OK, this item is pretty neat - possibly BiS for some builds as a secondary artifact, in fact.

Now, I had assumed this would be obtainable through the Masquerade of Liars, but the two posts about the event
https://arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/11008433 and
https://arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/11010693 do not mention it - just the regular mask.
So, how do we get the Empowered version? Is this maybe the first step towards allowing us to Empower all artifacts ? Or, even, are they maybe planning to allow us to empower all artifacts, and we only got to hear about the Empowered Illusionist's Mask because they had to update its page anyhow when they added Mythic rank to it (Previously it only went up to legendary).
Dead🔪I expect it will have to be fully refined - that is, Mythic.
And pres wards...
The empowered masks follow the same upgrade process as the original (matt wise) or standard arti upgrade procedure? We need this events specific matts or can still be done outside of the event? Ty for any info.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
If the new mask needs the event matts to upgrade too I would like to farm up any matts before upgrading old mask to purple/orange and trading in for new green mask to avoid the possibility of exchange disappearing so I can just upgrade the masks quickly without having to farm the event for a lot more days then necessary.
If the new mask is upgraded as normal RP etc I will probably just take the risk of the exchange disappearance and upgrade as I wont need a lot of the event matts for this but if not I want to farm all event matts needed for the new one too using the exchange before upgrading. I hope this is a bit clearer and you or anyone else can shed some light on this.
I haven't traded mine in yet so I don't know what is needed to upgrade in mats on the new one, I think I will use one of my alts to farm the mats just in case though and collect the daily stuff, as soon as I can I will trade the old one in and see what it takes, if no one else answers I will update when I am able to
Is a long event and not a lot matts needed for old masks apart from 1k tokens but can average approx. 150 bags p/hr, min 2 tokens, max 3 in them so not bad if done in one go or spread out imo and no need for lots of dailies unless you want to. It did give me flash backs of SKT voninblood though and the fake/bugged pumpkins didn't help either