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Will PC ARC Quests ever be brought back?

gorrrmmgorrrmm Member Posts: 7 Arc User
Has anyone heard if the PC ARC Quests will ever be updated and brought back? I haven't seen or heard anything!


  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • sukor2sukor2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    regenerde said:
    So, nothing new on this front in a few months or so. Don't see why they had to take this quests down, couldn't they just leave them up while they worked on the new content. Then when ready, take the old down and put the new and improved content up? Seems to me SOMEONE didn't want players to get free VIP lvls in games like Neverwinter (which was the only game I PLAYED, others I just logged into other games just to complete the Arc quest). I'd be suprised (pleasantly) to see this feature come back. Just my thoughts....
  • rifter1969rifter1969 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    I liken this development to when they removed the surveys for zen....

    And don't expect to ever see this coming back
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited July 2018
    Well, some people probably exploited the Arc quests for gathering free ZEN across many accounts, may be even made real money from selling it some how, and that is probably the reason for shutting it down...
    And that might also explain, why we haven't heard anything about returning it for months now.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • notagain#5499 notagain Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I fear it is a combination of some of the things Renegade mentioned. I however also feel it is a way to reduce the amount of free zen players were getting (first the surveys then the arc daily 3 quest). I will be totally honest, I have no plans on putting out real cash in NWO or STO. No offense meant to anyone. I have put out all the cash I plan already for a game that when it closes you have nothing to show and can't replay over and over like a non-mmo game (which isn't cryptic's fault all mmo's have that same issue - City of Heroes for example).

    I honestly hope they bring it back as I did do the quests to gain the zen needed for another month of VIP. However I can see the feeling of those who do pay real cash to keep their vip going for example. Is it fair that some can spend the time on the arc quest and maybe after a month have enough to get 1 mth vip (it might have taken a little longer I can't remember) and others pay yet who is really then helping to keep the money flowing into NWO or STO for example. So it might be that the system was just taking away the real money the company needed to keep things turned on (once again not their fault, this is a post subscription era where every micro-transaction is needed to keep things "free to play".
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Arc quests was for me the main reason for giving more different games a try, and later even buying in game currency/packs for them.
    "Give a little, take a little."

    And it shouldn't be that complicated to return Arc quests at least with promotion codes instead of ZEN...
    In NWO, those codes could give us rare or epic companions for example.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • nermaleyenermaleye Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    I do like the store's that they have put in many free to play games. I really think that it helps the game in the long run.
    I love to play MMO's & 1st person shooters. An when I am not playing I rebuild & trouble shoot computers.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    My foot are tapping and waiting...... need to say more?

    all other games that i still play oftens, usaully log in to claim "daily", ESO: Legends for card game, and ESO for free crates (keyless box) or free pet.
    ARC seem lost it way for players to get chance to log in, now it felt it been taken away. some are fed up waiting to see it coming back.
    VIP daily keys are becoming worst and nerfed the chances for legendary are getting so bad and bitter, really sick of casino bait, this is cryptic pushing players over the edge and budget limits while Star trek's lifetime account are the best bet for free perks and NWO has none except weak version VIP.

    i wanted to see huge improvements with Ardent-Celestial invokings, it hadnt been upgraded since 1st launched. everyone already has Angel of Protector except newer players, and still waiting for newer stuffs and they are still selling the angels on AH, 5 years and counting. please dont let us keep waiting way too long.

    edit for omit, invokings were changed twice due to astral diamonds, but the prizes and items choices to buy are still the same.
    Post edited by wylonus on
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    If they ever get back they will most likely be so nerfed that they are worthless.
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User

    If they ever get back they will most likely be so nerfed that they are worthless.

    At one time I had most of the Arc games loaded just so I could reliably do the quests. Since the quest shutdown I've uninstalled every other Arc game from my system except STO. And I haven't played STO in ages. Should probably dump that as well.
  • notagain#5499 notagain Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I would disagree with getting a mount instead of zen points for doing the daily cryptic quest. I want to be able to select something I need. If I know they are just going to give me a mount, I wouldn't bother, I don't need 10 type of mounts, etc. Now they could implement a scale of rewards instead of points to zen. Once again the problem is that those who have been around for some time will have hit the top of the scale and now what???

