So I buy and sell a lot through the auction house, it's one of my ways of earning some extra AD here and there. Normally, I always sell everything with a bid price of 1 AD that way I get to skip the posting fee. I opened a lockbox yesterday and got a Moderate Barkshield Enchantment (700k AD!) and went and put it on the auction house since I don't currently have any characters that could benefit from it, plus I could do a lot with that much AD. So my stupid self, being so used to posting everything with a 1 AD bid, I accidentally posted my Barkshield with a 1 AD bid and now its at 33 AD bid so I cannot remove it from the AH and I really really don't want to end up having it sell for hundreds of thousands of AD short of what I should get. So I have no idea where I proceed from here, but I could really use some help figuring this out. Is there someway I could still get what I should for it, or a way I can get it taken off the AH? If not, does anyone want to start bidding it higher for me? If I could, I would bid the 750k AD myself on another account and get it back but you can't bid on your own auctions.
Guaranteed there's a bunch of players keeping an eye on that bid. If you priced it fairly and it's a good enough value, there's a decent chance someone will swoop in before the last minute.
That's what happened to me once - not with anything so valuable, mind, but it definitely taught me a lesson about bids. I rarely use them anymore. If I'm posting a bargain, I often include the AH cut in the price.
Any chance a guild buddy could help you out?
This makes me remember back to my youth (Mod 3-4ish
Fortunatelty, I knew what I had done as soon as I pressed the button. But I was decided that if it sold in the 10 secs it took me to cancel the auction, I would just eat it, as it was my mistake.
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> u have luck i still check forum from time to time
You are a life saver, thank you so much! I am so glad to see that there is a great forums community for Neverwinter.
unfortunately the guy saw it and canceled itI believe there are many people making this kind of mistake, now I often check high priced items just because sometimes people like him or you forget a zero lmao