In regards to the confusion over needing to complete the credit quest before being able to take on the second quest for any profession in Nyanzaru, we will be updating the language in the quest objectives to be a bit more clear.
I noticed another issue with the new masterwork Items - see the image 3 posts above this one. It says "Lichstone Amulet", where it should say "Masterwork III Neck".
And yes, the stats are still wrong in the .4 build. there is nothing there that justifies a +95 to IL.
Thanks for the report. As you would expect, the stats being lower than they should given the item level is in fact a bug. I don't believe there were any patch notes indicating it was fixed in the .4 but if there were I apologize. I believe that fix should be coming in the next preview build.
so I'm a poor relative new comer to pc. I got a forgehammer and was waffling on keeping or selling. was gonna sell it then was convinced I could stop being poor if I levelled up master works and then got in on the new wave of masterworks. Now I'm hearing it's a 40 or 50 million bar to getting in on it. you can't flip on the adx on pc. I think in all my two or three years in this game between platforms I've maybe seen 40 or 50 mil TOTAL in all that time.. so without having ranked up masterworks already and taken advantage of the past ability to make money (because you can't make money to cover your costs in the old recipes at this point in time) you're basically hosed? is this correct? I'd like to have some sort of platform to actually be able to make ad in this game even as a new comer. (and 32k a day is not going to gear me or anyone else up)
Masterworks have always been terribly expensive and tough to compete in, the payback for everyone takes a very long time at all levels. there is no immediate payback unless you somehow convinced someone to buy the old stronghold items for 20+mill
and 2) 32k/d is 320k/week is 1/m a month is all rank 12's in no time.
Hey there, i’m A PS4 player and crafter and want to prepare for the those mw4 and mw5 recepies. Could someone pls provide info, step by step, with resources needed to unlock those new me recepies?
I admit I love the authors post about Mastercraft and it's nice to see it expand to IV & V.
I'd only ask the team considers one other aspect to make professions more viable for many others; so their just not largely ignored by the masses focusing exclusively on Leadership.
Expand Personalized Gear to items in all professions not just Jewelcrafting at level 405 purple; then encourage more getting into Mastercraft offer Engraved Gear at 435-450 for Mastercraft I. Then even Mastercraft Tier I would offer something additional to CRAFT and encourage people to keep going; even if it did not include any artifact weapons or gear.
PS also it's nice to see Mastercraft reuse to start reusing many older resources even if mixed in with new ones. We've spend so much time collecting so many of various resources only to later find that all the work or time we put into collecting them is mostly undone.
Hopefully as new levels are introduced the chances might also be relaxed a bit to successfully upgrade to MCII and later MCIII.
Aside from the enormous cost of getting everything in the game to rank 14, i don't have a problem with any of these prices. I'm on console.
I only even have a problem with the cost of rank 14's because it's essentially getting back to where we all were pre bonding nerf. I as well as much of the xbox community feel like masterworks are better served by having an incredibly high barrier to entry and lower costs to make the goods. as being a masterwork crafter is an achievement that few should be able to earn. so if it costs 40 mill it costs 40 mill.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
OK, in last night's build the stats of the neck/waist pieces got fixed, so now the +95 stat increase is justified. However, it still says "Lichstone Amulet", where it should say "Masterwork III Neck".
Those amulets and neck pieces look like they will become popular, because quite frankly the two new artifact sets do not seem to have very interesting combinations of stats and set bonuses.
So, for me, the new masterwork neck/waist items actually make it worthwhile to pursue MW III. The Masterwork armors are also interesting - well, two pieces look good for one of my builds, an AC/DC, as they have a higher Power stat than the Primal armors. The weapons - duh. The SH II weapons were BiS for many builds, but that's not the case for the new ones.
Hoping for improvements...
krasensilverMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 27Arc User
Here you can see a table, that shows the production prices of the new tier of mastercraft items. The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.
As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:
1) Make the items better The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive. For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up. (But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)
2) Make the items cheaper There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions: Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1) Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2) Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3) Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3) The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier. I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor
Masterwork3 Rings have wrongs stats i think. The Rings have same stats as Masterwork 2 Rings but with another Name. Give Mastwork 3 Rings 2 Off or Def slots and higher stats. At moment Masterwork 3 Rings a HAMSTER....
