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Lost City of Omu Preview Patch Notes: NW.95.20180212a.1

terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
Release Notes

Content and Environment
Cradle of the Death God
  • Acererak no longer talks over a cutscene. Ultra-powerful lich or no, that's just plain rude!
  • Fane of the Night Serpent: The player no longer sometimes gets stuck in the wall of the bridge room.
  • Fane of the Night Serpent: Various minor fixes have been made to improve flow.
  • Shrines to the Trickster Gods can no longer become permanently stuck in an inactive state.
  • The Omuan ghost no longer disappears and refuses to reappear if the player it's following leaves the map.
  • Tomb Exhume: Kills no longer stop being counted if the player leaves and returns twice.
  • Yuan-ti Abominations now count toward the "Abomination Slayer" achievement.
Tomb of the Nine Gods
  • A lich in this dungeon no longer has a "Hunt" indicator on its name plate.
  • Eotyrannus that sometimes spawn in this dungeon can now drop their hunt trophy.
  • Ras Nsi's treasure chests should now consistently spawn at the end of the encounter.
  • Various typos have been addressed.

Combat and Powers
  • Trailing "new line" characters in many power names have been removed, allowing for more accurate combat log reporting.

Items and Economy
  • The bonus effects on new masterwork armor pieces have been adjusted and are no longer duplicates of the effects on primal armor.
  • The name of new masterwork equipment created for scourge warlocks and trickster rogues has been changed from "leather" to "dinohide."
  • Chain of Scales: The higher-rank versions of this item now have more consistent tooltip formatting.
  • It is now possible to earn Omuan tale carvings from the campaign chest in the Cradle of the Death God epic trial.
  • Soulmonger Lockbox: This lockbox now drops different insignias, as the previous set had been dropped by the two prior lockboxes.
  • Superior Potion buffs now properly have icons.
  • The bonus effect from the item "Hunter's Keffiyeh" no longer falls off when entering the skirmish, "The Merchant Prince's Folly."
  • The bonus effect from the item "Hunter's Keffiyeh" no longer falls off when entering certain Chultan maps new to Module 13.
  • The bonus effect on the rare hunt drop "Fearbringers" now cause the affected to deal 30% less damage from dailies, up from 5%.
  • The weekly lockout on obtaining Ostorian Tale Carvings has been removed.
  • The item "Soulmonger Ampoule" now appears under the other currencies section of your riches tab.

User Interface
Auction House
  • Auctions without a Bid Price can once again properly be bought out.
Character Creation
  • Ekene-Afa's and Fenthaza's hair is no longer incorrectly available in character creation.
  • The Cradle of the Death God collection location now has unique background art.
Protected Items
  • Consumables can no longer be Protected.
  • Identifying an item will now retain its Protected state.
  • Items that have been Protected on Preview, then changed so they can't be Protected, can now properly be un-Protected.
  • The "Protected Item" indicator is now a golden chain in the upper-right.
Report Player
  • The Report Player dialog, when accessed via the Leaderboard, once again properly shows a functional interface.
  • When selling items at particular stores, there is now an error message if the sale would cause the player to gain more of an item than they can hold.

Art, Effects, and Audio
  • More audio cleanup and improvement has been done, particularly in the Cradle of the Death God.
  • The cauldron ambient audio in the Sage's Shop in Protector's Enclave no longer has quite pronounced low-end rumble.
Character Art
  • Chitters' Fangs and Mane of the Manticore no longer act as beard removal tools.
  • Elf ears no longer poke through the sides of Chitters' Fangs.
  • Pilgrim and Tyrant weapons for Hunter Ranger are now about 25-35% bigger.
  • Various minor clipping and texture issues have been addressed in gear new to the Lost City of Omu.

  • Various in-game mail originating from the Foundry now properly links to the current Terms of Service page.
  • Localized voice-over should be up-to-date.
  • More text fixes and updates have been implemented.