    I say just put it back up and leave as it has. As I said it takes more than a month to get together usually 5k, so that person is spending a great deal of time trying to get to 5000. Also they have to essentially install all the games listed by Cryptic. Since Cryptic like almost any other company like download totals, players logging on, etc. to show to investors or sponsors, they should resume so they can give inflated number of players or downloads
  • wonhunglau#4762 wonhunglau Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I hope and pray they bring the Arc Quests back. I can't afford to lay out any cash for this game I love so well, but am willing to put in the time and hard drive space needed for whatever the new system will require to do my bit for keeping things going. Sure, some of the games are annoyingly childish seeming to me, but that's not to say they don't appeal to others. I do wish they'd add more to the mix to keep things interesting.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User

    I honestly hope they bring it back as I did do the quests to gain the zen needed for another month of VIP. However I can see the feeling of those who do pay real cash to keep their vip going for example. Is it fair that some can spend the time on the arc quest and maybe after a month have enough to get 1 mth vip (it might have taken a little longer I can't remember) and others pay yet who is really then helping to keep the money flowing into NWO or STO for example. So it might be that the system was just taking away the real money the company needed to keep things turned on (once again not their fault, this is a post subscription era where every micro-transaction is needed to keep things "free to play".

    There is nothing unfair about this. It is simply an alternative way for one to allocate their time. I choose to allocate some of my working hours to this game in the form of money, while allocating my non-work hours to playing the game and working on my characters. You have previously been able to (and did) choose to allocate your time differently than I chose. That's entirely fair. Without people who play the game without spending money on it, this game would have many, many fewer players. In turn, the game would be less fun for the people like me who are willing to spend money because there are fewer people to group and talk with. I value your contributions and respect how you choose to spend your time; Cryptic and PWE should, too.
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    Arc quests were not available to console players... ever...

    Getting free Zen from little effort (such as by simply opening a game and not even having to play it) is one thing though only being available to PC players is quite unfair. Arc quests arguably contributed to the state of the PC market, in part at least.

    After chatting with some other players about Arc quests on PC and getting free Zen a number of them didn't know about it and some didn't take kindly to the information especially since console players have no free Zen option...

    If Arc quests do come back for PC and were in the form of discount codes for Zen purchases, fair enough though making Arc quests also available for console players to be able to earn free Zen as PC could (for quite some time) would be fair. For console it could be "bound" Zen where as applicable items bought with AQ Zen would be BoA so that the free Zen would not necessarily effect the market.

    Don't see how AQ's wouldn't be possible for console being that linking your console and Arc account grants a companion via the claim merchant, along those lines various in-game tasks could grant credit to later be exchanged for Zen/Zen market items.
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  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    Arc quests were not available to console players... ever...

    Getting free Zen from little effort (such as by simply opening a game and not even having to play it) is one thing though only being available to PC players is quite unfair. Arc quests arguably contributed to the state of the PC market, in part at least.

    After chatting with some other players about Arc quests on PC and getting free Zen a number of them didn't know about it and some didn't take kindly to the information especially since console players have no free Zen option...

    If Arc quests do come back for PC and were in the form of discount codes for Zen purchases, fair enough though making Arc quests also available for console players to be able to earn free Zen as PC could (for quite some time) would be fair. For console it could be "bound" Zen where as applicable items bought with AQ Zen would be BoA so that the free Zen would not necessarily effect the market.

    Don't see how AQ's wouldn't be possible for console being that linking your console and Arc account grants a companion via the claim merchant, along those lines various in-game tasks could grant credit to later be exchanged for Zen/Zen market items.

    Only if Sony & Microsoft sign off on it...
  • littlecrow108#1542 littlecrow108 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Any news? Or no hope?
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    i was so close, just need 1 more ARC event to wrap up for rewards, just 1 more to claim zen points.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    Well, i still have 4k points sitting here and can't do anything with them - as mentioned before, they should at the very least let us convert those points into ZEN since Arc Quest won't return for PC anyway...

    "It's dead Jim."
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
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