The images speak for themselves, whenever "Shader" is set to any quality higher than "low" and "post-processing" is enabled, some scenery elements simple do not get drawn, causing wierd collisions.
Turning off "Post-Processing" fixes this bug with any "Shader" quality.
Game is running in a RX 580 (8GB) with latest AMD drivers (18.9.1).
Not only scenery can be distorted but also player models!
As seen in the picture, Unparalleled Eclipse glow doesn't show at all with post-processing off and with post-processing on you can see through player model IF effects on Eclipse is enabled! Nice work!
Post-Processing ON/Effects ENABLED
Post-Processing OFF/Effects DISABLED
1. In the River District when you use Kavatos' orbs to sample Gyrion's energy, if you stand such that you are between the orb and the camera, the orb appears through you as if it is closer.
2. When riding a Legendary Rage Drake across the icy lake in Icewind Pass, the orange glow from your mount's footprints illuminate the entire lake, not just where your mount stepped.
3. If you do some heroic encounters (it doesn't matter where), eventually visual FX will start to disappear -- smoke from a TR's smoke bomb, glowy effects from loot drops, exit portals, etc. etc. Actually, for the loot drops, if you walk right up to the loot the glow will reappear, but if you're even a couple of feet away they won't appear. It's as if the client is prioritizing which FX to show from a VERY small pool of available FX instances.
Shaders at Max, post-processing turned on. NVIDIA Quadro K5100M.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
This is me floating near the third Ubtao Shrine (you can see some stuff hanging off the "tree")
THis one you can see that even with the Post-processing enabled, the "see-through" effect still works, but the object itself is not diplayed: