First of all, I've been playing since the end of mod1. Some people like me, some hate me, some think I'm an idiot. It's all good.
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I play a lot.
Here is what can be done to improve game for DC.
- Bring back what you did recently for Astral Shield : in pve, it will be appreciated. For pvp, CW push us out, TR smoke the shield, even good DCs can sunburst out of it, Astral Shield was good.
- Remake Geas into something that players could use in pve/pvp. ( this is where I like imagination at the moment and ask for input )
- Remake Warding Flare. I try it and it doesnt work on my side of the screen.
- Boost dps of Divine Glow , just a little bit more.
- Sacred Flame, we could make it a regen at-will or an at will that stop/slow life steal/regen/healing.
- Chains of blazing light dont seems to really work in all conditions
- Searing light could have a little dps boost.
- Make the Daunting light faster or have a bigger aoe
-Anointed Holy Symbol doesnt work at all
-Anointed Action works for 5 sec after a daily , 10sec could be the minimum
-Remove cooldown on Hallowed Ground OR Put a cooldown on Courage Breaker and other things that give a huge advantage, specially in pvp.
-Change some of the bonus on the offhand, like 150 power on healer's lore, at least give 1% of some stats.
So... here is where we can "adjust" (nerf) the devoted cleric.
The problem is the Agent of the Divine, in my opinion, players complain about DC in pvp is exactly the gift of faith. DCs would over heal themself and others and pop the gift of faith would proc and can proc it on players be line of sight. You could change Agent of the divine to make it like the opposite of Shield of the Divine and make healing spells do instant direct heals with no healing over time with some bonus like in the Shield of the divine.
Finally, Righteous Feats need a real boost of dps, personally I play it in pvp and it's really fun. Avatar of the Divine should be change to do more damage, then people will go for it.
Both problems you solve them adding extra recovery.
Terrifying Insight and the paladin's auras need an adjustment too so the player to actually do something to buff his mates and not just standing like a statue.
oh, just because 400k+ damage isn't enough.
please, reduce DC's damage again(from last announce). you should make a choice to be DPS or to be a healer, not all together.
I play DC and now we have too much damage.
everything else in topic is fine. agreed.
But in that same breath, every GWF sword swing would be piling on 200-300k+, and OP AoC hits would be landing in that same range as well (if not higher).
I think that nerfing class damage based on end-game performance in silly. As is quoting big numbers that are not specific to any class.
But I also get that everyone is entitled to their opinions. I enjoy wider class diversity, and have no problems with classes that "break out of their traditional roles" if they have the right party supporting them. I know that there are others here on the forum that feel the opposite.
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Daunting light, so, npcs can dodge it and it's perfect
Anointed Action, if you think a class feature that proc only 5sec on each daily is worth picking, be my guess.
Cooldown on H.Ground is stupid
Warding flare, I try to test it when low health, checking log, it changes nothing, on my side of the screen. may be there is something on build/feat/boon that I dont have and didnt test everything.
This is why I wrote posts
I never consider spending my resources to make bis pve items. The post is intented for both pve/pve overall.
That dc was at very low item level comparing to an average player.
What we tested was what would happen if he did divine glow divinity and then burst me with daunting light divinity x2 and empower daunting. i am impressed that landed very good damage even if i reduced his damage with feytouched.
What i want to say is some classes are top to their role dc is a leader class they have top buffing some debufing and they have some strong encounters but but they have to play more for theirselves to deal serious damage in pvp.
SO you cant be top buffer damage top buffer mitigation damage and serious damage dealer at the same time.
well 1% is 400 that's not very high, 150 is around 0.4% so ... whoop dee doo
Morgrim Orcbane 16,530 CW
Bloodlust Barbie 15,646 OP Tank
I guess i am not playing my cleric correctly if i can not crit for 400k .
ahem... can i ask for tips.. for research perp.
i do not need it for pvp .. just pve.. :P
it's not ? yeah, it is for me.
maybe mod 17, DCs will have be playable
i have to say.
Even with all of the changes done.
And bonding change. That i truly hate.
What i did was grind everything to get my main, a DC to + 15 k.
And after the new 12b mod i went for bondings level 13 right away and started raising my radiants to 13 and weapon ench ..
I am still not done with it, but i am getting there.
I can go to Chult and kill a normal Tyro by myself. And do my dailies normally.
I switched some stats to 10 + rec , 13 + crit , sacrificing some power and +15 defense.
You can make a DPS-focused build for solo play, and while it doesn't do the same average damage as a "true" DPS class, it is pretty respectable, and able to do dailies (including Chult) in a reasonable time. No changes required.
In group play, you have two viable and popular builds, a DO buff/debuff build (the change to Terrifying Insight actually made DO a viable end-game build) or an AC power-sharing build. Both are good, able to contribute to any group, and people actually have a choice of viable builds, which is great.
