I have communicated with many exp pvp players and many of them said what kills pvp is low geared players with 3000-9000 item level queueing for solo queue quite often, which destroys other good players' pvp experience. So if we can separate these players from exp players then it may save pvp.
with respect to the recent post "PvP Category Queues (details)" by one of my friend, I admit it is a fancy idea, but it may not work as I have discussed in his post that all low geared people will end up showing in expert pvp queue with other exp players. Actually, there is a much easier and feasible way to thrive pvp. What we can do is to simply create 2 categories: expert pvp and pvp.
expert pvp queue: item level 11k+
pvp queue: all item levelOnly people with decent gears can end up together in expert pvp. This will not prevent pve players from joining the same queue with exp pvp players, but from my experience what ruins pvp experience is not pve players with decent gears, but really those low-geared players who randomly come to pvp (for daily guild shards or just trolling)
Given the current pvp setup, it is not good to separate solo queue with normal queue because we can not prevent low-geared people from entering solo queue. So the most urgent thing now is still to create these 2 separate queues by people's item level. Whether we should bring solo queue back depends on if there is enough people/motivation to play solo queue.
@rgutscheradev @mimicking#6533 @noworries#8859 @asterdahl @nitocris83 @sgrantdev#8718 @balanced#2849 @ctatumdev#6113 @ncoreadev#4548 @rlesterdev#1958 @uimaven