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No more dungeon Shards for Small guilds

harmjusticeharmjustice Member Posts: 48 Arc User
I was excited about the new changes,

Until I went to my Stronghold
Something is wrong,very wrong.
we needed dungeon shards for our Stronghold,
but now you can only get dungeon shard by doing random skirmishes or random epic dungeons.

This requires you to have all skirmishes open this requires 10k minimum item level. that leaves two or 3 people out of a hundred now that are able to do the skirmishes for dungeon shards.

for epic dungeons you have to have 12k item level and have all the dungeon in the game opened.

So you have made it so only end game players can grow their guilds,
widening the gap between low level guilds and paid players who just dump money to get gear.

I'm sure you will not address this since only high rollers get attention.
how about making random dungeons that give dungeon shards 3x's a day or so
then our lower geared guilds have a chance to get dungeon shards?

The way it is now we will never be able to get another upgrade again.
Protecting Neverwinter since 800 ebc


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    zomak#4611 zomak Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    I agree this is a real problem. A new level 70 shouldn't need 11k item level to contribute to the coffer.
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    zomak#4611 zomak Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    @nitocris83 maybe instead of character level the cleric could look at item level. Characters above 11k item level get the random queue epic dungeon characters below 11k get random queue leveling dungeon.

    Otherwise the message is you should be 11 k item level before joining a guild and thus that's how I'll start running my guild.
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    jarushk#5039 jarushk Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I agree too. My DC has an item level of exactly 9.993 and is very good in Throne of Dwarven King. She helps to achieve Gold on every single run. But now the Prince Folly is part of that low itemlevel group, and that's end of game for all my 70s. Bad planning, Cryptic! Move Prince Folly to "Epic Skirmish" and leave the lower skirmishes as they were, combining just the 2 level 6x with Prophecy of Madness and Throne of Dwarven King. Players below item level of 10k need the latter two to farm Faerzress and progress in the Underdark campaign. Don't punish those who work hard to improve their gear.
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    luvirini#8766 luvirini Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Oh did not notice this topic when I posted my own on the same thing. But yes, guildies are talking about going to some other game while waiting for the guild to be able to advance again.
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    wizardlvl80#5963 wizardlvl80 Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    And I remember Thomas Foss saying druing pre mod11 "State of the game" stream, that they want the small guilds to catch up with bigger ones, and they want to provide all kinds of guilds the possibility to grow.

    Guess it's no longer their plan. Sigh.
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    kickiusassius#6340 kickiusassius Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    +1 for this discussion topic
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    kadven#5862 kadven Member Posts: 55 Arc User
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    luvirini#8766 luvirini Member Posts: 25 Arc User

    I think that instead of just 1 random epic dungeon queue there could be 2 or even 3
    where only the T3 would need the complete unlocking

    T1 epic dungeon queue MC VT ELOL
    T2 epic dungeon queue ETOS ECC EGWD
    T3 epic dungeon queue CN FBI MSP
    T4 Hero's Accord TO9G

    It just doesn't seem fair to prevent new lvl 70 from running MC say, because they haven't unlocked FBI

    Yeah and the same for skirmishes.
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    maxzius#3795 maxzius Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    > @harmjustice said:
    > and yet still no comments from the admins, totally prove they don't pay attention. But I'm sure there are acceptations, maybe if our guilds were in alliances with the dev's.

    They pay attention. They just don't care.
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    marv700#9957 marv700 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    That's because it doesn't fit in with their solution for putting a square peg in a round hole. At least the queues are firing faster. Doesn't matter what the other consequences are, or if the runs are successful.
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