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OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD: Masterwork Professions Vol. IV & V



  • brewaldbrewald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 212 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    brewald said:

    In complement, this quest need more explanation. Maybe adding the amount of points for each new recipe, now we are losen with just something like 10 new recipe and nothing else.

    I've made adjustments to the quest objectives to be more clear, please take a look on the next preview build if you have a chance.

    Thx for this part.
    After checking these recipes, I think than 50k points is really too bigger due to the cost of each recipes.
    Of course it's possible (on this release) to choose what is the item you want to craft but with 75% (with Gond's hammer) the cost of this quest is really too expensive.
    Brewald - GWF 18.3k
    Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
    Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
    Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
    Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
  • This content has been removed.
  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    As it happens, Neverwinter does use the tenday instead of a week.
  • sniffa#1407 sniffa Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    brewald said:

    asterdahl said:

    brewald said:

    In complement, this quest need more explanation. Maybe adding the amount of points for each new recipe, now we are losen with just something like 10 new recipe and nothing else.

    I've made adjustments to the quest objectives to be more clear, please take a look on the next preview build if you have a chance.

    Thx for this part.
    After checking these recipes, I think than 50k points is really too bigger due to the cost of each recipes.
    Of course it's possible (on this release) to choose what is the item you want to craft but with 75% (with Gond's hammer) the cost of this quest is really too expensive.
    Too expensive! You are kidding. To advance through MW it should be difficult and expensive. The reward for people that persist is the ability to make high end items for the community and along the way be reward by making a lot of AD. The initial quest should be difficult and reward those players that have invested 100's of millions into legendary tools.

    The high cost of MW should be in the process of achieving the recipes and not in high costs to make those recipes.

    The Dev's over time have made the current MW easier and cheaper to achieve with the reduction of Guild Hall level and the introduction of temp vendors that items can be purchased via guild marks. Although I have not done the upcoming quest line if your saying its to expensive then I'm all for the Devs not changing a thing. :smile:
  • This content has been removed.
  • reefriednunt#3177 reefriednunt Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    The rings will definitely sell well....they will be item level 510, and have two offensive slots..
  • brewaldbrewald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 212 Arc User

    brewald said:

    Thx for this part.
    After checking these recipes, I think than 50k points is really too bigger due to the cost of each recipes.
    Of course it's possible (on this release) to choose what is the item you want to craft but with 75% (with Gond's hammer) the cost of this quest is really too expensive.

    Too expensive! You are kidding. To advance through MW it should be difficult and expensive. The reward for people that persist is the ability to make high end items for the community and along the way be reward by making a lot of AD. The initial quest should be difficult and reward those players that have invested 100's of millions into legendary tools.

    The high cost of MW should be in the process of achieving the recipes and not in high costs to make those recipes.

    The Dev's over time have made the current MW easier and cheaper to achieve with the reduction of Guild Hall level and the introduction of temp vendors that items can be purchased via guild marks. Although I have not done the upcoming quest line if your saying its to expensive then I'm all for the Devs not changing a thing. :smile:
    I agree with you Sniffa but I don't speak about Mastercraft in general, that's why I have currently 5 mastercrafts on 7 possibles.
    It's just about the 50k quest, some components requirements are too importants compared to the point gain.
    etelgrin said:

    "the reward" or "high end items" you're speaking of is a crappo gear 20 til better than vivify things you can easily farm, with MW III sets not being support, SH themed anymore, so that only leaves the neck/belt pieces that will come out of it that has increased stats but also more of these kind of items are to come from regular things so.. not sure if I should include it. Maybe new rings that are about same as Rubellite ones?

    I haven't checked all new "high end items", but the new MWIII weapon set has typically none interest due to the bonus set, that's stay valid for DPS or Supports.


    This item cost isn't correct, it should be 300, not 3000 (compared to all craft items in this category)

    Brewald - GWF 18.3k
    Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
    Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
    Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
    Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
  • krasensilverkrasensilver Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    nothing changed about mw weapons or rings, living varnish recipe still need fix only thing I see fixed we cant use any tool on mailsmithing and platesmithing commission items now such a disappointment
  • cheesey#4444 cheesey Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Here are a list of bugs with Weapon Enchants and certain Classes, these are still present from the original release of Lost City of Omu on preview.