  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    Still a little confused over the buff-nerf of SS Thaum. If you didn't want to buff them, why did you start???
  • dragonsbitedragonsbite Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    terramak said:

    Release Notes

    Combat and Powers

    • Trailing "new line" characters in many power names have been removed, allowing for more accurate combat log reporting.
    Sweet. Thanks for that. Now can you fix the Power Names that need a comma removed as such "Fix, Me" changed to "Fix Me".
  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User

    Anything being done about last weeks 6 or so pages of complaints about the nerfs to Control Wizard? We've given you feedback on possible resolutions. Please use them.


    Yeah still waiting for that.

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    The name of new masterwork equipment created for scourge warlocks and trickster rogues has been changed from "leather" to "dinohide."

    Might I suggest "saurian"? I recall that some profession resources were originally called that when M12 was still on preview.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    Dinohide is for Pikachus. Saurian sounds much better,
  • ornaldornald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    terramak said:

    Items and Economy

    • The name of new masterwork equipment created for scourge warlocks and trickster rogues has been changed from "leather" to "dinohide."
    Major typo are still remains.
    • Masterwork Accessories III
      Fanged Restoration Ring is shown as Beaded Restoration Ring.

      Current Masterwork Accessories III include Beaded Assault Ring, Beaded Restoration Ring, Bronzewood Raid Ring and Lichstone Ward Ring.
      Masterwork Waist Sets III include Beaded Sash, Bronzewood Sash, Fanged Sash and Lichstone Sash.

      Comparing the above two, Masterwork Accessories III is heterogeneous.
    • Masterwork Neck Sets III
      Fanged Amulet is shown as Fanged Beaded Amulet.
      Other names are Beaded Amulet, Bronzewood Amulet and Lichstone Amulet.
    • Hunter Ranger's Masterwork Armor III
      Those name's prefixes are also "leather". Is this unhcnaged?
    • Control Wizard's Masterwork Armor III
      Prefixes for these names are various. Bronzewood, Feathered, Jute and Silk.
      Prefixes of other classes are unified, Control Wizard's set is heterogeneous.
    Followings is not a issue with module 13, but it has been neglected for more than half a year.
    • Oathbound Paladin's Huntsman Armor
      Huntsman Restoration Poleyns is shown as Huntsman Restoration Gaiters.
      Gaiters is Hunter Ranger's Footwear and Huntsman Ward Poleyns is not wrong.
    • Control Wizard's Thayan Servitor Armor
      Gloves of the Thayan Servitor is shown as Gloves of the Thayan Zealot.
      Names of other pieces in Collection are Cowl of the Thayan Servitor, Boots of the Thayan Servitor and Robes of the Thayan Servitor.
      And, Gloves of the Thayan Zealot is one of a piece of Thayan Zealot Equipment Collection (it's a removed collection).
  • krzrsmskrzrsms Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    New patch.. and guess what bug still exists.. Removing Primal weapon leaves its affect for whatever other weapon you choose to wield. So feel free to double up on weapon effects.

    Would be nice if actual bugs got some fixes instead of working so hard on nerfing of classes like CW.
  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Report Player
    The Report Player dialog, when accessed via the Leaderboard, once again properly shows a functional interface.

    well at least they are thinking of buffing complaining in pvp lol .

    @devs .what staff/resources / mods exactly will be investigating the pvp harassment and complaint reports stemming from repairing this report player function ? ...what is to stop people from simply using this function to mass report someone and troll them get them banned / blocked ...are there different GMs on xbox of ps4 or on pc that were suddenly hired to handle / investigate these complaints thus you ostensibly fixed the function report player function .. or is it purely cosmetic / legal requirement on your part

    why fix it if nothing is actionable ?

