Starting this thread for a new user to create a bug report thread.
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Anyway! That was an aside. Hi, I have an old account and have a few level 70 characters. After starting on the Cloaked Ascendancy campaign with my main, and realising the third quest in the introduction would give me a chance to redesign the rest of my team, I decided to take all my characters through the process at some point. I then tried with one of my other characters, and basically tried to remake what I was unhappy with about them.
When I clicked "Apply changes" in the Tower of Alteration, however, it gave me an in-game message to the effect of "You can't change your character's equipment here". I'm not sure about the exact wording, but it was something along those lines - and when I looked at the character in the sheet window, none of the changes I'd made seemed to have been applied. Furthermore, in the appearance change screen, my character was wearing a red shirt of some description (I had gone in with fashion gear on display, and when I clicked "Hide armor" the red shirt showed up on the upper body). It didn't look very good, and certainly didn't look like any of the character's other gear. I therefore decided to try and use the other token as well, and see if the changes would stick - and if the shirt would go away, because the shirt was the one thing that had actually stayed, even though it was the one thing I didn't want.
The second token seemed to apply the changes, but the shirt didn't go away. So, in an effort to figure out what the problem was, I tried to change the appearance of two of my other characters immediately. With the first of them, I tried to do the same thing - have fashion gear on display, and click Hide armor - and the same thing happened. First, the changes failed to apply the first time; second, the shirt showed up again and didn't go away. Then, I tried to go through with the other one, and just not click Hide armor. I actually don't remember right now if I got an in-game message telling me that the equipment couldn't be changed - but this character, at the very least, didn't get a grubby-looking brownish shirt overriding their upper body. So right now, I have two characters who have that ugly thing covering their torso and arms, and no way of getting it off (my change appearance tokens were used up; the first time, in each case, ate a token even though none of my changes were applied to the character).
For reference, the first character was wearing a full Turmian Merchant set; the second was wearing a Feywild Regalia, but without the hat. Here's a picture of the second one, for reference - I took off her top to show what the shirt looks like. It doesn't show up unless there's nothing else on the upper body.
Honestly, that does sound like a good explanation, though. I have no way of fixing it by that method, however, given that both of my Change Appearance tokens were swallowed.