players to help). In addition, it does pop but it does not mean it will end well.

    I understand what he meant. My point being that when the same three or four dungeons are popping daily with such regularity that I can guess which dungeon it will be with a high degree of accuracy (and I can guess before everyone has accepted!), then how can "unpopular" dungeons be popping?
    Unpopular is unpopular as not many people selects that dungeon. If someone selects the unpopular dungeon, it will pop but you may not be one of the "lucky" 4.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    I am fairly certain this has been suggested to the developers before. But I will toss it out there once again. This solves a lot of issues for disconnections (on purpose or not), doesn't require a team vote to kick, everyone goes home happy.

    Any player disconnected inside or waiting to get inside for more than a few seconds, is replaced with an AI (NPC clone) the team enters and continues to play with the copy cat. No rewards are given to the clone. Once the disconnected player reconnects they are either a) returned to the same que waiting to get inside or b) sent into the dungeon and the clone is replaced. The only way option B happens would be an early enough return from disconnect. It would need to be very quick since some skirmishes only last 3 minutes.

    Any player swapping characters or leaving to protectors enclave would suffer a penalty. The game can tell the difference between a disconnect and a character swap command. Also since the disconnect doesn't allow the player to drop the que they are right back to the same crew or another crew same dungeon, until they leave and take the penalty, or finish the whole dungeon.

    Here are a few scenarios for example;
    Player X enters Throne of the Dwarven Gods, "I don't like this one..." swap character and is shown the penalty warning about leaving. "I will wait here at the campfire and get kicked." Time passes and the 5 second countdown starts, because the majority is ready to go. "I will disconnect!" Comes back online later, no matter the character selected, Throne of the Dwarven Gods is ready to go.

    Player Y enters Illusionist's Gambit, and due to a poor connection disconnects, Player Y's character is replaced with a clone that does the best to complete the skirmish. Seconds into the first round Player Y reconnects and replaces the cloned copy.

    Player Z attempts to abuse the system by unplugging his network and making it appear he is having network issues. Too many disconnects or too long of a disconnect and he is placed back into the same que for the same dungeon without reward. He has the option to leave and take the penalty. People with a issues of random disconnects would be told to check their network before joining another random dungeon.

    Frankly, I don't play the random dungeons. I find them limited and boring. I wish the developers would pick a stack of good Foundry quests and shuffle them like a deck of cards. There would be no way to cheat, or bot since you would not know what you are going to play. Every time it would be different and unique. Not another race to the finish line through the Cloak Tower.
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User

    That is not what he mean. For the player A who wants to play dungeon X, he could not do it because nobody else comes. i.e. the unpopular dungeon X is not popped for player A. With RQ, other players will be send to dungeon X so that player A will have dungeon X popped. That was the idea and I don't like that idea (as forcing players to help). In addition, it does pop but it does not mean it will end well.

    I am not sure if you are just repeating what he said or if you are supportive of @greywynd. But I think the following fits to what you said. Why on earth is it ok to force the majority players to play content they don't want to play (hence "unpopular content"), but it is not ok to ask the few players who want to play that unpopular content to pre-make a group to enter the dungeon?

    I really don't get it. Random queues had good intentions, but they failed. Miserably. Artificially constructing situations where they MIGHT be a good solution does not help.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    And if, for some possible reason, they can't use chat, HOW are they supposed to pre-make a group?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited November 2018

    That is not what he mean. For the player A who wants to play dungeon X, he could not do it because nobody else comes. i.e. the unpopular dungeon X is not popped for player A. With RQ, other players will be send to dungeon X so that player A will have dungeon X popped. That was the idea and I don't like that idea (as forcing players to help). In addition, it does pop but it does not mean it will end well.

    I am not sure if you are just repeating what he said or if you are supportive of @greywynd. But I think the following fits to what you said. Why on earth is it ok to force the majority players to play content they don't want to play (hence "unpopular content"), but it is not ok to ask the few players who want to play that unpopular content to pre-make a group to enter the dungeon?