    ... now ..@devs how about fixing the kicking in pvp ..which is also a form of harassment with players holding entire teams hostage cause they know they cant get kicked for a while ..same thing for pve random Q's by the way ..trolls / freeloaders holding teams hostage by not participating

    oh and what have you guys "learned" so far from the Spell storm feedback
    Post edited by kalina311 on
  • itblsitbls Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 121 Arc User
    Pretty neat, CW forever nerfed.
  • valnoledvalnoled Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    I'm sorry... Is MW armor supposed to be end-game equipment?
    Boots with crit rate stacks? Really? For end-game characters who probably already have crit at cap? That is ridiculous... IMHO
  • modlesiemodlesie Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    Is that really this hard to get an answer from Developers when a lot of people is asking about it?:)
  • altaiir94altaiir94 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    itbls said:

    Pretty neat, CW forever nerfed.

    No it's not... They'll try to repair it in mod 20 - 22.. They'll probably change the chilling presence to "deal 25/50/75/100% damage to frozen targets", but they'll add 100% control resist to everyone.
  • valnoledvalnoled Member Posts: 38 Arc User

    Feedback: CW Changes.

    The changes I would like to see to the CW class following these changes here are the following:

    I would also change the core mechanic itself, making SS and MoF more equal in conjuring paragon features. Like make crit hit always place MoF Smolder and SS 30% chance to hit a target with a lightning by paragon default. And rework passives to alter the default mechanics.
    The goal of the idea is about diversity and flexibility as well. In the current meta SS CW are bound to Chilling presence and Storm Spell with no alternatives whatsoever... While Mof are only bound to Chilling Presence having various ways to apply Smolder to mobs.
  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    Feedback: CW Changes.

    I would like to see to the following chnages to the CW class:

    Base damage of all powers, with the exception of Storm Spell and Smoulder, increased by 60%. The purpose of this change is to counteract some of the other changes I am proposing. This should however result in a net buff of 20% increased damage.
    Base damage of Storm Spell and Smoulder increased by 36%.
    Chilling Presence reduced to 1/2/3/4% increased damage per chill stack, down from 2/4/6/8%. The purpose of this is to create more diversity between Class Features.
    Blighting Power is fixed and grants 2/4/6% increased damage, rather than 6% damage per rank.
    Eye of the Storm grants 100% increased Critical Severity for 2/4/6/8 seconds once every 20 seconds, rather than Critical Strike chance. The current iteration of this class feature is useless in the meta that now exists within the game.
    Critical Conflagration is fixed to no longer prevent Smoulder from ticking when you use powers that apply chill.
    Evocation is increased from 20% to 30%. The offhand feature remains the same.
    Arcane Presence now also allows your cold powers to generate Arcane Stacks, defaulting to 1 stack gained per power activation.

    I am not sure how I would rework Arcane Power Field, Imprisonment, Storm Fury and Frost Wave, but none of them have any place in the current meta. Maybe if Storm Fury passively attacked any enemies who come within 15' of you once every second? The damage it deals would have to be adjusted for this however.

    A wish list for mod 20? Suggest something they can do with two weeks left before launch instead.. It sounds good tho, but im worried that we gonna be stuck with a weak CW for mod13 and thats very sad. Revert the SS nerf and then work with whatever Sharpedge suggest.
    Post edited by gankdalf#8991 on

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • cheesey#4444 cheesey Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    A wish list for mod 20? Suggest something they can do with two weeks left before launch instead.. It sounds good tho, but im worried that we gonna be stuck with a weak CW for mod13 and thats very sad. Revert the SS nerf and then work with whatever Sharpedge suggest.

    Most of the changes Sharpedge suggested is about changing numbers. It should totally be possible within a week.

  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User

    A wish list for mod 20? Suggest something they can do with two weeks left before launch instead.. It sounds good tho, but im worried that we gonna be stuck with a weak CW for mod13 and thats very sad. Revert the SS nerf and then work with whatever Sharpedge suggest.

    Most of the changes Sharpedge suggested is about changing numbers. It should totally be possible within a week.