    • Magic Missiles: They do not proc a weapon enchantment hit every time they hit. 5 hits of Magic Missiles, 3 procs of weapon enchants. Hits 3/4/5 count as a single hit for procing weapon enchantments.
    • Chilling Cloud: The AOE (3rd Cast) do not proc weapon enchantments what so ever.
    • Ray of Frost: This does not proc the Weapon Damage part of the Weapon enchantment. If you slot a Lightning Enchantment, it will only proc the Arc. This power should proc on every hit.
    • Chill Strike: On Tab, this does not proc weapon enchantments for every target hit. Instead, it only procs it once even though multiple targets have been hit.
    • Icy Rays: Does not proc weapon enchantments at all. (Patch notes from original release aren't true.)
    • Steal Time: Does not proc weapon enchantments at all. (Patch notes from original release aren't true.)
    • Blades of the Vanquished Armies: This power procs weapon enchantments multiple times. This shouldn't happen as its a entity power that is locked onto your toon. It isn't a channelling power either.
    • Steel Blitz: Steel Blitz is able to proc off of Lightning Arc when used with Weapon Master's Strike. This shouldn't happen as no other class feature is able to do this.
      • To reproduce: Slot Steel Blitz, Weapon Master's Strike and a Lightning enchantment. Then hit a single dummy (in a row of dummies) with Weapon Master's Strike. You will see that the Steel Blitz is procing off of Lightning's Arcs because Steel Blitz is hitting targets you aren't hitting directly.This bug doesn't happen with GF at least when I tested it.
    • Weapon Masters Strike: This power is able to proc weapon enchantments twice per target. This is a bug because you are not channelled into the second strike, you are re striking the target as soon as the initial hit finishes. Its almost like a 2 hitting DOT. Also GF cannot do this with their WMS as it only hits once per target per strike.

    Please fix all the bugs with weapon enchants and make weapon enchants consistent for all classes.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    I'd say great feedback Cheesey. Suggest you post to BUG REPORTS &/or the Omu Feedback thread specifically; if not both so they are well communicated.

    They seem mostly interested in this thread on feedback 'only' related to Mastercraft IV & V - less so about general Mastercraft or Professions ore even general BUGS in this thread. B)
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • magnusg15magnusg15 Member Posts: 54 Arc User

    magnusg15 said:

    greyjay1 said:

    Here you can see a table, that shows the production prices of the new tier of mastercraft items.
    The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.


    As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:

    1) Make the items better
    The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive.
    For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up.
    (But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)

    2) Make the items cheaper
    There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions:
    Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1)
    Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2)
    Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2)
    Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2)
    Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3)
    Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3)
    The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier.

    I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor

    Here's one thin I will say... need to uncapp all lvl 25 guild coffers. It's nearly impossible to get guild marks without exploitative farming of new guilds and I'm 100% certain that is not how you guys intend people to get guild marks. Now that being said I'm not telling you to remove the exploitative guild mark farming, because if you did that there would be NO way to really get guild marks. all our coffer capacity is nearly completely full, and the fact that it can't go up limits the value of some things from boxes like the drops with vouchers etc. btw our guild has a fully leveled storage as well.

    Open up coffer caps. ASAP

    why the word exploitative? I'm not sure what kind of exploit there is in either helping out a low level guild or having a second guild for coffer.
    I think he means when people advertise to join for 5 ppl guild for gold, filling the coffer then deleting the guild, repeatedly to sink in labour or other stuff. You can see this in PE sometimes.
    oh I had no idea.

