This is what DC dodge looks like on preview: is what DC Dodge looks like on live: is a noticeable delay when you just spam the dodge on preview that does not exist on live
Dragon Server-Essence of Aggression
Drider Server- TheWolves
youtube channel
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Can you please see if this is intended? The behavior is very buggy and inconsistent.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
If I had to describe it to a blind adventurer, I'd say that the DC's dodge animation was shortened by 33% or so, but they forgot to reduce the cooldown. As a result, there is a weird lag/delay always at the end of dodging.
Are any changes intended at all to the DC's dodge? (none were documented in patch notes)
If not, this is a bug and they should review how to revert the dodge animation length.
If yes, this is a different bug and they should review the responsiveness of repeated dodging.
PS: Note that Sharp posted the original before Mod14 went live, so "preview" is Mod14 and "live" is Mod13, before it broke.
It only happens when I am walking (/walk 1) or running to a location though.
If you dodge from standing still, the slide animation is the complete distance (i.e. not affected). If it were just lag, I would expect both dodges to be affected.
It seems like the act of moving towards a location shortens the dodge for the DC. This seems to affect the length of ground covered, and the dodge includes the distance walked/ran, whereas before it functioned independently of the current movement of the character.
I tested this by dodging from a set point towards another point. If I dodged from standstill, walking or running, I always ended up on the same point. Running or walking to a location should NOT affect the distance of the slide, as this is how it properly functioned before. It makes the current DC dodge feel and look weird, clunky, and much more inefficient when you are moving.
If you keep pressing W (or whatever movement key) when you dodge then it will end the animation prematurely, if you activate the dodge and stop pressing W immediately after then the dodge will slide for its full-length.
Have you gotten any word back whether any changes at all were intended to the various class dodges?
If you spam cast dodges with high stamina, you perform 3 correctly, and then things start getting glitchy after that (this effects the distance travelled. E.g. 1 HR dodge is normally like 3ft or something? Whereas after 3 dodges it casts another 6 dodges in the space it would normally take 3 with 6 audible sounds and on each 1 normal dodge there is what appears to be rubberbanding half way through followed by a quick second dodge but overall resulting in about 2ft of distance traversed.)
I also wanted to add that I think I experience this on my CW as well. So it really feels like all dodges were affected.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
To clarify, this bug has been live since Mod 14. This thread pre-dates Mod14 launch and the poster didn't update the labels after launch.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Shame on me for not checking preview more thoroughly... but I didn't see it in the patch notes, right?