Frequently here on the forums when players feel there is a topic that deserves a look by the devs/community manager they will *Ping* them here by their
@handles. The primary issue is we have no "directory" telling us "who's who" of the dev team. Without a reference to which dev is responsible for a given in game mechanic forum goers will simply ping all the dev
@handles they've seen in hopes to reach the one that will find it pertinent.
In order to avoid this overuse of
@handles, and unnecessary *pinging* , perhaps we could get a directory/list of the
@handles of the devs and their position/responsibilities in game? It would be much appreciated!
If players would like to see this, feel free to support!
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

I think the best we could hope for is to ping @nitocris83 or maybe the Lead Game Designer; even he'd likely prefer we mostly kept our CM in the loop as it's her job to interface between players and developers.
Secondarily, if the CM and the Lead game designer want to be kept in the loop, it is very easy to ping them both while pinging the developer who would be working on said task.
Thirdly, I'd say it's actually the CMs job to inform us of who's who as it's her job to keep the players updated on developers developments.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
The format is:
First Name Last Name (Role) at handle
Thomas Foss (Lead Designer and Mimic King) mimicking
Julia Fredrickson (Community Manager) nitocris83
Robert Gutschera (Sr Systems Designer) rgutscheradav
Vincent Malley (Producer) terramak
Douglas Miller (Systems Designer) asterdahl
Randy Mosiondz (Sr Content Designer/Loremaster) crypticarkayne
Jules Norcross (UI Artist) midnightlight
Jared Sears (Systems Designer) noworries
Chantelle Tatum (Systems Designer) ctatumdev
Tradd Thompson (Systems Designer) dreadnaught
I do not know the names of others, such as ashryver, chaidrin, miasmat and ontheriver. Who could forget the Starlight Parcel weekend of work miasmat did during the Winter Festival of 2016! Thankfully that issue did not surface again in the 2017 Winter Festival and miasmat hopefully enjoyed the holiday break.
some devs are no longer logging into the forums and checking or reading thier mail or even responding to a thread
that is quite apparent when you click their name and it says last time logged in and the numbers given is in several months +
maybe we are addressing feedback to members that are no longer on your team