    Yeah, get's even crazier though as im in an alliance with all max 20's and we've helped many guilds level to 20. soon as they hit 20 they lock donations to other guilds. there is no way for me to get guild marks short of donating AD directly or the new guild farming exploit.
  • midental#5256 midental Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Any news about double slotted rings (offen and def )in MW? I'm very corius abot stats and recipient to craft them.... ty
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User

    Any news about double slotted rings (offen and def )in MW? I'm very corius abot stats and recipient to craft them.... ty

    Yeah, stats are now in-line with other IL 510 rings, and they have 2x off or 2x def slots, depending on the stats I think.
  • midental#5256 midental Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    Can you post some screen about double off and double def rings? ty
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User

    Any news about double slotted rings (offen and def )in MW? I'm very corius abot stats and recipient to craft them.... ty

    Yeah, stats are now in-line with other IL 510 rings, and they have 2x off or 2x def slots, depending on the stats I think.

    The IL is not correct on preview and at the moment there is zero mention from the devs that they supposed to have double off or defense. So until they explicitly change or say they plan to change, these are as you see them. Well I was too lazy to copy all, but Primal ring stats and slots Ctrl+C Ctrl+V.
  • midental#5256 midental Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited February 2018
  • bayaz#7892 bayaz Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    Can someone please tell me, what are the prerequisites for the 2 new explorer maps? Marketplace 7 again or higher?
    Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master
  • krasensilverkrasensilver Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Beaded ring exactly the same as +5 dino ring all stats and 2xoff slots why would anyone want to do hunts anymore or added mw weapons %2 dmg while primals have %10dmg and up all time dont have any cooldown like 10 secs for every 30 sec why would anyone want to get mw weapons instead of primals so much effort to lose bonus while you can get primals with just seals
  • lucislatorlucislator Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    Masterwork weapons ruined again... for what? For whiners. Support could keep mw II for running dungeons with no problems at all.
  • lucislatorlucislator Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    I really can't understand why when you do something good, you ruin it for people who don't understand how the game works
    Post edited by lucislator on
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User

    Beaded ring exactly the same as +5 dino ring all stats and 2xoff slots why would anyone want to do hunts anymore or added mw weapons %2 dmg while primals have %10dmg and up all time dont have any cooldown like 10 secs for every 30 sec why would anyone want to get mw weapons instead of primals so much effort to lose bonus while you can get primals with just seals

    For the hunts part: I can't think that someone really will miss that grind or RNG fest to get the ring. And well, rings get outdated fast. River hunt too gets overshadowed by Omu hunts, so it was necessary to put in a simpler way to get the rings.

    For the MC set, DC's definitely want to change, optionally for paladins and buffer GF. While the bonus remains the same, the power bumped up, which helps powersharing. And the damage is not an insignificant part, because now all 3 support class can be DPS-y.
  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    And while I'm absolutely happy that at least buffers have an option to gear for the new tier, the 3-4% still should to be considered instead of 2%. In MC II the Relic's 10% per 1/3 uptime was against a 2%/member, which was at least a tough choice in a minorly synergistic party. In a fully cooperative team the MC II just outshined the Relic and the aboleth (except that bug).

    Now most of the sets offer 5-10% damage output, while the MC III still on 2%, which means, if you are not fully dedicated on buffing, these sets will have a net loss on sum damage in your team. The most clear example that everyone wearing this will result a 10% damage output for the team, which is at the moment the same as wearing the Primal ones and get healed frequently. The only difference that only costs brave seals, while this set will be millions. And the extra DR and healing kind of useless, because what wants to kill you, will do regardless, anything else won't.

    So, in short, 2% seems to be underperforming against the other sets.
  • exgardianexgardian Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    exgardian said:

    Now MW3 weapons set bonuses match with MW1 and MW2 weapons ...

    I liked the idea, but thinking about this: Due to the difficulty, high cost and investment that must be made to create these new weapons, the bonus of MW3 weapons should be slightly improved:


    The MW3 set bonus:

    2% outgoing damage / 2% outgoing healing / -2% ingoing damage (10% with 5 stacks)
    Should be improved to:
    2,4% outgoing damage / 2,4% outgoing healing / -2,4% ingoing damage (12% with 5 stacks)


    They would continue to interact with the MW1 and MW2 bonuses, but would have a different icon indicating players who are using MW3 weapons and their increased bonuses.

