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Why don't I see more LFM RQ epic dung?

dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
edited December 2017 in General Discussion (PC)
Why do I see more runs for specific dungeons than for parties to pre-form for Random Queue runs?

Why aren't you LFM RQ eDung + Skrim?

Just curious.

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  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User

    And after watching my spouse try to do true randoms, it's exactly what I had thought when I swore I'd never try it. He tries it often. He goes, gets FBI or SP, ppl leave immediately, they have to wait for replacements, and then in the end the groups can't complete. Why on earth would I do that?

    I am running 2-3 RED's a day across 3 geared characters.

    I *very* rarely see FBI or MSP come out of the RED. In those few cases it is normal to just quit out and eat the 30 minute lockout.

    30 minute lockout is not really disastrous, is it?
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    To clarify, I'm specifically interested in why more people are not LFM / LFG pre-mades for Random Queues.

    I understand there may be separate issues with the experience of solo queuing into Random Queues, but that's not what I'm curious about in this thread!
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    In my case, I don't recruit people for it because I don't run it except occasionally within my community... so there wouldn't be any public requests for people.

    I occasionally see requests for people in the Legit Channel (2 people can be found running groups that I've seen) and sporadically in Relentless alliance and the 3k Zerg channel. It doesn't seem to be that popular.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • jumpingmorksjumpingmorks Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    dupeks said:

    To clarify, I'm specifically interested in why more people are not LFM / LFG pre-mades for Random Queues.

    I understand there may be separate issues with the experience of solo queuing into Random Queues, but that's not what I'm curious about in this thread!

    Zerg channels do it, even Relentless alliance get calls for it but it's not a popular choice.
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User
    I see looking for RED occasionally in alliance chat but that is much less frequent than previous call outs for specific dungeons. Someone actually asked in alliance why noone seems to be running dungeons any more, so ya...still calling it a fail till they wake up.
  • preechr#2215 preechr Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    Because SPIDERS
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    Let's suppose you decide to form a party in LFG.
    Then, you queue in, and get FBI/MSP,
    will you stay with the party or leave?
    will other players stay or leave?
    if you or other players leave the dungeon, then what will you do?
    Will you make a new party in LFG and try again?
    Or will you simply solo random queue, and hope to get an easy dungeon?
  • chemjeffchemjeff Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    I just queue solo for these things.

    I have two characters who are geared enough to do Random Epic Queues. I will queue on one character, and if I get FBI/MSP, then depending on my mood/time available, I might try to get the group to at least finish the first boss, or just quit, take the leaver penalty, and switch to my other character and try queueing on that one. I have actually finished FBI solo queueing in random epic queue, but it was long, probably about 2 hours. With MSP, no group in my experience has even finished the first boss.
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    I tried Epic RQs, until I pulled a CN run with a PUG. I was playing as Tankadin, so I was slogging away constantly reviving my party members until we got to Orcus and seemed to make no dent in lowering his HP. I finally wised up and inspected my team mates. Crimony...2 of the other 4 players had no weapon or armor enchants and mostly blue level equipment. And they were CWs....

    No more Epic RQs for me, thank you.
  • bawkrubawkru Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    ya i dont even RED because i am a dc and hate down right hate fbi there is 0 point for me to even look at that dungeon and i dont want the 30 min block or making the party i que in with mad because i would leave it almost instantly ..... only saving grace is u can ask the party to vote kick u wich kinda helps sence no 30 min block
  • marv700#9957 marv700 Member Posts: 135 Arc User

    I tried Epic RQs, until I pulled a CN run with a PUG. I was playing as Tankadin, so I was slogging away constantly reviving my party members until we got to Orcus and seemed to make no dent in lowering his HP. I finally wised up and inspected my team mates. Crimony...2 of the other 4 players had no weapon or armor enchants and mostly blue level equipment. And they were CWs....

    No more Epic RQs for me, thank you.

    Yup, just like everyone said would happen. But hey the queues are firing faster! I guess it's ok to ignore the actual success of the RQ when their stated goal of faster firing queues has been achieved.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Most LFG RED I see is within Alliance.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • shmoodleshmoodle Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    As a DC, I won't queue for random epics anymore. I did when it first came out but after I realized I was being forced into the one dungeon I dislike - MSP - I just quit q'ing. I didn't mind a random group in FBI - for the most part I can get anyone through it. MSP is a different story. On top of the fact that I don't like it, there are so many that just don't have the ability to complete it. If I want to torture myself I do housework, not something that is supposed to be fun.

    Saying that, I know its my patience level. I will RQ skirmishes but if I get Thrones and there is someone that doesn't pay attention to where the hulks are pointed, or blissfully kills them more than once I leave the instance. I just exit the game after I've done that, and play something else - I refuse to be penalized for someone else's play ability. I do try and politely tell people the mechanics of the game but some don't pay attention to chat or there is a language barrier.

    I will RQ for the 10 person runs and I will stay in those runs until more than one person leaves - those runs are pretty straight forward so I don't mind inexperienced players there. I only random q'd for ToNG once, I keep telling myself I'll do that again but so far I haven't. The alliance I'm in runs with only one DC so it's not that part I don't like about the random q's - its just the fear of the unknown. When a group isn't fun - what's the point? So, I've reloaded a couple more games on my computer and just find myself on those more often that before.
  • demolitioninc#2453 demolitioninc Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Just to repeat above, bad experience with RED. Random skirmishes on 4 toons for dungeon shards no problem, but I got burned with RED pug runs so badly. Examples: try get up the FBI hill with 11k swordmaster GF and 11k AC/DC, or people not being aware of mSP boss mechanics, even worse strong RED pug mSP killing Nosture too quickly, bugging her causing the team to die. I will only do RED inside alliance and with people that I know and run before.
    1. PzkwVI_Kingtiger - GWF
    2. PMS-Extreme - Moffus Debuffos
    3. Tiamat's Toyboy - OP
    4. Rent-A-DC - 1 GMOP per 30 minutes
    5. Officer at Civil Anarchy, Member of Fabled Alliance
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