Was running the Hedetet hunt, and hit a spot where I mistimed a few dodges. I was down, but I have a few hundred Scrolls of Life, so no worries.
In comes someone, who kills the scorpion (no problem with that), and then lets me know I shouldn't solo it, if I can't handle it. I've run all of the one star hunts solo, but because I wasn't tearing through it like butter, they thought I needed advice. Which I wouldn't have minded, if they had taken the time to talk to me before playing SuperGWF.
Just my thoughts.
Player etiquette regarding stepping in to assist strangers in "private" battles as well as the etiquette around providing unsolicited advice for rotation and/or build are kind of delicate. Either can easily be impolite, especially when delivered in a way that can be perceived as judgemental.
Personally, I'm mildly irritated when someone in my party starts asking about build or powers in a way that makes me think they want to "check up" or "correct" someone. It's doubly irritating when their opinions don't agree with mine, and mine are obviously correct (because most chucklehats don't understand classes beyond their own).
But that's just the way it is. In my opinion, the best way to respond is with relentless positivity and then do whatever you want regardless of their opinion. Responding in an over-the-top yet friendly manner often leaves them confused so they give up and shut up.
Finally, I have on occasion pm'd someone (usually in party) when I think that I have some valuable advice to offer. When I do that, I strike up a conversation, and politely ask whether they'd want to hear my opinion on some things to try out. Usually goes well
I had a former co-worker ask me once, why I didn't get mad or snap back at another co-worker that was always nasty to me and condesending. My response was, why should I let their nasty outlook on life dictate my behavior and outlook?
Besides, didn't they notice that that nasty person was bugging me less and less, that If they would watch, that person would seek to avoid me? After a few days they dd notice that and wondered why, I answered because they weren't getting from me what they truly wanted (confrontation and an affirmation of their negativity) what they got was setting their teeth on edge, cheerful positive responses (nothing they could report or complain to mngt about).
So kill them with kindness, slay them with poison kisses.
But in solo play, Ive never felt the urge to tell someone how they should play, just Rez and move on
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
In this case I'm more curious about why it bothers you than about why he did it.
If it was delivered like some pompous arrogant jerk...then i can see your point.
Based on your thoughts - you should not give anyone advice ever, unless they ask for it. Which is ironic, since most of the time when you ask someone for advice in this game, you get ignored LOL.
My point is, if he had hung around 10 seconds longer, he would have seen the resurrection, and the 4th kill.
I understand that people don't want lured hunts open and wandering around, but that wasn't (and wouldn't have been) the case.
@akanaro LOL to the ego comment.
The only part that bothered me was the assumption of a lone person, based on about 5 secs of observation. Can any of us say that they haven't died unexpectedly in the past? I even planned for the occasion by bringing the right tools.
It went away pretty quick, but I happened to be on the forums at the time, and thought I would throw it out to the crowd.
@oldbaldyone If I ever ask for advice, I do it in the forums. People's playtime is valuable to them, and I would be hard pressed to bother them in game.
I never give playstyle advice in game. It's not my job.
Personally I my self have been given advice even though I know how to play my class I still look at their advice and test it out. To better my self. No one should get upset at advice given.
Not sure if tongue in cheek, or trolling.....
I'm usually reluctant to offer any advice because everyone's play style and preferences are different, but when it was done I suggested the player stand and fight instead of trying to get away because they were collecting more opponents and taking damage but not dealing any just trying to evade.
The GWF informed me: "one big battle instead of a lot of little ones"...
I responded with: "cool, my apologies", they replied: "np" and for the rest of the dungeon they pretty much held their own but I still tossed out some heals and buffs to help them along.
My speculation on their technique was undeniably off, but because we took time to communicate with each other it didn't appear anyone was offended or upset and as in most cases I believe communication was the key factor there.
One thing I do tend to often comment on when it happens to me, is when I'm fighting a mob (say during an area quest to defeat "x" number of bad guys) and another person repeatedly runs in and tries to hijack a battle I initiated...
That does tend to tick me off and I usually let them know about it, but I try not to do it in a nasty way, at least the first time, because they actually may not know (or haven't considered it)... you can't even presume that as a level 70 a player they should know better any more, since a new person can now buy in with a level 70 character and not have a clue about what I believe to be proper MMO player etiquette.