    I really don't get it. Random queues had good intentions, but they failed. Miserably. Artificially constructing situations where they MIGHT be a good solution does not help.
    I am not supporting or not supporting @greywynd because I don't know where he stands or attempt to figure out.

    I have been against RQ before it was introduced. I just understood their claimed reasons. I explained their reasons does not mean I support it. In fact I said "I don't like that idea (as forcing players to help)". In that particular preview thread back then, I wrote against every single listed "advantage" the dev posted. I understand they wanted to solve something but RQ is not a solution. It made it worse than before. Of course, that is my opinion only. I also understand some people like it. I don't. Hence, I chose not to participate RQ.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User

    Some people queue into IG to run so that they control the vote to continue. I have had the unfortunate experience of getting into it with someone who was farming it for the better companion gear. This person got on their tank which wouldn't die and ran around doing next to nothing in damage. There would then be 2 other characters that were new toons that were hardly geared at all that would just die at the start and vote to continue so the vote would always have 3 to continue. The other two toons in the event would then have to do all of the damage in the event which was horrible if they were lower item level. These were the events I would take the leaver penalty to get out of those situations. Especially, since I believe that one player in the event was playing 3 toons. While I haven't see this in a while that is one of the reasons that IG is so controversial for players. Especially when the +4 items were needed to get that second slot.

    People conspiring to rig the vote was a thing in mod 13 when IG drew well-geared experienced players (11K+ and unlocked FBI/mSP) from the epic queue. That lead to lots of AFK reports from protesters. You haven't seen this in a while is because now IG draws from leveling queue where players can be as low as lvl 20 with 3-digit iLvl. The vote rigging practice is completely dead. Comp gear farmers form full parties now.

    When I leveled an OP, I've gotten IG in RLQ a number of times. Not once did I get taken and used for gold like my DC was in mod 13.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    I stand with the fact that it is a thing almost all players have to deal with.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    This issue is not only created by system, but more so, by a small group of superficial players who want instant rewards at the click of a button. They would best be playing something less challenging such as League of Angels and let the real players who need the XP alone to play it. If I ever do enter a RQ leveling dungeon, I play on their terms not mine. But as I stated above, I find them stale and pointless to run them over and over.
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    And if, for some possible reason, they can't use chat, HOW are they supposed to pre-make a group?

    Hence my suggestion. Until they are able to use the chat, there would be no real need to run dungeons. Running dungeons would no longer be mandantory (for rAD income). Dungeons would be run only because players WANT to run them.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    Without rewards NO ONE would run them because there would be no need.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Without rewards NO ONE would run them because there would be no need.

    I didn't say "no rewards", did I? I only said "no rADs". I am pretty sure, CN isn't one of the most frequented dungeons (via public/private queue, not random queue) because of its looks.
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Are all of you people ,calling for harsher leaver panalties, aware that you can simply kick someone and then call for reinforcements? Seriously do you think that stricter rules will make random queues more playable and enjoyable? I think that no one will play them eventually, prefering other content. I have asked to be kicked because i ended up with a low gs team and there was no way we could finish Fangbreaker Island. You know what happened? The team voted no and then blamed me for not playing the content eventhough we couldn't get through the FIRST mob after 5 tries! The way i see it, if stricter rules are applied random queues will only be run by premades and the public queuing will become a wasteland and for those who will say :"Run with a premade" i'll answer that the same can be said about you as well. If you're so deperate to finish RAQ create a team and do so, don't troll and harass other players.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    @yperkeimenos You are aware that you can only vote kick someone every four hours, right? As for stricter penalties, there absolutely should be a penalty if someone opts to completely leave the instance without leaving the party, which leaves the party who are actually trying hamstrung because they can't proceed past a pink swirl due to the one member who isn't even in the dungeon.

    You know what the solution to your FBI problem is? "Vote Abandon". There you go. Vote to abandon the instance. When it succeeds, nobody takes a penalty. That's the perfect solution when a team is under-geared for a dungeon.
  • texerrettexerret Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    The real problem is that most of the players that go into RaQ are way undergeared since getting to 11k or or even to 13k is fairly easy now players expect everything to be easy and in result are a bunch of whinners that leave FBI or MSP because they didn't get Edemo cuz its easy... Because 11k in the past required to have decent enchanments not like today when only armor sets grant pretty much everything. every 11k now is badly undergeared for the content.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User

    I didn't say "no rewards", did I? I only said "no rADs". I am pretty sure, CN isn't one of the most frequented dungeons (via public/private queue, not random queue) because of its looks.