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
Here you can see a table, that shows the production prices of the new tier of mastercraft items. The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.
As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:
1) Make the items better The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive. For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up. (But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)
2) Make the items cheaper There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions: Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1) Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2) Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3) Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3) The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier. I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
The stats for the rings seem wrong The stats are the same as for the MW II items - my guess is copy-n-paste, with just the item name changed. Considering how expensive the items are to make, and how easy it is to get Primal Rings, the new rings make no sense whatsoever unless they are competitive with the Primal rings...or even better.
The stats for the rings seem wrong The stats are the same as for the MW II items - my guess is copy-n-paste, with just the item name changed. Considering how expensive the items are to make, and how easy it is to get Primal Rings, the new rings make no sense whatsoever unless they are competitive with the Primal rings...or even better.
Add to that that there are no bonuses... no one will ever buy these.
Indeed there is an intermediary quest between the volume IV and V quest. As opposed to with volumes I and II where the volume II quest had a huge number of items to create, the volume V quest involves making a single item. The quest "Taking Credit" takes the place of all the intermediary recipes that needed to be completed before the final task.
At the surface it's not significantly different in terms of the number of recipes you need to complete. However, you only need to complete "Taking Credit" once per character, meaning on your second profession the number of recipes you'll need to complete will be significantly lower. Or, if you're pursuing volume V on multiple professions at once, you can turn in recipes from either. In addition, recipes you turn in will net you Chultan trade credit, which you can exchange for extra epic masterwork tools.
If I understand correctly you only have to complete 'Taking credit quest' once for all the masterwork you might have and then make that new legendary resource for every profession? I'm still 4800/50000 on preview.
My account has 5 masterwork on my sw and the rest 3 on my cw. So, I'll have to complete that quest twice? Any chance you can make that credit quest once per account? I see no particular reason to make it once per character. If it's per character I'm gonna have to start professions all over again from rank I to III although I already have them since filling commissions for 100000 credit seems impossible to me.
Indeed there is an intermediary quest between the volume IV and V quest. As opposed to with volumes I and II where the volume II quest had a huge number of items to create, the volume V quest involves making a single item. The quest "Taking Credit" takes the place of all the intermediary recipes that needed to be completed before the final task.
At the surface it's not significantly different in terms of the number of recipes you need to complete. However, you only need to complete "Taking Credit" once per character, meaning on your second profession the number of recipes you'll need to complete will be significantly lower. Or, if you're pursuing volume V on multiple professions at once, you can turn in recipes from either. In addition, recipes you turn in will net you Chultan trade credit, which you can exchange for extra epic masterwork tools.
If I understand correctly you only have to complete 'Taking credit quest' once for all the masterwork you might have and then make that new legendary resource for every profession? I'm still 4800/50000 on preview.
My account has 5 masterwork on my sw and the rest 3 on my cw. So, I'll have to complete that quest twice? Any chance you can make that credit quest once per account? I see no particular reason to make it once per character. If it's per character I'm gonna have to start professions all over again from rank I to III although I already have them since filling commissions for 100000 credit seems impossible to me.
In complement, this quest need more explanation. Maybe adding the amount of points for each new recipe, now we are losen with just something like 10 new recipe and nothing else.
Brewald - GWF 18.3k Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k Valrik - DC AC 18.2k Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
Here you can see a table, that shows the production prices of the new tier of mastercraft items. The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.
As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:
1) Make the items better The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive. For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up. (But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)
2) Make the items cheaper There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions: Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1) Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2) Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3) Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3) The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier. I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor
Here's one thin I will say... need to uncapp all lvl 25 guild coffers. It's nearly impossible to get guild marks without exploitative farming of new guilds and I'm 100% certain that is not how you guys intend people to get guild marks. Now that being said I'm not telling you to remove the exploitative guild mark farming, because if you did that there would be NO way to really get guild marks. all our coffer capacity is nearly completely full, and the fact that it can't go up limits the value of some things from boxes like the drops with vouchers etc. btw our guild has a fully leveled storage as well.
