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[Community] Community QoL Suggestions & Requests



  • ngpeversfongpeversfo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    How about adding an option to be able to do event queues solo?

    I've been doing the Day of the Dungeon Master event off and on and the second week dungeon queue is available now. I just gave it a try but everyone ran off and did the most of the dungeon before I had any idea something was going on.. I got a little show about the goblins 'svar whatevers' running around and a machine beholder, as soon as I started to move around people were telling me to join the rest of the group so the next part could start.. no story or anything about what we were doing... I started to move around again but then told to go stand in front of the beholder, then I saw a clip about a mindflayer appearing and then it was all over. I have no idea what we were doing or why we were doing it and before I could really say anything everyone was gone. All I could really do was wander over to the chest (once I figured out where it was) and then leave.

    I had a similar experience with the first weeks dungeon involving an elven princess, I had to run the instance several times before I was able to get to most of the npc's first which is the only was to hear their story and even then it auto shuffles to the next part if, while your still reading, the rest of the group runs off and does the next part. I was finally able to talk to the witch and had to do it several times before I realized that she could chose to be either friendly and help the players or be evil and attack because in the text there is a 'roll check'.. it says something like (rolls dice) and that's when she chooses I think.

    The point is that I (and admittedly I might be the only one who cares) cannot enjoy the stories of this tongue-in-cheek event as long as other players continue to ruin it, a problem that could have easily been solved with an option to do the event queues solo. I'm not suggesting this for the normal queues since it would require a lot of extra work to make them all solo-able for players like myself which have not spent the last few years min/maxing their character to have all the best possible gear so they can do a raid event solo (that's a whole different issue). However, for event queues like this it shouldn't be that much work to re-level and de-loot the handful of instances so they can be done by a solo player wearing mostly green gear. I say re-level and de-loot since these solo instances would be merely for story content and not for rewards, such as in this case for the crystal dice. Players could then queue for the normal event instance with other players to get the rewards. Having to do the Foot Race 400 times for the campaign since its the only thing that counts as an 'Heroic Feat of Heroism' is annoying enough.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    Please reduce the iLvL requirements of the lower tier dungeons/skirmishes like Kessell's Retreat, Malabog and maybe Lair of Lostmauth, since a lot of geared players like to run that last one anyway. Kessell is very doable with a properly geared 6k team and Malabog is supposed to be doable by pre-70 characters, so why do both of these instances require 7.5k iLvL?
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited October 2017
    This has been mentioned before in different contexts, but with all the new RP changes please allow class sigil artifacts to be converted into RP once refined past legendary in mod12b. After reaching legendary it's really no longer any different from any other artifact, and with reduced legendary/mythical artifact RP value in the new mod the change should be more reasonable for everyone.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
  • jaraxellejaraxelle Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 31 Arc User
    DYE PACKS: let the user assign the colors of a dye pack to a primary, seconday & accent. Some dye packs are fantastic but the color one was hoping for is a secondary in stead of a primary.

    NEW COLORS : Orange, yellow, teal and that royal purple that the guild gear for CWs have. Would love to have those colors available as single bottles. Maybe a metallic series too (gold, copper, silver).

    "BRING ARTAX BACK" - 2 years ago you took away my favorite NPC in protector's enclave. Artax the white horse. He was in front of the wagon of hay near the guild resistrar. Right next to where the Dragonborn lady now stands. I realize there might be a copyright violation with the Neverending Story movie... but just bring my horsey back please.
    - Leadership Team
  • diogene21diogene21 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I find it shameful that the game gives players of higher rank the chance to queue for low-level dungeons. I have a level pg of 20, and I can not do a dungeon with my peers: they are almost always in a group with players much higher than mine, which obviously oneshot the mob and run for the solo dungeon. why the game does not take away the chance for these players to queue for these dungeons? do they want these to participate for their reasons? well, they make a group and they enter it manually (ie going in person inside the dungeon). or they can go there alone: they do not need help.

    If this continues, there is less fun for the players who, like me, have just started.
  • adamantineangeladamantineangel Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    I would love to see more content related to Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2... but mainly the Shadow Realm.

    My main reason for wanting to see the Shadow Realm added to Neverwinter is because all existing maps and content in the game can be easily recycled/repurposed to make its Shadow Realm counterpart... but be all the more challenging, twisted and deranged. After all, we have yet to see what effect (if any) the Spell Plague has had upon the Shadow Realm and its inhabitants.

    This could also open up new Shadow Realm-themed resources for crafting, enchantments, gear, mounts and companions...

    For example: Enchantment of the Devouring Shadow - an armor enhancement that creates an inky black circular zone of lifesteal around the bearer (but doubles radiant damage received).