    Sure. Remove rAD from rewards and no one will have AD to buy the trinkets people are running CN to get to sell.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • therealprotextherealprotex Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 526 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    I didn't say "no rewards", did I? I only said "no rADs". I am pretty sure, CN isn't one of the most frequented dungeons (via public/private queue, not random queue) because of its looks.

    Sure. Remove rAD from rewards and no one will have AD to buy the trinkets people are running CN to get to sell.
    Are you doing this on purpose? If yes, please tell me, then I will stop discussing with a troll. If not, read my original suggestion again if you want to continue this discussion and try another answer then.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Seems to me there is a lot of emphasis on people suggesting new and inventive methods to punish players for what ever infraction that might occur.

    Where as I usually think the most simplistic solution often happens to be the best solution...

    To quote another poster: "If a player leaves a random queue for any reason, their account should immediately get a 24 hour suspension from entering any random content".

    Now take there is a clear and definable difference, at least in my mind, between "leave" and "disconnect".

    If a player is disconnected from a random run, they have a certain amount of time to reconnect without losing their place in the queue, that is already in place.

    However if a player leaves a random queue, by any currently available method - the player's account receives a 24 hour suspension and cannot queue for random content during the suspension.

    If a player intentionally attempts to be removed from a queue, other players have to justify any attempt to kick a player out (disconnected, AFK, whatever). In that instance a "Player Behavior" report should be automatically generated and submitted to the GM, if one player generates sufficient negative "player behavior" reports, that account should have their account suspension extended by say 5-7 days.

    So players who really don't want to be in any given content can either leave and get a 24 hour suspension, or try to pull a fast one, intentionally go AFK or whatever waiting to be kicked out and possibly get a 5-7 day suspension.

    The option for "kicking" a player is intentionally limited and I have always been of the opinion that the kick option should be one of the least and most difficult available options for other players to exercise.

    But that's just my 2¢
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  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited November 2018

    Suspending players accounts...yeah that will work out well.

    Earlier in the thread I referenced people being kicked who had done nothing wrong, except for being rubbish for example, and here is a thread to support this point:


    All the suggestions about being kicked and getting an extra penalty for it would apply to this poster on reddit. Not really fair to punish him more although he does deserve kicked for being so rubbish.

    Yeah, aparently you either missed or ignored a very important part of my reply...
    dionchi said:

    The option for "kicking" a player is intentionally limited and I have always been of the opinion that the kick option should be one of the least and most difficult available options for other players to exercise.

    One need not go off site to see the problem with a too liberal kick policy there are several right here on the forum:


    Feel free to read a few of my responses as other players attempt to justify kicking players out because they're "too slow", "can't keep up", "don't have the gear or skills someone else thinks they should have", etc.

    Actually the extra penalty would not apply to the reddit player for two reasons.
    1. No player receives a 24 hour suspension unless they "leave" (not kicked from) a random queue...
    2. No player receives an extended suspension unless that player has been reported multiple times for an infraction that is already specified in the player kick option, (presently I believe the only qualifying violation is "Disconnected or AFK") and then it is up to the GM - not the players to decide whether or not to suspend the account.
    dionchi said:

    If a player intentionally attempts to be removed from a queue, other players have to justify any attempt to kick a player out (disconnected, AFK, whatever). In that instance a "Player Behavior" report should be automatically generated and submitted to the GM, if one player generates sufficient negative "player behavior" reports, that account should have their account suspension extended by say 5-7 days.

    Seems to me either you misinterpreted what I posted, or just didn't read it.
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    Solution attempt:
    1. Remove random queues from the game. Public and private queues remain.
    2. Remove rAD rewards from queues. Instead give every account 5-25k rAD (range arguable, but depending on the char with highest item level) daily at first login.
    3. Remove kick timer.
    4. Remove leaver penalty.