Here you can see a table, that shows the production prices of the new tier of mastercraft items. The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.
As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:
1) Make the items better The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive. For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up. (But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)
2) Make the items cheaper There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions: Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1) Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2) Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3) Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3) The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier. I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor
CW weapon set price only has 7 digits in it, this math is flawed.
On a serious note, thanks for the calculation, I asked on numerous places how much could it roughly cost, no one could have estaminated at least for X million. This is way cheaper (for the CW weapons) that I thought it will be.
One thing that makes me sad when looking at the new masterwork gear, is that one of the cleric armor pieces is best in slot with no primal equivalent, so clerics that want to have the best gear will be forced to pay an unreasonable sum of AD, and will not have the option to farm the same gear with seals like other classes can. I didn't get a chance to look through the paladin gear, but they might have the same issue.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
One thing that makes me sad when looking at the new masterwork gear, is that one of the cleric armor pieces is best in slot with no primal equivalent
BiS for one particular DC build, maybe. The Primal gear is not ideal for a power-sharing AC build, but there are other DC builds with very different stat requirements (DPS-focused DO for solo play, group buff DO and PvP) and for those builds the Primal gear may be much more suitable.
@adinosii Yes, but it is a fairly popular cleric build, the anointed champion. Seems odd that the stat combination desired by this entire paragon is exclusive to masterwork.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Yes, but it is a fairly popular cleric build, the anointed champion. Seems odd that the stat combination desired by this entire paragon is exclusive to masterwork.
Well, I do have an AC loadout myself...however, the thing is that you have only two versions of primal gear, but three of even 4 different sets of requirements - you cannot satisfy the needs of all the different builds with just 2 sets of gear. With the Primal gear, the AC/powershare build was left out, so to speak, but in the past other builds have been ignored.
I'm just happy there is at least a way to get good Power-Focused gear now, even if it going to be expensive to make,
Now, if I want to complain about the Masterwork and DCs, my complaint will be that we are not getting any set of weapons that are good for buffing/debuffing - DCs will be stuck with the old MW II set.
@adinosii Not just DCs. All support classes are left with MW II.
Power/Recovery has in the past always been more desirable on DC than Recovery/Power. This will be the first module where DO's may not care about having high base power though, since it cannot stack when there is an Anointed Champion in the part.
I was quite pleased with the distributions on the Relic gear, but Primal seems strange and doesn't fit perfectly.
The stats for the rings seem wrong The stats are the same as for the MW II items - my guess is copy-n-paste, with just the item name changed. Considering how expensive the items are to make, and how easy it is to get Primal Rings, the new rings make no sense whatsoever unless they are competitive with the Primal rings...or even better.
The rings have been adjusted to item level 510, and as such their stats will increase accordingly. In addition, all but the lichstone ward ring will offer double offense slots, with the ward ring offering double defense. These changes should be in the next preview build.
If I understand correctly you only have to complete 'Taking credit quest' once for all the masterwork you might have and then make that new legendary resource for every profession? I'm still 4800/50000 on preview.
My account has 5 masterwork on my sw and the rest 3 on my cw. So, I'll have to complete that quest twice? Any chance you can make that credit quest once per account? I see no particular reason to make it once per character. If it's per character I'm gonna have to start professions all over again from rank I to III although I already have them since filling commissions for 100000 credit seems impossible to me.
Your assumption is correct. You will only need to do the quest "Taking Credit" once per character. Unfortunately, we don't have any plans to make this account wide at this time. Since we don't have a simple concept of account wide quests, this would be more difficult than it might seem.
In complement, this quest need more explanation. Maybe adding the amount of points for each new recipe, now we are losen with just something like 10 new recipe and nothing else.
I've made adjustments to the quest objectives to be more clear, please take a look on the next preview build if you have a chance.
krasensilverMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 27Arc User
How about masterwork weapons? I crafted obsidian daggers and bonus work great refrenishing with every daily use but why would anyone craft or get mw weapons while primals doing do same which you can get with just seals?