    And let's be honest, who doesn't want to regain One of Many as a companion?
  • adamantineangeladamantineangel Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    I would like to see added to Neverwinter:
    • A Spellplague armor enhancement that covers the character in blue flame.
    • A Spellplague Phoera companion (blue flames)
    • An Eldritch armor enhancement that covers the character in green flame.
    • An Eldritch Phoera companion (green flames)
    • An Eldritch Nightmare (green flames)
    • A boosted resurrection-based set bonus for all Phoera companions (Phoera, Mystic Phoera, "Spellplague Phoera", and "Eldritch Phoera") similar to the set bonus of the four Elemental Archons.
    (Once again using resources that already exist...)
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Does anybody read this? Well, i'll post anyways :(

    Account wide shared prof. resources and RP.

    Make them account wide. Create another "bag" (in the same prof. tab) for BtC resources (not much of those anyways), same as useful bag, without any limit. The rest of NON BOUND resources should be just account wide, in the same place as it is now. There are dozen and dozen of resources, and for those who want to use them on another toon, is just a big headache. It will just be much more easier for those who have multiple toons, instead of making screenshots of what you have or any other way to remember what each toon have and then send to those toons by mail. Make it easier, please.
    Same thing for assets: another BtC bag without limit (i.e. like masterwork stuff, etc) and another bag, the one that exist now, make it account wide. Will save time which we can spend PLAYING game instead of manage where, what and how much resources each toon have.

    I'll put add here RP and AD too : this, coz it's only one type, can be shared via bank, like Trade Bars. Should be applied only for RP that is NON BOUND or BtA!!! BtC RP should remain as is. In case you want some account wide RP, this should appear in different line and named something like "Shared RP", above actual RP line in riches tab, so you can distinguish between two. Should work same way BrC scrolls work now: first use BtC RP, then, if needed more, use shared RP. Any leftover of shared RP can be transfered back.

    I repeat, all this wont change absolutely nothing for those who farm, etc etc. coz all this can be done right now by sending this stuff by mail from one toon to another, SHARED RESOURCES will make refine/upgrade process and profession tasks faster and saved time can be spent on playing game.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: just saw @tyrtallow message posted back in Oct.2017 on this same page and im 100% with him/her: make sigils be like any other artifact.
  • jbolduc9jbolduc9 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Not sure if this was suggested here or not since there is a large number of pages to look through, but what about an item to identify your items without having to buy scrolls constantly or farming them? I know the ID scrolls are designed to be a diamond sink, but having an option to save them would be nice while playing.

    I'd suggest the old scrying orb from the 3rd eye campaign! Sybella always says she may need you in the future, so why not do this. Of course it shouldn't be easy to get obviously, there should be a fair amount of work involved.

    How about gathering a rare reagent and visiting each scying orb in every zone? The reagents could be random drops or guarded by stronger than normal area mobs. It would be an incentive to explore areas more and reward completionists. To top it all off add an astral diamond price tag at the end to still add the sink. Maybe around 100k or so; this way you can still have a reason to save them over the course of leveling.
  • jbolduc9jbolduc9 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    My other suggestion is to change player interaction from a button press to a hold. It's a pain to pick up items or navigate a tricky area when your in the interaction window and run off a cliff.
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 453 Arc User
    jbolduc9 said:

    My other suggestion is to change player interaction from a button press to a hold. It's a pain to pick up items or navigate a tricky area when your in the interaction window and run off a cliff.

    i'd even pay for Rank13 VIP or whatever (if they don't want to bring this as a free QoL feature) which adds an automatic pickup, with some sort of list of things to select i want to be picked up, like "yes/no" button for "treasure", "green items and better", "blue items and better"... sorta...
  • mio#2647 mio Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I think magical professions should have a larger book of defensive spells and one extra magic slot ... for example CW's lack of spells that allow a weaker magical vocation to get to just the same level of other DPS jobs but even higher and it is redemption for it that they are weaker at first. These spells are, for example, invisibility, invulnerability - that's what makes magical professions what they should be
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    Well if they really want to improve my QOL in this game they will hire more Devs. to work on this game.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    > @hawkeyel said:
    > Well if they really want to improve my QOL in this game they will hire more Devs. to work on this game.

    Cant happen... the budget is already tight?
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User

    > @hawkeyel said:

    > Well if they really want to improve my QOL in this game they will hire more Devs. to work on this game.

    Cant happen... the budget is already tight?

    Then they should think more along the lines of an internship.
  • jerl#7638 jerl Member Posts: 2 New User
    edited July 2018
    Three suggestions:

    1 - Allow guild members to help buy guild bank tabs.