    ...and return to the days where some things never popped. Which was the point of the randoms to begin with; to get unpopular content to pop.
    In the old days everyone was running premades and the recruiting channel was full of LFG or LFM. There is an easier way to make players run a specific content.....make it more rewarding.

    @yperkeimenos You are aware that you can only vote kick someone every four hours, right? As for stricter penalties, there absolutely should be a penalty if someone opts to completely leave the instance without leaving the party, which leaves the party who are actually trying hamstrung because they can't proceed past a pink swirl due to the one member who isn't even in the dungeon.

    You know what the solution to your FBI problem is? "Vote Abandon". There you go. Vote to abandon the instance. When it succeeds, nobody takes a penalty. That's the perfect solution when a team is under-geared for a dungeon.

    And you don't seem to be aware that you can kick someone after just 5 minutes into an instance,before the 4 hours timer begins, while it takes 15 minutes of waiting to vote Abandon. Also the party i was in voted no eventhough we couldn't finish the instance and this has happened more than once. Seriously did you read my post carefully enough? I think not. As for the penalties i'm against any form of penalty when it comes to random public queues, where the player has no control over party configuration or dungeon.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited November 2018

    @yperkeimenos You are aware that you can only vote kick someone every four hours, right? As for stricter penalties, there absolutely should be a penalty if someone opts to completely leave the instance without leaving the party, which leaves the party who are actually trying hamstrung because they can't proceed past a pink swirl due to the one member who isn't even in the dungeon.

    You know what the solution to your FBI problem is? "Vote Abandon". There you go. Vote to abandon the instance. When it succeeds, nobody takes a penalty. That's the perfect solution when a team is under-geared for a dungeon.

    And you don't seem to be aware that you can kick someone only 5 minutes into an instance, before the 4 hours timer starts, while it takes 3 times as much time to vote Abandon. Also the party i was in voted no eventhough we couldn't finish the instance, making me effectively a hostage, in which case i had to leave the instance and receive the 30 minutes penalty and this has happened more than once.Seriously, read my comment more carefully please. Also i'm against any form of leavers penalty when it comes to public random queues where the player has no control over either party configuration or dungeon chosen.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User

    Also i'm against any form of leavers penalty when it comes to public random queues where the player has no control over either party configuration or dungeon chosen.

    Go form a group if you want control over the party makeup. If you go random, you play the hand you are dealt. Or take a penalty.

    I don't think the flat 30 minutes is harsh enough. I do RQ with a DC, and occasionally a GF, and my queue time is instant to a minute or two. If a group looks a bit weak but doable, I still take the 30 minute penalty in a heartbeat over a 45 minute and possibly an hour run. I go do something else for 30 minutes and come back. For a DPS, they can leave also after someone leaves. But then they face another long queue wait time, possibly even longer than a penalty. It is better to make the penalty harsher to nudge the capable tank/heals to stay.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User

    Also the party i was in voted no eventhough we couldn't finish the instance, making me effectively a hostage, in which case i had to leave the instance and receive the 30 minutes penalty and this has happened more than once.

    Sometimes these are new players who don't know when to throw in the towel. Sometimes these are players that want others to carry them. So they vote 'no' to the abandon. If the good players leave anyway, then they can leave without a penalty. This is why I prefer the penalty given no matter how someone leaves a run.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited November 2018

    @yperkeimenos You are aware that you can only vote kick someone every four hours, right? As for stricter penalties, there absolutely should be a penalty if someone opts to completely leave the instance without leaving the party, which leaves the party who are actually trying hamstrung because they can't proceed past a pink swirl due to the one member who isn't even in the dungeon.

    You know what the solution to your FBI problem is? "Vote Abandon". There you go. Vote to abandon the instance. When it succeeds, nobody takes a penalty. That's the perfect solution when a team is under-geared for a dungeon.

