The Seals of Protector to Seals of Brave conversion NEEDS a slider bar! Converting 1200 seals will require an minimum of 800 mouse clicks right now. Yes, 800... 3 seals each time, and two clicks -- 1 to buy, 1 to confirm. Please fix this! The Protector's seals are still in the SH for conversion from Dragon Fangs to Seals.
Guild: Noble Misfits |
Silky Pan'teeze: Drow Wizard | --- | Madres de Nasae: Half-elf Rouge |
Kepler: Human Paladin | --- | Demenoss: Dragonborn Barbarian |
Divine Pan'teeze: Drow Cleric | --- | Nikki Sharparrow: Human Ranger |
It certainly took away time I could have better spent crafting many, many pairs of pants.
Thank You!