    Currently, guild bank tabs must be purchased with astral diamonds gathered by a single player/account. AD are now account-bound (thank you for that), but there's still the problem of making one player responsible for the entire purchase price.
    I suggest creating an AD depository within the guild bank. It can be deposit-only, and hold up to the purchase price of the next guild bank tab. Alternately, it can hold up to the purchase price for all remaining bank tabs. Any guild member with permissions can deposit AD. No one (not even the guild leader) can withdraw AD.
    Creating a ledger for this depository would probably be a good idea.

    2 - Make quests shareable.

    At the bottom of most/all quests is a little button to share the quest. I've yet to have it actually work. A bug report has yielded no change. I've concluded the quests themselves are not shareable. Please tweak the quests, especially dailies, to allow players to share them with eligible group members. Alternately, remove the "share quest" button.

    3 - Remove level requirements for low-level skirmishes.

    The developers spend a good amount of time and effort on a wide variety of content. As fast as leveling has become, many players don't take the time to enjoy it. In the case of low-level skirmishes, most players can't! Those who do are forced to choose between private queues (often solo), or waiting a long time for queues which may never pop. Please honor the developers and reward completionists by removing the level restrictions for this content.

    Thank you

    - Jerl
    Triumverate of "Starfall Legacy"
    NW player since 2016

    (Apologies if this is a duplicate post. The original disappeared.)
  • voidstalker#7259 voidstalker Member Posts: 1 New User
    I'm still hoping the devs make the game more role play friendly. More variety in outfits. More places to actually have casual role play interactions besides the strongholds and moonstone mask. Or at the very least start offering more customization for the stronghold which include a larger variety of decorations and building that we can actually go inside of and make use of. Maybe open up the rooms inside the guild hall keep. It would also be nice to be able to use the foundry to create maps that can hold more than just 5 people. Sorry if this has all been brought up. Just my 2 copper.
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  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User

    I would like to see the old auto convert sytem for RAD, which you took away in mod 9 or 10.

    It's still there. If you still have space in your daily quota and have rAD, then at reset you'll max out the previous day's limit or burn through your rAD, whichever comes first.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User

    Loadouts are not "perfect". You cannot swap them outside of campfire.

    But you can change the active powers(Powers Selection Menu), even when you're in combat.
    The only problem is that the powers selection menu is "fiddly-scrolling" ***.

    So I think it will be wise adding something like this into the game:

    What do you think of this concept?

    Dead 🔪
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User

    Polish Character Sheet, Companions, Mount Stable.

    1. Character Sheet - Character tab:
    - Move the "Loadouts drop-down menu" to the bottom bar.
    - Move the "Gear/Fashion switcher" under the "Artifacts block".
    - Make the "selected class path" visible in the character sheet.

    Correct "Gear/Fashion switcher" position:


    Look also: Neverwinter UI Revamp - Index thread.
    Dead 🔪
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User

    Feedback - Fashion Items Incentory.

    Give us more sorting options, that we need:
    - Sort by type
    - Sort by set
    - Sort Bound Items first then unbound

    Make able to store Dye packs in this inventory.

    Dead 🔪
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User

    Remove the gold cost for removing enchantments & runestones.

    Make them like insignias.

    Dead 🔪
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    Add "Rerolling" chests into IG and Fane.

    That's all my requests.
    Thank you.
    Dead 🔪
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    Add "Rerolling" chests into IG and Fane.

    That's all my requests.
    Thank you.

    Fane is a weekly not a dungeon/skirm/trial. Are we supposed to be able to reroll outside of those scenarios?
  • ps4player#7414 ps4player Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Its been suggested but it needs to be listed again ... Add a price search area in the Marketplace so those of us that don't have billions of AD can search for things we can afford.

    Also how about a limit on the SAME item that shows up. Tired of searching for a companion and getting 1 - 398 of the same type because no one wants to buy them! If I didn't want to buy the first 10 on the list I'm not going to buy the remaining 388 of them which cost more!

    Let us temporarily HIDE items in the search (click on it and tell it to redo the search WITHOUT listing the specific item we don't want. This way it might list other items we didn't even know existed (see above).
  • ps4player#7414 ps4player Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    REMOVE The level restrictions for ALL "normal" dungeons and skirmishes. There is no reason why a level 15 player should not be allowed into the black lake skirmish. The same goes for other skirmishes we might have passed up in our level climb.

    You already AUTOMATICALLY change my level 70 to 12 when you make me run the "Clock Tower" on random daily. So do that for ALL dungeons and skirmishes. Just adjust our level down like you already do in other areas so we can complete quests and achievements that are ONLY given out in zones we have missed.
  • burnthedead#7732 burnthedead Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    I think I get it now, new characters need to spend way more AD on gear, so making bis toons useless is a way to bring everyone to parity (theoretically). If you really want to monetize this game, sell legendary mounts on the Ah, or unique gear. Or build a huge cyberwall to keep Devs from invading the code. Make Neverwinter great again!
    Post edited by burnthedead#7732 on
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