    And you don't seem to be aware that you can kick someone only 5 minutes into an instance, before the 4 hours timer starts, while it takes 3 times as much time to vote Abandon. Also the party i was in voted no eventhough we couldn't finish the instance, making me effectively a hostage, in which case i had to leave the instance and receive the 30 minutes penalty and this has happened more than once.Seriously, read my comment more carefully please. Also i'm against any form of leavers penalty when it comes to public random queues where the player has no control over either party configuration or dungeon chosen.
    Seems to me if any player finds themselves in a party of other players or location they don't like, especially if if they queue random, knowing in advance they will have no control over party configuration or dungeon, they should just 'suck it up', do their best and move on...

    It's what, usually no more than 5 to 15 (at the most) minutes out of anyone's life? Then they can requeue and hope to get a better party and dungeon.

    But for someone to say they just want to be able to quit, without penalty, whenever they queue for random content and don't get the dungeon or the party they want...

    Go form a group if you want control over the party makeup. If you go random, you play the hand you are dealt. Or take a penalty.

    ^ that.

    My 2¢
  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    I think the person who leaves and logs on as another character should be auto kicked from the team and have the 30 min penalty applied. Problem solved.
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    dionchi said:

    @yperkeimenos You are aware that you can only vote kick someone every four hours, right? As for stricter penalties, there absolutely should be a penalty if someone opts to completely leave the instance without leaving the party, which leaves the party who are actually trying hamstrung because they can't proceed past a pink swirl due to the one member who isn't even in the dungeon.

    You know what the solution to your FBI problem is? "Vote Abandon". There you go. Vote to abandon the instance. When it succeeds, nobody takes a penalty. That's the perfect solution when a team is under-geared for a dungeon.

    And you don't seem to be aware that you can kick someone only 5 minutes into an instance, before the 4 hours timer starts, while it takes 3 times as much time to vote Abandon. Also the party i was in voted no eventhough we couldn't finish the instance, making me effectively a hostage, in which case i had to leave the instance and receive the 30 minutes penalty and this has happened more than once.Seriously, read my comment more carefully please. Also i'm against any form of leavers penalty when it comes to public random queues where the player has no control over either party configuration or dungeon chosen.
    Seems to me if any player finds themselves in a party of other players or location they don't like, especially if if they queue random, knowing in advance they will have no control over party configuration or dungeon, they should just 'suck it up', do their best and move on...

    It's what, usually no more than 5 to 15 (at the most) minutes out of anyone's life? Then they can requeue and hope to get a better party and dungeon.

    But for someone to say they just want to be able to quit, without penalty, whenever they queue for random content and don't get the dungeon or the party they want...

    Go form a group if you want control over the party makeup. If you go random, you play the hand you are dealt. Or take a penalty.

    ^ that.

    My 2¢
    Aside from the fact that this is a very one sided way of viewing public queues, the same argument can be made both ways. If you want to use a public queue, instead of asking for people to be penalized for abandoning a hopeless situation, you can "Suck it up" and go run it with a premade. No reason to demand from other people to carry you, who have no obligation to do so to begin with.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • yperkeimenosyperkeimenos Member Posts: 334 Arc User

    Also the party i was in voted no eventhough we couldn't finish the instance, making me effectively a hostage, in which case i had to leave the instance and receive the 30 minutes penalty and this has happened more than once.

    Sometimes these are new players who don't know when to throw in the towel. Sometimes these are players that want others to carry them. So they vote 'no' to the abandon. If the good players leave anyway, then they can leave without a penalty. This is why I prefer the penalty given no matter how someone leaves a run.
    Which wouldn't be an issue if there was no penalty to begin with. In my view it's people that want to be carried that ask for other players to be penalized for refusing to run a dungeon with them. I no longer run public queues for that precise reason. I got tired of having to leave and take the leavers penalty all the time. Last time i tried to use the public queue, it took more than 10 minutes and repeated failures, to find a group which i had to leave because we couldn't finish the first boss in spellplague. Not that it matters anywyay ,to be honest, because this is just one of the countless problems plaguing Neverwinter, due to bad design calls.
    It's BUGS bunny i tell you.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User

    I think the person who leaves and logs on as another character should be auto kicked from the team and have the 30 min penalty applied. Problem solved.

    This is supposed to happen already.
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