    Who agree ?

  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    exgardian said:

    exgardian said:

    Now MW3 weapons set bonuses match with MW1 and MW2 weapons ...

    I liked the idea, but thinking about this: Due to the difficulty, high cost and investment that must be made to create these new weapons, the bonus of MW3 weapons should be slightly improved:


    The MW3 set bonus:

    2% outgoing damage / 2% outgoing healing / -2% ingoing damage (10% with 5 stacks)>


    Should be improved to:

    2,4% outgoing damage / 2,4% outgoing healing / -2,4% ingoing damage (12% with 5 stacks)


    They would continue to interact with the MW1 and MW2 bonuses, but would have a different icon indicating players who are using MW3 weapons and their increased bonuses.

    Who agrees ? ^^
    That would be ideal. Or a base of says 5% bonus and then you add 2-2.5% for every person in the group who has it. That way its gonna be better if more than 2 people have it.

    Also, about the rings, any ideas about the prices? that Bronzewood Raid is delicious. Gonna replace whatever Im using now lol.
  • lucislatorlucislator Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Mistakes in italian translation:

    leatherworking: items needed to unlock are wrong: it says twice "gilet dell'incursione di manticora" (manticore raid vest) while one of them should be "gilet d'assalto di manticora" (manticore assault vest)

    - rough resource "lion's hide" is translated terribly wrong in "nascondiglio di leone", it is "pelle/pelliccia di leone".
    Plus, according to previous experience with manticore's hide which refined item was manticore leather, refined item from lion's hide should be lion leather but i see it's the same item in preview bazar. I assume it's a droppable resource so this task has to be reviewed, wrong icon? inverted rough and refined resourse? It doesn't make much sense right now.

    alchemy: living varnish is not translated at all, neither task and object itself

    jewelry: "amuleto di perle" should be "amuleto piumato" for consintency with other amulets

    journal: several items to be crafted for final quests have different names compared to what journal say, this is minor but could make confusion

    That said,

    amount of rough resources needed is HUGE compared to refined items obtained, 15:3, 12:2.... prices of finished products will be outrageous

    talking about prices, this will enormously impact the market of weapons since the good bonus has been removed, who could be so stupid to spend millions for slighty increased stats? people will head to other (free) sets making masterworks III obsolete in one day. All dps and tank characters won't want masterworks, there's no reason to prefer them above other sets.

    Let's make it simple, old bonus (i'll name it chult) vs new bonus (i'll name it SH, usual stronghold bonus from mw I & II) per class

    GWF chult
    CW DPS chult
    CW MOF DPS chult/SH
    TR chult
    SW DPS chult
    SW BUFF SH/chult
    GF TANK chult/SH
    GF DPS chult
    GF BUFF SH/chult
    OP TANK/BUFF chult/SH
    OP HEAL/BUFF chult/SH
    OP DPS chult
    HR chult
    DC HEAL chult
    DC DPS chult

    order is not casual, it's from best to worst choice. And speaking about pure buffers, that little amount of increased stats is not so significant as they whine about. I could be wrong but as far as I thought about it, this change is really really bad. Plus these are not stronghold sets anymore we're in damn chult!
  • patcherrkmpatcherrkm Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 127 Arc User
    I think there is some confusion on how the MW set works and why this change is actually really good for groups.

    Group Makeup:
    Paladin (MW Set)
    DO DC (MW Set)
    AC DC (MW Set)
    Warlock (Primal Set)
    HR (Primal Set) <--- That's me! :)

    Here is how HAMSTER this change is. The people who are support get the MW set but even if my HR has the primal set, I get also the bonus from the MW set!

    So here is how it looks in game: (MW bonus is +2%+2%+2%=+6%)
    Paladin (+6% from MW)
    DO DC (+6% from MW)
    AC DC (+6% from MW)
    Warlock (+6% from MW & +10% from Primal = +16% increase!)
    HR (+6% from MW & +10% from Primal = +16% increase!)