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited February 2018
It would be great if 1 or 2 of the ingredients required for crafting new gear could only be exclusively obtained from the wondrous bazaar for astral diamonds (and be required for every recipe). The reason I feel this is a good idea is because currently neverwinter (particularly on pc) has an issue where there is just too much ad generated and there are not enough ad sinks. This would create a fairly massive ad sink that doesn't really effect new players in any way but has a big impact at end game.
If you really wanted to push this idea, you could have legendary tools be purchaseable for trade credit at 1.5M credit per tool. If the commissioned items required items purchased from the wb, this would delete a massive amount of ad from the economy for those who are trying to obtain legendary tools whilst still retaining the value of said tools.
Furthermore, I think the tools that you can purchase for trade credits are a nice addition but can be expanded on. Currently they are not required for any recipes but instead seem to act as an alternative way of getting the T2 MW tools. I think a better path would for them to be mandatory for the T5 recipes (so you need to buy all of them) and add the current MW 2 tools to the trade credit store at 12.5k credits a tool, for those who want to pay to increase their success chances at MW 2 on alternative professions.
Here you can see a table, that shows the production prices of the new tier of mastercraft items. The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.
As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:
1) Make the items better The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive. For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up. (But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)
2) Make the items cheaper There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions: Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1) Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2) Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2) Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3) Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3) The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier. I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor
Here's one thin I will say... need to uncapp all lvl 25 guild coffers. It's nearly impossible to get guild marks without exploitative farming of new guilds and I'm 100% certain that is not how you guys intend people to get guild marks. Now that being said I'm not telling you to remove the exploitative guild mark farming, because if you did that there would be NO way to really get guild marks. all our coffer capacity is nearly completely full, and the fact that it can't go up limits the value of some things from boxes like the drops with vouchers etc. btw our guild has a fully leveled storage as well.
Open up coffer caps. ASAP
why the word exploitative? I'm not sure what kind of exploit there is in either helping out a low level guild or having a second guild for coffer.
I think he means when people advertise to join for 5 ppl guild for gold, filling the coffer then deleting the guild, repeatedly to sink in labour or other stuff. You can see this in PE sometimes.
Masterworks have always been terribly expensive and tough to compete in, the payback for everyone takes a very long time at all levels. there is no immediate payback unless you somehow convinced someone to buy the old stronghold items for 20+mill
and 2) 32k/d is 320k/week is 1/m a month is all rank 12's in no time.
I'd only ask the team considers one other aspect to make professions more viable for many others; so their just not largely ignored by the masses focusing exclusively on Leadership.
Expand Personalized Gear to items in all professions not just Jewelcrafting at level 405 purple; then encourage more getting into Mastercraft offer Engraved Gear at 435-450 for Mastercraft I. Then even Mastercraft Tier I would offer something additional to CRAFT and encourage people to keep going; even if it did not include any artifact weapons or gear.
PS also it's nice to see Mastercraft reuse to start reusing many older resources even if mixed in with new ones. We've spend so much time collecting so many of various resources only to later find that all the work or time we put into collecting them is mostly undone.
Hopefully as new levels are introduced the chances might also be relaxed a bit to successfully upgrade to MCII and later MCIII.
Aside from the enormous cost of getting everything in the game to rank 14, i don't have a problem with any of these prices. I'm on console.
I only even have a problem with the cost of rank 14's because it's essentially getting back to where we all were pre bonding nerf.
I as well as much of the xbox community feel like masterworks are better served by having an incredibly high barrier to entry and lower costs to make the goods. as being a masterwork crafter is an achievement that few should be able to earn. so if it costs 40 mill it costs 40 mill.
However, it still says "Lichstone Amulet", where it should say "Masterwork III Neck".
Those amulets and neck pieces look like they will become popular, because quite frankly the two new artifact sets do not seem to have very interesting combinations of stats and set bonuses.
So, for me, the new masterwork neck/waist items actually make it worthwhile to pursue MW III.
The Masterwork armors are also interesting - well, two pieces look good for one of my builds, an AC/DC, as they have a higher Power stat than the Primal armors. The weapons - duh. The SH II weapons were BiS for many builds, but that's not the case for the new ones.