Now, I disagree with some of the suggestions above and agree with others.
Hallowed ground: It is easy enough to have 100% uptime. No changes needed.
Geas: Utterly useless and pointless - rework it somehow
Divine Glow and Daunting Light are our staple powers in solo play. Leave them alone.
Warding Flare is pretty much useless as it is - there are several other better powers available.
No, as far as PvE is concerned, DCs don't need any changes - the class is in a good shape. PvP, on the other hand.....now, that's the real issue, and my opinion is that if any changes are to be made to DCs, they should involve making the class viable in PvP - which it barely is at the moment.
Personally, I would prefer that the developers just left DCs alone, and focused their (limited) resources on the classes that really need some love and attention - namely SWs and TRs.
One indication of the trouble those classes are in, is how reluctant many people are to bring them into ToNG, as they are seen by many as wasting a spot that could be occupied by a more useful class. This is not entirely fair, with the right build and a really skilled player, a TR can do a really good job, but the average TR is simply a worse choice than, say, an average HR.
So, "if it ain't broken, don't fix it." - fix what really needs fixing.
Other dc´s don´t seem to complain much so far so I´d like to know what I´m missing. Power-share got
a heavy nerf and it´s not as if the cooldown is a nice and fun to work with mechanic to partly make up for that...as opposed to
being an additional pain in the b that messes up something that was working in a reasonable way before. But since there isn´t much complaining maybe it´s me...why should I not be unhappy with the changes?
And concerning devs leaving dc´s alone...I wish they had never done the recent changes to DO thus fuelling the 2-dc-meta which is really bad for the game. That was not so well thought-through. Now they en passant with the bondings change messed up the ac dc. Just not enough to kill the 2-dc-meta. So how is that a good time to stop fixing things...? :P
Despite the bonding nerf, the amount of shared power is still good: currently I can reach 154K (rk 13 bonding, 43k unbuffed power + assassin covenant + ... + ) which is adeguate for the end-game content.
The rationale is simple: if your team mates have high rank bondings, power share still works, less than before, but it works. I can do Tong as I did it before, but it takes some minutes more: not a big issue imo.
Given the latest changes, the real issue is that the end game power-share-based builds are VERY expensive: I built my toon over the years and the upgrading process is still feasible, but if you're in the mid-range area, spend some time assessing where you want to go . If you want to be effective immediately, go DO: easier to play, stable buffs, nice powers.
Overall I agree with @adinosii at least where PvE is concerned.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
OP, GF and TR are so far behond any other class, you dont see it. You're Hamster Hamster.
1) All we do is buff
2) We do no dammage
3) healing is useless when teamates arent noobs.
You say we dont need dammage buff....... Guess what: even with 100% dammage buff we would still be the lowest dammage class.
The real problem here is that tr dammage output is soo high that buffing the tr = more dammage output than having another dammage class like CW for example. Also TR players prefer to be the only dammage dealing class in donjon because they can get better dammage self-buff since he have all the ennemies for himself.
400 000 compare to 30 000 000 - 100 000 000 that other classes do with same buff is clearly not enough.
Just look in donjon the dammage chart at the end, see where dc dammage stand.
Santa Claus --GF
Gargamel --CW
My two pennies.
Original Serenity Mostly Retired DC
Tokarek Bearded Dwarven OP Tankadin
JuiceHead Goofy Human GWF
Member of H3llzWarriors and Limitless.
2) Like I said a DC isn't a DPS. You can't combine DPS, tank and support in one class. If you want to play as DPS then play a GWF alt. (Sure you need DPS for leveling but I am talking about endgame groups). and btw I have seen some very very decent DPS DCs in tong so it is not true that DC doesn't deal any damage.
3) Healing is never useless. Basically healing is supporting your team. Same as preventing your group from damage and in being a support class DC is unbeatable.
and no, I don't play a DC but I have played this game since beta and I have seen all the up and downs from DC in dungeons. Back in M5 a DC could easily outdps my bis CW in elol and trust me, this is simply offending the community. A class should keep in its role. DC should do support. GWF should do damage. If a class can fit in every role then you simply don't need the other classes.
In groups, however, the DCs role is simply not to be a DPS. Sure, if the group is overpowered for the content (Like a 16K IL group doing EToS), a DC can play as a DPSer, but in general, a DC should be focusing on buffing and debuffing with a bit of healing on the side.
When I join a group and see a DC there with, say, a Vorpal enchant, I groan, but then again, there are bad playrrs in all classes -- or players that just don't understand their role.
I mean, there is a reason that TRs seem to be the least requested class in ToNG runs, for example. I'm not saying all TRs are bad or do lousy damage, but the cold hard fact is that it takes a lot of skill to be a "good" TR, and many TRs simply do not have that (but those that do can be amazing).