Today is the first day I have used my GF in Omu since the patch last night. As soon as I get into combat, my character keeps fighting after combat has ended. Removed both weapons. Fighting stopped. Put the Lifemaimer mainhand back character started fighting again on her own. Please fix as soon as possible as I cant pick up any drops or leave the area unless I do a change character or remove the weapon. (not willing to wait until bugtober fix 2019) . Thanking you in advance for a quick fix.
Hi @alleykate ! This was resolved with the Patch that went out on March 22. Based on your post, it looks like it may still be happening to you? Does this occur all the time with this weapon? Thanks!
The pilgrim bug has been fixed to some degree, but some problems still remain with it: - the "aggro loop" does seem to trigger in certain circumstances although very rarely (I've had it happen in Omu in densely populated area) - the weapon buff doesn't seem to work consistently at the beginning of each combat and refreshes only occasionally, it is not announced by system message, but the buff icon sometimes shows in the buff list - the weapon set seems to put companions in aggro loop, sending them after any near group of mobs after finishing the combat with another one, it only seems to happen consistently with pilgrim weapon set and my toons with pioneer weps barely ever notice such issue & mostly if the mob groups are very close to each other - my toon with pilgrim set had a problem in the Castle Never in the final part (running to orcus campfire) - grazilaax and other mobs from the corridor on the right seemed to automatically aggro on her after she turned into the corridor on the left, with every run-by attempt.
I havent had very many issues with the weapon set lately, although it still happens once in a blue moon, but the companion aggro bug still persists - and IMO is the biggest issue in the game atm. I havent see any acknowledgement on the forums that they're aware of it or are going to fix it.
I actually want to add to this that every time I am using the test dummies, I have to switch characters to stop my character from continually fighting. I have tried removing the weapons but a soon as I put them back on, off she goes fighting. It still happens on the odd occasions as VT but I have not found exactly what triggers this fight action thing except using the test dummies.
I'm having this issue with my OP while playing in SOMI. I will finish up a group of mobs, then I'm in aggro for 15-30 seconds afterwords with that constant clunking noise. It's not consistently doing this however.
On the bright side, my companion doesnt appear to be aggroing anymore, which is good.
I sent 2 tickets, contacted french CM and a week later it's still not fixed. I messaged nitocris83 today about this issue.
- the "aggro loop" does seem to trigger in certain circumstances although very rarely (I've had it happen in Omu in densely populated area)
- the weapon buff doesn't seem to work consistently at the beginning of each combat and refreshes only occasionally, it is not announced by system message, but the buff icon sometimes shows in the buff list
- the weapon set seems to put companions in aggro loop, sending them after any near group of mobs after finishing the combat with another one, it only seems to happen consistently with pilgrim weapon set and my toons with pioneer weps barely ever notice such issue & mostly if the mob groups are very close to each other
- my toon with pilgrim set had a problem in the Castle Never in the final part (running to orcus campfire) - grazilaax and other mobs from the corridor on the right seemed to automatically aggro on her after she turned into the corridor on the left, with every run-by attempt.
- Pilgrim effect does not proc as it did before
- Companion attack next group of mob without me attacking them first. During this companion pull, companion allways die
/OninPart of Team Tredecim of the Cloaks Alliance website
On the bright side, my companion doesnt appear to be aggroing anymore, which is good.