    This allows supports to contribute more damage to the classes that actually benefit the most. And the DPS can have all the benefits from the primal, combined with the benefits of MW set. It's going to make for some real big numbers/fast runs from groups that understand the mechanics and min/max their characters accordingly.

    Sleek Pepper
    Midnight Express
  • krasensilverkrasensilver Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    I think there is some confusion on how the MW set works and why this change is actually really good for groups.

    Group Makeup:
    Paladin (MW Set)
    DO DC (MW Set)
    AC DC (MW Set)
    Warlock (Primal Set)
    HR (Primal Set) <--- That's me! :)

    Not agree with you at all with all this effort and cost mw weapons should be tempting to get and these shouldnt be just for support so if we ignoring mw for dps classes no point of unlocking new weaponsmithing tasks not worth for just op mainhand that will give %2 for group exclude tr gwf hr and gf weapons and no need to make new recipes for weaponsmithing or dps weapons its same bad design and mistake like that velociraptor pet instead of %1 dmg for each member in party if you made it %1.5 everyone would like to get it so I'm asking how many of you using that pet now? none as this dps mw weapons already born dead

  • zaranir#4514 zaranir Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    Mistakes in italian translation:

    leatherworking: items needed to unlock are wrong: it says twice "gilet dell'incursione di manticora" (manticore raid vest) while one of them should be "gilet d'assalto di manticora" (manticore assault vest)

    - rough resource "lion's hide" is translated terribly wrong in "nascondiglio di leone", it is "pelle/pelliccia di leone".
    Plus, according to previous experience with manticore's hide which refined item was manticore leather, refined item from lion's hide should be lion leather but i see it's the same item in preview bazar. I assume it's a droppable resource so this task has to be reviewed, wrong icon? inverted rough and refined resourse? It doesn't make much sense right now.

    alchemy: living varnish is not translated at all, neither task and object itself

    jewelry: "amuleto di perle" should be "amuleto piumato" for consintency with other amulets

    journal: several items to be crafted for final quests have different names compared to what journal say, this is minor but could make confusion

    That said,

    amount of rough resources needed is HUGE compared to refined items obtained, 15:3, 12:2.... prices of finished products will be outrageous. Talking about prices, this will enormously impact the market of weapons since the good bonus has been removed, who could be so stupid to spend millions for slighty increased stats? people will head to other (free) sets making masterworks III obsolete in one day. All dps characters won't want masterworks, there's no reason to prefer them above other sets.

    Let's make it simple, old bonus (i'll name it chult) vs new bonus (i'll name it SH, usual stronghold bonus from mw I & II) per class

    GWF chult
    CW DPS chult
    CW MOF DPS chult/SH
    TR chult
    SW DPS chult
    GF TANK chult/SH
    GF DPS chult
    GF BUFF SH/chult
    OP TANK/BUFF chult/SH
    OP HEAL/BUFF chult/SH
    OP DPS chult
    HR chult
    DC HEAL chult
    DC DPS chult

    PVPers chult

    order is not casual, it's from best to worst choice. And speaking about pure buffers, that little amount of increased stats is not so significant as they whine about. I could be wrong but as far as I thought about it, this change is really really bad. Plus these are not stronghold sets anymore we're in damn chult!

    Lets just simply exclude all CW and SW iterations from this, because they can and will permanently heal themselves to go primal over the old MC III. Heal DC just simply does not exist, but still, primal. DPS DC primal. And you would not believe, but tanks get hit, so primal.

    So, in short, most of the classes you mentioned would just roll with the permanent 10% what primal gives, because they either get hit or will get healed. At the moment it works of "fake" heals, so even the 10% is not restrictive. The old SH III set only worked perma 10% if you were able to do daily in every 10 sec (and somehow manage to deal the most damage with this strategy) and there could have been a chance that you need to use shift to survive and get the wrong bonus.

    And see, SH set costs 1.5-4 million, the primal will cost 1,6k Brave seal.

    In short, you are overestaminating that other DPS set of the 4 that we finally got rid of and just... simply does not understand how and why the SH set should be like what it is now.
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