    I dont think they will just copy numbers and then be done with it. First they have to look at it, think about it, test it and then let us test it. There is no way that will be done within next friday.

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • fightdawalrus#5058 fightdawalrus Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    You devs said in that The State of The Game stream that you encourage and listen to our feedback, we have provided 6 pages on feedback just on the thread alone. People like Sharpe and others have gave some real quality feedback. Please, don't just ignore this.

    I would bet most, if not all, would have bought a loadout slot for the changes in mod 13 but with these changes you are ruining peoples builds and time and money they have spent making their CW. I don't think you guys are seeing the big picture, people aren't just going to chalk up their loss and make a new character, they are going to quit the game and likely never recomend it to anyone since they have been screwed over time and time again. I know for myself, if these changes go through I will be done. I worked way too hard gearing my CW up and even spent around $700 total in all my time playing, and for what? A DPS class that is going to struggle against even lower geared DPS classes? I pray you devs don't go through with these changes and listen to the people who play your game.
  • lucislatorlucislator Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    masterwork bonuses are a joke or what?
  • baronstragenbaronstragen Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    Not sure what the point is anymore. I've provided evidence and empirical data to support my theory that the CW will lose DPS and they weren't a strong dps in mod 12 to begin with. You can lead a horse to water...
    Varric the Cursed Dwarven cursed to be Tiefling CW
    Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
    Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
    JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
    Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
  • pteriaspterias Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Well, I'm starting to think my time in Neverwinter is drawing to a close. I knew it would happen eventually after Strongholds came out, I'm actually surprised it took this long. I thought things were looking up here for a minute, but got that beat out of me. At this point, I figure I'll keep doing the campaigns, but just on one character (my CW, out of spite) instead of 4-5 characters, and then go watch a run or two of the newer endgame content I won't be allowed to do on Youtube. I don't have anything now to work towards without spending hours per day running leveling dungeons for AD and playing characters I just don't really enjoy that much, which I just can't bring myself to do any more.

    I mean, "we'll see", but that's where I'm at right now. Even if this nerf gets undone, it will have still sucked away any excitement I had for the next Mod and thinking I might actually get a leg up. I dunno.


    Feedback: CW Changes.

    I would like to see to the following chnages to the CW class:

    Base damage of all powers, with the exception of Storm Spell and Smoulder, increased by 60%. The purpose of this change is to counteract some of the other changes I am proposing. This should however result in a net buff of 20% increased damage.
    Base damage of Storm Spell and Smoulder increased by 36%.
    Chilling Presence reduced to 1/2/3/4% increased damage per chill stack, down from 2/4/6/8%. The purpose of this is to create more diversity between Class Features.
    Blighting Power is fixed and grants 2/4/6% increased damage, rather than 6% damage per rank.
    Eye of the Storm grants 100% increased Critical Severity for 2/4/6/8 seconds once every 20 seconds, rather than Critical Strike chance. The current iteration of this class feature is useless in the meta that now exists within the game.
    Critical Conflagration is fixed to no longer prevent Smoulder from ticking when you use powers that apply chill.
    Evocation is increased from 20% to 30%. The offhand feature remains the same.
    Arcane Presence now also allows your cold powers to generate Arcane Stacks, defaulting to 1 stack gained per power activation.

    I am not sure how I would rework Arcane Power Field, Imprisonment, Storm Fury and Frost Wave, but none of them have any place in the current meta. Maybe if Storm Fury passively attacked any enemies who come within 15' of you once every second? The damage it deals would have to be adjusted for this however.

    That's all well and good (and it does look fine), but what do we do between now and Mod 18?
  • lardesonlardeson Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTF1GNZ6teE "Cough cough" if anyone still thinks Cw is an issue, Think again. Oh no, not complaining about any class in particular, they are not even broken, No Gf meta, no Op meta, Still no Dc meta at all, its still all fun and balanced, Good job. oh wait, this dungeon is not even live yet.
    Post edited by lardeson on
    Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
This discussion has been closed.