The prices are average prices, calculated with using 2 leg. crucibles and the input on the right.
As you can see, the costs are EXTREMELY high. The items are not good enough to justify such a huge investment, there are 2 ways to tackle the issue:
1) Make the items better
The bonuses on some items (gloves) are not bad, but for that many AD they should be better, adding setbonuses would make them more attractive.
For example: you could add the old SH-weapon set-bonus as a 4/4 bonus to spice them up.
(But even then they would have to be at least a bit cheaper)
2) Make the items cheaper
There are dozens of ways to achieve this goal, here are my suggestions:
Ornament-tasks return 5 Ornaments (up from 1)
Hardened Bronzewood-tasks return 5 (up from 2)
Lacquered Dinosaur Leather-tasks return 5 (up from 2)
Chultan Silk-tasks return 6 (up from 2)
Jute Macrame-tasks return 6 (up from 3)
Lakh Varnish-tasks return 6 (up from 3)
The items would still be 2-3 times as expensive as the ones of the previous tier.
I really don't think people will pay 2m AD for ONE piece of armor
The stats are the same as for the MW II items - my guess is copy-n-paste, with just the item name changed. Considering how expensive the items are to make, and how easy it is to get Primal Rings, the new rings make no sense whatsoever unless they are competitive with the Primal rings...or even better.
My account has 5 masterwork on my sw and the rest 3 on my cw. So, I'll have to complete that quest twice?
Any chance you can make that credit quest once per account? I see no particular reason to make it once per character. If it's per character I'm gonna have to start professions all over again from rank I to III although I already have them since filling commissions for 100000 credit seems impossible to me.
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
Here's one thin I will say... need to uncapp all lvl 25 guild coffers. It's nearly impossible to get guild marks without exploitative farming of new guilds and I'm 100% certain that is not how you guys intend people to get guild marks. Now that being said I'm not telling you to remove the exploitative guild mark farming, because if you did that there would be NO way to really get guild marks. all our coffer capacity is nearly completely full, and the fact that it can't go up limits the value of some things from boxes like the drops with vouchers etc. btw our guild has a fully leveled storage as well.
Open up coffer caps. ASAP
On a serious note, thanks for the calculation, I asked on numerous places how much could it roughly cost, no one could have estaminated at least for X million. This is way cheaper (for the CW weapons) that I thought it will be.
Yes, but it is a fairly popular cleric build, the anointed champion. Seems odd that the stat combination desired by this entire paragon is exclusive to masterwork.
I'm just happy there is at least a way to get good Power-Focused gear now, even if it going to be expensive to make,
Now, if I want to complain about the Masterwork and DCs, my complaint will be that we are not getting any set of weapons that are good for buffing/debuffing - DCs will be stuck with the old MW II set.
Not just DCs. All support classes are left with MW II.
Power/Recovery has in the past always been more desirable on DC than Recovery/Power. This will be the first module where DO's may not care about having high base power though, since it cannot stack when there is an Anointed Champion in the part.
I was quite pleased with the distributions on the Relic gear, but Primal seems strange and doesn't fit perfectly.
Your assumption is correct. You will only need to do the quest "Taking Credit" once per character. Unfortunately, we don't have any plans to make this account wide at this time. Since we don't have a simple concept of account wide quests, this would be more difficult than it might seem. I've made adjustments to the quest objectives to be more clear, please take a look on the next preview build if you have a chance.
If you really wanted to push this idea, you could have legendary tools be purchaseable for trade credit at 1.5M credit per tool. If the commissioned items required items purchased from the wb, this would delete a massive amount of ad from the economy for those who are trying to obtain legendary tools whilst still retaining the value of said tools.
Furthermore, I think the tools that you can purchase for trade credits are a nice addition but can be expanded on. Currently they are not required for any recipes but instead seem to act as an alternative way of getting the T2 MW tools. I think a better path would for them to be mandatory for the T5 recipes (so you need to buy all of them) and add the current MW 2 tools to the trade credit store at 12.5k credits a tool, for those who want to pay to increase their success chances at MW 2 on alternative professions.